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Oscillations (SHM)
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Physics : Oscillations (SHM)

ROBERT HOOKE (1635 – 1703 A.D.)

Robert Hooke was born on July 18, 1635 in Freshwater, Isle of Wight. He
was one of the most brilliant and versatile seventeenth century English
scientists. He attended Oxford University but never graduated. Yet he was an
extremely talented inventor, instrument-maker and building designer. He
assisted Robert Boyle in the construction of Boylean air pump. In 1662, he
was appointed as Curator of Experiments to the newly founded Royal
Society. In 1665, he became Professor of Geometry in Gresham College

where he carried out his astronomical observations. He built a Gregorian reflecting telescope; discovered
the fifth star in the trapezium and an asterism in the constellation Orion; suggested that Jupiter rotates
on its axis; plotted detailed sketches of Mars which were later used in the 19th century to determine the
planet’s rate of rotation; stated the inverse square law to describe planetary motion, which Newton
modified later etc. He was elected Fellow of Royal Society and also served as the Society’s Secretary
from 1667 to 1682. In his series of observations presented in Micrographia, he suggested wave theory
of light and first used the word ‘cell’ in a biological context as a result of his studies of cork. Robert
Hooke is best known to physicists for his discovery of law of elasticity: Ut tensio, sic vis (This is a Latin
expression and it means as the distortion, so the force). This law laid the basis for studies of stress and
strain and for understanding the elastic materials.


Theoretical physicist, professor at Leiden. He Investigated the relationship
between electricity, magnetism, and mechanics. In order to explain the
observed effect of magnetic fields on emitters of light (Zeeman effect), he
postulated the existence of electric charges. In the atom, for which he was
awarded the Nobel Prize In 1902. He derived a set of transformation equations
(known after him as Lorentz transformation equations) by some tangled
mathematical arguments, but he was not aware that these equations hinge on a
new concept of space and time.


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®



1.1 Periodic Motion
(i) Any motion which repeats itself after regular interval of time is called periodic motion or harmonic
(ii) The constant interval of time after which the motion is repeated is called time period.
Examples : (i) Motion of planets around the sun.
(ii) Motion of the pendulum of wall clock.
1.2 Oscillatory Motion
(i) The motion of a body is said to be oscillatory or vibratory motion if it moves back and forth (to and

fro) about a fixed point after certain interval of time.
(ii) The fixed point about which the body oscillates is called mean position or equilibrium position.
Examples : (i) Vibration of the wire of 'Sitar'.
(ii) Oscillation of the mass suspended from spring.
1.3 Harmonic Functions
The trigonometric function of constant amplitude and single frequency is define as harmonic function.
(Among all the trigonometrical functions only “sin” and “cos” functions are taken as harmonic function in
basic form”)
y = Asinθ = Asin ωt
Harmonic function
y = Acosθ = Acosωt
1.4 Some basic terms
Mean Position
The point at which the restoring force on the particle is zero and potential energy is minimum, is known as
its mean position.
Restoring Force
 The force acting on the particle which tends to bring the particle towards its mean position, is known
as restoring force.
 This force is always directed towards the mean position.
 Restoring force always acts in a direction opposite to that of displacement. Displacement is measured
from the mean position.
 It is given by F = –kx and has dimension MLT–2.

The maximum displacement of particle from mean position is define as amplitude.

Time period (T)

 The time after which the particle keeps on repeating its motion is known as time period.

2π 1
 It is given by T = , T= where ω is angular frequency and n is frequency.
ω n


Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
Oscillation or Vibration

When a particle goes on one side from mean position and returns back and then it goes to other side and
again returns back to mean position, then this process is known as one oscillation.
one one
oscillation oscillation

displacement(x) time (t)


Frequency (n or f)

(a) The number of oscillations per second is define as frequency.

1 ω
(b) It is given by n = , n=
T 2π

(c) SI UNIT : Hertz (Hz)

1 Hertz = 1 cycle per second (cycle is a number not a dimensional quantity).

Dimension : [M L T ]
0 0 –1


(a) Phase of a vibrating particle at any instant is the state of the vibrating particle regarding its

displacement and direction of vibration at that particular instant.

(b) y = Asin(ωt + φ)

The quantity (ωt + φ) represents the phase angle at that


(c) The phase angle at time t = 0 is known as initial phase or epoch.

(d) The difference of total phase angles of two particles executing S.H.M. with respect to the mean

position is known as phase difference.

(e) If the phase angles of two particles executing S.H.M. are (ωt + φ1) and (ωt + φ2) respectively, then the

phase difference between two particles is given by

∆φ = (ωt + φ2 ) – (ωt + φ1) or ∆φ = φ2 – φ1

(f) Two vibrating particles are said to be in same phase if the phase difference between them is an even

multiple of π, i.e., ∆φ = 2Nπ  Same phase.

(g) Two vibrating particle are said to be in opposite phase if the phase difference between them is an odd

multiple of π i.e., ∆φ = (2N + 1)π opposite phase.


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
Angular frequency (ω)

(a) The rate of change of phase angle of a particle with respect to time is define as its angular frequency.
(b) SI UNIT : radian/second

Dimension : [M0 L0 T–1]

Instantaneous displacement

(a) The displacement of the particle from mean position in a particular direction at any instant of time is
known as instantaneous displacement.
(b) At time t the instantaneous displacement x = A sin (ωt + φ), where φ is initial phase and A is

1.5 Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.)

Simple harmonic motion is the simplest form of vibratory or oscillatory motion.

(i) S.H.M. are of two types

(a) Linear S.H.M.

When a particle moves to and fro about a fixed point

(called equilibrium position) along a straight line then m

its motion is called linear simple harmonic motion.

Example : Motion of a mass connected to spring.
(b) Angular S.H.M.

When a system oscillates angularly with respect to a fixed axis then

its motion is called angular simple harmonic motion.
Example :- Motion of a bob of simple pendulum.
(ii) Necessary Condition to execute S.H.M.

