International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Khaled Al-Salem, Hakan F. Öztop, Ioan Pop, Yasin Varol

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112

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Effects of moving lid direction on MHD mixed convection in a linearly heated cavity
Khaled Al-Salem a, Hakan F. Öztop b,a, Ioan Pop c,⇑, Yasin Varol b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, King Saud University, College of Engineering, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technology Faculty, Fırat University, Elazig, Turkey
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Cluj, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, CP 253, Romania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Effects of moving lid-direction on MHD mixed convection in a cavity with the bottom wall being linearly
Received 10 April 2011 heated are analyzed using a numerical technique. Vertical walls of the enclosure are adiabatic and the
Received in revised form 27 August 2011 sliding wall at the top has constant temperature. The lid moves in the negative and positive x-direction.
Accepted 4 September 2011
Finite volume method has been used to solve the governing equations. Results are presented for different
Available online 7 November 2011
values of Hartmann number (0 6 Ha 6 30), Reynolds number (100 6 Re 6 1000) and Grashof number
(104 6 Gr 6 106). It is found that direction of lid is more effective on heat transfer and fluid flow in the
case of mixed convection than it is the case in forced convection. Heat transfer is also decreased with
Mixed convection
increasing of magnetic field for all studied parameters.
Enclosure Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Magnetic field
Numerical solution

1. Introduction vertical temperature gradient. They showed conventional lid-dri-

ven cavity flow patterns for a non-stratified fluid for small values
Mixed convection heat transfer and fluid flow in cavities with of the Richardson number. Oztop et al. [8] inserted a circular body
moving lid are important subjects of investigation due to their ef- inside the lid-driven cavity to control heat and fluid flow. Both
fect on many engineering applications and nature phenomena, thermally stable and unstable lid-driven flows in cavities are inves-
such as lakes and large reservoirs, solar collectors, crystal growth, tigated by Torrance et al. [9] for constant values of Reynolds num-
food processing and float glass production [1–3]. Heat transfer in ber. The Richardson number, which represents the ratio of
low speed lid-driven cavity flow is treated mostly as mixed convec- buoyancy to shear forces, is a controlling parameter for heat and
tion. The flow driven by the movement of one or two of the walls is fluid flow.
creating a forced convection conditions while temperature differ- Few investigators have studied the lid driven cavity flow with
ence across the cavity causes a buoyancy driven, secondary flow. varying temperature boundary conditions. For example, Basak
Thus, complicated patterns of heat and mass transfer occur inside et al. [10] investigated mixed convection flows in a lid-driven
the cavity. square cavity filled with porous medium using penalty finite ele-
In the open literature, lid-driven cavity flow under linearly ment method. In their study, the bottom wall of the cavity is uni-
varying temperature boundary condition is investigated without formly heated and temperature of one side wall varies linearly. It is
the effect of magnetic field. For example, Aydin [4] studied the aid- found that average Nusselt numbers for bottom, left and right
ing and constricting mechanisms to mixed convection in a shear walls are almost invariant with Grashof number at Pr ¼ 0:7 for
and buoyancy driven cavity flows. He showed the forced, mixed all values of Darcy number on linearly heated side walls or cooled
and natural convection regimes for different Richardson numbers. right wall. Oztop and Varol [11] analyzed the combined convection
In another study of Aydin and Yang [5], mixed convection in double in an inclined cavity under sinusoidally varying temperature
sided square cavity with partial heating is investigated. Oztop and boundary condition. The inclination angle can be a control param-
Dağtekin [6] studied the opposite moving side walls cavity flow eter for both heat transfer and fluid flow inside the cavity. In an-
using SIMPLEM algorithm. They observed different regimes at dif- other study by Basak et al. [12], different type of linear boundary
ferent value of Richardson number. Iwatsu et al. [7] studied mixed condition was applied for the same problem.
convection heat transfer in a lid-driven cavity flow with a stable The influence of a magnetic field is of great importance in many
industrial applications such as crystal growth, metal casting and li-
⇑ Corresponding author. quid metal cooling blankets for fusion reactors. It is effective for
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H.F. Öztop), [email protected] both natural and mixed convection. Chamkha [1] studied the prob-
(I. Pop). lem of unsteady, laminar, mixed convection flow in a square cavity

