9th Form Lesson Plans
9th Form Lesson Plans
9th Form Lesson Plans
I-WARM UP: (10 mns)
Start from pictures page 7, discuss them collectively to introduce the new items: nuclear
and extended. (We can use them in example from the class).
Move to speak about the relationships among the family; between parents and children/
siblings / parents.
Describe these relationships: good / happy (agreement) or bad / unhappy
II-READING: (25 mns)
How many texts have you got?
Who are the speakers in each one? How old are they?: to introduce the word teenagers:
whose ages between 13 and 19.
Now read silently the 3 texts and say what are these teenagers speaking about?
(describing their parents' relationships)
Read and complete the following table:
Teenager Parents are:
Peter Loving / supportive / severe / happy / easy going / wise.
Linda Fighting / miserable / divorced.
Sally Supportive / loving.
In the meanwhile, I ask them to justify each adjective they propose with details from the
texts and supply the new items / vocabulary in focus such as:
Supportive (adj) / to support (v): to help and encourage. / support (n)
Severe (adj) = strict (adj) = conserve-ative (adj) ≠ lenient (adj)
Easy-going (c. adj) = calm and relaxed.
Wise (adj) = having the ability to judge what is true/right. wisdom (n).
To lean on (v)= to rely on = to depend on.
Miserable (adj) = very sad and unhappy.
To see eye to eye = to agree on everything.
to fight (v) = to quarrel violently.
To quarrel (v)= to dispute = to argue / quarrel (n) / quarrelsome (adj)
Divorce (n) = the end of marriage.
Orphanage (n)= a house for parentless children.
To be on the move = to change places a lot.
To afford (v) = to have enough money to pay for something.
III-POST READING: Speaking activity: (10 mns)
Ask them to describe their own parents using the newly acquired items and adjectives.
III) Speaking: John thinks that sharing family responsibilities has given him
a closer relationship with them. do you agree or disagree with him. Do you
help at home? Can you think about other benefits of sharing family
responsibilities? why should everyone at home participate in the housework?
Pre-reading stage: To engage the pupils in the new topic of generation gap.
Start from pictures and ask the pupils to try to identify the type of relationship they
can see: agreement or disagreement.
Do you see these scenes in your own homes: what are the causes? (act 1 pg 14 can
help); do they agree on / approve of your behavior, your appearance, your school
results, your friends….?
Do you think they hate you and don't care about you?
Elicit the meaning of the 'the generation gap'= differences and conflicts between
young people and old ones.
Reading stage: To read about generations conflict.
Read the text silently and say what is it about?
Read and complete the following table:
Text type An article in a magazine.
Jane's parents are: conservative and overprotective.
Jane is: Disobedient / dog-headed / stubborn
Jane's reaction: 1) she refused to listen to them.
2) she broke the rules.
3) She sneaked out.
4) she run away from home.
I shouldn't forget in this stage to ask for justification for each answer they give. In the
meanwhile elicit the new vocabulary needed for the topic:
Conservative (adj) = severe and strict.
Overprotective (adj) = protective more than usual.
To be embarrassed (adj) = shy and ashamed.
To break the rules = to disobey the rules.
To sneak out (v) = to go out without permission.
Dog-headed = stubborn.
To run away = to escape = to flee.
Arguments = conflicts.
Can you imagine what will happen with Jane after that (suggestions).
Post reading: To react to family issues.
Do you think that what Jane did is wrong or right?
What can Jane do to improve her relationship with her parents ( look at act 2 (A.B))?
Writing about the generation gap.
Objective: Ability to write
Structures: You should / shouldn't …………
Functions: Giving advice.
Skills: Speaking and writing.
I-PREWRITING: To engage the pupils into the topic and wake them up.
Start from the story of Jane (S.B)
Brainstorming: what did Jane do? How did her parents react?
Describe the two parts: Jane and her parents.
Jane: stubborn / dog headed / disobedient / obstinate / impolite / irresponsible/
Jane's parents: conservative / strict / severe / overprotective / traditional / old
fashioned / narrow-minded / authoritarian…
Ask them: who agrees with Jane? Who agrees with her parents?
Divide them into groups according to their choices.
How should Jane and her father be? What should they do instead? (write notes)
Use your ideas to write some pieces of advice.
