Matatag DLL Week 4 English G4

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MATATAG School: Grade Level: IV

K to 12 Curriculum Learning
Daily Lesson Log Teacher: Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and August 19-21, 2024 (Week
Time: 4) Quarter: 1st Quarter



A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates their expanding vocabulary knowledge, grammatical awareness, comprehension of narrative
and informational text, and composing and creating text skills in learning the language (receptive, productive, and
viewing and responding) in order to produce age-appropriate and gender-responsive text based on one’s purpose,
context, and target audience.
B. Performance Standards The learners apply comprehension of literary and informational texts and produce narrative and expository texts based
on their purpose, context, and target audience using simple, compound, and complex sentences, and age-appropriate
and gender-sensitive language.

C. Learning Competencies EN4LR-I-3

sentences for
clarity and
D. Learning Objectives Differentiate Differentiate mass Differentiate singular Identify regular and Observe correct
singular from nouns from count and plural subject irregular verbs subject-verb
plural nouns nouns personal pronouns agreement

II. CONTENT Singular and Plural Mass and count Nouns Singular and Plural Regular and Irregular Subject-Verb
Nouns Subject Personal Verbs Agreement
1. Teacher’s Guide MATATAG MATATAG Curriculum MATATAG Curriculum MATATAG Curriculum MATATAG
Curriculum Guide Guide in English 4, p. Guide in English 4, p. Guide in English 4, p. 87 Curriculum Guide in
in English 4, p. 87 87 87 English 4, p. 87
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Youtube. Google for the Youtube. Google for
pictures. the pictures.
4. Additional Materials Youtube. Google Youtube. Google for Youtube. Google for Youtube. Google for the Youtube. Google for
from Learing for the pictures. the pictures. the pictures. pictures. the pictures.
Resource (LR) Portal
Before the Lesson/Pre-lesson Proper
What was you past What was our past What did you learn What did you learn What was your past
lesson? lesson?
yesterday? yesterday? lesson?
What are What are nouns? What
compound words? are singular and plural
Give me example nouns?
of compound
B. Lesson LET’S get LET’S get started! LET’S get started! LET’S get started! LET’S get started!
Purpose/Intention started!
Let us sing the song Let us study these Look at these two
Let us examine ‘Roll Over the pictures men
See this picture; this picture