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1104 K. Al-Salem et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112


A aspect ratio, H/L x, y dimensional Cartesian coordinates, m

B0 constant applied magnetic field w width of the heater, m
g acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
Gr Grashof number Greek letters
H height of enclosure, m a thermal diffusivity, m2/s
Ha Hartmann number b coefficient of thermal expansion of fluid, 1/K
k thermal conduction coefficient l dynamic viscosity, Nsm2
L length of enclosure, m m kinematic viscosity, m2/s
Nu Nusselt number r electrical conductivity
p pressure, N/m2 q fluid density, kgm3
Pr Prandtl number U general variables
T dimensionless temperature
Tc temperature of the cold wall, °C Subscript
Th temperature of the hot wall, °C lid lid-driven
u, v dimensional velocity components along x and y axes,

in the presence of internal heat generation or absorption with a

magnetic field in an isothermally heated lid driven enclosure. In
his study, the enclosure moves in vertical direction. He indicated
that the flow behavior and the heat transfer characteristics inside
the cavity are strongly affected by the presence of the magnetic
field. Kahveci and Oztuna [13] investigated the MHD flow in a di-
vided cavity for the case of natural convection using differential
quadrature technique. Recently, Rahman et al. [14] worked on
the conjugate effect of joule heating and magneto-hydrodynamics
mixed convection in an obstructed lid-driven cavity. In their case,
the isothermal wall has constant temperature. They found that
heat transfer decreases with increasing of Hartmann number.
The main aim of the present publication is to investigate the ef-
fects of moving lid-direction for both forced and mixed convection
heat transfer of hydromagnetic fluid. The above literature survey
indicates that the behavior of hydromagnetic fluid under mixed
convection in linearly heated lid-driven cavity is not studied ear-
lier. Thus, the study will make a contribution in heat and fluid flow

2. Physical model

The physical domain considered is a two-dimensional enclosure

(aspect ratio, A = H/L = 1) as shown in Fig. 1. Both geometries are
the same except for the direction of moving lid. In the case of
Fig. 1(a), the lid moves in +x direction and in Fig. 1(b), it moves
in x direction. Fig. 1(a) shows the boundary conditions and coor-
dinates while dimensions are given in Fig. 1(b). The enclosure is
filled with air. The vertical boundaries are adiabatic and the bot-
tom wall has non-isothermal boundary conditions.
Fig. 1. Schematical model with coordinate and boundary conditions: (a) lid moves
3. Governing equations in +X direction; (b) lid moves in X direction.

Fig. 1 illustrates the physical model (square cavity) with bound-

mode of heat transfer, Joule heating and Hall effects are neglected
ary conditions and coordinates. Dimensions of model is presented
according to other modes of heat transfer. Thus, using the coordi-
by L = H. As seen from the schematical view, the top wall moves
nate system shown in Fig. 1, the governing equations can be writ-
with constant velocity at different directions and it has also iso-
ten in dimensional form
thermal boundary condition but its temperature is equal to mini-
mum temperature of linear heating on bottom wall. Vertical @u @ v
þ ¼0 ð1Þ
walls are adiabatic and all walls are impermeable. The uniform @x @y
magnetic field B0 is also applied to the fluid in the normal to y. !
Based on the model, two dimensional, laminar, steady equa- @u @u 1 @p @2u @2u
tions are written by considering a uniform applied magnetic field. u þv ¼ þm þ ð2Þ
@x @y q @x @x2 @y2
We assumed that Boussinesq approximation is valid and radiation
K. Al-Salem et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112 1105

