SOP - Piling
SOP - Piling
SOP - Piling
Cover Sheet 1
Contents 2
1 Purpose 3
2 Scope 3
3 Exclusions 3
4 Applicability 3
5 Reference Documents 3
6 Prerequisite 3
Sub-activity in Piling activity & Safety Precautions
7 Required 4-07
11 Waste Management 12
This document describes the Safe Operating procedure to carry out the pile foundation on the LPG
mounded bullet in controlled manner with reference to the IS 5121 (1969) Safety Code for Piling & other
deep foundations.
It includes Piling activity and civil work at non marine location. This document shall be used along with
EHS Agreement & other EIPL documents such as Risk assessments, construction methodology etc.
In case of very specific & mandatory customer’s need & their processes & formats can be followed as a
part or in full. However in case of any conflict most stringent norms must be followed.
This procedure is applicable only for restoration project works of the LPG mounded bullet
Following Documents / Codes have been referred for the preparation of this procedure:-
a) IS 5121 (1969) Safety Code for Piling & other deep foundations.
b) IS: 7293-1974 (Safety code for working with construction machineries)
m) Support pads shall be provided while stacking similar items to avoid finger crush press in between while
a) Boring and piling zone should have barricading to prevent unauthorized access/entry.
b) 5 m. Exclusion zone around the rig should be done.
c) Piling rig should be tract into position under the supervision of competent person.
d) Unauthorized entry should be restricted into hazardous zone.
e) One dedicated person should be deployed to prevent unauthorized entry.
f) In an interruption of piling occurred the chisel needs to be removed, it should be done under the
supervision of competent person.
g) Piling rig should have third party inspection certificate or EIPL . Pile driving equipment in use shall be
inspected by a competent engineer at regular intervals not exceeding three months. Also a register shall
be maintained at the site of work for recording the results of such inspections. Pile lines and pulley
blocks shall be inspected by the foreman before the beginning of each shift. For any excess wear or any
other defect.
h) Where electricity is used as power for piling rig, only armored cable conforming to the relevant Indian
Standard shall be used and the cable shall be thoroughly waterproofed.
i) Piles being hoisted in the rig should be so slung that they do not have to be swung round, and may not
inadvertently, swing or whip round. A hand rope shall be fastened to a pile that is being hoisted to
control its movement. While a pile is being guided into position in the leads, workers shall not put their
hands or arms between the pile and the inside guide or on top of the pile, but shall use a rope for guiding.
j) If two pile drivers are erected at one place these shall be separated by a-distance at least equal to the
longest leg in either rig.
k) The frame of any rig shall be structurally safe for all anticipated dead, live or wind loads. Whenever
there is any doubt about the structural strength, suitable test shall be Carrie out by the foreman and the
results of the test recorded. Test pile or other working pile-driving equipment shall be taken into use
until it has been inspected and found to be safe.
l) Pile drivers shall be firmly supported on heavy timber sills, concrete beds or other secure foundation. If
necessary to prevent danger, pile drivers shall be adequately guyed.
m) Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent a pile driver from overturning if a wheel breaks.
n) Adequate precautions shall be taken by providing stirrups or by other effective means, to prevent the
rope from coming out of the top pulley or wheel.
o) When the rig is not in use, extra precautionary measures for stability, such as securing them with
minimum four guys, shall be adopted to prevent any accidents due to wind, storm, gales, and earthquake.
When not in use the hammer shall be in dropped position and shall be held in place by a cleat, timber or
any other suitable means.
p) Access to working platforms and the top pulley shall be provided by ladder or Steps in main tripod leg In
tall driven piling rigs or rigs of similar nature where a ladder is necessary for regular use, the ladder shall
be securely fastened and extended for the full height of the rig. The ladder shall also be maintained in
good condition at all times.
q) All the dangers rotating part of the machineries should have safety guards and no one should wear loose
clothing to prevent entanglement. Exposed gears, fly wheels, etc., and shall be fully enclosed. Boilers,
hoist, drums and brakes shall be kept in good condition and sheltered from weather, wherever possible.
r) Defective parts of pile drivers, such as sheaves, mechanism slings and hose shall be repaired by only
competent person and duly inspected by foreman-in-charge of the rig and the results recorded in the
s) Previous experience of working in particular areas to find whether there is any risk of underground
collapse, if it is so safety precaution should be taken in consultation with Competent Person (Piling
t) Avoid reputedly drilling closed to fresh piles.
u) Quality working platform should be constructed.
v) Working at height should be avoided if possible. All requirements of height work safety will be adhered
while working at height. Adequate working platform with proper access shall be ensured. Safety harness
along with Helmet must be used.
w) Rig controls will only be activated following clear instruction of the operator.Only authorized person
will be allowed to work on rig controls.
x) Hammer and its attachment should be check by competent person. Adequate precautions shall be taken
to prevent the hammer from missing the pile.
y) Winch machine of the Tripod should be operated by authorized operator.
k) Everyone inside the yard should wear relevant PPEs like safety shoe, safety helmet, face shield, ear
plugs, and shoulder pads.
l) Mechanical handling inside the yard should be done under competent supervision.
m) Bar bending & cutting equipment’s shall have emergency stop button & adequate guarding for rotating
n) Only IS certified & tested cutting blades shall be used for bar cutting.
o) Gas cutters/ welders, bar benders/cutters shall be provided with ID cards to prevent unauthorized
a) Placing and handling of reinforcement cage and liner should be done under competent
supervision/Lifting Supervisor/Rigger.
b) All the lifting machines and gears involved in mechanical handling must have TPI certificate, or EIPL.
c) Only authorized operators should operate the equipment.