(a) Motion of particle should be oscillatory.

(b) Total mechanical energy of particle should be conserved

(Kinetic energy + Potential energy = constant)

(c) Extreme position should be well defined.

(d) In linear S.H.M.

The restoring force (or acceleration) acting on the particle should always be proportional to the
displacement of the particle and directed towards the equilibrium position
∴ F∝–y or a ∝ –y
Negative sign shows that direction of force and acceleration is towards equilibrium position and y is
displacement of particle from equilibrium position.
(e) In angular S.H.M.

The restoring torque (or angular acceleration) acting on the particle should always be proportional to
the angular displacement of the particle and directed towards the equilibrium position
∴ τ∝–θ or α∝–θ

Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
(iii) Comparison between linear and angular S.H.M.

Linear S.H.M. Angular S.H.M.

F ∝–x τ∝–θ

F= –kx τ = – Cθ
Where k is the restoring force constant Where C is the restoring torque constant

k C
a= − x α=− θ
m I

d2 x k d2 θ C
+ x=
0 + θ =0
dt2 m dt2 I

It is known as differential equation of It is known as differential equation of

linear S.H.M. angular S.H.M.

x = A sinωt θ = θ0 sin ωt



where ω is the angular frequency

k ω2 =
ω = I

k 2π C 2π
ω= = = 2πn ω= = = 2πn
m T I T

where T is time period and n is frequency

T= 2 π
m C
T= 2 π
1 C
1 k 2π I
2π m
This concept is valid for all types
This concept is valid for all types
of linear S.H.M. of angular S.H.M.


 Angular oscillatory motion can be treated as an angular simple harmonic motion only in the limit of small

amplitude because in this limit the restoring force (or torque) becomes linear.

 Harmonic oscillations is that oscillations which can be expressed in terms of single harmonic function.

(i.e. sine function or cosine function)

 The motion of the molecules of a solid, the vibration of the air columns and the vibration of string of

musical instruments are either simple harmonic or superposition of simple harmonic motions.


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
Illustration 1
Which of the following functions represent SHM :–
(i) sin 2ωt (ii) sin ωt + 2cos ωt (iii) sin ωt + cos 2ωt
dy d y
(i) As y = sin 2ωt ⇒ v = = 2 ω cos 2ωt ⇒ Acceleration = 2 = – 4ω2 sin 2ωt = – 4 ω2y
dt dt
so y = sin 2ωt represents S.H.M.
(ii) y = sin ωt + 2 cos ωt ⇒ v = = ωcosωt – 2ωsinωt,

d2 y
Acceleration = 2
= –ω2sinωt – 2ω2cosωt = –ω2(sinωt + 2cosωt) = –ω2y

∴ The given function represents SHM
(iii) y = sin ωt + cos 2ωt
dy d y
⇒ = ωcosωt – 2ωsin2ωt, 2 = – ω²sinωt – 4ω²cos2ωt = –ω²(sinωt + 4cos2ωt)
dt dt

d2 y
∝ ( − y) (Oscillatory but S.H.M. not possible)
Illustration 2

 π
If two S.H.M. are represented by equations y1 10 sin 3πt +  and y 2 =5 sin(3πt) + 3 cos(3πt)  then
 4  

find the ratio of their amplitudes and phase difference in between them.

5 3[sin(3πt+π/2)]
y 2 5 sin(3πt) + 3 cos(3πt) 
As = ...(i) y2
 

So if 5 = A cosφ and 5=3 A sin φ

Then A =52 + (5 3)2 =
5 3 π
and =
tan φ = 3 so φ= y2 = 10 sin (3πt + φ)
5 3

the above equation (i) becomes

y2 = Acosφ sin(3πt) + Asinφ cos(3πt)  y2 = Asin(3 πt + φ)
but y2 = 10 sin[3πt + ( )]

A1 10
so, =   A1 : A2 = 1 : 1,
A 2 10

π π π
Phase difference = − = rad.
3 4 12


Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
1. Which of the following functions of time represent (a) SHM and (b) Periodic but not SHM (c) Non-periodic
(i) sin ωt + cos ωt (ii) sin ωt + cos 2 ωt + sin 4 ωt (iii) e ωt

(iv) log (ωt) (v) sin ωt – cos ωt (vi) sin ωt

(vii) sin ωt

2. The equation of motion of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is a+16π2x = 0. In this equation, a
is the linear acceleration in m/s2 of the particle at a displacement x in metre. Find the time period.
 π
3. =
Displacement of a particle executing SHM is represented by Y 0.08 sin  3πt +  metre. Then calculate:-
 4
(a) Time period (b) Initial phase
(c) Displacement from mean position at t = sec.


2.1 Geometrical meaning of S.H.M.
If a particle is moving with uniform speed along the circumference of a circle then the straight line motion of
the foot of perpendicular drawn from the particle on the diameter of the circle is called S.H.M.
(a) Draw a circle, having radius equal to amplitude (A) of S.H.M.
(b) Suppose particle is moving with uniform speed with Y
angular frequency ω along the circumference of the N t
circle. y t=0
(c) Shadow (foot of the perpendicular from particle X' O x X
position) of particle performs S.H.M. on vertical and
horizontal diameter of circle.
(d) Position of particle's shadow can be represented on
diameter at t = 0 or any instant and position of
particle performing circular motion can be
determined by direction of velocity.

(e) By joining centre of circle to particle's position, angle θ is determined from horizontal or vertical
diameter. After time t radius vector will turn ωt. so θ = ωt.