We introduce now the following dimensionless variables

x y u v p
X¼ ; Y¼ ; U¼ ; V¼ ; P¼ ; h
H H U lid U lid qU 2lid
T  Tc
¼ ð5Þ
Th  Tc
where we take U lid ¼ a=H. Thus, Eqs. (1)–(4) become
@U @V
þ ¼0 ð6Þ
@X @Y
@U @U @P @2U @2U
U þV ¼ þ Pr þ ð7Þ
@X @Y @X @X 2 @Y 2
@V @V @P @2V @2V Gr
U þV ¼ þ Pr þ þ Ha2 PrV þ Prh ð8Þ
@X @Y @Y @X 2 @Y 2 Re2

@h @h @ 2 h @ 2 h
U þV ¼ þ ð9Þ
@X @Y @X 2 @Y 2
Fig. 2. Streamlines for Re = 1000.
! Here Pr is the Prandtl number, Gr is the Grashof number, Re is the
@v @v 1 @p @2v @2v rB2 Reynolds number and Ha is the magnetic parameter or Hartmann
u þv ¼ þm þ þ 0 v þ gbðT  T c Þ ð3Þ number, which are defined as
@x @y q @y @x2 @y2 q
m gbðT h  T c ÞH3 U lid H rH
@T @T @2T @2T Pr ¼ ; Gr ¼ ; Re ¼ ; Ha ¼ B0 ð10Þ
u þv ¼a þ ð4Þ a m2 m l
@x @y @x2 @y2







Fig. 3. Comparison of results with literature for the case (Ha = 10) of lid-driven flow and linear heating, results in left column from Ref. [14], results from present study: (a)
streamlines Gr/Re2 = 5; (b) isotherms Gr/Re2 = 5.
1106 K. Al-Salem et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112

Table 1 on the left wall X ¼ 0; 0 < Y < 1; U ¼ 0; V ¼ 0; @h=@X ¼ 0 ð11cÞ

Verification of the streamfunction values with literature (see Fig. 2).

Present study Ref. [2] on the right wall X ¼ 1; 0 < Y < 1; U ¼ 0; V ¼ 0; @h=@X ¼ 0 ð11dÞ
4 4
d 0.92  10 d 1.0  10 The local Nusselt number Nux is given from its definition
e 0.0061 e 0.01
f 0.025 f 0.03
(Eq. (7)) and the average Nusselt number Nu is calculated by inte-
g 0.039 g 0.05 grating the local Nusselt number along the bottom wall as given
h 0.053 h 0.07   Z L
i 0.08 i 0.09 @T
j 0.094 j 0.1 Nuy ¼  ; Nu ¼ Nuy dx ð12Þ
@y y¼0 0
k 0.103 k 0.11
l 0.108 l 0.115
m 0.11 m 0.1175
4. Numerical solution and code validation

3.1. Boundary conditions Finite volume method has been used to discretize the non-
dimensional governing equations (Eqs. (1)–(4)). The resulting lin-
On the solid walls no-slip boundary conditions were applied. ear equations were solved by using Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithm
The relevant boundary conditions are given as follows: (TDMA) under boundary conditions as Eqs. (11) (a) to (d). SIMPLE
solution algorithm of Patankar [15] was used and modified version
on the top wall Y ¼ 1; 0 < X < 1; U ¼ þ1 or  1; V ¼ 0; h ¼ 0 ð11aÞ of SAINTS (software for arbitrary integration of Navier–Stokes
equation with turbulence and porous media simulator) code was
on the bottom wall Y ¼ 0; 0 < X < 1; U ¼ 0; V ¼ 0; h ¼ 1  X ð11bÞ
used [16]. A hybrid of the central difference and upwind schemes









Fig. 4. Isotherms (on the left) and Streamlines (on the right) for Re = 100, Ra = 0.0 and Ha = 0.0 at different moving lid directions: (a) lid in +X direction; (b) lid in X direction.
K. Al-Salem et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112 1107



0.4 0.3





0.25 -0.000123783


0.5 0.35 0.3




0.3 0.3
0.40.4 5

Fig. 5. Isotherms (on the left) and streamlines (on the right) for Re = 1000 and Ra = 0.0; lid moves in X direction: (a) Ha = 0.0; (b) Ha = 30; (c) Ha = 30.

