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№ 9206

Sustainable Green Marketing Concepts for Green

Construction Market Developments in

Md Shaharul Islam and Abu Bakar Sade

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October 31, 2022

Sustainable green marketing concepts for green
construction market developments in Bangladesh
Md Shaharul Islam 1*, Abu Bakar Sade1
Putra Business School, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

This paper presents the marketing green concept that drives the construction market towards sustainability. Due to the
global energy crisis, climate change, and other environmental degradations, green products are gaining appeal and
acceptance, revealing the twenty-first century's forthcoming concerns. Also, green business become a major driving
force behind global sustainable development. Though Bangladesh's economy is growing as it strives to become a
developing nation by 2026, the expansion of industrial sectors is essential to achieving this objective. The industrial
expansion has resulted in significant depletion of natural resources, greenhouse gas emissions, and toxic waste dumping,
all of which can lead to unchecked degradation of air, soil, and water quality. Most developing countries have introduced
a new way of doing business known as “green business” (GB). The principles of green business align with new ways
of production, marketing, and disposal of products that ensure environmental safety and corporate competitiveness. The
primary objective of this study is to present an overview of green marketing strategies related to the construction sector,
that will help the sector to gain sustainable competitive advantages. To achieve this objective throughout Bangladesh's
construction sectors, we suggested a methodology to quantify green business strategy in the context of the strengthening
of green business strategy and environmental deterioration. This study provides a valuable reference for both
policymakers and industry practitioners to implement green construction.

Keywords: Sustainability marketing, Sustainable development, Green construction, Green marketing,

Environmental pollution.

1. INTRODUCTION Fahrenheit since 1880 [4, 5]. The increase in CO2 alone
is predicted to raise the global average temperature by
Since the 1970s, marketing knowledge and theory around 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit by 2050 [6]. Energy-
have evolved and developed, and marketing sciences related usage is expected to rise from 32.3 billion metric
have emerged in the setting of the exchange paradigm. tons to 43.4 billion metric tons in 2040 [7]. And 36 billion
Every exchange structure is associated with products, tonnes of CO2 have been produced by the construction
services, people, places, or concepts, and individuals in industry. According to World Population Growth
profit and non-profit organizations, governments, and Prospects 2017, the world's population has grown by
non-governmental organizations [1]. The term "green around one billion people in the 13 years since 2005, and
marketing" is frequently misused and applied incorrectly. the population will surpass 9.8 billion in 2050 [6]. The
"Green marketing" refers to the promotion of items that electricity demand is growing as the population grows
are seen to be environmentally friendly [2]. Climate and urbanization accelerates, which will reach 900 EJ of
change, energy scarcity, population growth, noise, and primary energy use in 2050 [6]. Based on the above
accelerated urbanization are all major threats to human discussion need to promote using an environmentally
society's sustainable development [3]. According to a friendly product.
NASA report, the temperature has increased by 1.8