Ex. Depicts two circular motions. The radius of the circle, the period of revolution, the initial position and the
sense of revolution are indicated on the figures. Obtain the simple harmonic motions of the x-projection of
the radius vector of the rotating particle P in each case.
y P(t=0)
P P(t=0) T=30s
T=4s 45°


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
Sol. (a) At t = 0, OP makes an angle of 45° = π/4 rad with the (positive direction of) x-axis. After time t, it
2π 2π π
covers an t in the anticlockwise sense, and makes an angle of t + with the x-axis.
T T 4
The projection of OP on the x-axis at time t is given by,
 2π π
=x(t) A cos  t + 
 T 4
For T = 4 s,
 2π π
=x(t) A cos  t + 
 4 4
which is a SHM of amplitude A, period 4 s, and an initial phase = .
(b) In this case at t = 0, OP makes an angle of 90° = with the x-axis. After a time t, it t covers an

2π  π 2π 
angle of t in the clockwise sense and makes an angle of  − t  with the x-axis. The
T 2 T 
projection of OP on the x-axis at time t is given by
 π 2π   2π 
x(t)= Bcos  − t=
 Bsin  T t 
 2 T   
For T = 30 s,
π 
x(t) = Bsin  t 
 15 

2.2 Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration in S.H.M.

Displacement in S.H.M.
(i) The displacement of a particle executing linear S.H.M. at any instant is defined as the distance of the
particle from the mean position at that instant.

(ii) It can be given by relation x = Asinωt or x = Acosωt.

The first relation is valid when the time is measured from the mean position and the second relation is
valid when the time is measured from the extreme position of the particle executing S.H.M. along a
straight line path.

Ex. What will be the equation of displacement in the following different conditions ?
–A +A –A +A

(i) O (ii) O

–A +A –A +A

(iii) O (iv) O

Sol. (i) x = Asinωt (ii) x = Asin(ωt + ) ⇒ x = Acosωt

(iii) x = Asin(ωt + π) ⇒ x = –Asinωt (iv) x = Asin(ωt + ) ⇒ x = –Acosωt


Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
2.3 Velocity in S.H.M.
(i) It is define as the time rate of change of the displacement of the particle at a given instant.

dx d
(ii) Velocity in S.H.M. is given by =
v = (A sin ωt)  v = Aωcosωt
dt dt

v =± Aω 1 − sin2 ωt ⇒ v =± Aω 1 − =
 x A sin ωt 

v = ±ω (A 2 − x2 )

Squaring both the sides v2 = ω2 (A2 – x2)  = A 2 − x2 

v2 x2 x2 v2
 = 1 −   + =
ω2 A 2 A2 A 2 A 2 ω2

This is equation of ellipse. So curve between displacement and velocity of ωA

particle executing S.H.M. is ellipse.
(iii) The graph between velocity and displacement is shown in figure.
If particle oscillates with unit angular frequency (ω = 1) then curve
between v and x will be circle.

Note: (i) The direction of velocity of a particle in S.H.M. is either towards or away from the mean position.

(ii) At mean position (x = 0), velocity is maximum (=Aω) and at extreme position (x = ± A), the velocity
of particle executing S.H.M. is zero.

2.4 Acceleration in S.H.M.

(i) It is define as the time rate of change of the velocity of the particle at a
given instant.
dv d –A x
(ii) Acceleration in S.H.M. is given by a= = (Aω cos ωt)
dt dt
–ω A

 a = –ω A sin ωt
 a=–ωx 2

(iii) The graph between acceleration and displacement is a straight line

as shown in figure.

Note :

(i) The acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M. is always directed towards the mean position.

(ii) The acceleration of the particle executing S.H.M. is maximum at extreme position (= ω2A) and
minimum at mean position (= zero).


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
2.5 Graphical Representation
Graphical study of displacement, velocity, acceleration and force in S.H.M.

S. No. Graph In form of t In form of x Maximum value

1. Displacement x = Asinωt x=x x=A
displacement (x)

2 T

2. Velocity v = Aωcosωt v = ±ω A 2 − x2 v = ±ωA

T ωA
velocity (v)

T t

3. Acceleration 2
a = –ω Asinωt a = –ω x
a = +ω A
acceleration (a)

T ω2A
T t

4. Force (F = ma) F = – mω2Asinωt F = – mω2x F = + mω2A


force (F)



 The direction of displacement is always away from the mean position whether the particle is moving from or

coming towards the mean position.

 In linear S.H.M., the length of S.H.M. path = 2A

 In S.H.M., the total work done and displacement in one complete oscillation is zero but total travelled length

is 4A.

 In S.H.M., the velocity and acceleration varies simple harmonically with the same frequency as


 Velocity is always ahead of displacement by phase angle radian

 Acceleration is ahead of displacement by phase angle π radian i.e., opposite to displacement.

 Acceleration leads the velocity by phase angle radian.

Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
Illustration 3

An object performs S.H.M. of amplitude 5 cm and time period 4 s. If timing is started when the object is at
the centre of the oscillation i.e., x = 0 then calculate –

(i) Frequency of oscillation

(ii) The displacement at 0.5 sec.

(iii) The maximum acceleration of the object.

(iv) The velocity at a displacement of 3 cm.


1 1
(i) Frequency =
f = = 0.25 Hz
T 4

(ii) The displacement equation of object x = Asinωt

π 5
so at t = 0.5 s x = 5sin(2π × 0.25 × 0.5) = 5 sin = cm
4 2

(iii) Maximum acceleration amax = ω2A = (0.5 π )2 × 5 = 12.3 cm/s2

(iv) Velocity at x = 3 cm is v = ±ω A 2 − x2 = ±6.28 cm/s

±0.5π 52 − 32 =
Illustration 4

A particle executes S.H.M. from extreme position and covers a distance equal to half of its amplitude in 1 s.
Determine the time period of motion.


For particle starting S.H.M. from extreme position

y = Acosωt   = A cos(ω × 1)  

π π 2π 2π × 3
  cos ω =cos  ω=  =
T = = 6s
3 3 ω π
Illustration 5
Amplitude of a harmonic oscillator is A, when velocity of particle is half of maximum velocity, then
determine position of particle.
v max Aω
ω A 2 − x2
v= but =v =
2 2

ω A 2 − x2
=  A 2 4[A 2 − x2 ]
 = 

4A 2 − A 2
      x2 = 

      x= ±


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
Illustration 6
The velocity of a particle in S.H.M. at position x1 and x2 are v1 and v2 respectively. Determine value of time
period and amplitude.

