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Contents 1
Introduction and Mathematical Concepts
1 1.1 The Nature of Physics 1 1.2 Units 2 1.3 The Role
of Units in Problem Solving 3 1.4 Trigonometry 6 1.5
Scalars and Vectors 8 1.6 Vector Addition and
Subtraction 10 1.7 The Components of a Vector 12 1.8
Addition of Vectors by Means of Components 15
Concept Summary 19 Focus on Concepts 19
Problems 21 Additional Problems 24 Concepts and
Calculations Problems 25 Team Problems 26 2
Kinematics in One Dimension 27 2.1 Displacement 27
2.2 Speed and Velocity 28 2.3 Acceleration 31 2.4
Equations of Kinematics for Constant Acceleration 34
2.5 Applications of the Equations of Kinematics 37 2.6
Freely Falling Bodies 41 2.7 Graphical Analysis of
Velocity and Acceleration 45 Concept Summary 47
Focus on Concepts 48 Problems 49 Additional
Problems 53 Concepts and Calculations Problems 54
Team Problems 54 3 Kinematics in Two Dimensions 55
3.1 Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration 55 3.2
Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions 56 3.3
Projectile Motion 60 3.4 Relative Velocity 68 Concept
Summary 72 Focus on Concepts 73 Problems 74
Additional Problems 77 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 78 Team Problems 79 4 Forces and
Newton’s Laws of Motion 80 4.1 The Concepts of
Force and Mass 80 4.2 Newton’s First Law of Motion
81 4.3 Newton’s Second Law of Motion 83 4.4 The
Vector Nature of Newton’s Second Law of Motion 85
4.5 Newton’s Third Law of Motion 86 4.6 Types of
Forces: An Overview 88 4.7 The Gravitational Force 88
4.8 The Normal Force 92 4.9 Static and Kinetic
Frictional Forces 95 4.10 The Tension Force 101 4.11
Equilibrium Applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion
102 4.12 Nonequilibrium Applications of Newton’s
Laws of Motion 106 Concept Summary 111 Focus on
Concepts 112 Problems 114 Additional Problems 118
Concepts and Calculations Problems 119 Team
Problems 120 5 Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion
121 5.1 Uniform Circular Motion 121 5.2 Centripetal
Acceleration 122 5.3 Centripetal Force 125 5.4
Banked Curves 129 5.5 Satellites in Circular Orbits
130 5.6 Apparent Weightlessness and Artificial Gravity
133 5.7 *Vertical Circular Motion 136 Concept
Summary 137 Focus on Concepts 138 Problems 139
Additional Problems 141 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 142 Team Problems 143 6 Work and Energy
144 6.1 Work Done by a Constant Force 144 6.2 The
Work–Energy Theorem and Kinetic Energy 147 6.3
Gravitational Potential Energy 153 6.4 Conservative
Versus Nonconservative Forces 155 6.5 The
Conservation of Mechanical Energy 157 6.6
Nonconservative Forces and the Work–Energy
Theorem 161 Contents vii 6.7 Power 162 6.8 Other
Forms of Energy and the Conservation of Energy 164
6.9 Work Done by a Variable Force 164 Concept
Summary 166 Focus on Concepts 167 Problems 168
Additional Problems 172 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 173 Team Problems 174 7 Impulse and
Momentum 175 7.1 The Impulse–Momentum Theorem
175 7.2 The Principle of Conservation of Linear
Momentum 179 7.3 Collisions in One Dimension 184
7.4 Collisions in Two Dimensions 189 7.5 Center of
Mass 189 Concept Summary 192 Focus on Concepts
193 Problems 194 Additional Problems 197 Concepts
and Calculations Problems 198 Team Problems 199 8
Rotational Kinematics 200 8.1 Rotational Motion and
Angular Displacement 200 8.2 Angular Velocity and
Angular Acceleration 203 8.3 The Equations of
Rotational Kinematics 205 8.4 Angular Variables and
Tangential Variables 208 8.5 Centripetal Acceleration
and Tangential Acceleration 210 8.6 Rolling Motion
213 8.7 *The Vector Nature of Angular Variables 214
Concept Summary 215 Focus on Concepts 216
Problems 216 Additional Problems 220 Concepts and
Calculations Problems 221 Team Problems 222 9
Rotational Dynamics 223 9.1 The Action of Forces and
Torques on Rigid Objects 223 9.2 Rigid Objects in
Equilibrium 226 9.3 Center of Gravity 231 9.4
Newton’s Second Law for Rotational Motion About a
Fixed Axis 236 9.5 Rotational Work and Energy 241 9.6