Bangladesh is a rapidly urbanizing country with a Also, as social and environmental issues become
socially developing market economy. The government more important to economic growth, especially climate
has strong commitments to promote green construction change, companies, and advertisers will have to find
and efficient energy usage in the commercial and public long-term ways to keep their customer's demands and
sectors via financial incentives and green building invest in customer service. [19, 21]. This article aims to
standards as part of the overall sustainable development give a clear road map for national development growth,
strategy [8]. In addition, government policy incentives, policy making, and construction design firms. It also
directly affect improving developers' understanding of gives guidelines for dealing with the growth of the green
the long-term benefits of green buildings. Buildings [9]. building market and a detailed method for academic
Improved access to low-cost, long-term funding is a researchers who might be interested in studying the
critical step in encouraging climate-smart investment, subject.
especially in green buildings.
Furthermore, the building construction industry has
been criticized for being a major consumer of primary This article utilizes the research synthesis approach,
energy and natural resources [6]. The construction sector which was conducted using narrative reviews and content
has had a significant impact globally on our energy, summaries. This paper incorporates original material and
climate, culture, infrastructure, and public health. It uses data from different web pages related to sustainable
30% of the world's resources, 15% of freshwater development and sustainable marketing assessment, with
withdrawals, one-fourth of all wood harvested, and scholarly publications and conference proceedings found
almost half of all raw materials[10]. The construction by keyword searches. In reviews of relevant literature
industry is responsible for 30% of global greenhouse gas different databases like google scholar, web of science,
emissions and 40%–50% of water contamination [3]. On and Scopus are often used. Inclusion and exclusion
the other hand, the construction of the green building criteria for the selection of literature. Inclusion-
(GB) focuses on energy efficiency building and reducing published articles in English only, publishing years from
CO2 emission and resource impacts to resolve these 2000 to 2020, Sustainable development or energy-saving
challenges[11]. It may incorporate techniques from all buildings, and exclusion- no other languages, not full-
building life cycle phases, such as site selection, text articles, not related to others.
planning, development, service, repair, reconstruction,
and deconstruction, to reduce detrimental impacts on It was then screened by reviewing abstracts and
electricity, water, materials, and other natural titles for selected articles that can provide answers to the
resources[12]. It will also reduce landfill emissions, air research questions. Forty-nine papers are associated with
and water pollution, indoor pollution, heat islands, the research objectives. Therefore, the researcher formed
stormwater runoff, noise, and different types of pollution the concept of sustainable green marketing or
[6, 13]. In several programs, the adoption and application sustainability marketing through synthesizing research
of green building technologies resulted in a reduction in work employing interpretation.
energy demand and CO2 emissions and an increase in
water quality. At the very least, the designers show their 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
intent to adopt GB's instructions to produce the best result
in their concept proposals. 3.1 Sustainable development
Current economic practices contribute to The concept of economic development, like the idea
environmental depletion and affect descendants who of sustainability, is not as straightforward as it seems.
cannot access natural resources that are essential for However, according to Brundtland, et al. [22] in 1987,
economic well-being and life equality for future the commission defined sustainable development as:
generations [14-16]. These ideas lead to long-term “Sustainable development is a development that meets
marketing. Sustainability marketing is a branch of the needs of the present without compromising the ability
marketing that incorporates economic factors, the new of future generations to meet their own needs”. This
notion of relationship marketing, as well as social, moral, implies that we must take care of our environment,
and environmental considerations [17, 18]. It also resources, and people to have a healthy life. Given that
provides strategies for the duration of long-term growth, the idea of sustainable development encompasses
such as marketing improvements based on a deep environmental, economic, and social dimensions, we
understanding of and intensity of various prospects. should also pass down our planet to our children and
Moreover, the three dimensions of sustainable grandchildren so that they can live in real sustainability
development, including economic, climate, and social [23]. Resources, climate change, agricultural
aspects, should be measured in business operations [19, development, sustainable urbanization, catastrophe
20]. The future of marketing will be shaped by some reduction, and mitigation all apply to the setting. It has to
things, such as relationship management, improvements do with how they affect the world and culture. The term
to manufacturing processes, and networking.
"society" refers to a democratic culture that allows people 3.2 Sustainability Marketing
to effectively participate in policymaking, share differing
Sustainability marketing has gained some popularity
viewpoints, and elect governments. Environment,
in recent years, but we are still unsure exactly what it
economy, and society are viewed as accepted
means[33]. The area of sustainability marketing is also
manuscripts as three pillars of sustainable development
incredibly understudied in the field of sustainable
and are used by several research studies on sustainable
marketing[34]. Although sustainability issues are
development [24, 25]. For these three sustainability
gaining momentum, their bulk is managerial, according
dimensions, education is considered essential for
to the feedback [35].
developing ethical awareness in humankind [26].
Sustainability also creates a competitive advantage and This study provides a new perspective and distinct
improves process innovation[27, 28]. As an emerging viewpoints on the area of sustainability marketing by
industry globally, the building industry is desirable in leveraging academic research to clarify current
both developed and emerging countries. On the other conceptualizations of sustainability marketing using a
hand, this industry is equally responsible for greenhouse broader approach from past sustainability marketing
gas emissions, high energy consumption, environmental analyses [36]. We present core principles in sustainability
damage, resource loss, and both external and internal marketing, outlining the overarching goal, assumptions,
pollution [29, 30]. The notion of sustainability may be and practical and theoretical implications. This review
broadened, and most people believe that to accomplish it, also looks at several prior studies' hypotheses, which can
we must strike a fair balance of economic, be a little hazy at times [37]. It aims to provide marketing
environmental, and social factors[31]. In the diagram of scholars and practitioners with realistic and
sustainability, as seen figure section, the three pillars of straightforward conceptualizations and implications of
sustainability are also known as the diagram. We must sustainability marketing. Sustainability marketing has
strike a balance between economic, social, and been introduced around since the 1970s, and we will talk