was used for the convective and diffusive terms. The following val- grid tests. The iteration process is terminated when the following
ues for under-relaxation factor, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2 and 0.5 were used for condition is satisfied
u-velocity, v-velocity, pressure and temperature, respectively. X  m . X 

 m1  5
48  48 spatial grid were used in this study after making several Ui;j  Um1
i;j  Ui;j  < 10 ð13Þ
i;j i;j
1108 K. Al-Salem et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112


0.2 0.25 35

0.6 0.000450743
0.75 1.73248E-05





0 .7 3.61307E-06





0.25 0.000957831

Fig. 6. Isotherms (on the left) and streamlines (on the right) for Re ¼ 1000 and Ra ¼ 0:0; lid moves in +X direction: (a) Ha = 0.0; (b) Ha = 30; (c) Ha = 30.

where U stands for either T or U and V, and m denotes the iteration ing equations. The study is little modified to get similar conditions
step. with Rahman et al. [11]. Their results also included Joule effect
The code is validated with two different studies. In the first, val- (Ha = 10and J = 0.0). Streamlines and isotherms are plotted in
idation of the code was performed by comparing results with study Fig. 3. The left column belongs to results from literature. In the sec-
of Rahman et al. [14]. In their case, Galerkin weighted residual ond validation, a study by Ghia et al. [2] was used to test the pres-
method of finite element formulation is used to solve the govern- ent results. In this comparison the studied parameters are chosen
K. Al-Salem et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112 1109


-0.55 -0.65

0.1 0.05
0.2 0.1
0.25 0.3 0.15




0.6 0.6

0.55 0.8


Fig. 7. Streamlines (top row) and isotherms (bottom row) for Re = 100 and Ha = 0.0: (a) Gr = 106, lid moves in X direction, (b) Gr = 106, lid moves in +X direction.

as Re = 1000 and Gr = 0.0 for a square cavity. Streamfunction values the temperature distribution inside the cavity when lid moves in
are also given in Table 1 and Fig. 4 for comparison purposes. The the negative x-direction. Isotherms and streamlines are presented
results of both tests showed acceptable result by the present code. to show the effects of Hartmann number when lid moves in the
X-direction. Fig. 5(a) shows the classical forced convection prob-
5. Results and discussion lem for Re ¼ 1000 with the linearly varying temperature at the
bottom wall. It is seen that the main flow circulates in counter-
A numerical study has been performed in this work to study the clockwise direction with wmax = 0.09. Also, two other eddies are
effects of joule heating and magnetic field on non-isothermally formed at the right and left bottom corners. Thermal boundary
heated square enclosure. Study is performed for different values layer becomes thinner especially near the left part of the bottom
of the Rayleigh and Hartmann numbers. Fig. 4(a) and (b) present wall. Due to the low temperature of the moving lid, the upper part
the isotherms (on the left) and streamlines (on the right) for of the cavity becomes cooler as seen from isotherms. For the high-
Re = 100, Ra = 0.0 (forced convection) and Ha = 0.0 (absent mag- est value of Hartmann number, flow structure changes completely.
netic field). In these figures, the direction effect of the moving lid Two big eddies are formed inside the cavity with wmax = 0.04 and
is shown for +X-direction (Fig. 4(a)) and X-direction (Fig. 4(b)), wmax = 0.00061. They revolve in different directions and bottom
respectively. Moving lid direction is important due to the temper- half of the cavity behaves as a single cavity. Thermal boundary
ature difference along the bottom wall as given in problem defini- layer increases due to increasing of effectiveness of magnetic field.
tion. As seen in Fig. 4, streamlines show mirror image for different Temperature is distributed starting from the left corner into the
moving lid-directions and the absolute value of streamfunction is cavity as illustrated in Fig. 5(b).
equal to 0.1. On the other hand, temperature distribution changes Fig. 6 displays the effects of different lid directions on temper-
with changing the lid direction even for Gr = 0.0. In Fig. 4(a), tem- ature and flow fields for forced convection. In this case, the lid
perature is distributed from the bottom with circulated flow in moves in +X direction. It is seen that the direction of moving lid af-
clockwise direction and it goes up to the top right corner. The right fects the temperature distribution only and the main flow direction
bottom corner is not effective due to the lack of fluid motion in that remains as expected. Hartmann number becomes effective on the
area of the cavity. However, the right side of bottom wall affects flow field with the change of direction at Ha = 30. This indicates
1110 K. Al-Salem et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112














0 0.