Angular Momentum 244 Concept Summary 246 Focus
on Concepts 247 Problems 248 Additional Problems
254 Concepts and Calculations Problems 255 Team
Problems 256 10 Simple Harmonic Motion and
Elasticity 257 10.1 The Ideal Spring and Simple
Harmonic Motion 257 10.2 Simple Harmonic Motion
and the Reference Circle 261 10.3 Energy and Simple
Harmonic Motion 267 10.4 The Pendulum 270 10.5
Damped Harmonic Motion 273 10.6 Driven Harmonic
Motion and Resonance 274 10.7 Elastic Deformation
275 10.8 Stress, Strain, and Hooke’s Law 279 Concept
Summary 280 Focus on Concepts 281 Problems 282
Additional Problems 287 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 288 Team Problems 288 11 Fluids 289 11.1
Mass Density 289 11.2 Pressure 291 11.3 Pressure
and Depth in a Static Fluid 293 11.4 Pressure Gauges
297 11.5 Pascal’s Principle 298 11.6 Archimedes’
Principle 300 11.7 Fluids in Motion 305 11.8 The
Equation of Continuity 307 11.9 Bernoulli’s Equation
309 11.10 Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation 311
11.11 *Viscous Flow 314 Concept Summary 317
Focus on Concepts 318 Problems 319 Additional
Problems 323 Concepts and Calculations Problems
324 Team Problems 325 12 Temperature and Heat 326
12.1 Common Temperature Scales 326 12.2 The
Kelvin Temperature Scale 328 12.3 Thermometers 329
12.4 Linear Thermal Expansion 330 12.5 Volume
Thermal Expansion 337 12.6 Heat and Internal Energy
339 12.7 Heat and Temperature Change: Specific Heat
Capacity 340 12.8 Heat and Phase Change: Latent
Heat 343 12.9 *Equilibrium Between Phases of Matter
347 12.10 *Humidity 350 Concept Summary 352
Focus on Concepts 352 Problems 353 Additional
Problems 358 Concepts and Calculations Problems
358 Team Problems 359 13 The Transfer of Heat 360
13.1 Convection 360 13.2 Conduction 363 13.3
Radiation 370 13.4 Applications 373 Concept
Summary 375 Focus on Concepts 375 Problems 376
Additional Problems 378 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 379 Team Problems 379 14 The Ideal Gas
Law and Kinetic Theory 380 14.1 Molecular Mass, the
Mole, and Avogadro’s Number 380 14.2 The Ideal Gas
Law 383 14.3 Kinetic Theory of Gases 388 14.4 *Diff
usion 392 Concept Summary 395 Focus on Concepts
396 Problems 397 Additional Problems 399 Concepts
and Calculations Problems 400 Team Problems 400
15 Thermodynamics 401 15.1 Thermodynamic
Systems and Their Surroundings 401 15.2 The Zeroth
Law of Thermodynamics 402 15.3 The First Law of
Thermodynamics 402 15.4 Thermal Processes 404
15.5 Thermal Processes Using an Ideal Gas 408 15.6
Specific Heat Capacities 411 15.7 The Second Law of
Thermodynamics 412 15.8 Heat Engines 413 15.9
Carnot’s Principle and the Carnot Engine 414 15.10
Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, and Heat Pumps 417
15.11 Entropy 420 15.12 The Third Law of
Thermodynamics 425 Concept Summary 425 Focus
on Concepts 426 Problems 427 Additional Problems
431 Concepts and Calculations Problems 432 Team
Problems 432 16 Waves and Sound 433 16.1 The
Nature of Waves 433 16.2 Periodic Waves 435 16.3
The Speed of a Wave on a String 436 16.4 *The
Mathematical Description of a Wave 439 16.5 The
Nature of Sound 439 16.6 The Speed of Sound 442
16.7 Sound Intensity 446 16.8 Decibels 448 16.9 The
Doppler Eff ect 450 16.10 Applications of Sound in
Medicine 454 16.11 *The Sensitivity of the Human Ear
455 Concept Summary 456 Focus on Concepts 457
Problems 458 Additional Problems 463 Concepts and
Calculations Problems 464 Team Problems 464 17
The Principle of Linear Superposition and Interference
Phenomena 465 17.1 The Principle of Linear
Superposition 465 17.2 Constructive and Destructive
Interference of Sound Waves 466 17.3 Diff raction 470
17.4 Beats 473 17.5 Transverse Standing Waves 474
17.6 Longitudinal Standing Waves 478 17.7 *Complex
Sound Waves 481 Concept Summary 482 Focus on
Concepts 483 Problems 484 Additional Problems 487
Concepts and Calculations Problems 488 Team
Problems 488 18 Electric Forces and Electric Fields
489 18.1 The Origin of Electricity 489 18.2 Charged
Objects and the Electric Force 490 18.3 Conductors
and Insulators 493 18.4 Charging by Contact and by
