CPE 211 Class Honor Code August-2024

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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon

CPE 211 Class Honor Code

Academic integrity is important to the University of Science and Technology of

Southern Philippines (USTP). Your commitment to academic integrity shows respect
for your own work and the work of others.

Honor Code

You are expected to follow the CPE 211 Class Honor Code to uphold USTP's standard
of academic integrity:

1. Join your CPE211 section’s Google classroom using only one account with
your name starting with your family name first as well as in our
Messenger group chat, like Cruz, Juan D. Your account is linked to the Class
Gradebook (Classrecord). Having more than one account might result to
losing some of your scores and affects the computation of your grade.

2. Your answers to the assignments must be your own work. You are permitted
to share/discuss ideas with classmates on how to solve your assignments but
your final answers must be your own work. You may guide or teach your
classmates how you solve the assignments but you are not to give your
final answers to them. Remember that learning must be active experiential.
Every student/learner must personally go through the learning process by
studying the lessons, doing or solving the assignments on your own, not by
copying and taking credit for the works of others. Duplicate/similar essay
answers/codes/solutions or answers directly obtained/copied from the
Internet will not be accepted. All submissions must be through our Google
classroom page assignment post only using the “TURN IN” button, to
avoid losing them. The professor will check only those inside the
designated submission folder in the Google classroom. Do not submit
your assignments, quizzes/exams or projects by email, or comment in
the assignment post or messenger group chat or messenger private
message. If you submit a google drive folder link or Youtube link in Google
classroom submission entry, make sure this folder or the Youtube video is
open/accessible, not private or locked. Assignments marked LATE by
Google classroom system will incur deduction of points.

3. The hard deadline for assignments submission for the midterm period is the
date of the midterm exam, since all submissions will be downloaded from
Google Classroom for the computation of midterm grades. Submissions after
the hard deadline or after the midterm exam date will no longer be accepted.
Also, the hard deadline for assignments submission for the final period is the
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon

date of the final exam, since all submissions will be downloaded from Google
Classroom for the computation of final grades. Submissions after the hard
deadline or after the final exam date will no longer be accepted.

4. You are not to discuss/share ideas/answers during quizzes/exams with your

classmates. You are not to engage in cheating activities such as opening the
lecture materials, lecture videos, lecture notes, browsing or searching for the
answers in the Internet, sharing your answers to your classmates or copying
your classmate’s answers. Duplicate/similar essay answers/codes/solutions
or answers obtained/copied from the Internet will not be accepted.

5. The major exams, midterm exam and final exam, are conducted in face-to-
face mode. The quizzes may be conducted either online or face-to-face.
Lectures or Q&A discussions, programming exercises, assignments are
conducted online (synchronous or asynchronous). No special quiz or exam
shall be given to a student who fails to take the scheduled quiz or exam
except for valid reasons. Notify your professor if you cannot take the
scheduled quiz/exam ahead of the quiz/exam schedule so that we could
arrange a new schedule when everyone is free.

The following are the only valid reasons that will merit a special quiz/exam
as stipulated in the USTP Student Handbook (Chapter 8-Attendance of
Students page 16 and Chapter 13-Examinations page 25, see attached
excerpt of the USTP Student Handbook):

a. Illness - student is required to submit a medical certificate as a proof.

b. Natural calamities

c. Official participation in University-related activities - student is required

to submit an official document for his/her participation.

d. Death of a close family member or close relative - student is required to

submit a death certificate as a proof.

Therefore, reasons such as the following are invalid:

a. Not taking the quiz/exam because you went out to do some errands or
attend some family or social events/activities.
b. Not taking the quiz/exam because you are working (for working students).
Again, notify your professor if you are not free or cannot take the
scheduled quiz/exam ahead of the quiz/exam schedule so that we could
arrange another schedule when everyone is free.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon

c. Not taking the quiz/exam or not submitting before the cut-off/closing time
because you don’t have some gadgets like a camera to capture your
answers on papers. You are expected to prepare everything you need like
papers, pens, calculators, phone with camera or laptop/PC before taking
the quiz/exam. Quizzes/exams are always announced days ahead of the
schedule which means you have ample time to prepare for everything
you need.

d. Not taking the quiz/exam or not submitting on time because you don’t
have internet load or because you ran out of internet load or ran out of
gadget battery (low-bat laptop/PC/phone). Again, quizzes/exams are
always announced days ahead of the schedule which means you have
ample time to prepare for everything you need, including buying
sufficient internet load and fully charging your gadgets so that you will
not run out of battery. Prepare everything you need like laptop, phone
with camera, pens, papers, chargers, extra gadget in case the primary
gadget/laptop you are using is not functional.

e. Any other reasons considered invalid.

6. You are not to disclose the questions in the quizzes/exams to others who
have not taken yet the quizzes/exams.

7. You are not to engage in any activities that will dishonestly improve your
results or dishonestly improve or damage the results of others.

8. If you have any concerns or questions, you may contact your professor
during the working hours only from Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00PM.
For any concern that affects the whole class, post your messages in the class
group chat, not as a private message. Post only necessary
messages/questions during working hours from Monday to Friday,
8:00AM to 6:00PM.

9. You are to conduct yourself in a respectful manner towards your professor

and your classmates at all times.

10. Do not post anything disrespectful, unnecessary, unrelated to the subject in

the group chat or in Google classroom.
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon


I have read, understood, and accepted this Class Honor Code and
commit myself to follow the above-mentioned Code of Conduct
formulated with the intention to train or mold me to become the best
version of myself, respectful, responsible and committed to doing what
is good. If I violate this Class Honor Code then I shall be dealt with
according to the policies stipulated in the USTP Student Handbook.

_______________________________________ _____________________________
Full name and signature of Student Date signed

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