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4 - Runoff - Part 2

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Runoff Calculation by Infiltration Method

 Runoff can be predicted from the knowledge of storm characteristics

and infiltration characteristics of the area.

 In the hydrological calculations involving runoff (or flood), it is

convenient to use a constant value of infiltration rate for the duration of
the storm.

 The average infiltration rate is called Infiltration Index. Infiltration index

method is not 100% accurate but it gives satisfactory results.

 The general process is to establish some easily computed index factor

from the observed data of natural storm. The following two indices are
in common use:
• Ø- Index
• W- index or average index
 Average rainfall above which the rainfall volume is equal to the runoff

 Can be determined from the rainfall hyetograph with knowledge of the

resulting surface runoff.

 Ø-index is found by assuming it as a constant infiltration capacity.

If rainfall intensity <= Ø

then infiltration rate = rainfall intensity
else (i.e. rainfall intensity >Ø)
Ø = constant infiltration rate, and the difference between rainfall amount
and infiltration in an interval of time represents surface runoff.
 The amount of rainfall in excess of Ø-Index is called rainfall excess or
effective rainfall.

 Ø-Index methods assumes too much runoff at the beginning and too
little at the end of the storm.

Example: A storm with 10 cm precipitation produced a direct runoff of 5.8

cm. Given the time distribution of the storm as below, estimate Ø-index of
the storm.

Time from start (h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Incremental Rainfall 0.4 0.9 1.5 2.3 1.8 1.6 1.0 0.5
in each hour
Total infiltration = 10.0 – 5.8 = 4.2cm
For First Trial: Assuming that time of rainfall excess = 8 h
Ø = 4.2/8 = 0.525 cm/h

Since rainfall amount during first and eighth hour is less, this value of Ø is unacceptable.
Therefore, we choose another time of rainfall excess = 6 h

Infiltration during 6 hr period (2 to 7hr) = (10- 0.4 -0.5 –5.8) = 3.3 cm

Ø = 3.3/6 = 0.55 cm/h

This value of Ø is satisfactory since rainfall during 6 h > 0.55. Therefore, rainfall excess
would be:

Time from start (h) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rainfall excess in 0 0.35 0.95 1.75 1.25 1.05 0.45 0

each hour
Rainfall Hyetograph

Rainfall First Trial Second Trial

Rainfall Intensity (cm/hr)


Runoff or Rainfall Excess
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Time (hr)
W-index or Average index

W-index is defined as the average rate of infiltration during the time rainfall
intensity exceeds the infiltration rate.
W 

P = Total storm precipitation (cm)
R = Total surface runoff (cm)
S = Surface detention (cm)
t = Duration of rainfall excess, i.e., total time during which rainfall intensity is
greater than W (h)

W-index = Ø-index – Average Rate of retention by depression storage
Soil and Water Conservation Structures

Drop Spillway Drop Spillway

Drop Spillway Small Earthen Dam

Rational Method for Estimating Peak
Runoff Rate

It is one of the most popular methods of determining peak runoff rate for
designing soil conservation structures. The design peak runoff rate is
expressed by:

Q 
C. i. A Applicable for < 1300 ha
Q = Peak runoff rate in m3/s,
C = Runoff coefficient,
i = Rainfall intensity in cm/h for a duration equal to time of
concentration of watershed and for a desired return period,
A = Area of the watershed in ha.
IDF Curve

 Rainfall occurs at uniform intensity for a duration at least equal to the time
of concentration, and
 Rainfall occurs at uniform intensity over the entire area of the watershed.

Since, there is hardly a rainfall satisfying both these conditions exactly, the
estimation of runoff is rather approximate by this method.
However, for design of relatively inexpensive structures where the
consequences of failure are limited, this method is considered sufficiently

Use of this method requires three parameters:

 Time of concentration, (Tc)
 Rainfall intensity (i)
 Runoff coefficient (C)
Time of Concentration (Tc)

 It is the time required for water to flow from the most remote (with
respect to flow time) point of the area to the outlet.

 Most widely accepted method of computing Tc was developed by

Kirpich (1940):
Tc  0.0195 L0.77 S 0.385

Where, Tc = Time of concentration of a watershed, min

L = Maximum length of flow, m (measured along the
drainage line)
S = Slope of the watershed (ΔH/L)
ΔH = Elevation difference between remotest point on the
watershed and outlet, m
Rainfall Intensity (i)

Rainfall intensity corresponding to a duration Tc and desired return period T (or

probability of occurrence, P) is found from the frequency-duration curve for the
area. Usually this is a relationship of the form:

KT x
i 
Tc  a m

where K, x, a, and m are constants.