Control what my pupils have written.
Encourage peer correction.
Read what you've written again.
Listen to your teacher and classmates' comments and correct what must be corrected:
unclear / overused words..
Read your pieces of advice aloud to the whole class to check they are ok.
Be sure your pieces of advice are correct (structure).
Correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization.
Check my pupils work.
Rewrite your article correctly.
Write your work on a canson paper to publicize your pieces of advice in class.
To Jane To Jane's parents
Be polite and respectful. Be patient.
Talk to them: communication. Try to understand your daughter's needs.
Speak calmly. Keep calm and control your anger.
Keep calm and don't lose self control. Mutual respect is important.
Be patient. Show her your love.
Try to understand them. Trust her.
Convince them you are growing up. Listen to her.
Listen to them. Try to understand that things have changed
Discuss their rules/ don't break them. Give her some space of freedom.
Lesson 4: pocket money - page 20-
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Read about pocket money in order to discuss its importance in family life.
Skills: Speaking, reading and writing.
Structures: As + ad + as / as many + pl noun + as / as much + non countable noun
+ as
Functions: Comparing (equality).
PRE-READING STAGE: To engage the pupils in the new topic of pocket money.
Ask the pupils how much pocket money do they get?
What do you spend it on? Do spend all your pocket money or save some of it?
Do you think it's enough for you?
Write some answers: I spend my pocket money on fast food / clothes / presents…
To spend on (v) ≠ to save (v) // savings (n) = money saved.
Enough= sufficient. // Mean (adj) = tight-fisted (c. adj)
READING STAGE: To read about parents' opinion on pocket money.
Start from the title: guess what is the text about then read and check.
Who is the speaker? What is he speaking about? ( complaining about his son's
Why? What does he spend his pocket money on? (fast food /stationeries /extras)
What's his parents reaction? (they are worried a lot). justify
Write the justification: my wife is as worried as me about the overspending
Elicit the new type of comparison (equality): to compare two similar things/ persons.
What is the father asking for by the end? (help and advice)
Overspending (adj) = spend a lot of money on unnecessary things.
To complain about = to express dissatisfaction.
Worried about = feel anxious and stressed.// to worry about (v)
Addiction (n) // to be addicted to = unable to stop doing something.
Allowance (n) = pocket money.
To reduce (v) = to make it less in quantity ≠ to increase (v).
Value (n) = importance.
Read text 2 and 3 and say what are the pieces of advice suggested? (to reduce his
allowance/ to stop giving him allowance at all: no allowance)
What is the aim behind these suggestions? To teach him the value of a dollar= the
importance of money / to know that pocket money is as hard earned as a
Which is more hard earned? The paycheque or the pocket money? Both because we
are expressing equality here.
Give the rule: as + adjective + as.
Move to the exercise pg23 (S.B) to practice and elicit the other rules of as much /as
Write examples on the board.
POST READING STAGE: A speaking activity: to involve the learners.
Which advice do you think is the best solution for this problem? Why?
Have any other suggestion / way to teach children about the importance of money
they get.
I-PREWRITING: to engage the pupils into the topic and wake them up.
Start with activity 1 (hand out): discuss the picture. Guess what are they speaking about.
Give them time to read the captions on the right and try to imagine the conversation
(role play) in pairs (intonation in this stage is very important)
Do your parents (mother or father) do the same? Do they try to teach you the value of
money before giving it?
Look at the pictures (5) and identify them. Discuss the attitudes (3 ways to teach
children the value of money.
Which is the best way according to you?
Divide the pupils in groups according to their choices: given allowance/ no allowance /
earned allowance.
Use your ideas to write sentences to justify your choice in groups.
Control what my pupils have written.
Combine your sentences to make a coherent article.
Encourage peer correction.
Read what you've written again.
Listen to your teacher and classmates' comments and correct what must be corrected:
unclear / overused words..
Read your writing aloud to the whole class to check it's ok.
Be sure your sentences are well organized.
Correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization.
I'll read it for them to check their work.
Rewrite your article correctly.
Write your article on a canson paper.
No allowance Given allowance Earned allowance.
No allowance no To learn at an early To show you are
overspending. age how to deal responsible.
