Pentaksiran Setara Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 3 - Edit

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Part A

Read and answer the question

Baca dan jawab soalan.

What can Elisa do?

What is Danny’s favourite sport?

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Refer to the following tables. Write two sentences for each picture.
Berdasarkan jadual di bawah, tulis dua ayat bagi setiap gambar.

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

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Write suitable answers. Follow the example.
Tulis jawapan yang sesuai, berdasarkan contoh diberi.

Can Maria swim?
Yes, she can. Maria can swim.

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Match three rules for each place.
Padankan tiga peraturan bagi setiap gambar.

take photos.
talk loudly with your friends.
run around.
touch the exhibits.
throw rubbish on the floor.
eat or drink.













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Use the table to write positive and negative statements.
Berdasarkan jadua;l, tuliskan ayat positif dan negatif di bawah.


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Change the sentences into the negative form by adding “not”.
Tukarkan ayat di bawah kepada ayat negatif dengan menambahkan perkataan “tidak”.

I am making the bed.


Wendy is exercising in the field.


Jill is riding her bicycle.


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Part B
Rewrite the questions and answers correctly.
Tulis semula ayat di bawah menggunakan tanda baca dan huruf besar yang betul.

Question: __________________________________________________________________________

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

Question: __________________________________________________________________________

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

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Read the text. Answer the questions.
Baca petikan dan jawab soalan

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Read Daria’s diary entry. Answer the questions.
Baca petikan dan jawab soalan

Where was Daria yesterday morning?

What did Daria buy at the souvenir shop?

Where did Daria and her family go after dinner?

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