Based on the watch?v=evKl-jfA1vo
picture, can you What dou think are
count the pictures in they doing?
column A?
How about in column
B? Yes, maybe they
argue with
Not all things can be something. Is it
counted. There are
good to argue? Of
things that cannot
be counted such as course not!!!
water, raindrops, air,
sugar, sand, etc. Everyone should
however, there are learn how to make
also things that can things right to avoid
What did you see in this
be counted such as disagreement or
What have you pictures?
animals, people,
seen in the first conflict.
plants, houses, cars,
picture? There are:
buildings, etc. Yes, the family is doing
some house chores. They Let us learn more
People, Cars,
are cooking, playing, about it in our
Buildings, Stores
reading, etc. lesson. Get ready!!!
How about on the
second picture? Do you also do these at
home? Do you help your
Teacher,, Pupils,
Chair, Blackboard,
Bags, Frame,
Desk, Window,
Classroom, ect.
C. Lesson Language Let us all read LET’S DO THIS LET’S DO THIS LET’S DO THIS LET’S DO THIS
Let us read the Give the meaning of Let’s read Let us read Read these
words we found in the following words. sentences.
the picture a while Some action words use -s
Jonathan is an
ago industrious boy. 1.
Manny Pacquiao
or -es to form their plural.
Jonathan wakes up Some of the examples makes us Filipinos
1.People 1. mass noun early in the morning. are play-plays, proud.
2. Cars Vinegar, patis, water Jonathan waters the waterwaters. We call this2.
He starts and ends
3. Buildings are examples of mass plants every as regular verbs. his game with a
4. Stores nouns. What does afternoon. Jonathan prayer.
5. Teacher mass noun mean? can even sweep the What does regular verb 3. He tries to win all
6. Pupils floor before going to mean? his games.
7. Chair 2. count noun Bags, school. Jonathan 4. Filipinos watch
8. Blackboard notebooks, pencils are washes the dishes. We cannot use -s or -es during his game 5.
9. Bags examples of count Jonathan reviews his to form plural of some Many people admire
10. Frame nouns, What does lessons before going words. We change the him as a player.
11. Desk count nouns mean? to bed. spelling of the words.
12. Window Some of these are: go- 1. Manny Pacquiao
13. Classroom What word is - singular
went, tell-told, give-gave.
repetitive? makes - singular
What does irregular verb
These words in Jonathan is always 2. He - singular
general are names mentioned in the mean?
starts - singular
of things, person, sentence.
3. He - singular
etc. These are What word is to be
tries - singular
what we call used to substitute
4. Filipinos - plural
nouns. Let us know
watch - plural
more about nouns! He is an example of
subject personal People - plural
pronoun. admire - plural
Listen Carefully!
He is used as the
subject of the
What does subject
personal pronoun
During the Lesson/Lesson Proper
D. Reading the Key Read the story Read the paragraph, Do you have a best Read the paragraph then Read the story.
Idea/Stem then answer the then answer the friend? What made answer the questions.
questions. questions. her/him your best
friend? In the Farm
Rhovie Ann’s Mona goes to the Ben’s Cat
Birthday store to buy Let us read the text My vacation in the farm by: Glovic R.
by: Glovic R. ingredients that her then answer the is perfect. The whole Bustamante
Bustamante mother will use in questions. family stayed there for Ben’s aunt gave
cooking pork adobo. one month. We helped him a cat as his pet.
Rhovie Ann is She will buy potatoes, Celia is an amazing our father in harvesting He loves his cat
very excited soy sauce, onions, person. Celia is the fruits. We helped our very much. He
because it is her garlic, vinegar, and kind of person who mother in cooking our feeds it well. He
birthday. The grinded black pepper. has a smile on her food. I learned many gives clean water to
Rillera’s Family What will Alice buy? face. Celia brightens things about cooking.
drink and gives a
will celebrate it From the list of food the faces of people I enjoyed my vacation comfortable place
on the beach. that she will buy, she meets. Celia is very much. Next year, to sleep on. He
Mother wakes up which of these can be also helpful. Celia is the whole family will stay even bathes the cat
early to buy the counted individually? willing to help there, again. I hope that once a week. One
things needed for Which of these cannot anybody who is in my parents will allow me day, they strolled
cooking food that be counted need. Celia is also to swim in the river.
on the farm. Ben
they will bring to individually or creative. Celia is good
was happy watching
the beach. She separately? Soy sauce at painting and Pick out all the verbs in
goes to the and vinegar are drawing. Celia has the beautiful
the past used in story
market early to examples of mass strong selfconfidence. then write if it is regular butterflies when he
buy fish, fruits nouns while potatoes Celia does not give up or irregular. saw a big snake. He
and vegetables. and onions are easily even in hard was afraid because
She also goes to example of count times. Celia is Regular it would bite him. As
the market to buy nouns. admirable, that is why Present Past the snake produced
the things she What can you say Celia is my best stay stayed a sound and
needs in cooking. about mass nouns? friend. help help readied to attack
