MAC 1105 Syllabus
MAC 1105 Syllabus
MAC 1105 Syllabus
Homework will be assessed through the use of MyMathLab. Homework assignments will
NOT be available after the due date specified online. Each homework assignment will be
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weighted equally. Homework can be attempted 6 times for a higher score before the due
Lecture Activities
Lecture activities may include class starter and exit question assignment, group activities,
individual quizzes and review activities.
Each class meeting you will earn two scores, one score for the class starter and exit
question assignment and the other score for the group activity or quiz or review activity.
In case of group assignments or activities, students will be asked to fill out the student
evaluation form.
The benefit of group assignments is that work can be divided among individuals. However,
at the same time, it can sometimes happen that some individuals rely too heavily on
others. If the project's overall quality suffers as a result, the corrections to one's mark
accordingly (either up or down as necessary) will be applied.
The group evaluation provides instructor with information to help to make corrections to
individuals' marks when necessary. It is my hope that I will rarely, if ever, need to make
such corrections.
Two exams, a midterm and a final, will be administered during the semester. You will only
be allowed to use a TI-30Xa single-line scientific calculator on the exams. No other
calculators will be allowed. The exams will be administered according to the schedule on
the last page of this syllabus and may not be taken early or late. There will be NO make-up
exams given unless you can provide valid documentation that your absence was due to an
unplanned, unavoidable emergency.
* NOTE: Final grades will be calculated to the tenths place in MyMathLab and those 0.5 or
higher will be rounded up to the next whole number. Similarly, 0.4 and below will be
rounded down to the next whole number. Students wishing to appeal final grades must
follow the FGCU policy for grade appeals as outlined in the FGCU Student Guidebook at the
following URL: Additionally, a pass/fail
grade will be submitted for the lab portion of the course - MAC 1105L. Grades of C or
higher will convert to an S (Satisfactory), while grades of D and F will convert to a U
Behavioral Expectations in the Classroom
Attending classes and paying attention. Students should not ask an instructor in class to
go over material they missed by skipping a class or not concentrating.
Not coming to class late or leaving early. You are expected to arrive on time. The
classroom door will be locked 5 minutes after the start of class. Students should not leave
class unless it is an absolute necessity.
You are expected to be prepared for each lecture. Being prepared for lecture means you
have your notebook, lecture notes, calculator, pencils, erasers, and extra notebook paper
with you.
Turning off electronic devices including cell phones, pagers, and beeper watches. Cell
phones should be turned off or silent and should be put away for the duration of class.
Not talking with other classmates while the instructor or another student is speaking. If a
student has a question or comment, he or she should raise a hand, rather than starting a
conversation about it with a neighbor.
Showing respect and concern for others by not monopolizing class discussion. Students
must allow others time to give their input and ask questions. Students should not stray
from the topic of class discussion.
Not eating and drinking during class time.
Focusing on class material during class time. Sleeping, talking to others, doing work for
another class, reading the newspaper, checking email, and exploring the Internet are
unacceptable and can be disruptive. Students engaging in such behavior during the
lecture will be asked to leave the room. Removal from class will result in loss of
points for that days graded activities
Grade Disputes
Homework Assignments: In the case of online assignments you will need a PDF file created
at the time you completed the assignment that contains your name, the assignment
name, the date and time, and your score. To do this, download the free CutePDF Writer,
available at When you have completed a homework assignment,
before hitting the submit button, right click on the screen and choose print. When the
print options appear choose the CutePDF Writer option. Now you can choose a location
and a file name for your assignment. Keep a folder on your computer with all of your
homework assignments. If a score discrepancy arises, just send your lecture instructor the
PDF file via email and your score will be adjusted accordingly.
Lecture Activities and Exams: If you have a dispute with a grade recorded by the
instructor, you must present the graded lecture activity or exam to the instructor in order
to obtain a change-of-score. It will be your responsibility to keep all of your returned
lecture activities and exams. Scores will NOT be changed without the original lecture
activity or exam being presented to the instructor.
Extra Credit
Extra credit opportunities will not be offered to individual students. If the professor
chooses to offer an extra credit opportunity, it will be made available to all students.
Testing Rules and Regulations
All tests are closed book and closed notes.
Cellular phones, tablets, and iPods may NOT be used as calculators during quizzes or tests.
No sharing of calculators will be allowed.
Only a TI-30Xa single-line scientific calculator may be used on quizzes and exams. No
other calculators will be allowed.
You may be asked to remove hats, headphones, and sunglasses during quizzes and exams.
The university policies regarding academic honesty can be found in the Student
Guidebook. All students are expected to review this document, which outlines their
responsibilities and consequences for violations of the policy.
General Policies
Attendance and Make-Up Policy
You are expected to be in class for the entire class session. To minimize the amount of
disruptions during class time, you should make sure to use the restroom before the start of
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class. You will not be permitted to leave class early without advance permission from the
instructor. Each time a student leaves the classroom for any reason, it is a distraction to
the rest of the class and takes away from valuable instructional time.