Get rid of bad with it. You are mature.
habits To cover your own You know that pm is
(cigarettes….) expensive. hard earned.
Avoid misbehavior. Rely on yourself If you earn it hard
Be responsible. you can't overspend
Show you are it.
mature Rely on yourself.
You are an important
member in the house.
Lesson 4: pocket money - page 20-
PRE-READING STAGE: To engage the pupils in the new topic of safety rules.
Look at the pictures page 24: what are these? What are they for? (safety rules/ signs to
warn us against a danger = hazard = risk)
Work in pairs (step 1)
List some safety rules at home.
Write some rules on the board: don't play with matches/with knives /pets (cats, dogs..)/
medicines / electricity / plugs…
Who is responsible for preventing these dangers? What should they do? (They should
supervise their children)
To supervise (v)= to watch and controle.
Safety (n) = security (n) ≠ danger (n)
Dangerous (adj) = hazardous (adj) = risky(adj) ≠ safe (adj) = secure (adj)
Pets = domestic aimals ≠ wild animals.
READING STAGE: To raise the pupils awareness to the hazards that pets can
Look at the picture and guess what is the text about? (beware of dogs!: the dangers of
Read silently and answer question 1 and 2 pg 26.
Now read and answer activity 2 pg 25 (A.B): transfer information into a table.
Answer activity 3 pg 25 (A.B) to speak about the most dangerous dogs (male/ isolated/
chained outdoors / not well cared for)
Read the last paragraph and say which are more dangerous: dogs' bites or cats' bites?
Justify: Dog bites are more frequent whereas cat bites are rarer but more
Elicit the linkers: whereas and ask them to replace it by another word (but / however /
Practice using the new linkers of contrast via step 2 page 27 (S.B)
Write some examples on the board.
Whereas = while = however = but
To prevent (v) = to get rid of = to avoid // prevention (n)
To occur (v) = to happen = to take place.
Frequent (adj) ≠ rare (adj)
Serious (adj) = dangerous.
Well cared for = healthy (adj ≠ unhealthy (adj)
POST READING STAGE: To reinvest previously acquired language to speak about
ones' experiences.
Speak about an incident that happened to you at home.
Think about some ways to prevent such dangers.
Lesson 1: school memories - page 30-
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Recycle language related to school life in order to prepare them for the
comprehension of a reading passage about the same topic.
Skills: Speaking, reading and writing.
Structures: Possessive pronouns / possessive adjectives / possessive 's.
Functions: Expressing possession.
PRE-READING STAGE: To warm up the pupils and engage them in the new topic of
school life.
Start with a brain storming: trying to remember any lexis related to education or
Draw a spider gram and write their answers.
Provide them with new item: synonyms or antonyms of items they've already known.
Grades /marks
Fail ≠succeed
Classrooms /classmates
To succeed (v)= to achieve one's goal ≠ to fail (v) // success (n) ≠ failure (n)
Grades = marks // Tests = exams
English, French, biology, math…. Are subjects.
Read and say what is the text type? (diary) and what is it about? (school
Memory (n)= a past event that you can not forget, it can be good or bad.// memories (pl.
Reread and complete the following table with information about ken's memories.
Text type Diary
What happened? Ken got a bad mark in maths and changed it.
How? He stole his friend's test/ he erased Sebastian's name and wrote his
When? When it rang (during the break).
Why? To please his parents and make them proud of their child.
Ken is: Irresponsible / a cheat / dishonest / a liar / intelligent
Stop for a while to present the new function of possession through the examples above.
His friend / their child my name.. are called possessive adjectives.
Friend's test / sebastian's name .. 's is called possessive 's.
His, mine.. are called possessive pronouns.
For more consolidation, we move to activity 3 pg39 (A.B) collectively.
Assign activity 2 pg 38 (A.B) as a homework.
POST-READING STAGE: A speaking activity.
What do you think of what Ken did? Do you agree with him? If you are in his place what
will you do? (ask help from teachers or classmates / say the truth and promise to work
PRE LISTENING STAGE: To present the new structures of future to speak about their
Read the bubbles and say what are they speaking about? (their dreams/ future jobs)
Which tense they used? Underline the verbs they used.
Write some examples and elicit the rules of the future intention and simple future.
Ask them to speak about their own favourite subjects and dream jobs.
