The Mortino Vaccinium Floribundum Kunth A Review o
The Mortino Vaccinium Floribundum Kunth A Review o
The Mortino Vaccinium Floribundum Kunth A Review o
Received: 14 February 2024 / Accepted: 23 March 2024 / Published online: 11 April 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
The mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth), belonging to the Ericaceae family, is a native species of the Ecuadorian para-
mos. It has a shrub-like habit and produces edible fruits. In the Neotropics, it is primarily found in the Andes of Colombia
and Ecuador, thriving in humid environments up to an elevation of 3700 m above sea level. In this review, a selection of
studies was carried out that evaluated the taxonomy, reproduction biology, and nutraceutical, environmental properties,
and industrial use of the mortiño (V. floribundum). The data gathered from various bioassays were essential in determining
the appropriate techniques for tissue differentiation and assessing the quality of resulting plants. This work aims to gener-
ate a deep knowledge of the cultivation of mortiño, as well as the properties of its fruits and the benefits they provide for
health. These are rich in compounds with antioxidant activity, so the consumption of V. floribundum fruits is related to
health benefits. Besides, the environmental role of V. floribundum and its applications in various industries, especially in the
development of nanoparticles contributes to the valorization of this plant. Overall, this research contributes to establishing
sustainable methods for the propagation of Vaccinium floribundum, ensuring its successful cultivation and utilization for
both commercial purposes and ecological preservation.
to the nation, research in this domain is limited, and avail- the PRISMA Extension (PRISMA-ScR) approach [6] for
able information concerning their genera and species remains Scoping Reviews. A comprehensive literature search—Sco-
scarce. There exists a dearth of studies investigating propaga- pus and ScienceDirect—was performed in September 2023
tion mechanisms or strategies within Ecuador. (Fig. 1). Text words and controlled vocabulary for several
According to Pedraza-Peñalosa et al. [5], the Ericaceae concepts (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth, taxonomy, bio-
family is present in temperate, subtemperate zones, and tropi- active compounds, reproduction, ethnobotanical, indus-
cal mountain forests, predominantly thriving in conditions of try) within the titles, abstracts and keywords were used.
elevated humidity and moderate temperatures. Remarkably The focus has been given to studies published in journals
diverse in the Neotropics, this family comprises approximately included in the Journal Citation Reports. Only research
900 species, with nearly 94% being endemic. Concentrated papers that included the experimental design and data treat-
mainly in Colombia and Ecuador within the Neotropics, most ment were selected. The structure of the review allows a
Ericaceae species are closely associated with the Andes, espe- dissection of (i) taxonomic classification and botanical
cially the cloud forests situated between 1000 and 3000 m description, (ii) ethnobotanical, floristic and environmental
above sea level. To a lesser extent, they are also found in lower assessment, (iii) reproductive biology, (iv) antioxidant prop-
cloud forests (below 1000 m) and paramos (above 3000 m) erties and health benefits, and (v) environmental applications
regions. In Ecuador, there are 22 genera and 221 species, mak- and industrial use.
ing it one of the most endemic families in the country. Around
44% or 98 species are exclusive to Ecuador, with the sole
family species found in Galápagos being Pernettya howellii. Taxonomic classification and botanical
Due to their specific climatic requirements, the distributions description of the Mortiño
of Ericaceae are severely constrained, both latitudinally and
altitudinally. They prefer forest ecotones and are abundant in The taxonomic classification of V. floribundum, as docu-
roadside areas, trails, ravines, and clearings, playing a pivotal mented by the APG IV Classification System [7] is detailed
role in the Andean Forest succession process. Apart from their as follows:
ecological significance, several Ericaceae species hold orna- Class: Equisetopsida C. Agardh
mental or edible value in temperate regions. In Ecuador, the Subclass: Magnoliidae Novák ex Takht.
fruits of certain species of Ericaceae, such as V. floribundum Superorder: Asteranae Takht.
or "mortiño," are consumed locally, in a special drink called Order: Ericales Bercht. & J. Presl
“colda morada”, typical of the Day of the Dead.
