The Athlete Biological Passport
The Athlete Biological Passport
The Athlete Biological Passport
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All content following this page was uploaded by Pierre Sottas on 03 December 2020.
BACKGROUND: In elite sports, the growing availability of core values of natural performance, protection of
doping substances identical to those naturally pro- health, and the spirit of the sport (1 ). Accordingly, a
duced by the human body seriously limits the ability of substance or method is considered for prohibition if it
drug-testing regimes to ensure fairness and protection violates at least 2 of these 3 values. The primary tool
crease in T/E (4 ). In 1983, a T/E in excess of 6.0 was athlete’s historical values and the values obtained in
considered indicative of steroid doping by the Inter- a recent test indicate that either doping has taken
national Olympic Committee. The introduction of place or that the athlete has a potential medical con-
this rule was mitigated, however, by the discovery a dition that requires closer examination (20 ). The
few years later that some individuals may have nat- concept of the ABP has been discussed and then fur-
urally increased T/E (5 ), a phenomenon that has re- ther elaborated for antidoping application by the
cently been attributed to the discovery of genetic World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) beginning in
polymorphisms that are associated with the metab- 2002. Since the 2006 Torino Winter Olympic Games,
olism of anabolic steroids (6 ). Currently, in addition several international sports federations have agreed
to the T/E, a urinary steroid profile that includes that the WADA should harmonize the development
cally, the criteria of performance and health. In addi- medical controls or treatments. This short period of
tion, an eligibility rule becomes a logical consequence debarment could also be used by a panel of experts to
of this assumption, wherein athletes present their pass- determine the cause of the abnormality and may lead to
ports at the beginning of a competition and individuals sanctioning the athlete for a longer period if doping is
are allowed to participate only if their passport indi- the cause.
cates that they are in a healthy and unaltered physio- Although the ABP had the initial exclusive intent
logical condition. Therefore, in addition to proving a of biological monitoring, today, the ABP contains
doping offense under the World Anti-Doping Code, more than a simple series of individual biomarker val-
the ABP can be a platform for a Rule of Sport enforced ues. Heterogeneous factors, such as age, sex, and geno-
by the sport authorities to prevent athletes from ma- type; confounding factors, such as exposure to higher
nipulating their physiology to an extent that would sig- altitudes for the hematological module; and some in-
nificantly impact their performance and health. We formation regarding the conditions of sample collec-
foresee the implementation of a Rule of Sport in which tion, transport, and analysis are also stored in the pass-
the athletes who have demonstrated unnatural devia- port for improved decision making (7, 22 ). As such,
tions in physiology would be temporarily withdrawn the ABP becomes a platform for the evaluation of mul-
from competition to allow a period for return to nor- tiple pieces of scientific evidence (15 ), which is similar
mal physiological levels or initiation of appropriate to a forensic approach.
inter- than intraindividual variations. In practice, phy- in the evaluation of biomarker data can be used in some
sicians evaluating an individual patient generally take applications of personalized medicine for improving
into account heterogeneity macrofactors, such as age healthcare. This evaluation was performed for several
and sex. In addition, contemporary advances in omics practical applications in patient monitoring and the
technologies have permitted information concerning a assessment of drug safety and efficacy in clinical trials.
patient’s protein, gene, or metabolite profile to be in- In patient monitoring, the actual frequency and doses
creasingly used to improve healthcare. A longitudinal of a treatment are tailored according to a patient’s in-
record of such profiles is an invaluable tool that can dividualized need for medical care, which is often eval-
assist physicians in their work, such as in oncology, uated from biomarker data. For example, the measure-
wherein early diagnosis is critical to patient outcome. ment of glycohemoglobin, which is a marker of the
The incorporation of heterogeneous factors, use of in- degree of glucose metabolism control, is crucial in
dividual protein or gene profiles, and use of a longitu- making treatment decisions in patients with type 1 di-
dinal approach have the same goal, which is to elimi- abetes. In a second example, cytostatic chemotherapy
nate interindividual differences and tailor medical care doses are determined according to various biomarkers
to an individual’s needs. To achieve the goal of person- and other patient-related factors, such as body surface
alized medicine, any advances in proteomics and other area. In all of these cases, the decision is complicated by
related fields must be captured by decision support sys- various factors, including: variations in laboratory test
tems to facilitate their use in the clinic (30 ). results; information that accrues throughout treat-
Several pharmaceutical companies have contacted ment; heterogeneity in factors, such as age, gender, and
us to evaluate how the knowledge acquired for the ABP body size; narrow target ranges that must be refined for
every individual in terms of safety and quality of life; health protection in elite sports. In that context, the
and biological variations among individuals. Similar ABP represents the new paradigm in detection of
issues occur in clinical trials, wherein the safety and doping-triggered physiological changes in elite sports.
efficacy of a drug treatment are often evaluated by us- Doping biomarkers provide a means to deter the ath-
ing longitudinal biomarker data. Adaptive Bayesian lete from using performance-enhancing drugs that will
clinical trials have been proposed to adapt to informa- lead to deviation from natural baseline values. In con-
tion that accrues during a clinical trial (31 ). Interest- trast to a drug test that returns a result for a precise
ingly, the support system developed for the ABP puts moment in time and does not have any memory or
all of these concepts into practice and will find a direct perspective, the presentation at the beginning of com-
application in patient monitoring. In retrospective petitions of an ABP that demonstrates normal longitu-
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