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Section A
Reading Skill
1.Reading comprehension through unseen passage.
10 Marks
One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation, inference and
vocabulary. The passage may be factual, descriptive, literary or case based.
Multiple choice questions/ objective type questions will be asked.
Section - B
Writing Skills
4. Letter writing.
4 Marks
Formal / informal letter to enable the students to identify the elements of a letter and to
apply them and compose a letter. They must be able to produce clear and coherent
writing in which the development , organisation and style are appropriate to task, purpose
and audience.
Language 1 mark
Content 2 marks
Expression(gramxnatical accuracy, coherence, 1 marks
appropriate words, spelling and punctuations)
Section - C
10 Marks
(I) Questions on gap filling, Tenses, Prepositions, Verbs, Conjunctions, Articles,
Modals, Determiners etc.
(II) Do as directed.
Voices, Transformation of sentences , Clauses etc.
Section D
44 Marks
This section will have the variety of assessment items including multiple choice
questions, objective type questions, short answer type questions and long answer type
questions to assess comprehension, analysis, interpretation and extrapolation of the