Concerning the conservation status of Ericaceae in the
country, a substantial majority of species (89.7%) are under
threat, with six species critically endangered, 33 endangered,
and 49 classified as vulnerable. Among the non-endangered
species, four are categorized as near threatened, and six are
classified under the least concern category. The primary
threats to the conservation of these species, ranked in order
of significance, include deforestation, habitat fragmentation,
colonization, and agricultural expansion. For certain paramo
species, grazing and human-induced fires pose substantial
threats. The percentage of species protected by the SNAP
(State Protected Areas Network) is notably low, consider-
ing the locations where these species have been recorded:
only 21 out of 98 species are found within state-protected
areas [5].
Thus, this review intends to give an overview of the
importance of V. floribundum to Ecuadorian Paramo.
Blake "Chaqui-lulu," Macleania popenoei "Joyapa" as edible acid (IBA) can enhance the viability of V. floribundum cut-
berries with similar characteristics. tings [22].
Traditionally, "mortiño" is partaken in a special dish with While there are in vitro propagation techniques for Vac-
cane honey, spices, and assorted fruit pieces on the Day of cinium sp. [24, 25], these methods are not accessible to fruit
the Dead, often accompanied by the traditional "colada producers. In contrast, micropropagation or in vitro propaga-
morada," a customary culinary delight in popular culture tion has been successfully employed with blueberry (V. cor-
[17]. Historically, few were acquainted with its specific ymbosum), demonstrating its practical efficacy in obtaining
name, and it is likely that a substantial segment of the urban homogeneous plants. This method involves the proliferation
populace remained oblivious to its existence, associating it of cuttings cultured in a nutritional medium with growth
more with the family of "agraz" or blueberries. regulators [14, 23]. Notable works by Torres et al. [20] and
The "mortiño" is esteemed as a sacred product due to Debnath [26] have explored protocols for the in vitro propa-
its wild attributes, thereby requiring no specific treatment. gation of V. floribundum.
Rural communities utilize this shrub to alleviate conditions In terms of sexual reproduction of V. meridionale, chal-
like rheumatism, fevers, and colic. It is also employed in lenges arise due to difficulties in handling and germina-
treating flu, intoxication, liver, and kidney ailments, along tion of seeds. Issues include tiny seed size, variations, low
with addressing pulmonary issues and weakness [18]. Nota- germination percentages, potential photoblasticity, and
bly, the "mortiño" stands out as an ideal shrub for orna- dependence on light for germination [22]. Germination of
mental use owing to its shiny, smooth, reddish-purple, and V. floribundum seeds under ambient conditions is not viable
pinkish leaves, often employed to adorn spaces. Through without hormones, but in vitro conditions have shown suc-
skilled pruning, the shrub can assume decorative shapes that cessful germination, albeit with long-term results [4]. V. flo-
are strikingly appealing. Its leaves serve as fodder for animal ribundum seeds exhibit innate dormancy under in situ condi-
feed. Furthermore, the "mortiño" finds use as fuel and in the tions, requiring rest periods exceeding six months to break
regeneration of burnt areas as part of reforestation efforts dormancy. Hypochlorite, when combined with Gibberellic
[19, 20]. Acid in low concentrations, can disrupt the dormancy condi-
tions of V. floribundum seeds [4].
Despite these challenges, aspects related to species propa-
Reproductive biology gation and phytosanitary issues with imported propagules
limit agricultural production. Therefore, efforts are directed
In Colombia, the incorporation of Vaccinium meridionale towards meeting market demand with native species due to
and V. floribundum into production systems has been lim- the similar organoleptic characteristics of V. corymbosum
ited, unlike the blueberry crop, which also belongs to the and V. floribundum [27]. In tropical latitudes, the fruits of
Vaccinium genus and serves as a reference. Due to its wild the Vaccinium genus are marketed on a small scale, and their
nature, there is a lack of understanding regarding its propa- potential as food or medicine remains to be fully explored.
gation methods [21]. However, propagation efforts have been Limited publications exist regarding the use of species from
conducted with species other than V. floribundum, providing this genus, emphasizing the significance of V. floribundum
a foundation for further research. and V. meridionale as the most utilized native species [10].