When she returns How about count What have you noticed learn learned him, the cat jumped
home. She cooks nouns? about the text? Is enjoy enjoyed on the snake. It bit
the food to be there a repetitive
How did we form the past the snake, and the
brought to the Read the paragraph word. What word is
tense of regular verbs? snake died.
beach. Rhovie then answer the repetitive? Instead of
Read the paragraph then Ben was so happy
Ann prepares the questions. repeating the name
choose the irregular because his cat
spoons, forks and Celia can you give me
verbs used. saved his life. Ben
knives. She also Lola Itang is busy in a word that can be
prepares the used to substitute hugged the cat,
the kitchen. She is Rosa woke up early
glasses, plates Celia. thanked it then
busy preparing yesterday. The sun
and saucers in they went home.
Jackie’s favorite shone brightly. The birds
one container. treats. She has just She is used to
She also prepares sang merrily. I exercised Comprehension
finished baking the substitute Celia. Celia
vegetables like outside. I ran in the plaza. Check
rice cakes. Lola is a noun while she is
bananas, I met my friend. We ate 1.Who has a cat?
Itang’s rice cakes a pronoun. What is a
at hom
watermelon and have a sprinkling of pronoun? Based on 2. Who gave
mangoes in Present Past the cat to him?
coconut shreds. They the text why do we
another wake woke
have slices of cheese use pronoun? 3. Why did his
container. on them. Then, she shine shone aunt give the cat?
Everything is cooked a pot of In what part of the sing sang 4. How did he
ready and champorado. While sentence can you find run ran treat his cat?
everybody is cooking champorado, Celia? What are the irregular
excited to go to she took out from the verbs used in the
Read the story
the beach. They oven the ensaymada Celia is the subject of paragraph? then answer the
even bring their that she also baked. the sentence. We call questions.
pet dog Blacky She spread a this subject personal How did we form the
with them. teaspoon of butter pronoun. past tense of irregular A Helpful
and a spoonful of verb? Child One day,
Comprehension sugar on the Where can you find Here some list of when Celine went
Questions: ensaymada. the subject personal irregular verbs in their out the school,
1. Who will go to Lola Itang has the best pronoun? present and past form she didn’t notice a
the beach? halo-halo. She mixes Present Past car that passed
2. Where will all sorts of nice things Let us sing the song be was by. Liza, her
Rillera’s Family in her glasses of halo- with the tune of Auld begin began classmate, helped
halo. She puts slices of break broke her. She called an
nata de coco, Lang Syne bring brought ambulance and
3.What are the
spoonful of ube jam, I am here because build built contacted their
things that they
and slices of leche you are here because buy bought teacher and
will bring to the
flan. Then she adds a we are here because catch caught Celine’s parents.
half cup of milk and they are here. They They brought
4. Aside from the choose chose
shaved ice. The are here because we Celine to the
things that .they come came
halohalo looks are here because you hospital.
will bring, what do did
delightful with its swirl are because I am and traditions of
else do they bring of colors. drink drank
here. the community.
with them? drive drove
5.What occasion Comprehension eat ate
What are the personal As the sun will
are they going to Questions: fall fell rise on that day,
celebrate in the pronouns that we used find found
1. What did Lola in the song? the people will
beach? Itang bake? fly flew begin their work.
forget forgot The officials will
2. What did she Read the paragraph.
put on her rice cakes? get got decorate the
3. Aside from rice give gave street. The
Ana went to the go went women will cook
cakes, what else did
market one day. The grow grew different dishes
she cook?
4. What did she take vendor smiled at have had and will set up the
out from the oven? mother in welcome. hear heard stage. The
5. What did she Mr. Reyes asked what hide hid dancers will
spread on the would mother buy. Mr practice their
ensaymada? Reyes said that Mr. hit hit graceful moves
6. What else did Reyes and keep kept and cultural
she prepare? her wife are willing to know kne presentation. The
7.What are the help mother. Mother w villagers will wear
ingredients of her said Mother wants to leave left their traditional
halo-halo buy some fresh fruits. lose lost costumes and will
“Fresh fruits are make mad parade along the
better than junk e street. They will
foods,’’ said Mr. meet met carry banners that
Reynoso. Mr. Reyes' read read will represent the
daughter sells the ride rode barangay
fruits to mother. ring rang products
run ran and beautiful
say said sceneries.
see saw
sell sold What will be the
Comprehension send sent activities of people
Questions: before barangay
sing sang
1. Who went to sit sat
the market? What will they do?
sleep slept
2. Who smiled at speak spok
mother? e Study the table.
3. Who asked stand stoo Singular Plural
what mother needs? d am
4. Who was willing swim swa is was
to help mother? m are were
5. What is better take took has have
than junk food? teach thou
ght . What are the
wear wore verbs used for
win won singular? What
write wrote are the verbs
used for plural?

