Eng HO 1 (Q)

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Directions (Q. 1-7) : Read the given passage to answer the following questions.
Globally, food and nutrition security continue to be undermined by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change,
spiralling food inflation, conflict, and inequality. Today, around 828 million people worldwide do not have enough to eat
and over 50 million people are facing severe hunger.
The Hunger Hotspots Outlook (2022-23) forebodes escalating hunger, as over 205 million people across 45 countries will
need emergency food assistance to survive. Without food and nutrition security for all, there can be no peace and no prosperity.
Only through collective and transformational action to strengthen agri-food systems, rectifying storage problem, through
better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, can we meet our promise to end hunger by 2030.
_____ food production is fundamental to attaining the goal of zero hunger. India has had an inspiring journey towards better
production and achieving self-sufficiency and is now one of the largest agricultural product exporters in the world. During
2021-22, the country recorded $49.6 billion in total agriculture exports — a 20% increase from 2020-21. However, recent
climate shocks have raised concerns about India’s wheat and rice production over the next year. Given climate shocks and
extreme weather phenomena, it is important to place a greater focus on climate adaptation and resilience building. India’s
agriculture sector primarily exports agriculture and allied products, marine products, plantations, and textile and allied products.
Rice, sugar, and spices were some of the main exports. India is also a provider of humanitarian food products, notably to
Afghanistan, and to many other countries when the world faces food supply shortages and disruptions, such as during the
current crisis in Ukraine. Agri-food systems will need to provide for and sustainably support an increasing population. In the
current times, there is an increased recognition to move away from conventional input-intensive agriculture towards more
inclusive, effective, and sustainable agri-food systems that would facilitate better production.
1. Which of the following(s) is/are the assured steps to end the global hunger?
a) Through intensive and collaborative measures to improve agriculture-based production
b) By addressing the needs to improvise environment and nutrition.
c) Interventions to solve storage requirements
d) Only (a) and (b)
e) All of these
2. Which of the information is FALSE with regarding to the data given in the passage?
a) A combination of conflict, the climate crisis, and the ripple effects of COVID-19 have left the world losing progress
in the fight for Zero Hunger.
b) The Hunger Hotspots Outlook (2022-23) estimated over 205 million people in around 45 countries require urgent
food security.
c) It is imperative to put an end to hunger and nutrition deficiencies to achieve global peace and prosperity.
d) India saw a substantial jump of 25% in the export of the year 2021-22 comparative to its previous year.
e) None of these

3. What is the condition of export in India?

a) Indian export industry mainly deals around agriculture and marine productions and their allied activities.
b) India has also contributed its part in aiding food requirements leaded by the ongoing global crisis.
c) Rice, sugar and spices are some of the major components of Indian export
d) Only (a) and (c)
e) All of these
4. As per the passage, what should be the required step(s) for India in ensuring food security for its people?
a) India should allot more funds into the government backed hunger defying projects.
b) India should incorporate extreme climate resilient methods to combat any future anomalies.
c) India must ask for funds to global agencies in order to end hunger in the wake of ongoing global disasters
d) Only (a) and (b)
e) All of these
5. Which of the following words can fit into the given blank in the passage?
a) leverage b) abysmal c) adequate d) apparent e) relinquished
6. Which of the following is the antonym of “severe” as highlighted in the passage?
a) oppressive b) lenient c) rigid d) austere e) None of these
7. Which of the following is the synonym of “conventional” as highlighted in the passage?
a) nascent b) flamboyant c) vogue d) traditional e) All of these
Directions (Q. 8-13) : In the following passage there are words highlighted which have been numbered. These numbers
are printed below the passage and against each, five options are given. In four options, one word is suggested in each
option. Find out the appropriate word which replaces the highlighted word appropriately. If the word given in the
passage is correct, choose option (No replacement required) as the correct choice.
The post-pandemic era has significantly enhance (8) work culture, with remote work degrading (9) as a lasting trend. The
traditional 9-to-5 office routine has given way to a more flexible approach, emphasizing productivity over physical presence.
Virtual collaboration (10) tools have become indispensable, enabling coherent (11) communication and collaboration.
Employers now criticize (12) employee well-being, recognizing the importance of a balanced work-life equation. As we
navigate this new normal, the hybrid model that combines remote and in-person work is emblematic of a more adaptable
and resilient work culture, marking a lasting maintenance (13) in how we approach work in the modern age.
8. a) captured b) volunteered c) altered d) realised
e) No replacement required
9. a) emerging b) challenging c) risking d) maintaining
e) No replacement required
10. a) invitation b) practice c) division d) generation
e) No replacement required
11. a) intellectual b) seamless c) diligent d) impediment
e) No replacement required
12. a) restrict b) concern c) ignore d) prioritize
e) No replacement required
13. a) transformation b) event c) term d) affect
e) No replacement required