A practical and viable method for asexual propagation
of V. floribundum is through cuttings. This approach offers
economic advantages and simplicity, addressing issues of Antioxidant properties and health benefits
plant incompatibility and low vigor while ensuring greater
uniformity and quality in production [22]. Additionally, the According to different studies [2, 28–30], V. florubindum ber-
natural spread of plants in the Ericaceae family through ries have relatively high concentrations of sugars, antioxidants
rhizomes in their native habitat supports the feasibility of such as vitamin C and the vitamin B complex, minerals such
this propagation method [22]. In the case of blueberry (Vac- as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. About antioxidants,
cinium corymbosum), it is directly propagated through hard the mortiño fruit shows a high content of polyphenolic com-
cuttings with a diameter greater than 5 mm, or young cut- pounds, such as cinnamic acid, flavonols, anthocyanins and
tings with leaves [23]. Rooting capacity varies among spe- anthocyanidins. These compounds have been extensively stud-
cies and cultivars, necessitating empirical tests to determine ied for their ability to neutralize free radicals and protect cells
optimal conditions. from oxidative stress. The high concentration of anthocyanins
Despite the advantages, a challenge in the asexual propa- contributes significantly to the potent antioxidant capacity of V.
gation of mortiño is the low rooting potential of cuttings floribundum [28, 31–33]. Anthocyanins, the pigments respon-
under controlled conditions. Nonetheless, research indicates sible for the deep blue color of V. floribundum berries, have
that treatments with 3-aceitc acid (IIA) and indole-3-butyric garnered significant attention in antioxidant research. A study
by Ortiz et al. [3] investigated the anthocyanin profile of V. flo- Environmental applications and industrial
ribundum and found a diverse range of anthocyanins, including use
cyanidin and delphinidin derivatives. The study highlighted
the correlation between the anthocyanin content and the fruit's V. floribundum plays a crucial environmental and ecologi-
antioxidant activity, emphasizing the potential health bene- cal role, particularly in paramo ecosystems, as it stands out
fits associated with these compounds. Caranqui-Aldaz et al. as one of the initial species to rebound following defor-
[28] determined that the main constituents of mortiño berries estation and man-made fires [36]. This resilience is attrib-
include hydroxycinnamic acids (5-O-caffeoylquinic acid), fla- uted, in part, to its robust regenerative capacity, facilitated
vonols (quercetin derivatives), and anthocyanins, and reported by propagation from roots and other woody structures
three anthocyanins (petunidin, peonidin, and pelargonidin) for [37]. Numerous studies have focused on Mortiño's abil-
the first time in mortiño berries. ity to regenerate areas affected by fire, underscoring its
The antioxidant capacity of V. floribundum has been significant contribution to restoring ecosystem structure
quantified through various assays, providing insights into its and acting as a pioneer in ecological succession [36, 37].
efficacy in scavenging free radicals. In a study by Ramírez Various investigations [37, 38], including those by
et al. [34], the antioxidant activity of V. floribundum extracts Ramsay & Oxley (1996) and Llivisaca-Contreras et al.
was evaluated using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) (2022), have demonstrated Mortiño's impressive regen-
and 2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) erative activity of V. floribundum. These studies highlight
(ABTS) assays. The results demonstrated a dose-dependent its capacity to colonize regions impacted by fires, playing
scavenging effect, underscoring the fruit's ability to combat a pivotal role in soil recovery. The shallow roots and hori-
oxidative stress. zontally spreading root growth of V. floribundum, coupled
One of the prominent medicinal properties attributed to V. with prolific sprouting, designate it as a pioneer species
floribundum is its anti-inflammatory effect. Chronic inflamma- adept at regenerating damaged ecosystems in the paramo.
