STS Week 1 Module Prelim
STS Week 1 Module Prelim
STS Week 1 Module Prelim
Prepared by: Angelika A. Gabriel, LPT
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SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
Villasis, Santiago City, Philippines quality education”’
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College Department
• Discuss the interactions between science and technology and society throughout
history; and
• Discuss how scientific and technological development affect society and environment.
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SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
Villasis, Santiago City, Philippines quality education”’
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College Department
▪ Urbanization results when S&T improve because people usually migrate to a place
where their basic needs are met.
▪ People have stronger desire for material goods when S&T improve in the place.
▪ More discoveries and inventions that benefit the people due to improved S&T.
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SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
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College Department
amount of scientific literature written in Greek before and during the Roman Empire. Greek was
the language in the middle period but was lost later.
Thereafter, Latin prevailed in Western Christianity but only few books translated into Latin
contained scientific subject matter. Plato's work provided suitable clues for the view of the natural
world in the light of Christianity. It was Aristotle (384- 322 BC) in his book "Physics" who thinks of
the creation of the world as being based on nature only. Other eminent medieval intellectuals
emerged such as Albertus Magnus (1200-1280) who stated that natural ways are the result of
natural causes; and Roger Bacon (1214-1294) who taught that science must be based on
empirical methods.
In the latter part of the Middle Ages,
inventions and discoveries were made. Among
these were on the inventions of gunpowder and
firearms that made mathematical knowledge
indispensable, geometry and statistics that
enabled architects to construct Gothic cathedral,
new pumping device, new machines for lifting
heavy loads, new methods of finding and extracting metals; knowledge of human anatomy,
geocentric definition of the universe, and the introduction of the Gregorian calendar during
the time of Pope Gregory XII in 1852.
The Early Modern period began in the 16th to 17th century. Modern science began to
develop in the period. Scientific revolution started in Europe and spread later to other parts of
the globe. From the 18th century through late 20th century, science and technology emphasized
more on physical and biological sciences. Scientific knowledge was often presented in a
progressive narrative in which theories replaced false beliefs.
Today, there are many scientific and technological advancements to enhance our daily
activities, whether it be as simple as iPad, a computer game, a video game, and other digital
gadgets for entertainment and information purposes or as vital as an artificial heart for human
survival. It is science and technology that revolutionized society into a cyberspace contemporary
“’Committed to your
SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
Villasis, Santiago City, Philippines quality education”’
Tele. Fax. No. (078) 305-0849 – Email: [email protected]
College Department
price in Spain and Portugal) and these were used for international trade. Christianizing the early
Filipinos was believed not the main reason for coming to the Philippines. Converting the native
Filipinos was only accidental and for opportunity reasons. The best possible reason Spain could
easily extract raw materials and make production of goods faster was to set up a colonial
government in the Philippines.
Socio-political systems were erected and introduced to divide the country's land and
mineral resources including its people into an encomienda (hacienda) system for easier and faster
extraction of the country's valuable resources it could find.
After more than three hundred years (333 years to be exact) under Spanish rule, the
country evolved into a colony largely exporting raw materials and importing those that the country
cannot produce. If there were local technological innovation at that time, these were due largely
to the importation of foreign manufactured goods.
When the Americans came, the feudal system established by Spain still maintained but a
"farce" trading system between the Philippines and the United States was established. The low
technological impact of Philippine raw materials was traded for high technological input of foreign
finished products. Due to lesser value of Philippine products compared to that of foreign finished
products, the trade between the Philippines and the more advanced countries was basically
unequal. This trade imbalance has caused lesser-developed countries, like the Philippines, to
incur loans to pay for this trade deficit. Such foreign loans grew steadily, as trade imbalance
became more unequal.
In order for the colonial power to maintain their dominance in the world market, it was
essential that other countries including their colonies, do not develop its own system of
manufacturing goods and services that shall compete with the goods produced by the mother
country. For the Philippines, this would mean that no genuine progress for scientific and
technological advancement would ever be drawn up.
Under 46 years of American rule, Philippines
sild down from being the second country next to
Japan in terms of technological development to
being next to bottom ranking among Southeast
Asian countries in technological development. Even
after more than 100 years of "independence the
Philippines have yet to rid itself of the poor systems
created by the colonial rulers and later on by the succeeding Philippine governments. Until the
end of President Aquino's term, his administration did not serve well the scientific and
technological needs of the Filipino masses. Up to this time (2018), we have yet to see how
President Duterte's administration, through the DOST, if S&T will improve its ranking and serve
best Filipino people in terms of scientific and technological benefits.
“’Committed to your
SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
Villasis, Santiago City, Philippines quality education”’
Tele. Fax. No. (078) 305-0849 – Email: [email protected]
College Department
But let us go back into the past years of Philippine government rule. It must be noted that
75% of the Filipinos were engaged in agriculture because the Philippines is primarily agricultural
but nothing or less than nothing has been done to spur rural industrialization which is very much
needed by 85% of the population who resides in the rural areas.
To this day, we have yet to see efficient development of infrastructure, energy generation,
transportation, information and communication technology (internet speed and WIFI elsewhere)
and basic services (water utilities and electricity in every places, healthcare services, especially
to the senior citizens and PWDs, and the establishment of basic services such as steel production
around the country.
At present, there is little science and technological advancement that we could boost out
as our own inventions and discoveries comparable with the global world, especially in the field of
transportation and information.
Learning Activities
I. Word Bank
Define the following terms according to your understanding
1. Interaction -
2. Science -
3. Technology -
4. Society -
5. Environment –
“’Committed to your
SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
Villasis, Santiago City, Philippines quality education”’
Tele. Fax. No. (078) 305-0849 – Email: [email protected]
College Department
5. Identify the inventions and discoveries that took place or were done during these
eras in S&T:
“’Committed to your
SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
Villasis, Santiago City, Philippines quality education”’
Tele. Fax. No. (078) 305-0849 – Email: [email protected]
College Department
a. Ancient Era S&T inventions or discoveries
i. ____________________________________
ii. ____________________________________
iii. ____________________________________
b. Middle Era S&T inventions or discoveries
i. ____________________________________
ii. ____________________________________
iii. ____________________________________
iv. ____________________________________
v. ____________________________________
vi. ____________________________________
vii. ____________________________________
viii. ____________________________________
“’Committed to your
SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
Villasis, Santiago City, Philippines quality education”’
Tele. Fax. No. (078) 305-0849 – Email: [email protected]
College Department
6. Name the philosophers / intellectual thinkers in the field of science and technology
and indicate the period where they belong.
Name Period
a. _____________________________________ _____________________
b. _____________________________________ _____________________
c. _____________________________________ _____________________
d. _____________________________________ _____________________
e. _____________________________________ _____________________
f. _____________________________________ _____________________
g. _____________________________________ _____________________
h. _____________________________________ _____________________
“’Committed to your
SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
Villasis, Santiago City, Philippines quality education”’
Tele. Fax. No. (078) 305-0849 – Email: [email protected]