Directions (Q. 14-18) : In the given question, a sentence is presented in segments. One part is highlighted, free from
grammatical errors. From the remaining parts, identify those that contain grammatical errors. If the sentence is
correct, select "No error" as your answer choice.
14. Neither the teacher / or the students (A) / in the advanced physics class (B) /was satisfied with the (C) / content of the
textbook. (D)
a) A-B b) C-D c) A-C d) B-D e) No error
15. Not only the storm did (A)/disrupt the power supply, /but it also caused significant (B)/damaged to the infrastructure
(C) / in the coastal region. (D)
a) A-B b) C-D c) A-C d) B-D e) No error
16. During her vacation, she hope (A)/ to explore charming local markets, (B)/ indulge in delicious regional cuisines, (C)/
and immerse her in the (D)/ rich cultural traditions of the area.
a) A-D b) C-D c) A-B d) B-D e) No error
17. After the disagreement,/ they each took a moment/ to calm themselves /before discussing / the issue further.
a) A-D b) C-D c) A-B d) B-D e) No error
18. Scarcely she had entered the room (A)/ when the unexpected applause erupted, (B)/ surprising her(C) / as the audience
acknowledged her /a remarkable performance. (D)
a) A-C b) A-D c) C-B d) B-D e) No error
Directions (Q. 19-23) : In the following questions SIX sentences are given. Further, these sentences may or may not
form a contextually meaningful sequence. You have to rearrange these sentences to make a contextually meaningful
paragraph. Later, answer the follow-up questions.
(A) In summary, studying how people shop and use products is vital for businesses to make smart marketing plans and
keep customers loyal.
(B) Successful businesses leverage insights into consumer behaviour to create targeted marketing strategies, build brand
loyalty, and adapt to evolving market dynamics.
(C) Understanding this study of individuals’ actions is crucial for businesses aiming to meet customer needs effectively.
(D) Consumer behaviour refers to the study of individuals' actions when acquiring, using, and disposing of goods and
(E) It encompasses various factors, such as cultural influences, social interactions, and psychological motivations.
(F) Marketers analyse buying patterns, preferences, and decision-making processes to tailor products and campaigns.
19. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F
20. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
a) B b) D c) E d) C e) A
21. Which of the following should be the SIXTH sentence after rearrangement?
a) C b) A c) F d) E e) B
22. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
a) E b) A c) C d) B e) D
23. Which of the following should be the PENULTIMATE sentence after rearrangement?
a) F b) A c) B d) D e) E

Directions (Q. 24-28) : In each of the following sentences, there is a blank space. Below the sentence there are options
with one word each. Fill up the blanks with words which make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
24. The Congress named Mr. Gandhi on its first list as its candidate for Amethi in Uttar Pradesh. And then the demand by
the party units in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu that he ______ from these States too.
a) Participate b) Contest c) Available d) Nominate e) None of these
25. The BJP has been winning several seats in the State election after election. Though the Congress was in power in the
State, the BJP did better than it in the LokSabha elections of 1996, 1998 and 1999. Eleven seats in 2009 were the
best_________ of the Congress after 1984.
a) Performance b) Interaction c) Variation d) Instalment e) All of these
26. In December 2018, J&J filed a petition in Delhi High Court challenging the CDSCO’s measures for compensation. The
High Court did not ______in the matter as the Supreme Court was already looking into a public interest litigation on
the faulty implants.
a) Conclude b) Perform c) Interfere d) Present e) None of these
27. The direction came in ________ to a Right to Information request to the Chief C4mmissioner of Customs in Amritsar,
asking for information on officers caught, convicted or jailed for smuggling over the last 10 years.
a) Response b) Support c) Chance d) View e) None of these
28. Congress now has more work to come up with strategies to capitalise on the issue to ______________ votes in its
a) Sway b) Punctilious c) Meticulous d) Brusque
e) None of these
Directions (Q. 29-32) : In each of the questions given below four words are given in bold. These four words may or
may not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with the correct combination of words
that should replace each other in order to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct
combination of the words that should interchange. If the sentence is correct as it is then, select option "No interchange
required" as your choice.
29. The primitive mirror (A) society was built to virtual (B) the carefree state of lived (C) that people once nature (D)
a) A-C and B-D b) B-C c) A-B and C-D d) A-D
e) No interchange required
30. There are some careers (A) where you can't afford (B) to make even the most disastrous (C) mistake without
infinitesimal (D) consequences.
a) A-D b) C-D c) B-D d) A-B
e) No interchange required
31. The spinster (A) carefully loosened her thread (B) from the spin (C) and began to spool (D) it into a masterpiece.
a) C-D b) A-C c) B-D d) A-B
e) No interchange required
32. After having (A) the stress seemed (B) on a president, witnessing (C) access to a personal chef placed (D) to be best
perk of the job.
a) B-C b) A-B and C-D c) A-D d) A-C and B-D
e) No interchange required

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