Runoff Coefficient (C)

 It represents the integrated effects of the catchment losses.
 Thus it is a function of surface condition and slope.
Types of drainage area C
Urban Area
Lawns Sandy soil, flat, 2% 0.05-0.10
Sandy soil, step, 7% 0.15-0.20
Heavy soil, average, 2-7% 0.18-0.22
Residential area Single family area 0.30-0.50
Multiple units 0.60-0.75
Industrial Light 0.50-0.80
Heavy 0.60-0.90
Streets 0.70-0.95
Agricultural Area
Flat Tight clay, cultivated 0.50
Tight clay, woodland 0.40
Sandy loam, cultivated 0.20
Sandy loam, woodland 0.10
Hilly Tight clay, cultivated 0.70
Tight clay, woodland 0.60
Sandy loam, cultivated 0.40
Sandy loam, woodland 0.30

An agricultural area has a runoff coefficient of 0.20 and area of 0.75 sq. km.
The slope of the catchment is 0.5% and the maximum length of travel of
water is 1 km. The maximum depth of rainfall with a 50 yr return period is as

Duration (min) 5 10 20 30 40 60
Depth of Rainfall 20 29 38 53 60 65

If a bund for drainage at the outlet of this area is to be designed for a return
period of 50 years, estimate the peak flow rate.

Tc  0.0195 L0.77 S 0.385

= 0.0195(1000)0.77 (0.005)-0.385 = 30.6 min

From Table by interpolation:

Maximum depth of rainfall for 30.6 min duration = ((60 –53) x0.6/10) + 53
= 53.42 mm

Average intensity = (53.42/30.6)x60 = 104.75 mm/h = 10.475 cm/h

C. i. A 0.2 .10.475 . 0.75 .100 

Q    4.36 m3/s
36 36
Runoff Coefficients for Non-homogeneous

Rational formula (Q=C.i.A/36) assumes that the watershed is having

homogeneous land use, soil and slope.

However, if a watershed is not homogeneous but is characterized by highly

dispersed areas that can be characterized by different runoff coefficients, a
weighted runoff coefficient should be determined as follows,

j 1
j Aj
Cw  n

Aj 1

Aj is the area for land cover j,

Cj is the runoff coefficient for area j,
n is the number of distinct land covers within the watershed, and
Cw is the weighted runoff coefficient.
Surface Runoff Volume

Runoff volume VQ is the total volume of runoff

water occurring over a period of time, and is
expressed as
VQ   Q( t ) dt

where Q(t) = discharge at time t

Estimation of Surface-Runoff Volume
 An estimate of runoff volume from a drainage
basin involves

 Precipitation, infiltration, evaporation,

transpiration, interception, depression storage

 Each of the above is complex and can interact

with the other variables to either enhance or
reduce runoff
Estimation of Surface-Runoff Volume
 These variables are temporally and spatially
distributed within a drainage basin

 The manner in which the variables interact in time

and space makes a direct determination of runoff
very difficult

 Therefore, we estimate runoff using methods that

reflect the combined effect of the variables on an
individual drainage basin
SCS Curve Number (SCS – CN) Method
 Developed by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in
Now known as Natural Resources Conservation Service

 The fundamental hypotheses of the SCS-CN method

are as follows:

1. Runoff starts after an initial abstraction Ia has been

satisfied. This abstraction consists principally of
interception, surface storage, and infiltration
SCS Curve Number (SCS – CN) Method

2. The ratio of actual retention of rainfall to the

potential maximum retention S is equal to the ratio of
direct runoff to rainfall minus initial abstraction.
P  I a  VQ VQ

S P  Ia
This can be written as
(P  I a )2
VQ 
(P  I a )  S

where VQ = runoff volume uniformly distributed over the drainage

basin; P = mean precipitation over the drainage basin; and S =
retention of water by the drainage basin
SCS Curve Number (SCS – CN) Method

 The quantity Ia can be expressed as a function of S

o As per the Soil Conservation Service,
o Ia = 0.2S

o I = 5% of S (Hawkins et al., 2002)

o For Indian Conditions, Ia = 0.3S

 Physically, this means that for a given storm, 20% of

the potential maximum retention is the initial
abstraction before runoff begins
SCS Curve Number (SCS – CN) Method

VQ 
P  0.2S2
P  0.8S

Evidently this is a one-parameter model containing S as the parameter


F = Actual retention F

Ia F
Time P
SCS relationship between P, VQ, Ia and F Ia
Mass Curve Representation
Estimating “S”