ω A 2 − x2
v=  v2 = ω2 (A2 – x2)

v12 = ω (A – x12 ) ...

2 2
At position x1 velocity (i)

v 22 = ω (A – x22 ) ...
2 2
At position x2 velocity (ii)

v12 − v 22
Subtracting (ii) from (i) v12 − v 22 =
ω2 (x22 − x12 )  ω=
x22 − x12

2π x22 − x12
Time period T=    T= 2 π

ω v12 − v 22

v12 A 2 − x12
Dividing (i) by (ii) =   v12 A 2 − v12 x22 = v 22 A 2 − v 22 x12
v 22 A 2 − x22

v12 x22 − v 22 x12

So A 2 (v12 − v 22 ) = v12 x22 − v 22 x12  A=
v12 − v 22

Illustration 7
A particle executing S.H.M. having amplitude 0.01 m and frequency 60 Hz. Determine maximum
acceleration of particle.

amax. = ω A = 4π n A
2 2 2
Maximum acceleration
2 2
= 4π (60) × (0.01)
= 144 π m/s
2 2

Illustration 8
A particle performing SHM is found at its equilibrium position at t = 1 sec and it is found to have a speed of
0.25 m/s at t = 2 sec. If the period of oscillation is 8 sec. Calculate the amplitude of oscillations.

x = Asin(ωt + φ)
at t = 1 sec. particle at mean position

 2π  π
=0 A sin  ×1 + φ ⇒ φ=−
 8  4

at t = 2 sec. velocity of particle is 0.25 m/s

π π
0.25 = Aω cos  × 2 − 
4 4

Aω 2
0.25 = ⇒ A= m
2 π


Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
1. A particle executing simple harmonic motion completes 1200 oscillations per minute and passes through
the mean position with a velocity of 3.14ms . Determine the maximum displacement of the particle from its
mean position. Also obtain the displacement equation of the particle if its displacement be zero at the instant
t = 0.
 π
2. A particle oscillates along the x–axis according to equation x = 0.05 sin  5t −  where x is in metre and t
 6
is in second. Find its velocity at t = 0 second.
3. A particle is executing SHM given by x = A sin(πt + φ). The initial displacement of particle is 1 cm and its
initial velocity is π cm/sec. Find the amplitude of motion and initial phase of the particle.
4. A body executing S.H.M. has its velocity 10 cm/sec and 7 cm/sec when its displacement from the mean
positon are 3 cm and 4 cm respectively. Calculate the length of the path.
5. A particle is executing S.H.M. of time period 4s. What is the time taken by it to move from the

(a) Mean position to half of the amplitude.
(b) Extreme position to half of the amplitude.
6. A particle undergoes simple harmonic motion having time period T. Find the time taken to complete
7. The displacement of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is given by y = 10sin(6t + ). Here
y is in metre and t is in second. Find initial displacement & velocity of the particle.
8. For a particle executing S.H.M. In which part of a complete oscillation
(a) Acceleration supports the velocity. (b) Acceleration opposes the velocity.
9. A particle is in linear simple harmonic motion between two points A and B, 10 cm apart. Take the direction
from A to B as the positive direction and given the signs of velocity, acceleration and force on the particle
when it is
(a) at the end A. (b) at the end B.
(c) at the mid-point of AB going towards A. (d) at 2 cm away from B going towards A.
(e) at 3 cm away from A going towards B, and (f) at 4 cm away from A going towards A.
10. The piston in the cylinder head of a locomotive has a stroke (twice of the amplitude) of 1.0 m. If the piston
moves with simple harmonic motion with an angular frequency of 200 rad/min., what is its maximum


3.1 Potential Energy (U or P.E.)
(i) In terms of displacement
⇒ ∫ dU = − ∫ Fdx
The potential energy is related to force by the relation F = − U Umax= 1 kA2
dx 2
1 2
For S.H.M. F = – kx so ∫ dU =− ∫ ( −kx)dx =∫ kx dx ⇒ U = kx + C
1 2 x
At x = 0, U = U0 ⇒C = U0 So U = kx + U0 –A O +A
1 2
Where the potential energy at equilibrium position = U0 when U0 = 0 then U = kx


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
(ii) In terms of time
Umax 1 2
Umax = kA

Potential energy

0 T T 3T T time (t)
4 2 4

1 2 2
Since x = Asin(ωt + φ), U = kA sin (ωt +φ)

1 2 2 1
If initial phase (φ) is zero then U = kA sin ωt = mω2A2sin2ωt
2 2
Note :

(i) In S.H.M. the potential energy is a parabolic function of displacement, the potential energy is minimum
at the mean position (x = 0) and maximum at extreme position (x = ± A)
(ii) The potential energy is the periodic function of time.
T 3T T 3T 5T
It is minimum at t = 0, , T, ... and maximum at t = , , ...
2 2 4 4 4

3.2 Kinetic Energy (KE)

(i) In terms of displacement KE KEmax= 1 mω2A2
If mass of the particle executing S.H.M. is m and Its velocity is v
then kinetic energy at any instant.

1 1 1 –A O +A
K= mv2 = mω2 (A2 – x2) = k(A2 – x2)
2 2 2
(ii) In terms of time
 v = Aωcos(ωt + φ) KEmax= 1 mω2A2
Kinetic Energy

∴K= mω2A2 cos2 (ωt + φ)
If initial phase φ is zero
0 T T 3T T time (t)
4 2 4
K = mω A cos ωt
2 2 2

Note :
(i) In S.H.M. the kinetic energy is a inverted parabolic function of displacement. The kinetic energy is
1 2
maximum ( kA ) at mean position (x = 0) and minimum (zero) at extreme position (x = ±A)
T 3T
(ii) The kinetic energy is the periodic function of time. It is maximum at t = 0, , T, ..............and
2 2
T 3T 5T
minimum at t = , , ...
4 4 4

Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
3.3 Total energy (E)
Total energy in S.H.M. is given by ; E = potential energy + kinetic energy = U + K
1 1 1
(i) w.r.t. position E = kx2 + k (A2 – x2) ⇒E = kA2 = constant
2 2 2
(ii) w.r.t. time
1 1 1 1 1 2
E= mω2A2 sin2ωt + mω2A2 cos2ωt = mω2 A 2 (sin2 ωt + cos2 ω=
t) 2 2
mω=A =kA constant
2 2 2 2 2

Kmax or Umax or ET

1 kA2 1 kA2
2 K.E.

