Hotspot4-Sep 4, 2024-PRS Lesson Plan

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‭Teacher‬ ‭: Mr. KIM VIREAK‬

‭Book‬ ‭: Hotspot 4‬ ‭Level: 4B‬ ‭Unit: 17‬ ‭Module 5‬ ‭Page: 54‬
‭Lesson‬‭Type‬‭: PRS Lesson “ Listening and Writing and Speaking Skills”‬
‭Aim‬ ‭: To practice “Past Perfect and Past Simple”‬
‭Objective‬ ‭: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen, to write and to‬
‭speak fluently.‬

‭Steps‬ ‭Procedure/Activity‬ ‭Aim‬

‭Warmer‬ ‭ eacher tells the students to play a hot potato game and tell the students‬
T ‭To review old words.‬
‭to tell the class about the chores at their home.‬

‭Pre-teach‬ ‭ eacher elicits new words from the students.‬

T ‭To teach new words.‬
‭Household (n) all the people who live together in one house‬
‭Everyday objects = something that use everyday‬
‭Switch off (v) turn off a machine, light, radio…‬
‭Typewriter (n) the machine with keys to type alphabet onto paper‬
‭Drawer (n) part of a piece of furniture to keep things‬

‭Pre-task‬ ‭ eacher asks the students some questions.‬

T ‭Let students‬
‭What did you do when you stayed at home?‬ ‭concentrate on their‬
‭Did you ever help your parents to do chores?‬ ‭lesson.‬
‭Had you helped your parents before you went to school?‬

‭Main-task‬ ‭1.‬ P ‭ icture search:‬ ‭Students practice‬

‭Teacher tells students to see the pictures and tell the class individually.‬ ‭listening, writing, and‬
‭Examples: messy room, dining room, kitchen, lay/clear the table, sweep‬ ‭speaking skills.‬
‭the floor, etc.‬

‭2.‬ P ‭ resentation:‬
‭Teacher tells students to search the picture to find the chores that Sue‬
‭had to do in pairs.‬
‭1.‬ ‭Yes, she had.‬
‭2.‬ ‭Yes, she had.‬
‭3.‬ ‭Yes, she had.‬
‭4.‬ ‭Yes, she had.‬
‭5.‬ ‭No, she hadn’t.‬
‭6.‬ ‭Yes, she had.‬
‭7.‬ ‭No, she hadn’t.‬
‭8.‬ ‭No, she hadn’t.‬

‭3. Grammar practice:‬

‭Teacher tells the students to look at the pictures and complete the‬
‭sentences from 1-8 in groups of 3.‬
‭1.‬ ‭She had made the bed.‬
‭2.‬ ‭She hadn’t tidied the desk.‬
‭3.‬ ‭She had taken the plates and mugs to the kitchen.‬
‭4.‬ ‭She had put away her clothes.‬
‭5.‬ ‭She had closed the drawers.‬
‭6.‬ ‭She hadn’t cleared the window.‬
‭ .‬ S
7 ‭ he had mended the shelves.‬
‭8.‬ ‭She hadn’t emptied the bin.‬

‭4. Teacher lets students read the sentences and tells them to answer‬
‭about themselves from 1-5.‬
‭Examples: I had woken up at……, then I had cleaned…..‬

‭Post-task‬ ‭5. Teacher tells the students work in groups of 3 to look at the pictures to‬ ‭Let students compete‬
‭find more things‬ ‭ ith the other groups.‬
‭that had changed.‬
‭(Sherlock Holmes noticed that someone had been‬
‭In the office.)‬
‭In the office of Sherlock Holmes at ten o’clock, as he was leaving and‬
‭twelve o’clock, as he came back.‬

‭6. Teachers tells each students to write 4 sentences about two things that‬
‭had done and two things they hadn’t done with the past perfect tense.‬

‭Closer‬ ‭ eacher gives advice to the students to write 6 sentences with the past‬
T ‭Teacher’s advice.‬
‭perfect at home.‬

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