E. Developing NOUNS MASS NOUNS AND What are the /Regular verbs form their Read the
Understanding of COUNT NOUNS underlined words? past tense by adding d or sentences taken
Key Idea/Stem Nouns are names Mother went to the ed. /Irregular verbs from the stories
of persons, places, From the story read grocery store one day. change when they form above.
things, animals what are mass The saleslady smiled the past tense. A Set A
and events. nouns? What are at mother in welcome. few have the same form 1. He loves his cat
Regular nouns count nouns? Mr. Reynoso asked in both present and past very much.
form their plural what mother needed. tense. These verbs do not 2. He feeds it
by adding s or es. Count Mass Mr Reynoso said that follow a predictable well.
ex. egg-eggs Nouns Nouns Mr. Reynoso and the pattern when forming 3. He gives
cakes rice saleslady are willing to their clean water to
Nouns ending in - glasses butter mother. Mother said past tense. Their past drink.
s, ss, -sh, -ch, -z oven sugar Mother wants to buy tense needs to be 4. He gives
forms their plural cup milk some fresh milk. memorized. comfortable place
by adding Read the examples of “Fresh milk is to sleep in.
the count nouns and healthier than soft 5. They stroll in
-es ex.
mass nouns? drinks,’’ said Mr. the farm.
Reynoso. The
Study the table above. saleslady went inside
What is the tense
Differentiate count the store. The
Some nouns of the verb?
nouns from mass saleslady came back
ending in o form What is the form of
nouns. with a box of fresh
their plural by the verb if it is in
adding es ex. the present tense
Tomato- Give other examples o singular?
tomatoes mass nouns can be Let us read them.
How about if is
found in the kitchen. 1. mother plural?
However, most 2. saleslady
nouns that end Count nouns are 3. Mr. Reynoso Set B
in o form their nouns that can be 4. Mother 1. Liza helped
plural by adding counted as one or 5. Mr. Reynoso her. 2. She
s only ex. more. They can be and the saleslady 6. went to the
radio-radios counted individually. Mother school.
ex. apples, tomatoes 7. Fresh milk 3. She called
examples 8. Mr. Reynoso an ambulance.
Mass nouns are 4. They
9. Saleslady
Person -Rosa, nouns which cannot be brought Celine to
mother, Rillera counted separately. the hospital.
Family Ex. rice, vinegar, soup What do we use to
change the 5. She
underlined words? contacted Celine’s
Place -beach, Group Activities parents.
market A. Give flashcards of
Let us try to change
nouns identify if is What is the tense
Things -spoons, the underlined words.
count noun or mass of the verb?
forks, knives, She, he, they, it are
noun. 1. vinegar What is the form
glasses, plates examples of subject
2. water of the verb if it is
saucers, bananas, personal pronouns.
mangoes, 3. table in the past?
watermelon, 4. chair What are other
table napkins, 5. coffee personal pronouns Set C
animal- dog that you know? 1. The barangay
6. apples
Blacky /Personal pronouns will prepare for
7. orange are words used in
event – birthday their barangay
8. pen place of nouns in fiesta.
In one word what
do we call these 9. ball sentences. 2. The fiesta
words? 10.umbrella /The following are will showcase their
What is a noun? example of subject culture and
B. Write 5 mass personal pronouns traditions.
Study the table. nouns and 5 count Person singula Plural 3. The people
nouns r will begin their
Write 3 sentences 1st I we work.
using count nouns and 2nd you you 4. The officials
In that table how 3 sentences using will decorate their
3rd She, they
do nouns form mass nouns. streets. 5. 5.The
he, it
their plural? women will cook
different dishes. 6.
The dancers will
When using personal practice their
pronouns to replace graceful moves.
nouns, it’s important
to choose the correct What is the tense
pronoun based on of the verb?
whether the subject is How did we form
singular ( referring to
the future tense of
Read story one person or thing)
or plural (referring to the verb?
more than one Present Future
Ina loves to wake will go
person or thing)
write story. She
talk will talk
write about fairy
and elf. She wrote Singular Subjects: 1. wash will wash
a story about a Use” he” when sell will sell
boy who ate loaf of referring to a male use shall use
bread because he person or an animal do shall do
wanted to go grow ex. My father is
put shall put
big and touch the working.
He is industrious. eat shall eat
sky. She also
wrote a story 2. Use “she go shall go
about a girl who “when referring to a /The verb must
got lost in the female person or always agree with
forest while animal. Ex. My mother the subject in
picking some wild is cooking.
number. /A
berries. But what She is preparing
singular subject
she loves most in breakfast.
3. Use “it” when requires a singular
story is about two referring to an object, verb. A plural
ladies who an animal (when the subject requires a
quarreled with gender is not plural verb
their babies. specified), or a /Use shall with the
There is a good nonliving thing. first-person
lesson to be The dog is sleeping. pronouns and will
learned in this It looks tiring. with the second
story. 4. “I’’ is used for and third person
What are the the first person pronouns. /To
underlined singular express
words? (the speaker) ex. I determination,
am the chairman in
Study this promise,
that program.
5. “You” can be
used for both the permission, it is
second person the other way
singular (the person around. /Will is
being spoken to) and commonly used
also as a polite form of and shall is used in
address. ex. You are formal writing or
How do we form my niece. speech to express
the plural of determination, and
these nouns? Plural Subject: in laws and rules.
1. Use “they “when
referring to more than
LET US READ one person or thing.
THIS Ex. The learners are
Andrew is a clean They are studious.
child. He takes a 2. “We” is used
bath every for the first-person
morning. He plural (including the
brushes his teeth speaker and others)
every after meal. Ex. We are going to
He washes his Ilocos Norte.
face and feet “You” can be used for
before going to both the second
bed. person plural (a group
being spoken to) and
What are the as a polite form of
underlined address.