O O time

O ωt

Note :
(i) Total energy of a particle in S.H.M. is same at all instant and at all displacement.
(ii) Total energy depends upon mass, amplitude and frequency of vibration of the particle executing
3.4 Average energy in S.H.M.
(i) The time average of P.E. and K.E. over one cycle is
1 1 1 1 1 1
(a) <KE>t = < mω2 A 2 cos2 ωt > = mω2 A 2 < cos2 ωt > = mω2 A 2  = mω2 A 2 = kA 2
2 2 2 2 4 4
1 1 1 1 1 1
(b) < PE>t = < mω2 A 2 sin2 ωt > = mω2 A 2 < sin2 ωt > = mω2 A 2   = mω2 A 2 = kA 2 + U0
2 2 2 2 4 4
1 1 1
(c) < TE>t = < mω2 A 2 + U0 > = mω2 A 2 + U0 = kA 2 + U0
2 2 2


 The frequency of oscillation of potential energy and kinetic energy is twice as that of displacement or
velocity or acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M.
 Frequency of total energy is zero because it remains constant.
Illustration 9
In case of simple harmonic motion –
(a) What fraction of total energy is kinetic and what fraction is potential when displacement is one half of
the amplitude.
(b) At what displacement the kinetic and potential energies are equal.
In S.H.M.
1 2 2 1 1
K. E. = k(A – x ) P. E. = kx2 T.E. = kA2
2 2 2
K.E. A 2 − x2 P.E. x2
(a) fK.E. = = fP. E. = =
T.E. A2 T.E A 2
A A2 − A2 4 3 A2 4 1
at x = fK.E. = = and f P. E. = =
2 A2 4 A2 4
1 1 2 A
K. E. = P. E.    
2 2 2 2
(b) k (A – x ) = kx 2x = A x= ±
2 2 2

Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
Illustration 10
A particle starts oscillating simple harmonically from its equilibrium position with time period T. Determine
ratio of K.E. and P.E. of the particle at time t = .
T 2π T π A
at t = x = A sin × = A sin=
12 T 12 6 2
1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2
k (A – x ) = × kA 2
2 2
so K.E. = and P.E. = kx = × kA
2 4 2 2 4 2
K.E. 3
∴ =
P.E. 1
Illustration 11

The potential energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is 2.5 J, when its displacement is half of the amplitude,
then determine total energy of particle.

1 2 1 A2 1 2
P.E. = kx  k = 2.5  Total energy = kA = 2.5 × 4 = 10 J
2 2 4 2
Illustration 12
6 –1
A harmonic oscillator of force constant 4 × 10 Nm and amplitude 0.01 m has total energy 240 J. What is
maximum kinetic energy and minimum potential energy ?
As ω2 =
k = 4 × 10 N/m, a = 0.01 m, T.E. = 240 J,
1 1 1
Maximum kinetic energy = mω2 a2 = ka2 = × 4 × 106 × (0.01)2 = 200 J
2 2 2
Minimum potential energy = Total energy – Maximum kinetic energy = 40 J
Illustration 13
The potential energy of a particle oscillating on x-axis is U = 20 + (x – 2) . Here U is in joules and x in
meters. Total mechanical energy of the particle is 36 J.
(a) State whether the motion of the particle is simple harmonic or not.
(b) Find the mean position.
(c) Find the maximum kinetic energy of the particle.
(a) F= − = –2(x – 2) By assuming x – 2 = X, we have F = –2X

Since, F ∝ −X The motion of the particle is simple harmonic

(b) The mean position of the particle is X = 0 ⇒ x – 2 = 0, which gives x = 2m

(c) Maximum kinetic energy of the particle is, Kmax = E – Umin = 36 – 20 = 16 J

Note : Umin is 20 J at mean position or at x = 2m.


Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
1. A point particle of mass 0.1 Kg is executing SHM with amplitude of 0.1m. When the particle passes
through the mean position, its kinetic energy is 8 × 10–3 Joule. Obtain the equation of motion of this particle
if the initial phase of oscillation is 45°.
2. In case of SHM what fraction of total energy is kinetic and what fraction is potential, when displacement is
one fourth of amplitude.
3. A particle execute S.H.M. with frequency f. Find frequency with which its kinetic energy oscillates?
4. A particle of mass 10g is placed in potential field given by V = (50x2 + 100) erg/g. What will be frequency
of oscillation of particle ?


4.1 Spring Block System
(i) When spring is given small displacement by stretching or compressing it, then restoring elastic force is

developed in it because it obeys Hook's law.
F∝–x ⇒ F = – kx Here k is spring constant
(ii) Spring is assumed massless, so restoring elastic force in spring is assumed same everywhere.
(iii) Spring constant (k) depends on length (), radius and material of wire used in spring.

For spring, k = constant

spring constant (k)

k∝ 

length of spring ()

4.2 Spring Pendulum

(i) When a small mass is suspended from a mass-less spring then this arrangement is known as spring
For small linear displacement the motion of spring pendulum is simple harmonic.
(ii) For a spring pendulum
d2 x d2 x
F = – kx ⇒m 2
= – kx [ F = ma = m 2 ]
dt dt
d2 x k k
⇒ 2
=– x
dt m
d2 x k
=–ωx⇒ω =
2 2
 2
dt m
This is standard equation of linear S.H.M.

