Figurative Language Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a) Explain the difference between literal and figurative language;

b) Identify and categorize examples of literal and figurative used in the
c) Give examples of literal and figurative language

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Literal and Figurative Language
References: English Learning Portals in Grade 7 page 105
Instructional Materials: Power point presentation, whiteboard marker, Laptop,

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Let us pray first. May I invite
everyone to please stand for a Let us pray. (student’s prayer)
prayer? May I ask Carl Daniel to
lead us in prayer?

Thank you Carl.

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am

3.Classroom Management
Before you take your seats. Kindly check if
there are any trash or pieces of paper under
your chair and please arrange your chairs
properly. We will not start the class until the
classroom is not clean.

4.Checking of attendance
Now, let us check the attendance. Who is
absent today? None Ma’am

Now, let us have a short review about your
topic last time.

Do you still remember our topic last Yes, Ma’am. It’s all the story of “How My
meeting? Brother Brought Home a Wife”?

That’s right! Now, can you give me some Baldo

characters in the story? Maria
Ca Celin

Very good. What did you learn in the story? We’ve learned that ‘Don't judge a book by its
cover ‘Because Leon's father believed that
Maria won't be able cope with the life they
have in the farm because she's from the city.

Excellent! Do you have any question or

clarification regarding our last topic? None Ma’am

If none, then let us proceed to our lesson for


B. Motivation

Now class, before we proceed to our lesson, I

will show you some photos and tell me what
is the differences of the statement?
What can you say in the first picture? Ma’am in the first photos it is stated directly
and easy to understand.

It’s raining heavily.

That’s right how about in the second picture? We used comparison in the statement

That’s right! The statement has the same

meaning but they are interpreted in the
different language which are literal and
figurative language.

C. Presentation

There are two types of language literal

language and Figurative language

What is literal language?

Uses words that mean exactly what they say.

It is stated directly.

I’m tired and going home.

Another examples from the book:

Literal Language Figurative Language

She runs very fast She runs like a bullet

I am very Hungry I am very Hungry
at this point, I think I
can eat that horse alive!

Next, we have the Figurative Language?

It is also known as descriptive language;

figurative language helps the writer paint a
picture in the reader’s mind.

Uses similes, metaphors, hyperbole, and

personification to describe something often
through comparison with something

uses imaginative comparisons to present

concrete pictures to our senses. Figurative is


“let’s go chill!”
“You’re the apple of my eye…”

Literal Descriptions

Grass looks green. The grass looks like

spiky green hair.
Sand feels rough. Sand is solid water.


Brian was a wall, bouncing every tennis ball

back over the net.
Brian was NOT LITERALLY a wall!
a. He was a strong tennis player.
b. He was very tall.
c. He kept missing the balls.
d. His body was made of cells.
What does it mean? a. He was a strong tennis player.
Very good., letter a.He was a strong tennis
We would have had more pizza to eat if
Tammy hadn’t been such a pig.

Tammy was NOT LITERALLY a pig!

Tammy was being compared to a pig because
she __________.
a. looked like a pig
b. ate like a pig
c. smelled like a pig
d. was as smart as a pig

What does it mean?

Very good. It’s letter b.ate like a pig b. ate like a pig

Cindy was such a mule. We could not get her

to change her mind.

Cindy was NOT LITERALLY a mule!

Cindy compares to a mule because she was
a. always eating oats
b. able to do hard work
c. raised on a farm
d. very stubborn

What does it mean? c. very stubborn

Very good. It is letter d. very stubborn

D. Application
Directions: Write if the statement is Literal
Language or Figurative Language.

1.Grant always turns in his homework. 1. Literal Language

2.The water was rising in the river because of
2. Literal Language
the rain.
3.Her teeth are like stars because they come 3. Figurative Language
out at night.
4. When she sings, her voice is like velvet. 4. Figurative Language
5. Half of the class did not complete the 5. Literal Language
6.I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. 6. Figurative Language
7. Mike was so angry that steam was coming
7. Figurative Language
out of his ears.
8. The zebras cried when the wise old 8. Figurative Language
elephant died.
9. I’ve told you a million times to clean your 9. Figurative Language
10. The snow was coming down by the 10. Figurative Language

F. Generalization

Okay class do you learn from the activity? Yes, Ma’am

Now again class, what is different Literal language uses words that mean
between literal and figurative language? exactly what they say. Figurative language,
on the other hand, uses words that deviate
from its actual meaning usually comparing
ideas or concepts.
Very good. It seems that you really
understand the lesson.

G. Evaluation

Directions: Write if the statement is Literal

Language or Figurative Language.
_______ 1. The water in the river is rising 1. Literal Language
because of the rain.
_______ 2. Her teeth are like stars because 2. Figurative Language
they come out at night.
_______ 3. Life is like a box of chocolates; 3. Figurative Language
you're never sure what you're going to get.
_______ 4. The fire swallowed the entire 4. Literal Language
_______ 5. He was born to rich family. 5. Literal Language

_______ 6. Her feet are as big a skateboards. 6. Figurative Language

_______ 7. Sheila is a very responsible 7. Literal Language
_______ 8. Half of the class did not finish the 8. Literal Language
_______ 9. He has a bleeding heart for 9. Figurative Language
_______ 10. Her eyes were as cold as ice. 10. Figurative Language

H. Assignment

No assignment

Prepared by:
Practice Teacher

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