Engineering Mathematics (3) Lecture Notes 2.4

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Chapter 2.

Second-Order Linear ODEs 9

§2.4 Modeling of Free oscillations of a Mass-spring

[Setting up the model]

• Newton’s second law : Force = Mass × Acceleration = my "".

Hook’s law: F0 = −ks0 where k > 0 is the spring constant.
• In static equilibrium, −ks0 + mg = 0.
• From the position y = 0, we pull the body downward(displacement y).
By Hooke’s law this causes an upward force F1 in the spring,
F1 = −ky (restoring force).
[Undamped System : my "" + ky = 0]
The restoring force F1 = −ky is the only force causing the motion.
my "" = −ky ⇒ my "" + ky = 0.
characteristic equation : mλ2 + k = 0
λ2 + ω02 = 0, ω0 = m , λ = ±iω0
∴ y(t) = A cos ω0t + B sin ω0t.
The corresponding motion is called a harmonic oscillation.

Since the trigonometric functions have the period , the frequency
(or natural frequency) is . (cycles/sec = hertz(Hz))

Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) T. Jeong
Chapter 2. Second-Order Linear ODEs 10

Note 1. Alternative representation of the solution is

y(t) = A cos ω0t + B sin ω0t
= C[cos ω0t + sin ω0t ]
= C[cos ω0t cos δ + sin ω0t sin δ]
= C cos(ω0t − δ)

where the amplitude C = A2 + B 2, phase angle δ = arctan B

y " (0)
2. From the initial conditions, A = y(0), B = ω0

When B = 0, δ = 0.

3. Fig. 34 shows typical forms of the solution, according to the positive

initial displacement y(0) and initial velocities y "(0).

Fig. 34. Typical harmonic oscillations with the same y(0) = A

and different initial velocity y ! (0) = ωB

Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) T. Jeong

Chapter 2. Second-Order Linear ODEs 11

Example 1. Undamped Motion. Harmonic Oscillation

• If an iron ball of weight W=98nt stretches a spring 1.09m, how many
cycles per minute will this mass-spring system execute?
• What will its motion be if we pull down the weight an additional 16cm
and let it start with zero initial velocity?
Sol. By Hooke’s law,
98 = 1.09k ⇒ k= = 90[kg/sec2] = 90[nt/meter].
The mass is m = W/g = 98/9.8 = 10 kg.

ω0 3
∴ frequency: = m = [Hz]
2π 2π 2π

harmonic oscillation
y(t) = A cos ω0t + B sin ω0t
= A cos 3t + B sin 3t
y(0) = A = 0.16,
y "(0) = 3B = 0 ⇒ B = 0
∴ y(t) = 0.16 cos 3t

Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) T. Jeong

Chapter 2. Second-Order Linear ODEs 12

[Damped System]

Fig. 36. Damped system

A damping force is F2 = −cy ", c(> 0) = damping constant.

my "" = −ky − cy " =⇒ my "" + cy " + ky = 0
c k
λ2 + λ + = 0, λ1 = −α + β, λ2 = −α − β,
m m
c 1

where α = 2m , β = 2m c2 − 4mk.

Case I(Overdamping, c2 > 4mk): distinct real roots λ1, λ2

y(t) = c1e−(α−β)t + c2e−(α+β)t

Fig. 37. Typical motions in the overdamped case

(a) Positive initial displacement (b) Negative initial displacement

Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) T. Jeong

Chapter 2. Second-Order Linear ODEs 13

Case II(Critical damping, c2 = 4mk): real double root

y(t) = (c1 + c2t)e−αt

Fig. 38. Critical damping

Case III(Underdamping, c2 < 4mk): complex conjugate roots

∗ ∗ 1 "
β = iω , where ω = 4mκ − c2 (> 0)
y(t) = e−αt (A cos ω ∗t + B sin ω ∗t) = Ce−αt cos(ω ∗t − δ),

where C = A2 + B 2, tan δ = B/A.
Note that the frequency is and ω ∗ −→ ω0 as c −→ 0, and y(t)

approaches zero as t → ∞.

Fig. 39. Damped oscillation in the case of underdamping

Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) T. Jeong

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