We Flipinos Are Mild Drinkers
We Flipinos Are Mild Drinkers
We Flipinos Are Mild Drinkers
1. What is the moral of the story entitled Patricia of the 1. The moral of the story are kindness, generosity, and compassion
Green Hills? towards others. It also teaches the value of humility and the belief
that good deeds are rewarded in due time.
2. What do you think are the values that the story show? 2. Answer may vary
3. Do you think these values are still relevant to the society 3. Answers may vary
today? Why or why not?
What Quezon Province is well known for? clue: this is a Lambanog
What products can we get from coconut tree? Lambanog / related answers may vary
Very good!
Let’s start our lesson for today.
Unlocking of Difficulties:
1. Concoction - mixture of various ingredients
2. Whiskey - alcohol drink
3. Philippine lemon - calamansi
4. GI’s - American soldier
5. Rubescent - blushing / causing redness
6. Imbibe - drink
7. Amalgamate - to join together / unite
8. In vino veritas - in wine there is truth
9. Geisha - female hostess
1. What are the reasons when Filipinos are drinking? 1. When we are very sad, very happy and for any other reason
2. What was story being circulated about the American 2. The story about the American soldier who would rather lose
soldier and his whisky? blood than whisky.
3. Who is Carpio? 3. Carabao
4. What was the popular image of the American soldier? 4. A soldier with a whisky
5. What name did the Americans give lambanog? 5. Jungle Juice
6. According to the narrator of the story, what tree does 6. Coconut tree
symbolize Philippines?
7. How is the coconut tree like the Philippines? 7. It stands up to the sky, but it leaves sway down to the earth as if
remembering the land that gave it life.
8. What fruit does the narrator picked from the tree that Joe 8. Phillipine lemon / kalamansi
assumed is for the chaser ?
9. How was lambanog described and defined according to 9. Lambanog is a potation produced from the coconut bud, with
the story? pulverized mangrove bark thrown in to forfend spontaneous
combustion. It has many uses. We use it as a remedy for snake
bites, as a counteractive for malarial chills, as an insecticide, and
for tanning carabao hide. If you imbibe enough of it, your senses
amalgamate and you get to hear three dimensional rondalla music
in color.
10. Why was the narrator poured some of the drink on the 10. It is the custom here always to give back to the earth a little of
bamboo floor? what we have taken from the earth.
11. What was the GI’s/ Joe reaction to the first drink of 11. His eyes popped put like a frog’s and he clutched his throat.
lambanog? He was painting hard and tears were rolled down his cheeks.
12. What was the GI’s/ Joe reaction to the second drink of 12. Second time his neck stretched out like a turtle’s and he panted
lambanog? like a carabao gone amok.
13. What was the GI’s/ Joe reaction to the third drink of 13. The third time smoke came out of his ears, he became
lambanog? delusional
14. After only three drinks of lambanog, what happened to 14. Joe act in a very unaccountable manner. He feel into the
GI’s/ Joe? what are the signs that GI’s / Joe was drunk? delusion that I was a Japanese. Warning me not to try to escape, he
what did he do? demanded me unconditional surrender. He wanted wanted to know
why I had bombed Pearl Harbor and committed so many
atrocities when Americans had never done them any harm.
15. What kind of women does Joe mistaken the mother’s 15. She bore no resemblance to a geisha nevertheless, Joe mistook
narrator for? her for one.
16. The narrator decided to bring GI’s/ Joe to his camp after 16. It was like hefting a carabao. Four friends had to help me
seeing Joe so drunk. How does the narrator describe the so carry Joe. We place him on a carabao drawn sled.
drunken Joe?
17. How did the narrator responded to the American after 17. We Filipinos are mild drinkers
offering him a drink at the end of the story?
18. Are Filipinos really mild drinkers? 18. Answers may vary
19. In the story what values and traits of the Filipinos 19. Hospitality
20. Do you think these values are still relevant to the society 20. Answers may vary
today? Why or why not?
I. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
4. Have you noticed how a drunken person talks and 4. Answers may vary
behave? What was your first reaction when you first saw
5. Compared to foreigners, how would you rate the Filipinos 5. Answers may vary
as drinkers?
6. When is drinking considered wrong? 6. Answers may vary
7-8. In the story what values and traits of the Filipinos 7-8. Answers may vary
9-10. Do you think these values are still relevant to the 9-10. Answers may vary
society today? Why or why not?
Class, let’s check your work.
Who wants to answer? Sir!
Go ahead! 1. c
2. b
3. a
4. Answers may vary
5. Answers may vary
6. Answers may vary
7-8. Answers may vary
9-10. Answers may vary
Congratulations, class!
I. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
4. Have you noticed how a drunken person talks and 4. Answers may vary
behave? What was your first reaction when you first saw
5. Compared to foreigners, how would you rate the Filipinos 5. Answers may vary
as drinkers?
6. When is drinking considered wrong? 6. Answers may vary
7-8. In the story what values and traits of the Filipinos 7-8. Answers may vary
9-10. Do you think these values are still relevant to the 9-10. Answers may vary
society today? Why or why not?
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