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System: A system is a combination of different elements which act together to perform a

desired task.

Example: Single tank level control

Objective: To maintain specific level of liquid in the tank.


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Fig. 1: Single tank system.

R(s) Y (s)
 C (S ) G(S )
E (S )

Fig. 2: Closed loop control of single tank system.

Plant: The portion of the system which is to be controlled/regulated.

Controller: The portion of the system which regulates the plant.

Manipulated input (manipulated variable): The input of the plant which is to be regulated
by the controller so that system could behave in desired manner.

Controlled output (controlled variable): The specific output which is to be regulated in

desired manner is known as controlled output.

Reference input: This is the desired response which is given to the controller.

Disturbance: Anything which adversely affects the performance of system is known as

The disturbance, generated within the system, is known as internal disturbance.
The disturbance generated outside the system is known as external disturbance.
Classification of systems:

1. Natural systems:
The systems which exist in nature are known as natural systems.
Examples: different systems available in human body e.g. blood circulation system,
respiratory system, nervous system, reproduction system, etc.; ecological system, etc.

2. Manmade systems:
The systems which are made by humans.
Examples: Various machines, plants, etc.

3. Combinational systems:
The systems which have both the natural and manmade parts are known as
combinational systems.
Examples: Human driving car.

4. Time varying and time invariant systems:

The systems whose input-output relationship varies with time are known as time varying
systems. If the input-output relationship does not vary with time, the system will be
known as time invariant.
Examples: The example of time varying system is space vehicle leaving the earth (its
mass decreases with time). The examples of time invariant systems are various electrical
networks having resistance, capacitance and inductance.

5. Linear and non-linear systems:

The systems which follow the superposition theorem are known as linear systems.
Otherwise, these are known as non-linear systems.
Examples: All practical systems are non-linear. However, in some certain operating
region, they can be assumed as linear ones.

6. Continuous time and discrete time systems:

The systems in which signals are continuous are known as continuous time systems.
However, the systems having discrete signals are termed as discrete time systems.

7. Lumped parameter and distributed parameter systems:

The systems which are described by differential equations are known as lumped
parameter systems while the systems which are defined by partial differential equations
are known as distributed parameter systems.
Examples: short transmission line is an example of lumped parameter systems while long
transmission line is an example of distributed parameter systems.

8. Deterministic and stochastic systems:

If the behavior of system is predictable and repeatable for certain input. Then, the system
is said to be deterministic. Otherwise, the system is said to be stochastic.

9. Single-input-single-output (SISO) and multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems:

The systems which have only single input and single output are termed as SISO systems.
However, systems having multiple inputs and multiple outputs are known as MIMO
10. Instantaneous and dynamic systems:
The systems in which present output is the function of present input only are known as
instantaneous systems. The instantaneous systems are also known as memoryless
systems or zero-memory systems. However, if the present output is the function of past
and/or future inputs in addition to present input, then system is known as dynamic
Examples: The electric circuit having resistance only is an example of instantaneous
systems. However, the electric circuits having involving inductance and capacitance are
examples of dynamic systems.

11. Causal and non-causal systems:

The systems in which present output does not depend on future input are known as
causal systems. Causal systems are also known as non-anticipative systems. The systems
in which present output depends on future inputs also are known as non-causal systems.
Non-causal systems are also known as anticipative systems.
Examples: The examples of causal systems are various electric circuits. The examples of
non-causal systems are (i) the systems representing planning (urban planning, rural
planning, etc.) and (ii) systems involving forecasting (load forecasting, weather
forecasting, etc.).

12. Open loop and closed loop systems:

The systems which do not have feedback are known as open loop systems and the
systems which have feedback are termed as closed-loop system.
Examples: Traffic light controller without traffic density sensor is an example of open-
loop system while the traffic light controller with traffic density sensor is an example of
closed-loop system.
Open-loop and closed-loop systems

Discuss two examples (one of single tank system with and without feedback and another of
traffic light system with and without traffic density sensor).

Open-loop systems

R ( s) Y ( s)
C (S ) G (S )

Fig. 2: Open loop system.

Advantages of open-loop systems:

1. The structure of these systems is simple.
2. The design of these systems is relatively simple.
3. These systems are relatively economical.
4. Open loop control is a good option when output is difficult to measure.
5. Such systems are easy to maintain.
6. The problem of instability generally does not occur.

Disadvantages of open-loop systems:

1. These systems cannot sense the internal disturbance.
2. Such systems are highly sensitive to environmental changes.
3. These systems are less accurate.
4. These systems are less reliable.
5. Calibration from time to time is required.
6. Operating bandwidth of such systems is low.

Examples (applications) of open-loop systems:

1. Traffic light system without traffic density sensor.
2. Washing machine.
3. Sprinkler system.
4. Room heater (if there is no provision for cut off at certain temperature).
5. Automatic dryer.
6. Automatic dishwasher.
7. Windscreen wiper.
Closed-loop systems

R(s) Y (s)
 C (S ) G(S )
E (S )

Fig. 3: Closed-loop system.

Advantages of closed-loop control:

1. These systems have feedback mechanism which always tries to correct any deviation
from the desired output.
2. Such systems are lesser sensitive to environmental changes.
3. These systems are more accurate.
4. These systems are more reliable.
5. The operating bandwidth is generally high.

Disadvantages of closed-loop control:

1. The structure of these systems is relatively complicated.
2. The design of these systems is relatively complex.
3. These systems are relatively costly.
4. Maintenance of such systems is frequently required.
5. The problem of instability may occur.

Examples (applications) of closed-loop control:

1. Human being driving a car.
2. Freezer.
3. Human operated controlled valve.
4. Machine operated control valve.
5. Air conditioner.

Comparison of open-loop and closed-loop systems

S.N. Parameter Open-loop system Closed-loop system
1 Availability of feedback No Yes
2 Necessity of measurement of actual output No Yes
3 Error detection Not required Required
4 Accuracy Lesser Higher
5 Reliability Lesser Higher
6 Structure Simple Complicated
7 Design Simple Complex
8 Sensitive to environmental conditions Highly sensitive Lesser sensitive
9 Sensitive to disturbance Highly sensitive Lesser sensitive
10 Bandwidth Lesser Higher
11 Cost Lesser Higher
12 Problem of instability Lesser Higher
13 Calibration Required Not required
14 Frequency of maintenance Low High
It is a feedback control system in which the controlled variable (or actual output) is position
or its time derivatives (e.g. speed or acceleration).

A simple example of servo-mechanism is position control system as shown in following Fig.

4. There is a mechanical load which requires a constant position in its application. First the
position is sensed and converted into voltage using feedback potentiometer. Then, it is
compared with input potentiometer to generate error signal. This is further amplified and
given to the controller. The controller, then, controls the voltage given to motor which finally
changes position.

Controller Plant
Position 
of its
of its

Fig. 4: Concept of Servo-mechanism.

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