Write further examples on the board and stress that: good/bad /excellent + at + N or
Listen and complete the poem.
What is it about? (Mike's dreams) where? (at school)
What is he daydreaming about? (zoo/travelling /cars / animals..)
What is he doing in class? Is he following his teacher? (no).
Write the examples on the board and ask about the tense used (present progressive)
Revise the present progressive tense, when is it used? Ask them what are you doing now?
Write: we are learning English now / we are learning English tomorrow and ask about the
difference between the two sentences to elicit the use of the present progressive + future
time word for planned action.
For more consolidation, we move to question page 38 (S.B).
Does Mike like school? (No) / Justify: he falls asleep in class/ he daydreams in class.
By the end what happened to him? (the teacher asked him to answer the question)
What do you think of this situation / the ending of the poem? (it's a funny situation)
Write on the board: Mike finds himself in a funny situation.
Who is he blaming? He is blaming himself.
Write the examples on the board and elicit the new structure of reflexive pronouns.
Move to more practice through question 2 page 39 (S.B).
Activity 3 page 44 (A.B) is a homework.
Asleep (adj) ≠ awake (adj) // to sleep (v) ≠ to wake up (v)
To fly (v)= to travel by plane.
POST LISTENING STAGE: To give one's opinion and speak about one's experience.
Does the same thing happen to you in class?
When?: when the lesson is boring / the teacher speaks a lot / I don't understand / I'm
lost / I didn't sleep well / I'm tired / I don't like the subject / I'm not good at the
Think about alternatives to daydreaming: ask help from classmates/ teachers /
What is the rule or the lesson you learnt from Mike's experience?
Can you think of other school rules.
Pupils mustn't cheat / they must listen to their teachers / they mustn't daydream in
class / they must work hard / …
WARM UP: To engage the learners into the topic of cheating.
Start from activity 1 page 43 (A.B): do the activity in pairs then correct collectively.
Look at the picture accompanying the text and say where are they? What are they
doing? (they are in classroom/ they are sitting for an exam)
What's the matter with Peter? (he's trying to cheat)
How? (looking at his friends test/ writing information on a small sheet of paper)
Can you think about other ways pupils use to cheat? (speaking)
Why did peter cheat? What are the reasons behind cheating?
Did peter succeed in cheating? (No, he was caught by his teacher)
What happened to him so? ( punish him: school report / fired from school / lost..)
Draw spider grams on the board: reasons / ways / consequences / alternatives.
Divide them into groups.
Use ideas from the board to write coherent sentences about cheating.
Control what my pupils have written.
Combine your sentences to make a coherent article.
Encourage peer correction.
Read what you've written again.
Listen to your teacher and classmates' comments and correct what must be corrected:
unclear / overused words..
Read your writing aloud to your classmates to check it's ok.
Be sure your sentences are well organized.
Correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization.
I'll read it for them to check their work.
Rewrite your article correctly.
Write your article on a canson paper.
Reasons Ways Consequences Alternatives
* Lazyiness *looking at others' tests.* school report. * work hard.
* To get a good Mark. *writing information on * expelled from school * revise the lessons
* Lack of The desk/ clothes / For at least 15 days. Regularly.
self-confidence. Small sheet of paper. * get lost. *ask help
* To please parents *use headsets. * no longer understand. * be self confident.
* * hate school.
* will be disrespected.
PRE-READING STAGE: To recycle and revise the simple past tense.
Do you remember your first day at school? What happened? How did you feel? (afraid?
Excited? Happy? …
What about moving from the primary school to the prep school?
Write some examples on the board.
I was very happy/ I felt so scared / I felt excited at the …./ I cried / I escaped from school/
I didn't like the new school…..
We are speaking about past memories, so we use the simple past tense.
Practise using the simple past question page 40 (A.B).
Read the title and guess what is the text about?
Read and check your guessing.
Read and say whether she liked her new school. (No). Justify: (she pretended she was
How did she feel? (afraid).
After going to school did she feel the same? (No) she had forgotten about being sick or
Read again and pick up all the past verbs then classify them in the table page 49 (A.B)
To pretend= to show false appearance / to falsify / to make believe.
Sick (adj) = ill (adj).
Afraid (adj) = scared (adj)
Excited (adj) = attracted (adj)
POST READING: To use the simple past to speak about one's memories.
