Runoff 2

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Hydrograph Analysis
Lag Time, L
- Time interval from the center of mass of the rainfall-
excess to the centre of mass of the runoff
hydrograph. Because of the difficulty if determining
the centre of mass of the hyrdograph, usually the
peak of the resultant hydrograph is taken as the
Time to Peak, TP (Time of rise)
- Time interval from the start of the rainfall-excess
(start of the rising limb) to the peak of the resultant
Time of Concentration, TC
- Time required for runoff to travel from the
hydraulically most distant point on the watershed to
the point of interest.
It is the time required for all portions of the basin to Time of concentration

contribute runoff to the hydrograph. Therefore if TC

is shorter than the rain duration, it represents the TC
maximum discharge that can occur from a given
storm intensity over the drainage basin.
Hydrograph Separation
The separation of direct runoff and base flow of a hydrograph is known as hydrograph separation
or base flow separation. There are three methods of separating the base flow from the
hydrograph. The methods are described below.
Method I
the point of the rise of the hydrograph is noted

A is the drainage area in km2

and b = 0.83
Method II

A is the drainage area in km2

and b = 0.83

When N is too large, a modification is applied by connecting C with the point of inflection of the falling limb.
Method III

A modification of this method is to extend the recession curve up to the peak level and
then connect the point with C.
Runoff Estimation Runoff
Estimating the peak rate of runoff and the volume of runoff are basic to the design of hydraulic
structures. For a given hydrograph, the volume of direct runoff can be estimated by separating
the base flow.
A 8-hour storm with 6.6 cm of rainfall in a 27 sq. km watershed generated the following
hydrograph. Estimate the volume of direct runoff and the Φ index.

Time 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66

Flow 5 13 26 21 16 12 9 7 5 5 4.5 4.5


In order to estimate the direct runoff it is necessary to find out the base flow.
N = 0.83 A0.2 = 0.83 (27)0.2 = 1.6 days = 38 hours
From the figure, N = 48 – 12 = 36 hours ~ 38 hours
Thus, a straight line base flow separation gives base flow of 5 m3/sec
Subtracting the base flow from the hydrograph, the total runoff volume is:
Runoff = 6x60x60 [ (8)/2 + (8+21)/2 +(21+16)/2 + (16+11)/2 + (11+7)/2 +(7+4)/2 +
(4+2)/2 + (2)/2] = 1.49 x 106 m3
Flow in




5 8 21
Time (hrs)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

The direct runoff volume can also be obtained by adding all the ordinates as:
(8 + 21 + 16 + 11 + 7 + 4 + 2) = 69
Direct runoff volume = 69 x 3600 x 6 = 1.49 x 106 m3

Direct runoff depth = Volume /Area = 1.49 x 106 / 27 x106 = 0.055 m = 5.5 cm
Subtracting the direct runoff from the rainfall: 6.6 – 5.5 = 1.1 cm = Total infiltration
Φ index = Average infiltration rate = 1.1/ 8 = 0.138 cm / hr
Determination of Peak Flow
For a given storm, the resulting peak flow (runoff or discharge) determines the size of the drainage
structures. Peak flows mainly depend on rainfall characteristics, and watershed size.
There are a number of acceptable methods of determining peak runoff. The commonly used methods are:
1. Rational Method
2. Unit Hydrograph Method
3. Natural Resources Conservation Service Method (SCS Method)
The NRCS method (developed in the US) is more sophisticated hydrologically compared to Rational
method and offers a more accurate approximation of runoff, particularly for areas larger than 10 hectares.
Runoff is related to the soil and land cover conditions of the watershed through the curve number (CN). CN
has a range of 0 to 100.
4. Rainfall Runoff Models: HEC, HYMOS, MIKE 11- NAM etc.
HEC – Hydrologic Engineering Centre of US Corps of Engineers
HYMOS – Sacramento Rainfall-runoff model
MIKE 11- NAM- Danish Model used in Bangladesh
5. Synthetic Unit Hydrograph
Rational Method Runoff
The rational method is very simple in concept but relies on considerable judgment and experience
to evaluate all factors properly. It is used primarily for small drainage areas (less than 250
hectares) and computes the peak discharge as:
Qp = 0.278 C i A
where Qp = peak discharge (m3/s);
C= runoff coefficient
i = average intensity of rainfall of selected frequency (return period)
corresponding to the duration of time of concentration (mm/hr)
A = drainage area ( km2)
For Qp to occur, the rainfall duration must be >= the time of concentartion. If the duration is less
than the time of concentration, then the discharge is not the peak for that particular intensity.
The time of concentration can be obtained from Kirpich (1940) equation as:
tc = 0.0195 L0.77 S-0.385
Where: tc - time of concentration (minutes)
L - maximum length of travel (meters)
S - slope = (H/L) where H is the difference in elevation between the furthest point in the
If the land use and soil cover is homogenous over the drainage area, a C value can be determined
directly from the above Table. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average must
be calculated, or the area may be subdivided.
A 20 ha (suburban area: 12 ha and woodland: 8 ha) catchment has an average slope of 3% and a
maximum flow length of 400 m. What would be the peak runoff rate for a 10 mm/hr rainfall of
0.5 hr duration?
For the catchment area of 20 ha, the calculated weighted average C is:
Suburban area C : 12 x 0.30 = 3.6
Woodland area C : 8 x 0.15 = 1.2
The weighted average C for the catchment is = 4.8/20 = 0.24
The time of concentration: tc = 0.0195 L0.77 S-0.385
= 0.0195 (400)0.77 (0.03)-0.385 = 0.0195 x (100.83) x (3.857)
= 7.58 minutes
Since the rainfall duration (0.5 hr) is greater than tc, the peak runoff rate is: Qp = 0.278 C i A =
0.278 x 0.24 x 10 x 20/100 = 0.133 cumec
Unit Hydrogarph
Unit Hydrograph
The Unit Hydrograph (UH) of a watershed is defined as the direct runoff (DRO) hydrograph
resulting from a unit volume of excess rainfall (1 cm) or effective rainfall of constant intensity
and uniformly distributed over the watershed.
The effective rainfall is the portion of the rainfall which causes direct runoff. The direct runoff
includes both the surface runoff and the interflow. But, as the interflow is usually small, the
direct runoff and the surface runoff are approximately equal, and the two terms are sometimes
used synonymously.
If the unit hydrograph can be developed for a watershed, then it is possible to find out the peak
discharge for any amount of rainfall and for any duration for that particular watershed.
The duration of the unit volume of excess or effective rainfall, sometimes referred to as the
effective duration, defines and labels the particular unit hydrograph (3-hr UH, 6-hr UH etc.).
The 3, 6 here are not the duration for which the UH occurs (called base period), but it is the
duration of the effective rainfall for which the UH is defined.
The unit volume is usually considered to be associated with 1 cm of effective rainfall distributed
uniformly over the basin area.
Effective Rainfall
If the initial loss and infiltration losses are subtracted from the hyetograph, the resulting
hyetograph is known as effective rainfall hyetograph (ERH). It is also known as hyetograph of
rainfall excess.
The Φ index separates the effective rainfall from the total rainfall.