How do these
form their plural


Understanding of
Key Idea/Stem Group Activities Group Activities Interactive Group Activities Group
A. Write 5 nouns A. Give flashcards Activities A. Display A. Put / if the verb is activities A. Fill
that can be found of nouns identify if sentences with regular and x if not. in the blank with
in the classroom is count noun or missing words that can ____1.cry the correct form
then write if it is mass noun. be replaced by ____2. go of the verb.
singular or plural. 1. oil personal pronouns. Ex. 1.Rey (make,
____3. sell
ex. books-plural 2.water Ann is baking cake. makes) ____ his
____4. clean ______ is baking cake. project with his
Father goes to the ____5. wash father.
B. Identify the 4.pencil
nouns then write if 5.ball farm. 2. The
the nouns are ____ goes to the farm. B. Write the past fishermen (return,
6. vinegar form of these verbs.
singular nouns or Mother cooks returns) for their breakfast. 1. sell
plural nouns. safety
1.bus 8. goat ____ cooks breakfast. 2. cook 3. The learners
2.ball 9.clip 3.tell (enjoy, enjoys) their
3.churches 10.honey B. Write 4. eat presentation on the
4.key sentences using 5. go stage.
5.child B. Read the following personal nouns. 4. Frenny and I
nouns and put them ex. She is my best (take, take) _______
C. Use the past form of
under proper column friend. pictures of the hills.
C. Pick out the the verbs.
count nouns or mass 5. The
nouns used in the 1. The boys _______
nouns. C. Use the correct conductor (call,
sentences then their school project
personal nouns to calls) the
write if it is yesterday.
soup, milk, eggs, toy, complete the passengers.
singular or plural. We _______ father in the
ex. coffee, cup, salt, sentence. ex. farm last Saturday.
sugar, fork _____ is my younger B. Write the correct
Our class will clean 3. The learners
brother. form of verb to
it later on. _______
Count Mass He is my younger complete the
Class- singular the garden last Monday.
nouns nouns brother. sentences.
1. She will go 4. Jed _______ the 1. Ana (water) _____
to the market plants yesterday. the plants every
tomorrow. 5. We _______ in the day.
2. The baby is pool last Saturday. 2. Mother
smiling at me.
(cook) ____
3. That
delicious breakfast
butterfly is B. Write 5 mass
for us this
colorful. nouns and 5 count
4. The nouns.
3.We (brush) ____
children are C. Read the our teeth every
playing happily. following count nouns
after meal.
5. I walk with and mass nouns.
4. Liis (walk)
my dog every Choose the noun that
________ to school
morning. doesn’t belong to the
5. Lino (climb)
______ the
1.soup, coffee. egg
guava tree. C.
2. water, apple,
Supply the
toy appropriate
3.vinegar, patis, cap verb to
4. shampoo, lotion, complete the
detergent soap sentences.
5.sand, rice, biscuit 1. Luna __ to
2. The farmers ___
vegetables on the
3. Rissa and
Dona will _____the
4.They ___ the
5. We must _______
heathy food.
After the Lesson/Post-lesson Proper

