Assignment 01 PHY 1111

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1. What do you mean by oscillatory motion?

2. What is simple harmonic motion?
3. Discuss the characteristics of simple harmonic motion.
4. Derive the differential equation of simple harmonic motion and
Show that for a body vibrating simple harmonically, the time period is given by 𝑇 = 2𝜋√𝐾,
5. Prove that, 𝑥 = 𝐴 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 𝛿) is the solution of the differential equation of simple harmonic
6. Discuss the phase of a vibrating particle.
OR: Explain the term epoch angle with suitable diagram.
7. Show that for a particle executing SHM, the instantaneous velocity is ω√a2 − y 2 , instantaneous
acceleration is −ω2 y, the maximum velocity is ωa and the maximum acceleration is −ω2 a.
8. For a particle vibrating simple harmonically the displacement is 8 cm at the instant the velocity
is 6 cm/sec and the displacement is 6 cm at the instant the velocity is 8 cm/sec. Calculate (i)
amplitude (ii) frequency and (iii) time period.
9. A body is vibrating with simple harmonic motion of amplitude 15 cm and frequency 4 Hz.
Calculate: i) the maximum values of velocity and acceleration and ii) the velocity and
acceleration when the displacement of the vibrating body is 9 cm.
OR: A body is vibrating with simple harmonic motion of amplitude 15 cm and frequency 4
Hz. Compute the maximum values of the acceleration and velocity.
10. A particle execute simple harmonic motion is given by the equation
y = 20 sin (ωt + α). If the time period is 30 seconds and the particle has a displacement of 10
cm at t = 0, find: (i) epoch (ii) the phase angle at t = 5 sec. (iii) the phase difference of the two
positions of the particle 15 seconds apart.
2𝜋𝑡 𝜋
11. A particle executes simple harmonic motion given by the equation 𝑦 = 12 sin ( 10 + 4 ).
Calculate: i) amplitude, ii) frequency, iii) epoch, iv) displacement at t = 1.25 sec., v) velocity
at t = 2.5 sec.
12. A simple harmonic motion is represented by y = 10 sin (10t − 6 ) where y is measured in
meters and t in sec. Calculate the following: (i) frequency (ii) time period (iii) maximum
displacement (iv) maximum velocity (iv) maximum acceleration.
13. If the displacement of a particle is represented by 𝑦 = 𝐴 sin 𝜔𝑡 + 𝐵 cos 𝜔𝑡, show that the
motion of the particle is simple harmonic and find the amplitude of the motion when
𝐴 = 12 𝑚 and 𝐵 = 9 𝑚.

14. Calculate the average kinetic energy of a body executing simple harmonic motion.
15. Calculate the average potential energy of a body executing simple harmonic motion.
16. Calculate the total energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion.
Show that, the total energy of a body executing simple harmonic motion is always constant.
(Necessary diagram with a brief explanation should be added)

17. Show that the time period of oscillation of a loaded spring is 𝑇 = 2𝜋√𝑚𝑔
18. A spring is hung vertically and loaded with a mass of 100 g and allowed to oscillate. Calculate:
(i) the time period (ii) the frequency of oscillation, when the spring is loaded with 200 g it
extends by 10 cm.
19. A scale of spring balance reading 0-10 kg is 0.25 m. A body suspended from the balance
oscillates with a frequency hertz. Calculate the mass of the body attached to the spring.
20. A body of mass 0.5 kg is suspended from a spring of negligible mass and it stretches the spring
by 0.07 m. For a displacement of 0.03 m it is given a downward velocity 0.4 m/s. Calculate (i)
the time period (ii) the frequency, and (iii) amplitude of vibration of the spring.
21. Show that, the resultant of two SHMs of the same time period and acting in the same line is
also a SHM. Calculate the maximum and minimum amplitudes of resultant vibration.
OR: Discuss the formation of Lissajous figure when they are in a straight line.
22. Two simple harmonic motions acting simultaneously on a particle are given by the equations
π π
y1 = 2 sin (ωt + 6 ) and y2 = 3 sin (ωt + 3 ). Calculate: i) amplitude, ii) phase constant and
iii) time period of the resultant vibration. What is the equation of the resultant vibrations?
23. What do you mean by Lissajous figures? Discuss it with diagram.
24. Deduce resultant vibration of composition of two S.H.M. of equal time periods acting at right
angles. Show its graphical form of resultant vibration.
OR: Deduce the resultant vibration of a particle influenced by two mutually perpendicular
simple harmonic motions having the same amplitude but differing in phase.
25. Find out the resultant simple harmonic motion when they are right angles to each other and
time period ratio is 1: 2 and also show it graphically.
26. Write down the uses of Lissajous figures.
27. Two tuning forks A and B are of nearly equal frequencies. The frequency of A is 288 Hz. When
the two tuning forks are used to obtain the Lissajous Figures, the complete cycles of changes
takes place in 20 seconds. When the tuning fork B is loaded with a little wax, the time taken
for one cycle of change is 10 seconds. Calculate the original frequency of B.
28. Two tuning forks A and B are of nearly equal frequencies. The frequency of A is 256 Hz.
When the two tuning forks are used to obtain the Lissajous figures, the complete cycles of
changes takes place in 10 seconds. When the tuning fork B is loaded with a little wax, the time
taken for one cycle of change is 20 seconds. Calculate the frequency of B before loading.
29. Two tuning forks produce Lissajous figures. The figure changes in form a parabola to figure
of eight and again a parabola. The whole cycle taking 6 seconds. If the frequency of one is 100,
find the possible frequency of the others.
30. In an experiment to obtain Lissajous figures, one tuning fork is of frequency 250 Hz, and
circular figures occurs after every five seconds. What deductions may be about the frequency
of the other tuning fork?
31. Two tuning forks A and B are used to produce Lissajous figures. It is found that the figure
completes its cycle in 10 seconds. If the frequency of A is 200, calculate the frequency of B.

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