You are encouraged to attend all class sessions. In case of an absence, it is your
responsibility to obtain the class notes from another student. You should also check the
MyMathLab website and keep up with any homework assignments. You are responsible for
anything you miss, including notes, announcements, assignments, etc.
Excused absences are class days missed due to a doctors appointment, hospital stay,
illness, or school sponsored activity for which you can provide valid documentation. Valid
documentation includes your name and the dates missed and is from a doctor, hospital, or
the university employee in charge of the school event. Valid documentation does NOT
include notes from your parents, roommate, etc. If you are seen at Student Health
Services, be sure to obtain a walkout statement to be used as valid documentation.
If you miss an exam, a make-up will NOT be given unless you can provide valid
documentation that your absence was due to an unplanned, unavoidable emergency.
All make-ups must be completed within one week of the when the missed assignment was
originally administered. After that time, a make-up will no longer be allowed.
There are absolutely no make-ups for missed homework assignments. In lieu of allowing
homework to be made up after the due date, your four lowest homework scores will be
Dropped zeros are not vacation days! They are meant to automatically take care of the
small amount of excused absences that students typically accrue over the semester.
Attend every day and complete every assignment that you can since you may need the
dropped zeros for legitimate reasons at some point.
If you miss a lot of class or assignments, whether as a result of excused or unexcused
absences, you may need to withdraw from the course. Only students registered for this
course and this section may attend class meetings without advance permission of the
Electronics Policy
Unless otherwise instructed by the professor, all electronic devices, including, but not
limited to, laptops, cell phones, tablets, and e-cigarettes, must be turned off and put away
during class time.
Email Policy
In order to improve students written communication skills and to assist the instructor in
replying to emails in a timely manner, the following email policy will be strictly enforced.
When sending emails to your instructor, the following rules must be adhered to:
1. The subject line of the email must contain the course name and your course
reference number (CRN).
2. The email must be signed with your first and last name.
3. The email must be written in Standard English.
4. The email must use proper punctuation and capitalization.
If your email does not meet the above criteria, you must resubmit your email in the proper
format in order to receive a reply. Replies are usually received within two class days. If
you do not receive a reply within that time frame, check that your email was sent in the
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proper format and resubmit if necessary. Thank you in advance for sending your emails as
Office Hours Policy
Your instructor maintains weekly office hours. If you have questions about your grade,
general course policies, or are having difficulty with a particular concept, please take
advantage of these office hours. If you are having trouble with a course concept, please
come prepared to office hours by reading the textbook section and attempting problems
from MyMathLab and the textbook. You should bring this work with you to office hours in
order for the instructor to more efficiently assist you. Remember that you can also obtain
help with the course content from the Center for Academic Achievement or from the
Mathematics Department tutors. (See page 1.)
encouraged to create their personal emergency evacuation plan and FGCU is committed to
providing information on emergency notification procedures. You can find information on the
emergency exits and Areas of Rescue Assistance for each building, as well as other
emergency preparedness materials, on the Environmental Health and Safety and University
Police Department websites. If you will need assistance in the event of an emergency due to
a disability, please contact Adaptive Services for available services and information.
Student Observance of Religious Holidays
All students at Florida Gulf Coast University have a right to expect that the University will
reasonably accommodate their religious observances, practices, and beliefs. Students, upon
prior notification to their instructors, shall be excused from class or other scheduled academic
activity to observe a religious holy day of their faith. Students shall be permitted a
reasonable amount of time to make up the material or activities covered in their absence.
Students shall not be penalized due to absence from class or other scheduled academic
activity because of religious observances. Where practicable, major examinations, major
assignments, and University ceremonies will not be scheduled on a major religious holy day.
A student who is to be excused from class for a religious observance is not required to provide
a second party certification of the reason for the absence.
Required Materials
MyMathLab access code
TI-30Xa single-line scientific calculator
PLEASE NOTE: If you plan on using a calculator on the quizzes and exams, you must use the
specified calculator, shown below. If you are unsure if your calculator is approved for use,
please check with your instructor well in advance.
Recommended Materials
College Algebra, 6th edition, Robert Blitzer, Prentice Hall Publishers
Note: Since the text is available online via MyMathLab, you may choose to use the ebook
instead of purchasing a hard copy of the text. If you do not purchase the text, you may be
required to print sections and/or problem sets to bring to class.
Tentative Schedule for the Semester
Monday, June 22
Wednesday, June
Friday, June 26
Monday, June 29
Wednesday, July
Friday, July 3
Monday, July 6
Wednesday, July
Friday, July 10
Monday, July 13
Wednesday, July
Friday, July 17
Monday, July 20
Wednesday, July
Friday, July 24
Monday, July 27
Wednesday, July
Friday, July 31