 The difficult part of applying this method to a

watershed is the estimation of the watershed’s
potential maximum retention, S.
 SCS developed the concept of the dimensionless
curve number, CN, to aid in the estimation of S.
 CN is related to S as follows :

S= - 10

It is a relative measure of retention of water by a given SVL (Soil-

Vegetation-Land Use) complex and takes on values from 0 to 100
 The unit of S is inches.
 When S is in mm 25400
S  254

 Thus, 2
 200 
 P   2 
VQ   
P 8

Here, CN is the only parameter to be determined

Determine CN
 SCS has classified over 8,500 soil series into four hydrologic groups
according to their infiltration characteristics.
 The hydrologic groups have been designated as A, B, C, and D.
Hydrologic Soil Infiltration rate Description
Group (mm/hr)
A 7.62-11.43 High infiltration rates. Deep, well drained sands
(0.3-0.45 in/hr) and gravels
B 3.81-7.62 Moderate infiltration rates. Moderately deep,
(0.15-0.30 in/hr) moderately well drained soils with moderately
coarse textures
C 1.27-3.81 Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers, or soils
(0.05-0.15 in/hr) with moderately fine textures
D 0-1.27 Very slow infiltration rates. Clayey soils, high
(0-0.0.5 in/hr) water table, or shallow impervious layer
Determine CN, cont….

Once the hydrologic soil group has been determined, the curve number of
the site is determined by cross-referencing land use and hydrologic
condition to the soil group - SAMPLE

Land use and treatment Hydrologic soil group

or Hydrologic
practice condition A B C D

Straight row ---- 77 86 91 94
Row Crops
Straight row Poor 72 81 88 91
Straight row Good 67 78 85 89
Contoured Poor 70 79 84 88
Initial Conditions

5-day antecedent rainfall, inches

Antecedent moisture

Dormant Season Growing Season

I Less than 0.5 Less than 1.4

II 0.5 to 1.1 1.4 to 2.1

III Over 1.1 Over 2.1

Modeling Total Runoff: The SCS Model
 Curve numbers are adjusted for low (AMC-I) or high (AMC-III)
moisture content, as follows:

4.2  CNAMC-II  23  CNAMC-II 

10  0.058  CNAMC-II  10  0.13  CNAMC-II 

 Then, S is computed from CN as:

S (in inches)   10

 Finally, VQ is computed as indicated previously:

Adjust CN’s

CN for AMC II Corresponding CN’s

100 100 100
95 87 98
90 78 96
85 70 94
80 63 91
75 57 88
70 51 85
65 45 82
60 40 78
55 35 74
50 31 70
Modeling Total Runoff: The SCS Model

Example. A 71-ac urban watershed includes 60 ac of

open area with 80% grass cover and 11 ac of industrial
development that is 72% impervious. The soil is in SCS
Group B. Estimate VQ and total runoff volume, V (ac-ft)
for a 24-hr rainfall with P = 1.5 in, for AMC-III conditions.
1. Find area-weighted, average CN for AMC-II (baseline) conditions.
2. Adjust CN for soil moisture conditions
3. Compute S
4. Confirm that initial abstraction is less than precipitation,
so that runoff occurs
5. Calculate VQ and total runoff
Modeling Total Runoff: The SCS Model

1. Find area-weighted, average CN for AMC-II (baseline) conditions.

 A  CN   60 ac  61  11 ac 88

i i
CN avg  i
  65
A i
i 60 ac  11 ac
2. Adjust CN for soil moisture conditions

23  CN AMC-II  23  65
CN AMC-III    81
10  0.13  CNAMC-II  10  0.13  65
3. Compute S

 10  2.35 in 
1000 1000
S   10 
CN 81
Modeling Total Runoff: The SCS Model

4. Confirm that initial abstraction is less than precipitation,

so that runoff occurs

I a  0.2S  0.22.35 in   0.47 in  1.50 in

5. Calculate VQ and total runoff

 P  0.2S  1.5  0.22.35

2 2
VQ    0.31in
P  0.8S 1.5  0.82.35

 0.31 in 
V  VQ A   71 ac  1.83 ac  ft
 12 in / ft 
Modeling Total Runoff: The SCS Model

Most storms:
VQ is <60% of P

 The initial abstraction (Ia) consists of interception,

depression storage, and infiltration that occurs prior
to runoff.

 It is not easy to estimate the initial abstraction for a

particular storm event.

 SCS felt that there should be a connection between Ia

versus S, and they attempted to develop the
relationship by plotting Ia versus S for a large number
of events on small experimental watersheds. - Quite a

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