0. .65 0 5
0.8 0.8 .8
0.9 5 5

Fig. 8. Streamlines (top row) and isotherms (bottom row) for Re = 100 and Gr = 105: (a) Ha = 30, lid moves in +X direction; (b) Ha = 30, lid moves in X direction.

that the direction of moving lid becomes insignificant in case of flow and heat transfer parameters to control energy. Thus, energy
forced convection. Fig. 7 illustrates the results for streamlines saving is possible with these passive methods.
(top row) and isotherms (bottom row) at different Grashof num- Variation of temperature, U and V velocity profiles for different lid
bers for Re = 100 and Ha = 0.0. In the presence of domination of directions and Grashof numbers for Re = 100 and Ha = 10 is illus-
natural convection to the forced convection, the direction of the trated in Figs. 9(a) to (c). The figures clearly indicate that moving
lid movement becomes important due to linear heating of the bot- lid direction is more effective with presence of mixed convection.
tom wall. When lid moves in x direction, the fluid impinges to the When lid moves in - X direction, higher temperature values are
left vertical wall and separates to two parts. For moving lid in X formed up to Y = 0.70. On the contrary, natural convection play dom-
direction, double cells were formed inside the cavity. In this case, inant role when lid moves in +X direction. Thus, temperature be-
a small cell is formed at the top left corner with wmax = 0.05 and comes almost constant. When lid moves in X direction and due
dominant cell with wmin = 0.55 at the middle of the cavity as to decreasing of Richardson number lower velocities are formed in-
shown in Fig. 7 (a). Isotherms are affected by this eddy at the left side the cavity. Table 2 is prepared to see the effects of studied
top corner. It means that natural convection is effective in that re- parameters as Reynolds number, Grashof number, Hartmann num-
gion. However, this small cell disappeared when lid moves to +x ber and moving lid direction on heat transfer. Heat transfer is pre-
direction and single eddy forms with wmin = 0.65 as seen from sented by Eq. (12). Global results are showed that higher heat
Fig. 7(b). Isotherms are clustered near the top lid. Fig. 8 shows transfer is formed when lid moves in the +X direction for both forced
the results at Ha = 10 and 30 for Re = 100 and Gr = 105. Location and mixed convection cases. Hartmann number decreases the heat
of the main cell is also moved toward to upper side of the cavity transfer for both direction of the lid. Heat Transfer increases with
as shown in Fig. 8(a). The isotherms become almost parallel to increasing of Grashof number and Reynolds number.
the vertical adiabatic wall indicating less heat transfer. But this dis-
tribution is completely changed with the change of lid direction as 6. Conclusions
in Fig. 8(b) (lid moves in X direction). Similarly, the flow strength
is decreased for Ha = 30. The center of the upper eddy moves to- We investigated in this study the effects of moving top wall
ward the top while the bottom eddy is inflated. To summarize, direction in a linearly heated square cavity at different values of
both moving lid direction and Hartmann number can be a good Re, Gr and Ha numbers. Both forced and mixed convection cases
K. Al-Salem et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112 1111


(b) 1.0
Gr=10E5 U (+x direction)
Gr=10E5 U (-x direction)
Gr=10E6 U (+x direction)
Gr=10E6 U (-x direction)



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

(c) 0.06
Gr=10E5 U (+x direction)
Gr=10E5 U (-x direction)
0.04 Gr=10E6 U (+x direction)
Gr=10E6 U (-x direction)






0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 9. Variation of temperature at X = 0.5; (a) U velocity profiles at X = 0.5; (b) V velocity profiles at Y = 0.5 for different moving direction and Grashof number for Re = 100 and
Ha = 10; (c) Ha = 30.
1112 K. Al-Salem et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 1103–1112

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