2π m 1 k
Time period T = = 2π , Frequency n =
ω k 2π m

(iii) Time period of a spring pendulum is independent of acceleration due to gravity. This is why a clock based
on oscillation of spring pendulum will keep proper time everywhere on a hill or moon or in a satellite or
different places of earth.


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
(iv) If a spring pendulum oscillates in a vertical plane is made to oscillate on a horizontal surface or on an
inclined plane then time period will remain unchanged.

(v) By increasing the mass, time period of spring pendulum increases (T ∝ m ) , but by increasing the force
 1 
constant of spring (k). Its time period decreases  T ∝  whereas frequency increases (n ∝ k )
 k
(vi) If two masses m1 and m2 are connected by a spring and made to oscillate then time period T = 2π

m1 m2

m1 m2
Here, µ = = reduced mass
m1 + m2
(vii) If the stretch in a vertically loaded spring is y0 then for equilibrium of mass m.
m y0
ky0 = mg i.e., = ky0
k g
y0 m
m y m mg
So, time period T = 2π = 2π 0
k g
But remember time period of spring pendulum is independent of acceleration due to gravity.

(viii) If two particles are attached with spring in which only one is oscillating then the

mass of oscillating particle m1

Time period = 2π = 2π m2
force constant k

4.3 Various Spring Arrangements

 Series combination of springs
In series combination same restoring force exerts in all springs but extension will be different.

k1 k1


Total displacement x = x1 + x2
Force acting on both springs F = –k1x1 = – k2x2


Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
F F F F
 x1 = – and x2 = − ∴ x=–  +  ....(i)
k1 k2  k1 k 2 
If equivalent force constant is ks then F = – ksx
F F F 1 1 1 k k
so by equation (i) − =
− − ⇒
 = + ⇒ k s = 1 2
ks k1 k 2 k s k1 k 2 k1 + k 2

m 1 ks k
Time period T = 2π Frequency n = , Angular frequency ω = s
ks 2π m m
 Parallel Combination of springs

k1 k2
k1 k2 m

m k2

In parallel combination displacement on each spring is same but restoring force is different.
Force acting on the system F = F1 + F2 ⇒F = – k1x – k2x ...(i)
If equivalent force constant is kP then, F = – kPx, so by equation (i) – kPx = – k1x – k2x ⇒kP = k1 + k2

m m 1 kP k + k2
Time period T = 2π = 2π ; Frequency n = ; Angular frequency ω = 1
kP k1 + k 2 2π m m
 If the length of the spring is made n times then effective force constant becomes times and the time
period becomes n times.
 If a spring of spring constant k is divided into n equal parts, the spring constant of each part becomes nk
and time period becomes times.
 In case of a loaded spring the time period comes out to be the same in both horizontal and vertical
arrangement of spring system.
 The force constant k of a stiffer spring is higher than that of a soft spring. So the time period of a stiffer
spring is less than that of a soft spring.

Illustration 14
A body of mass m attached to a spring which is oscillating with time period 4 seconds. If the mass of the
body is increased by 4 kg, its timer period increases by 2 sec. Determine value of initial mass m.

m m m+4
In Ist case : T = 2π 4 = 2π ...(i) and in IInd case: 6 = 2π ...(ii)
k k k

4 m 16 m
Divide (i) by (ii) = ⇒ = ⇒m = 3.2 kg
6 m+4 36 m + 4


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
Illustration 15
One body is suspended from a spring of length , spring constant k and has time period T. Now if spring is
divided in two equal parts which are joined in parallel and the same body is suspended from this
arrangement then determine new time period.
Spring constant in parallel combination k' = 2k + 2k = 4k
m m m 1 T T
∴T' = 2π = 2π = 2π × = =
k' 4k k 4 4 2
Illustration 16
A block of mass m is on a horizontal slab of mass M which is moving horizontally and executing S.H.M. The
coefficient of static friction between block and slab is µ. If block is not separated from slab then determine
angular frequency of oscillation.
If block is not separated from slab then restoring force due to S.H.M. should be less than frictional force

between slab and block.

Frestoring ≤ Ffriction ⇒ m amax. ≤ µmg ⇒ amax. ≤ µg ⇒ ω A ≤ µg ⇒ ω ≤

Illustration 17
A block of mass m is attached from a spring of spring constant k and dropped from its natural length. Find
the amplitude of S.H.M.
Let amplitude of S.H.M. be A then by work energy theorem W = ∆KE
1 2mg
mgx0 – kx20 = 0 ⇒ x 0 =
2 k
x=0, v=0 m
So amplitude A =
k x=x0, v=0 m
Illustration 18
Periodic time of oscillation T1 is obtained when a mass is suspended from a spring. If another spring is used
with same mass then periodic time of oscillation is T2. Now if this mass is suspended from series
combination of above springs then calculate the time period.

m m 4π2 m m m 4π2 m
T1 =2π ⇒ T12 =4π2 ⇒ k1 = 2 and T2 =2π ⇒ T22 =4π2 ⇒ k2 = 2
k1 k1 T1 k2 k2 T2

4π2 m
K eq. = 2

In series combination –
1 1 1 k1 k2 k1
= +
K eq. K1 K 2
m m
Teq. T12 T22 k2
= +
4π2 m 4π2 m 4π2 m
2 2
Teq. T +T1 2


Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
Illustration 19
Infinite springs with force constants k, 2k, 4k, 8k, ..... respectively are connected in series. Calculate the
effective force constant of the spring.