environmental considerations to achieve true about different marketing principles that relate to ecology
sustainability [32]. These may be summed up as follows: and social marketing, such as societal, social, ecological,
green, climate, environmental, and sustainability. As
Environmental Sustainability: Environmental
management assurances that our ecological resources
survive beyond our means. We must make sure we utilize Societal Marketing: The increasing awareness and
our natural resources such as goods, fossil fuels, property, concern for the environment and societal impact of
water, etc. ecologically to stay viable. So, we need to business practices [38]. Using societal concerns as
evaluate the availability of resources, the environmental instruments, marketing tactics to encourage commodity
impact on extraction, and the preservation of the exchange are outlined. Organizational priorities,
assistance under circular economic concepts. Zero- customer goals, and social goals are three points of
carbon means net-zero, and thereafter we'll go on to do convergence in societal marketing that may eventually
climate-positive things. contribute to long-term opportunities and marketing
success [39]. The societal marketing theory is that the
Economic Sustainability: Economic survival
shared fulfilment of individual consumer desires and
necessitates that a company or nation utilize its capital
wishes would result in the greatest long-term
wisely and responsibly to run profitably and reliably. A
contribution to the customer and public health [40, 41].
company's operations cannot be sustained without an
operating benefit. A company's operations would not be Social Marketing: Social marketing aims to
profitable in the long run if it cannot behave wisely to influence consumer behavior and improve individual and
manage its capital effectively. societal well-being. It uses concepts, principles, and
marketing techniques to evaluate policy, efficiency, and
Social Sustainability: The tendency of a community,
exploration of marketing plans[42]. Product schedules,
or any social structure, to maintain healthy social well-
correspondence, product delivery, marketing analysis,
being over time is known as social sustainability.
and price declaration are all considered. Social marketing
Achieving social longevity means that an organization's
is often linked to macro marketing topics, and social
or community's social well-being can be sustained over
marketing programs are often coordinated and run by
time. Taking these three pillars of sustainability a step
organizations that focus on specific issues[40, 43]. Public
further, if we just accomplish two of them, we will have:
health campaigns (such as smoking cessation, alcohol
Social + Economic Sustainability = Equitable rehabilitation, obesity reduction, and risky sexual
Social + Environmental Sustainability = Bearable avoidance), environmental campaigns (such as forest
Economic + Environmental Sustainability = Viable preservation, wildlife conservation, pollution prevention,
We can only attain genuine sustainability and a truly and sustainability energy campaign, among others),
sustainable future by balancing economic, social, and family planning, human rights campaigns, and anti-
environmental factors. corruption campaigns are examples of social marketing
Ecological Marketing: Ecological marketing was Figure 1 Sustainable marketing model adapted from
founded in the 1970s. It considers the beneficial and [48]. This diagram is also known as the three pillars of
detrimental results of green marketing activities aimed at sustainability.
reducing and preventing environmental issues such as oil
and natural resource use reductions[44, 45]. 5. CONCLUSION
Environmental marketing seeks to promote
environmentally sustainable businesses [19]. The Sustainability marketing is all about planning,
ecological marketing mix will be described by product coordinating, executing, and managing services and
campaigns that address natural resource concerns, energy marketing programs to satisfy customers' needs and
use, and packaging quantity and type[46]. These are the desires. To accomplish the organization's goal, the norms
factors that drive commodity and box reuse. This of culture and the community would be taken into
principle is also debatable in terms of marketing due to account. In the future, companies need to incorporate the
the negative outcome of reduced consumer demand, but sustainability marketing philosophy into their business
good results exist for better quality goods that profit the plan to find marketing strategies that will meet the needs
environment. and wants of customers in the current and future as well
for a long-term company life [40, 49]. According to the
Green Marketing and Environmental Marketing:
literature review, the three aspects of the sustainability
Green market consciousness and interest emerged in
marketing paradigm are economic feasibility, social
Western Europe and Northern America in the late 1980s
justice, and environmental security.in terms of green
[17]. The climate has been identified as a strategic
marketing adoption in society may be difficult shortly,
advantage. Green marketing and environmental
but it will undoubtedly pay off in the long run. To begin
marketing principles were developed as focus-group
with, the economic feasibility dimension is concerned
techniques to convince green customers to buy expensive
with sustainable development. For sustainable growth,
green or environmentally sustainable goods.
the government and numerous social organizations may
Environmental marketing theories that manufacturers are
mandate all firms to use green marketing. Since it is
under pressure from green customer demand [40]. And
primarily dependent on economic gains, conventional
the green consumer's demand can be met by
marketing within the economic model is fundamentally
organizational processes and management that have a
unsustainable. Green marketing also cuts down on the
little negative impact on human and environmental well-
consumption of energy and other renewable resources
being [19].
[19]. The function of promotion is confusing since, while
Furthermore, the unexplainable market desire for it may be used negatively to increase demand, it can also
green goods is identified in a consumer survey as a be used positively to support ecologically friendly
discrepancy between environmental consciousness and products. Finally, environmental marketing actions that
real environmental action, which affects environmentally are encouraged to lessen and protect against
friendly businesses[40]. In particular, [47] found that environmental concerns are referred to as "ecological
customers who have a favorable outlook toward marketing." This paper serves as a valuable resource for
sustainability and green goods tend to buy green products anyone working in sustainable development and
less in practice. sustainable marketing and also for those who want to
learn how to effectively sell their green product services
This diagram is also known as the three pillars of
and how organizations may embrace green building
sustainability. To achieve true sustainability, we need to
technologies more quickly.
balance economic, social, and environmental
sustainability factors in equal harmony [32]. However, AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS
marketing does not support the use of natural resources,
but it does promote environmental conservation and Md Shaharul Islam has conceptualized, drafted, edited,
environmental behavior as part of a living system. and reviewed the manuscript. Abu Bakar Sade has
reviewed and edited, and supervised it.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of


The authors would like to thank the Marketing

Department of Putra Business School, Malaysia, for
facilitating the support in conducting this research.

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