Induction 493 18.5 Coulomb’s Law 495 18.6 The
Electric Field 500 viii Contents Contents ix 18.7
Electric Field Lines 505 18.8 The Electric Field Inside a
Conductor: Shielding 508 18.9 Gauss’ Law 510 18.10
*Copiers and Computer Printers 513 Concept
Summary 516 Focus on Concepts 516 Problems 517
Additional Problems 521 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 521 Team Problems 522 19 Electric
Potential Energy and the Electric Potential 523 19.1
Potential Energy 523 19.2 The Electric Potential Diff
erence 524 19.3 The Electric Potential Diff erence
Created by Point Charges 530 19.4 Equipotential
Surfaces and Their Relation to the Electric Field 534
19.5 Capacitors and Dielectrics 537 19.6 *Biomedical
Applications of Electric Potential Diff erences 541
Concept Summary 544 Focus on Concepts 544
Problems 546 Additional Problems 548 Concepts and
Calculations Problems 549 Team Problems 550 20
Electric Circuits 551 20.1 Electromotive Force and
Current 551 20.2 Ohm’s Law 553 20.3 Resistance and
Resistivity 554 20.4 Electric Power 557 20.5
Alternating Current 559 20.6 Series Wiring 562 20.7
Parallel Wiring 565 20.8 Circuits Wired Partially in
Series and Partially in Parallel 569 20.9 Internal
Resistance 570 20.10 Kirchhoff ’s Rules 571 20.11 The
Measurement of Current and Voltage 574 20.12
Capacitors in Series and in Parallel 575 20.13 RC
Circuits 577 20.14 Safety and the Physiological Eff
ects of Current 579 Concept Summary 580 Focus on
Concepts 581 Problems 582 Additional Problems 588
Concepts and Calculations Problems 589 Team
Problems 589 21 Magnetic Forces and Magnetic Fields
590 21.1 Magnetic Fields 590 21.2 The Force That a
Magnetic Field Exerts on a Moving Charge 592 21.3
The Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field
595 21.4 The Mass Spectrometer 599 21.5 The Force
on a Current in a Magnetic Field 600 21.6 The Torque
on a Current-Carrying Coil 602 21.7 Magnetic Fields
Produced by Currents 605 21.8 Ampère’s Law 612
21.9 Magnetic Materials 613 Concept Summary 616
Focus on Concepts 617 Problems 618 Additional
Problems 623 Concepts and Calculations Problems
624 Team Problems 624 22 Electromagnetic Induction
625 22.1 Induced Emf and Induced Current 625 22.2
Motional Emf 627 22.3 Magnetic Flux 631 22.4
Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction 634 22.5
Lenz’s Law 637 22.6 *Applications of Electromagnetic
Induction to the Reproduction of Sound 640 22.7 The
Electric Generator 641 22.8 Mutual Inductance and
Self-Inductance 646 22.9 Transformers 649 Concept
Summary 652 Focus on Concepts 653 Problems 654
Additional Problems 659 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 659 Team Problems 660 23 Alternating
Current Circuits 661 23.1 Capacitors and Capacitive
Reactance 661 23.2 Inductors and Inductive
Reactance 664 23.3 Circuits Containing Resistance,
Capacitance, and Inductance 665 23.4 Resonance in
Electric Circuits 670 23.5 Semiconductor Devices 672
Concept Summary 678 Focus on Concepts 679
Problems 680 Additional Problems 681 Concepts and
Calculations Problems 682 Team Problems 683 24
Electromagnetic Waves 684 24.1 The Nature of
Electromagnetic Waves 684 24.2 The Electromagnetic
Spectrum 688 24.3 The Speed of Light 690 24.4 The
Energy Carried by Electromagnetic Waves 692 24.5
The Doppler Eff ect and Electromagnetic Waves 695
24.6 Polarization 697 Concept Summary 704 Focus on
Concepts 704 Problems 705 Additional Problems 708
Concepts and Calculations Problems 709 Team
Problems 710 25 The Reflection of Light: Mirrors 711
25.1 Wave Fronts and Rays 711 25.2 The Reflection of
Light 712 25.3 The Formation of Images by a Plane
Mirror 713 25.4 Spherical Mirrors 716 25.5 The
Formation of Images by Spherical Mirrors 718 25.6 The
Mirror Equation and the Magnification Equation 722
Concept Summary 728 Focus on Concepts 728
Problems 729 Additional Problems 731 Concepts and
Calculations Problems 731 Team Problems 732 26
The Refraction of Light: Lenses and Optical
Instruments 733 26.1 The Index of Refraction 733 26.2
Snell’s Law and the Refraction of Light 734 26.3 Total
Internal Reflection 739 26.4 Polarization and the