1 1 1 1 1 a
= + + + + .............∞ (For infinite G.P. S∞ = where a = First term, r = common ratio)
k eff k 2k 4k 8k 1−r

 
1 1 1 1 1  1 1  2
= 1 + + + + ...........=  = so keff = k/2
k eff k  2 4 8  k 1 − 1  k
 2 
Illustration 20
Frequency of oscillation of a body is 6 Hz when force F1 is applied and 8 Hz when F2 is applied. If both

forces F1 & F2 are applied together then find out the frequency of oscillation. [AIPMT 2004]

According to question F1 = – K1 x & F2 = – K2x

1 K1 1 K2
so n1 = = 6Hz ; n2 = = 8 Hz
2π m 2π m

1 K1 + K 2
Now F = F1 + F2 = – (K1 + K2)x Therefore n =
2π m

1 4π2 n12 m + 4π2 n22 m

⇒ n= = n12 + n22 = 82 + 62 = 10 Hz
2π m

1. A man with a wrist watch on his hand falls from the top of a tower. Does the watch give correct time during
the free fall ?

2. Calculate the time period of following system. 2K

3. A body of mass 'm' is suspended from a vertical spring of length 'L'. It execute S.H.M. with a time period T.
Find the time period if

(a) Length of spring is made half.

(b) Mass of body is made half.

4. When a mass of 1 kg is suspended from a vertical spring, its length increases by 0.98 m. If this mass is
pulled downwards and then released, what will be periodic time of vibration of spring ? (g=9.8 m/s2).

5. A block of mass ‘m’ moving with velocity (v) collides perfectly inelastically with another identical block
attached to spring of force constant K. What will be the amplitude of resulting SHM ?

6. A spring having a spring constant 1200 Nm–1 is mounted on a horizontal table. A mass of 3kg is attached to
the free end of the spring. The mass is then pulled to a distance of 2.0 cm and released. Determine
Maximum acceleration of mass.


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
7. A spring balance has a scale that reads from 0 to 50 kg. The length of the scale is 20 cm. A body
suspended from this balance, when displaced and released, oscillates with a period of 0.6 s. What is the
weight of the body? (take g = 9.8 m/s2)
8. A trolley of mass 3.0 kg, as shown in Fig., is
connected to two springs, each of spring has spring
constant 600 Nm . If the trolley is displaced from its 3.0 kg
600 Nm–1 600 Nm–1
equilibrium position by 5.0 cm and released, what is (a)
the period of ensuing oscillations, and (b) the maximum
speed of the trolley ? How much energy is dissipated as
heat by the time the trolley comes to rest due to
damping forces?

If a heavy point mass is suspended by a weightless, inextensible and perfectly flexible string from a rigid
support, then this arrangement is called a simple pendulum

Expression for time period

Bob of pendulum moves along the arc of circle in vertical plane. Here motion involved is angular and
oscillatory where restoring torque is provided by gravitational force.

τ = –(mg)(sinθ) (Negative sign shows opposite direction of τ and angular displacement)

τ = –mgθ (If angular displacement is small, then sin θ ≈ θ )

Iα = –mgθ

α=− θ (where I = moment of inertia of bob about point of suspension so I = m2)

mg g d2 θ g
Now α = − θ ⇒ α = − θ ⇒ + θ =0
m 2  dt2 

It is differential equation of angular SHM of simple pendulum. θ

Effective T
Comparing with standard differential equation length 
 d 2θ 
of angular SHM  2
+ ω2θ = 0  :- y
 dt  CM
2π 
Therefore T= = 2π
ω g

Note : Simple pendulum is the example of SHM but only when its angular displacement is very small.

Important points :
1. The time period of simple pendulum is independent from mass of the bob but it depends on size of bob
(position of centre of mass). So in simple pendulum when a solid iron bob is replaced by light aluminium bob
of same radius then time period remains unchanged.


Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
2. Time period of simple pendulum is directly proportional to square root of length.


 T ' T'  ' >

∴ T' > T

O  O 

When a person sitting on an oscillating swing comes in standing position then centre of mass raises upwards
and length decreases, so time period decreases and frequency increases means swing oscillates faster.

3. When a hollow spherical bob of simple pendulum is completely filled with water and a small hole is made in
bottom of it, then as water drainout, at first its time period increases, after that it decrease and when sphere
becomes empty then finally it becomes as before (T).

 1 
4. If simple pendulum is shifted to poles, equator or hilly areas, then its time period may be different  T ∝ 
 g 

5. If a clock based on oscillation of simple pendulum is shifted from earth to moon then it becomes slow
gM 1
because its time period increases and becomes 6 times compare to earth. = ⇒ TM = 6TE
gE 6

6. Periodic time of simple pendulum in reference system

T= 2 π

where, geff. = effective gravity acceleration in reference system

or total downward acceleration. v

(a) If reference system is lift
(i) If velocity of lift v = constant

acceleration a = 0 and geff. = g

∴ T= 2 π
(ii) If lift is moving upwards with acceleration a

geff. = g + a
geff= g+a

T= 2 π ⇒ T decreases

(iii) If lift is moving downwards with acceleration a a

geff. = g – a

 geff= g–a
∴ T= 2 π ⇒ T increases


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
(iv) If lift falls downwards freely

geff. = g – g = 0 ⇒ T=∞ simple pendulum will not oscillate

If simple pendulum is shifted to the centre of earth, freely falling lift, in artificial satellite then it will not
oscillate and its time period is infinite ( geff. = 0).

(b) A simple pendulum is mounted on a moving truck

(i) If truck is moving with constant velocity, no pseudo force acts on the pendulum and time period

remains same T= 2π

(ii) If truck accelerates forward with acceleration f then a pseudo force acts in opposite direction.

