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Determination of Quantity of Storm Water

Factors Affecting the Quantity of Storm water

The surface run-off resulting after precipitation contributes to the storm water. The
quantity of storm water reaching to the sewers or drains is very large as compared
with sanitary sewage. The factors affecting the quantity of storm water flow are as

i. Area of the catchment

ii. Slope and shape of the catchment area
iii. Porosity of the soil
iv. Obstruction in the flow of water as trees, fields, gardens, etc.
v. Initial state of catchment area with respect to wetness.
vi. Intensity and duration of rainfall
vii. Atmospheric temperature and humidity
viii. Number and size of ditches present in the area

Measurement of Rainfall
The rainfall intensity could be measured by using rain gauges and recording the
amount of rain falling in unit time. The rainfall intensity is usually expressed as
mm/hour or cm/hour. The rain gauges used can be manual recording type or
automatic recording rain gauges.

Methods for Estimation of Quantity of Storm Water

1. Rational Method
2. Empirical formulae method
In both the above methods, the quantity of storm water is considered as function of
intensity of rainfall, coefficient of runoff and area of catchment.

Time of Concentration: The period after which the entire catchment area will start
contributing to the runoff is called as the time of concentration.
 The rainfall with duration lesser than the time of concentration will not
produce maximum discharge.
 The runoff may not be maximum even when the duration of the rain is more
than the time of concentration. This is because in such cases the intensity of
rain reduces with the increase in its duration.
 The runoff will be maximum when the duration of rainfall is equal to the time
of concentration and is called as critical rainfall duration. The time of
concentration is equal to sum of inlet time and time of travel.

Time of concentration = Inlet time + time of travel

Fig.1 Runoff from Catchment Area

Inlet Time: The time required for the rain in falling on the most remote point of the
tributary area to flow across the ground surface along the natural drains or gutters up to inlet
of sewer is called inlet time (Figure 1). The inlet time ‘Ti’ can be estimated using
relationships similar to following. These coefficients will have different values for different

Ti = [0.885 L3/H]0.385

Ti = Time of inlet, minute

L = Length of overland flow in Kilometer from critical point to mouth of drain H = Total
fall of level from the critical point to mouth of drain, meter

Time of Travel: The time required by the water to flow in the drain channel from the mouth
to the point under consideration or the point of concentration is called as time of travel.
Time of Travel (Tt) = Length of drain/ velocity in drain

Runoff Coefficient: The total precipitation falling on any area is dispersed as percolation,
evaporation, storage in ponds or reservoir and surface runoff. The runoff coefficient can be
defined as a fraction, which is multiplied with the quantity of total rainfall to determine the
quantity of rain water, which will reach the sewers. The runoff coefficient depends upon the
porosity of soil cover, wetness and ground cover. The overall runoff coefficient for the
catchment area can be worked out as follows:

Overall runoff coefficient, C = [A1.C1 + A2.C2 + ….+ An.Cn] / [ A1 + A2 + …+ An]

Where, A1, A2, ….An are types of area with C1, C2, …Cn as their coefficient of runoff,

Table 1. Runoff coefficient for different type of cover in catchment

Type of Cover Coefficient of runoff

Business areas 0.70 – 0.90
Apartment areas 0.50 – 0.70
Single family area 0.30 – 0.50
Parks, Playgrounds, Lawns 0.10 – 0.25
Paved Streets 0.80 –0.90
Water tight roofs 0.70 – 0.95

Rational method
Storm water quantity can be estimated by rational method as below:
Storm water quantity, Q = C.I.A / 360
Q = Quantity of storm water, m 3/sec
C = Coefficient of runoff
I = intensity of rainfall (mm/hour) for the duration equal to time of concentration, and
A = Drainage area in hectares
Q = 0.278 C.I.A
Where, Q is m3/sec; I is mm/hour, and A is area in square kilometer

NOTE: Applicable for smaller areas less than 400 hectares

Empirical Formulae
Empirical formulae are used for determination of runoff from very large area. Various
empirical relationships are developed based on the past observations on specific site conditions
suiting a particular region. These empirical formulae can be used for prediction of storm water
runoff for that particular catchment.
A] Burkli – Zeiglar formula

Q S/A

B] Mc Math formula (used in USA)

Q  C.I.A
 148.35
C] Fuller’s formula

Q  C.M 0.8


(Where, S- Slope of the area in meter per thousand meter, M- drainage area in sq. km., A – drainage
area in hectare)

D] Dickens Formula: (North India & Central India)

Q = C M3/4
C value varies as 2.8 to 5.6 for catchments in plains and 14 to 28 for catchments in hills
M is catchment area in sq. km

E] Ryves Formula: (South India)

Q = CM2/3
The value of C varies widely between 6.8 (for flat or plain catchments) and 42.40 (for western
coast region)

F] Inglis Formula: (Old Bombay)

Q = 123 M / √ M + 10.4

G] Nawab Bahadur Jung Formula

Q = C M [ 0.93 – (1 / 14) log M ]
C varies from 48 to 60, M is Catchment area in acres

H] Dridge or Burge Formula: ( Based on Indian records)

Q = 19.6 M / L2/3 M is in sq Km and L is length of drainage basin in Km

Empirical formulae for rainfall intensities

These relationships between rainfall intensity and duration are developed based on long term
experience in field (Figure 2). Under Indian conditions, intensity of rainfall in design is usually in the
range 12 mm/h to 20 mm/h. In general, the empirical relationship has the following forms:
I = a/ (t + b) OR I = b / tn (9)

Where, a, b, and n are constants.

Figure 2 Relationship of rainfall duration and intensity

British Ministry of Health formula

I = 760 / (t + 10) (for storm duration of 5 to 20 minutes)

I = 1020 / (t + 10) (for storm duration of 20 to 100 minutes)

Where, I is intensity of rainfall, mm/h and t is duration of storm, minutes.

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