Reflection and Refraction of Light 745 26.5 The
Dispersion of Light: Prisms and Rainbows 746 26.6
Lenses 748 26.7 The Formation of Images by Lenses
749 26.8 The Thin-Lens Equation and the
Magnification Equation 752 26.9 Lenses in
Combination 755 26.10 The Human Eye 756 26.11
Angular Magnification and the Magnifying Glass 761
26.12 The Compound Microscope 763 26.13 The
Telescope 764 26.14 Lens Aberrations 765 Concept
Summary 767 Focus on Concepts 768 Problems 769
Additional Problems 775 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 775 Team Problems 776 27 Interference and
the Wave Nature of Light 777 27.1 The Principle of
Linear Superposition 777 27.2 Young’s Double-Slit
Experiment 779 27.3 Thin-Film Interference 782 27.4
The Michelson Interferometer 786 27.5 Diff raction
787 27.6 Resolving Power 791 27.7 The Diff raction
Grating 796 27.8 *Compact Discs, Digital Video Discs,
and the Use of Interference 798 27.9 X-Ray Diff raction
799 Concept Summary 801 Focus on Concepts 802
Problems 803 Additional Problems 805 Concepts and
Calculations Problems 806 Team Problems 807 28
Special Relativity 808 28.1 Events and Inertial
Reference Frames 808 28.2 The Postulates of Special
Relativity 809 28.3 The Relativity of Time: Time Dilation
811 28.4 The Relativity of Length: Length Contraction
815 28.5 Relativistic Momentum 817 28.6 The
Equivalence of Mass and Energy 819 28.7 The
Relativistic Addition of Velocities 824 Concept
Summary 827 Focus on Concepts 827 Problems 828
Additional Problems 830 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 831 Team Problems 831 29 Particles and
Waves 832 29.1 The Wave–Particle Duality 832 29.2
Blackbody Radiation and Planck’s Constant 833 29.3
Photons and the Photoelectric Eff ect 834 29.4 The
Momentum of a Photon and the Compton Eff ect 840
29.5 The De Broglie Wavelength and the Wave Nature
of Matter 843 29.6 The Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle 845 Concept Summary 849 Focus on
Concepts 849 Problems 850 x Contents Contents xi
Additional Problems 852 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 852 Team Problems 852 30 The Nature of
the Atom 853 30.1 Rutherford Scattering and the
Nuclear Atom 853 30.2 Line Spectra 855 30.3 The Bohr
Model of the Hydrogen Atom 857 30.4 De Broglie’s
Explanation of Bohr’s Assumption About Angular
Momentum 861 30.5 The Quantum Mechanical
Picture of the Hydrogen Atom 862 30.6 The Pauli
Exclusion Principle and the Periodic Table of the
Elements 866 30.7 X-Rays 868 30.8 The Laser 872 30.9
*Medical Applications of the Laser 874 30.10
*Holography 876 Concept Summary 878 Focus on
Concepts 879 Problems 880 Additional Problems 883
Concepts and Calculations Problems 883 Team
Problems 883 31 Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity
885 31.1 Nuclear Structure 885 31.2 The Strong
Nuclear Force and the Stability of the Nucleus 887
31.3 The Mass Defect of the Nucleus and Nuclear
Binding Energy 888 31.4 Radioactivity 890 31.5 The
Neutrino 896 31.6 Radioactive Decay and Activity 897
31.7 Radioactive Dating 900 31.8 Radioactive Decay
Series 903 31.9 Radiation Detectors 904 Concept
Summary 906 Focus on Concepts 907 Problems 908
Additional Problems 910 Concepts and Calculations
Problems 910 Team Problems 910 32 Ionizing
Radiation, Nuclear Energy, and Elementary Particles
911 32.1 Biological Eff ects of Ionizing Radiation 911
32.2 Induced Nuclear Reactions 915 32.3 Nuclear
Fission 916 32.4 Nuclear Reactors 919 32.5 Nuclear
Fusion 920 32.6 Elementary Particles 922 32.7
Cosmology 928 Concept Summary 931 Focus on
Concepts 932 Problems 932 Additional Problems 934
Concepts and Calculations Problems 935 Team
Problems 935 Appendixes A-1 APPENDIX A Powers of
Ten and Scientific Notation A-1 APPENDIX B
Significant Figures A-1 APPENDIX C Algebra A-2
APPENDIX D Exponents and Logarithms A-3
APPENDIX E Geometry and Trigonometry A-4
APPENDIX F Selected Isotopes A-5 ANSWERS TO
Introduction and Mathematical

The Nature of Physics Physics is the most basic of the

sciences, and it is at the very root of subjects like
chemistry, engineering, astronomy, and even biology.