So effective acceleration, geff. = g2 + a2 and T' =2π
geff. 
 g +a g
Time period T'= 2π
2 2

⇒ T' decreases a
2 2
g +a

7. If a simple pendulum of density σ is made to oscillate in a liquid of density ρ then its time period will increase
as compare to that of air and is given by
Fnet = Fg – Fb
mgnet mg Vρg Vρg  ρ
= − , gnet = g – = g 1 −  Fb
m m m Vσ  σ 
σ ρ

T= 2 π Fg
 ρ
1 − σ  g
 
8. (a) If the bob of simple pendulum has positive charge q and pendulum
is placed in uniform electric field which is in downward direction +q
E m
then time period decreases
 mg + qE
T= 2 π
(b) If the bob of simple pendulum has positive charge q and is
made is oscillate in uniform electric field acting in upward +q
E m
direction then time period increases
mg – qE

T= 2 π

9. T = 2π is valid when length of simple pendulum () is negligible as compare to radius of earth ( << R)

but if  is comparable to radius of earth


Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
R  1
then time period T =
2π =
2π =

 R   1 1 
1 +   g g 1 + 
R  + R g
     

The time period of oscillation of simple pendulum of infinite length

R 1
T= 2 π ~ 84.6 minute ≈ 1 hour It is maximum time period.
g 2

10. Second's pendulum

If the time period of a simple pendulum is 2 second then it is called second's pendulum. Second's pendulum
take one second to go from one extreme position to other extreme position.

For second's pendulum, time period T = 2 = 2π

At the surface of earth g = 9.8 m/s2 ≈ π2 m/s2,
So length of second pendulum at the surface of earth  ≈ 1 metre

11. When a long and short pendulum start oscillation simultaneously then both will be in same phase in
minimum time when short pendulum complete one more oscillation compare to long pendulum.
After starting, if long pendulum completes N oscillation to come in same phase in minimum time then short
will complete (N+1) oscillation.
t NT=
 ( N + 1) TS
s T
 T
     
N  2π   =(N + 1)  2π s 
 g   g 

N =
 (N + 1)  s


 Simple pendulum performs angular S.H.M. but due to small angular displacement, it is considered as linear

 If time period of clock based on simple pendulum increases then clock will be slow and if time period
decreases then clock will be fast.

 If ∆ is change in length and ∆g is the change in acceleration then for small variation

(up to 5%) change in time period (∆T) will be

∆T  1 ∆ 1 ∆g 
× 100=  −  × 100
T 2  2 g 
 Due to change in shape of earth (not spherical but elliptical) gravitational acceleration is different at
different places. So time period of simple pendulum varies with variation of g.
 The time period of simple pendulum is independent of mass of bob.


Physics : Oscillations (SHM) ®
Illustration 21
A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of a lift. When the lift is at rest, its time period is T. With
what acceleration should lift be accelerated upwards in order to reduce its time period to ?

In stationary lift T= 2 π ...(i)

T 
In accelerated lift = T '= 2π ...(ii)
2 g+a

Divide (i) by (ii) 2= or g + a = 4g or a = 3g
Illustration 22

The length of a second's pendulum at the surface of earth is 1m. Determine the length of second's pendulum
at the surface of moon.

For second's pendulum at the surface of earth 2= 2π ...(i)

For second's pendulum at the surface of moon 2= 2π ...(ii)

e m g  e  ge 
From (i) and (ii) =  m =  m  e  m =  gm =
ge gm  ge  6  6 

 m = m
Illustration 23
If length of a simple pendulum is increased by 4%. Then determine percentage change in time period.
∆T 1 ∆
Percentage change in time period × 100% = × 100 [ ∆g = 0]
T 2 
∆ ∆T 1
According to question × 100 = 4% ∴ × 100% = × 4% = 2%
 T 2
Illustration 24
A simple pendulum of length L and mass M is suspended in a car. The car is moving on a circular track of
radius R with a uniform speed v. If the pendulum makes oscillation in a radial direction about its equilibrium
position, then calculate its time period .

Centripetal acceleration ac = & Acceleration due to gravity = g R v2
R aC =
 v2  L L
So =
geff 2
g +  ⇒ Time period T =
2π =
2π g geff
R geff 2 v4
g + 2

Physics : Oscillations (SHM)
1. The angle made by the string of a simple pendulum with the vertical depends upon time as
θ= sin πt. Find the length of the pendulum if g = π2 ms–1
2. The bob of a simple pendulum is a hollow sphere filled with water. Explain how will the period of oscillation
change if the water begins to drain out of the hollow sphere through a small hole in the bottom ?
3. A girl is swinging on the swing in the sitting position. What shall be effect on the frequency of oscillation
if she stands up ?
4. Why a pendulum clock does not work during free fall or in an artificial satellite ?
5. Find the time period and frequency of a simple pendulum of 1·000 m at a location where g = 9·800 m/s2.
6. What is the length of a simple pendulum whose time period of oscillation for small amplitudes equals
2·0 seconds
7. What is the frequency of oscillation of a simple pendulum mounted in a cabin that is freely falling under
gravity ?

1. (i) – (a), (ii) – (b), (iii) – (c),  π
1. Y = 0.1sin  4t + 
(iv) – (c), (v) – (a), (vi) – (a)  4
(vii) – (b) 15 1 5 –1
2. and 3. 2f 4. s
2. 0.5 s 16 16 π
3. (a) 0.67 s, (b) rad , (c) 0.04 metre 1. watch will give correct time because it depends on
spring action and does not depend on gravity.
2. 2π 3. (a) T' = , (b) T' =
1. 0.025m, y = 0.025 sin (40πt) m K 2 2
3 π m
2. ms–1 3. 2 cm and rad 4. 2s 5. A = v 6. 8 m/s2
8 4 2K
7. 218.7 N 8. (a) 0.314 s, (b) 1 m/s, 1.5 J
1 2
4. 9.52 cm 5. (a) s, (b) s
1. 1m
6. 7. 5 3 m,30 m/s 2. The time period will increase at first, then
decrease until the sphere is empty acquire its
8. (a) When particle moves from extreme to mean initial value.
position 3. increase

(b) When particle moves from mean to extreme 4. In both cases effective acceleration due to gravity
becomes zero. In absence of ‘geff’ there is no
restoring force and pendulum does not oscillate.
9. (a) 0, +, +; (b) 0, –, –; (c) –, 0, 0; 5. 2 s, 0.5 Hz
(d) –, –, – ; (e) +, +, +; (f) –, +, + 6. 0·99 m

10. 100 m/min 7. zero


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