What do we call What is count noun? What is a pronoun? What is verb? What When do we use
the names of What is a mass noun? What is subject are regular verbs? the -s form of the
person, places, How does mass noun Give examples. verb? When do we
personal pronoun?
things and events? differ from count use the past form
What do we call What are some
noun? What is an irregular verb? of the verb? How is
noun that is one examples of subject the verb form in
only? How about if personal nouns? future tense?
there is more than
How do most noun
form their plural? If
the noun ends in o,
how do we form
the plural form of
these nouns? How
about words
ending in y? How
do we form the
plural of words
ending -f or -fe?
If regular nouns
form their plural by
adding -s or -es,
how about for
irregular nouns?
Read the Read each sentence Choose the correct Identify if the verb is Use the correct verb
sentences carefully then personal pronouns to regular or irregular. to complete the
carefully then determine whether the complete the sentences.
write the plural underlined noun is sentences. 1. She worked in the
form of the count noun or mass office yesterday. 1. The birds
underlined word. noun. 1. (He, I, They) is 2. I sang in the choir (sing, sings) sweetly
the captain of the every Sunday. in the tree.
1. That old 1. We will buy basketball team. 3. The cat jumped on 2. A colorful
tree is my favorite. chocolate cake. 2. (She, We, You) the table. butterfly
2. The dog 2. Milk is good for goes to the plaza. 4. The visitor (flies, fly) high in
barked loudly at our body. 3. (He, She, It) greeted me politely. the garden now.
the strangers. 3. My mother likes always helps his 5. We ran in the park 3. The river
3. She gathers to put honey on the brother with his every morning. (flow, flows) calmly
fresh egg from the bread. homework. 6. The children through the valley.
poultry. 4. We enjoy a 4. (It, You, We) played hide and seek in 4. The cleaners
4. The dog warm soup on rainy was a fantastic the backyard. (study, studies)
chased the cat. days. performance on the 7. We ate delicious their lesson tonight.
5. The child 5. Father asked stage. sandwich in the party. 8. 5. My friend
found the lost for a cup of coffee. 5. (I, She, You) are Randy read a fairy tale and I (play, plays)
wallet. 6. My sister to book last night. 9. The volleyball this
6. I love to bought three apples invited to my dog barked loudly at the Saturday.
watch the colorful this morning. children’s party. strangers. 6. Their team
butterfly. 7. Ricky collected 6. (He, It, They) 10. They swam in the (win; won) the
7. Be careful colorful marbles. need to finish their pool last Monday. championship last
in using the knife. 8. The classroom work. week.
8. My son has has 35 armchairs. 7. (I, It, We) looks 7. She (pick,
a robot toy. 9. Roan gave five like the rain will fall. picks) ripe guavas
9. He found roses to her mother. 8. (I, She, They) in the orchard.
the lost key in the Offer a glass of water joins the Science Club. 8.The cat (climb,
covered court. to our visitors. 9.(He, She. They) play will climbs) the
The bird sings in the plaza. acacia tree.
merrily on the 10. (She, We, You) 9. We (go,
branch of the tree. washes her face goes) to Baguio
before going to sleep City.
10.She (are, is) my
best friend
I. Additional Write 5 sentences
Activities for using singular
Application or nouns and 5
sentences using
Remediation (if
plural nouns
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Learing Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning

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