The discipline of physics has developed over many
centuries, and it continues to evolve. It is a mature
science, and its laws encompass a wide scope of
phenomena that range from the formation of galaxies
to the interactions of particles in the nuclei of atoms.
Perhaps the most visible evidence of physics in
everyday life is the eruption of new applications that
have improved our quality of life, such as new medical
devices, and advances in computers and high-tech
communications. The exciting feature of physics is its
capacity for predicting how nature will behave in one
situation on the basis of experimental data obtained in
another situation. Such predictions place physics at
the heart of modern technology and, therefore, can
have a tremendous impact on our lives. Rocketry and
the development of space travel have their roots fi
rmly planted in the physical laws of Galileo Galilei
(1564–1642) and Isaac Newton (1642–1727). The
transportation industry relies heavily on physics in the
development of engines and the design of
aerodynamic vehicles. Entire electronics and
computer industries owe their existence to the
invention of the transistor, which grew directly out of
the laws of physics that describe the electrical
behavior of solids.

1.2 Units Physics experiments involve the

measurement of a variety of quantities, and a great
deal of eff ort goes into making these measurements
as accurate and reproducible as possible. The fi rst
step toward ensuring accuracy and reproducibility is
defi ning the units in which the measurements are
made. In this text, we emphasize the system of units
known as SI units, which stands for the French phrase
“Le Système International d’Unités.” By international
agreement, this system employs the meter (m) as the
unit of length, the kilogram (kg) as the unit of mass,
and the second (s) as the unit of time. Two other
systems of units are also in use, however. The CGS
system utilizes the centimeter (cm), the gram (g), and
the second for length, mass, and time, respectively,
and the BE or British Engineering system (the
gravitational version) uses the foot (ft), the slug (sl),
and the second. Table 1.1 summarizes the units used
for length, mass, and time in the three systems.
Originally, the meter was defi ned in terms of the
distance measured along the earth’s surface between
the north pole and the equator. Eventually, a more
accurate measurement standard was needed, and by
international agreement the meter became the
distance between two marks on a bar of platinum–
iridium alloy (see Figure 1.1) kept at a temperature of
0 °C. Today, to meet further demands for increased
accuracy, the meter is defi ned as the distance that
light travels in a vacuum in a time of 1/299 792 458
second. This defi nition arises because the speed of
light is a universal constant that is defi ned to be 299
792 458 m/s. The defi nition of a kilogram as a unit of
mass has also undergone changes over the years. As
Chapter 4 discusses, the mass of an object indicates
the tendency of the object to continue in motion with a
constant velocity. Originally, the kilogram was
expressed in terms of a specifi c amount of water.
Today, one kilogram is defi ned to be the mass of a
standard cylinder of platinum– iridium alloy, like the
one in Figure 1.2. As with the units for length and
mass, the present defi nition of the second as a unit of
time is diff erent from the original defi nition.
Originally, the second was defi ned according to the
average time for the earth to rotate once about its axis,
one day being set equal to 86 400 seconds. The
earth’s rotational motion was chosen because it is
naturally repetitive, occurring over and over again.
Today, we still use a naturally occurring repetitive
phenomenon to defi ne the second, but of a very diff
erent kind. We use the electromagnetic waves emitted
by cesium-133 atoms in an atomic clock like that in
Figure 1.3. One second is defi ned as the time needed
for 9 192 631 770 wave cycles to occur.*

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