d) Load shall be properly secured to crane hook by a competent Rigger/Khalasi/Lifting supervisor.
e) During the activity nobody should stand around the activity zone.
f) During operation nobody stand under the suspended load.
g) Tag line should be used for controlling accidental swing.
h) Safe working load of the equipments should not be exceeded. Crane’s operational Safety devices shall be
in working condition & not bypassed.
i) Suitable Hand gloves should be used while handling reinforcement cage & liner.
a) Adequate lighting arrangement in the night should be made. A minimum of 100 lux intensity light shall
be maintained at work site. The illumination level shall be measured on daily basis & record kept.
b) All the workers must wear reflecting jackets.
c) Security guards/ Night Watchman should be kept to watch the movements of the staff and workers.
d) Work should be temporary suspended on very cold and foggy night.
e) Entry Exit register shall be maintained at work location. Name should be registered before entering the
activity area in the night. And the same with tally LPG check post and Maingate.
f) An emergency vehicle will be kept in standby at work location during night work.
g) Availability of emergency handling items like first aid box, life jackets, fire extinguishers, emergency
lights etc shall be ensured in sufficient quantity.
h) Competent Site engineer & Safety officer shall be available at work location during night shift
a) Emergency preparedness plan must be communicated to all before commencement of the activity.
b) All potential emergencies must be identified, emergency preparedness & response shall be pre planned
& same shall be communicated to workers through mock drills & training by EIPL/BOMS
c) Emergency numbers must be displayed at the respective location.
d) First aid box should be kept always ready with all the relevant materials and medicines.
e) Emergency vehicles to be kept ready during entire operation.
f) All Lifesaving appliances and firefighting appliances shall be made available & operational.
Effective emergency plans require that, in the event of an accident, nominated individuals be given
specific responsibilities, in addition to their day-to-day activities. The following are the key personnel and
their additional duties during emergency.
▪ The leader will mobilize his team and establish contact with the IC regarding manpower accounting (Head count)
and start the searching operation if required.
▪ Coordinate with the Site Incident Controller.
▪ Organize the search and rescue operation.
▪ To maintain First aid box items to provide first aid during emergency.
▪ Trained person in first aid will give assistance to injured persons.
▪ Give necessary first aid to injured person.
▪ If required injured persons transferred to hospital for further treatment, he will coordinate with the administration
& legal team.
▪ Record the victim’s details and communicate to the Site Emergency Controller.
▪ Coordinate with the Site Incident Controller.
▪ He will be responsible for arranging transport facilities for personnel to transfer to medical center
▪ Coordinate with the Hospitals for the treatment of the injured.
▪ Coordinate with the Local Authorities including the Police etc.
▪ Communicate with the sub Agencies and ensure no Labor Unrest takes place.
▪ Ensure communication to the relatives in case of fatality.
▪ Manage the Media with assistance from the Emergency Control Coordinator.
▪ Regular drills shall be conducted to evaluate the emergency preparedness of project team.
▪ Observations of Mock drill shall be communicated to all & recommendations shall be implemented.
Air, Water and Land Pollution, contamination and environmental damage is a major focus area and
techno-commercial efforts shall be made by all MEHER employees, to have effective control measures
in place and to avoid it. For reducing waste generation, waste management plan shall be followed
wherein the waste generation shall be controlled at source. However, inevitable waste shall be kept in
segregation and efforts shall be made for its reuse. The disposal shall be done in the location identified
by client or as per local applicable legislation. Proper storage and utilization methodology of materials
that are detrimental to the environment shall be ensured. Where required, only bio degradable and
environment friendly materials are selected and emphasize shall be given on recycling of waste
materials such as metals, plastics, glass, paper, oil & solvents. The waste that cannot be minimized,
reused or recovered shall be stored and disposed of safely. In no way, toxic spills shall be allowed to
percolate into the ground.
a) To access the environmental condition of the area where the Piling / construction is carried out.
b) To provide timely indication if any environmental control measure fails.
c) To achieve laid down/acceptable standards.
d) To monitor effectiveness of environmental mitigation measures.
e) Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, Pollution Control Act and similar laws and codes
as applicable for control of environmental pollutants (such as dust generation, construction debris,
waste oil, steel and wood scrap, bentonite, cement / concrete as applicable).
▪ Sludge mixed with bentonite should be removed form site and disposed in safe manner. It can be
stored at a place for disposal at the end of project through EIPL approved vendor.
▪ Use low emission fuel to prevent environmental damaged.
▪ Planning should be made to select work method to minimize spoil generation.
▪ Correct disposal route to be selected.
▪ Some spoil can be reused provided any contaminant is separated.
▪ Steps should be taken to deal with contaminated ground.
▪ Care full placing of concrete to avoid unnecessary spills.
▪ Waste plastics, oil soaked cotton and other wastages should not be thrown in river.
▪ The waste materials should be given to the authorized vendor for safe recycling and disposal.
▪ For reducing noise labels all plants and machinery should be switch off when not in use. Acoustic
designs shall be used as far as possible.
▪ All machines / equipment should be fitted with efficient silencer to reduce noise label.
▪ All the fuel containers should be kept on spillage tray so that is should not mix with the water.
▪ Segregation of hazardous and nonhazardous waste to be made.
▪ Non-hazardous waste to be disposed in safe manner according to law.
▪ Hazardous waste to be given to authorized vendor for recycling and safe disposal.
Waste segregation exercise shall involve sorting and separating waste on the basis of its characteristics.
Waste materials shall be segregated at source by providing marked bins for storing the waste as follows:
• Red - Hazardous waste
• Green - Refuse
• Brown - Plastic
• Blue - Glass.
• Special plastic bags type containers shall be used for medical waste