tion is implicated in various diseases, including arthritis and Consequently, it has garnered attention as a species essen-
cardiovascular conditions. The study conducted by Ramírez tial for ecosystem restoration in the Andes. For effective
et al. [34] explored the anti-inflammatory potential of V. flori- conservation programs targeting native Vaccinium spe-
bundum extracts using in vivo models. The results indicated a cies, it is imperative to consider more efficient utilization
significant reduction in inflammatory markers, suggesting that of natural environments. This involves creating protected
the fruit may possess anti-inflammatory properties that could areas for wild plants and fostering ongoing research to
be harnessed for therapeutic purposes. The anti-inflammatory understand their benefits and potential applications [39].
activity of V. floribundum is often linked to its flavonoid con- Ripe V. floribundum fruits exhibit properties that are
tent. Flavonoids, such as quercetin and myricetin derivatives of interest across various industries, particularly in the
identified in the fruit, are known for their ability to modu- synthesis of photocatalytic nanocomposite materials, as
late inflammatory pathways. This study [34] underscores the demonstrated Vizuete et al. [40]. The study successfully
potential of V. floribundum as a natural anti-inflammatory synthesized silver nanoparticles (Ag Nps) using Mortiño
agent. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of berry extract, introducing a novel dimension to Andean
the fruit may contribute to cardiovascular health by reducing fruits in the realm of nanotechnology. This environmen-
oxidative stress and inflammation, both implicated in heart tally friendly approach not only underscores the signifi-
diseases. cance of Mortiño berries in green nanotechnology but
V. floribundum has also been investigated for its antimicro- also opens up new possibilities for other Andean fruits
bial properties. In a study by Llivisaca et al. [35], research- in engineering applications. Characterization techniques
ers examined the inhibitory effects of V. floribundum extracts revealed that the generated silver nanoparticles were sta-
against various bacterial strains. The results revealed a sig- ble, non-aggregated, monodispersed, with a spherical
nificant antimicrobial activity, suggesting that the fruit may shape and an average size of 20.5 ± 1.5 nm, showcasing
have applications in the treatment of microbial infections. The a face-centered cubic nature. The anthocyanin molecules
antimicrobial potential of V. floribundum is attributed to the present in V. floribundum and other Vaccinium species'
presence of bioactive compounds that interfere with microbial fruits, with hydroxyl groups effectively binding with T iO2
growth and survival. nanoparticles, hold significance for the nanoparticle indus-
try [41, 42].
A study by Taco-Ugsha et al. [42] confirms that pig-
ments in mortiño are flavonoids of the anthocyanidin
group, such as cyanidin-3-galactoside and cyanidin-3-ara-
binoside. Due to these compounds, mortiño dyes emerge
as a potential alternative to artificial sensitizers for solar Funding Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC
cell technologies, given their harmless and abundant agreement with Springer Nature.
nature. Dyes extracted from mortiño fruits were utilized
as sensitizers in DSSC and characterized through chro-
matography (HPLC and TLC), FT-IR spectroscopy, and Conflict of interest The authors declare no confict of interest.
MALDI mass spectrometry analysis. The most abundant
compounds in mortiño extracts correspond to cyanidin Compliance with ethics requirements The authors declare this study
was conducted in accordance with ethical guideline and principles.
derivative anthocyanins. Mortiño dye-sensitized solar cells
demonstrated a power conversion efficiency between 0.18 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
and 0.26%, significantly influenced by the acid extraction bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
medium, with the highest value achieved using TFA-acid- tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
ified methanol [42]. provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
In a study by Vizuete et al. [40], a simple, cost-effec- were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
tive, and environmentally friendly method was reported included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
for the synthesis of Ag-G nanocomposite using Mortiño otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
berry extract as the reducing agent. This green synthesis of permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
Ag-G nanocomposite, involving the reduction of Ag + and need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
graphene oxide, showcases enhanced photocatalytic prop- copy of this licence, visit
erties. The resulting material holds promise for addressing
environmental concerns and is poised to play a significant
role in various industrial applications. The eco-friendly References
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