Both direct runoff (DRO) hydrograph and ERH represent the same total quantity of rainfall.
The area of ERH multiplied by the catchment area gives the total volume of the direct runoff
( total area of DRO hydrograph) .
Unit Hydrogarph
There are four basic propositions of the unit hydrograph theory:
(i) Constant intensity and uniform distribution of effective rainfall
(ii) Time invariance
(iii) Linearity of response, and
(iv) Fixed base period
Constant intensity and uniform distribution of effective rainfall: The effective rainfall has a
constant intensity within the effective duration. Moreover, the effective rainfall is uniformly
distributed over the whole watershed.
Time invariance: It means that the direct runoff hydrograph does not depend upon the time when
the storm occurs. In other words, the direct runoff hydrograph for a given effective rainfall of
unit duration will be the same whenever such storm occurs on the catchment.
Linearity of response : It means that the relation between the direct runoff discharge and the
effective rainfall is linear. Therefore, the principle of superposition can be applied. Thus, if the
effective rainfall is 2 cm, all the discharge ordinates of the unit hydrograph would be doubled.
Fixed base period : The period during which the direct runoff occurs is called the base period.
The base period of the direct runoff hydrograph remains the same whatever may be the
magnitude of the effective rainfall, provided the duration of the unit rainfall remains the same.
Limitations of Unit Hydrograph

In theory, the principle of unit hydrograph is applicable to a basin of any size. However, in
practice, to meet the basic assumption in the derivation of the unit hydrograph as closely as
possible, the limit is generally considered to be about 5000 sq. km. beyond which the reliability of
the unit hydrograph method diminishes.
When the basin area exceeds this limit, it has to be divided into sub-basins and the unit
hydrograph is developed for each sub-basin.
UH concept is not valid for very large basins because:
1. Rainfall is never uniformly distributed over large basins
2. Except for small durations, the rainfall is never uniformly distributed over the total duration.
3. Antecedent soil moisture condition would affect the amount of direct runoff.
Thus, it is essential to use storms which are uniformly distributed over the basin and producing
rainfall excess at uniform rate as such storms rarely occur over large areas.
However, when the hydrologic data used in the unit hydrograph analysis are carefully selected so
that they meet the assumptions closely, the results obtained by the unit hydrograph theory have
been found to be acceptable for all practical purposes.
Unit Hydrograph
Derivation of Unit Hydrograph
The following steps are applied for deriving the UH from each individual storm
1. Separation of the measured hydrograph into direct runoff hydrograph and
2. Calculation of direct runoff volume by integrating the direct runoff hydrograph.
3. Calculation of direct runoff depth by dividing the direct runoff volume by the
catchment area.
4. Calculation of unit hydrograph ordinates by dividing the ordinates of the direct
runoff hydrograph by the direct runoff depth.
5. Estimation of the unit hydrograph duration.
The ordinates of all hydrographs from identical rainfalls of the same duration are
proportional to the volume of rainfall-excess. That is, if unit hydrographs were
obtained from a 2 cm and 3 cm rainfall excess by dividing ordinates of each
hydrographs by 2 and 3, respectively, the unit hydrographs would be identical in
Peak flow
Total volume of flow = 59850 m3/s x 2 hrs = 59850 m3/s x 2 x 3600 s
= 430.9 x 106 m3
Area of catchment = 4300 km = 4300 x 100 ha = 4300 x 100 x 10000 m2
= 4300 x 106 m2
Effective rainfall per unit area = 430.9 x 106 / 4300 x 106 = 0.1 m = 10 cm
To obtain 1 cm i.e. 1 unit hydrograph, divide DRO column ordinates by 10.
If 6 hr DRO for 30 cm is required, multiply UHG ordinates by 30.

Total Hydrograph
Unit Hydrograph


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

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