Can you speak about a past memory at school? In kinder garden, primary or prep school.
(don't forget to use the simple past tense)
Activity 4 page 50 (A.B) is a homework.
Start from step 1 (S.B) to produce statements of prohibition using mustn't / don't
Think about further examples.
Write some examples on the board and elicit the rule.
What must pupils do in class, now? Step 3 can help.
Write some examples and elicit the rules of must or have to
For further consolidation we can deal with step 4 pg 48 (S.B)
What is the text type? How many speakers? Who are they? Guess their relationship.
Read and check jill and kelly's relationship (friends)
What are they speaking about? (school problems)
Which problem is it? (violence)
Which type of violence? Verbal violence: made fun of her accent / told jokes / taunted
Physical violence: attacked her after school.
What are the causes of this violence? Because she is from the South and she had a
different accent. We all speak the same language (Arabic) but we have different accents.
Accent (n)= way of pronouncing words. (example: قin Tunisia).
To make fun of someone= to mock = to tease.
To taunt (v)= to insult using very bad words.
Used to = habituated to.
Silly (adj) = trivial= not important.
Did she like moving to Birmingham and her new school? (we had to move to
Did things get much better by the end of the year? (No: things got worse)
What did she do? (Told her teacher)/ did she like the idea of telling her teacher? (No: it
was her only choice: I had to tell the teacher)
Which tense is used in these two examples? (simple past) had to = must /have to
expressing obligation in the past.
Add the obligation in the future: will have to + verb
Deal with step 2 and 3 pg 48 (S.B) to check the learners comprehension of the 3 tenses
of 'must'
Remind the learners of some useful vocabulary related to school life through the
brainstorming page 49 (S.B).
Move to step 2: look at the pictures and say what are they about? (problems between
children and their parents: pocket money / school results / school report / cheating….)
What is the text type? (a letter)
Who is the sender (miserable Kate) and the receiver (Mary)?
Guess what is their relationship? (maybe friends / sisters…)
Miserable Kate: what do you understand? (She is not happy/ she has problems…)
Read and say what's the matter with kate? What is she speaking about? (her problems
with her parents)
What's her relationship with her parents like? (conflictual: I don't get on with my parents)
What are her problems? (1)they don't give her enough pocket money)
Is she an overspending girl? What does she spend her money on? (to cover her school
To cover one's expenses = to pay for something (school here)
To get on with a person = to agree with him = to befriendly.
Problem (2): she hasn't enough time to do her homework.
Why? (because her mother expects her to help in the house)
To expect (v)= to await for something to anticipate.
To realize (v) = to understand.
How did she feel? (miserable / lost / upset / depressed)
Upset (adj) = unhappy and worried.
Depressed (adj) = sad and fed up..
Lost (adj) = with no particular destination.
In front of all these problems what did she decide to do?
I'm thinking of leaving school.
I will try to find a job.
I intend to rent a house and live with my friends.
I won't tell my parents about my plans.
In these examples, she is speaking about her plans or intentions.
Elicit the new structures of the future: S + WILL / WON'T + BARE INF
Ask them what they intend to do next weekend using new structures.
Do you agree or not with what Kate intends to do? Why? Why not?
Kate needs your help. Tell her what she should / shouldn't do to solve her problems.
Lesson 1: air and land pollution- page 55- (part one)
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Speak about pollution and its effects on people and on the environment in different
communicative situations.
Skills: Speaking and writing.
Structures: Linkers (therefore / so / as a result/ that's why and because).
Functions: Sequencing events.(cause and effect)
Start from the title of the whole module health and environment to discuss the
meaning as well as the relationship between health and environment.
Introduce new lexis via the discussion:
Health (n) / healthy (adj) ≠ unhealthy (adj) = harmful.
Environment = everything around us including air, land, water, trees………
Polluted (adj) = dirty and not clean. / pollution (n)
Assign step 1 page 55 as a problem solving task to distinguish the different types
of pollution illustrated in the pictures. (pair work)
Discuss the pictures collectively not according to their order but according to the
type of pollution.
Write some examples on the board: the water in pict 1 is contaminated.
Contaminated (adj) = not pure and polluted. / contamination (n).
Get the pupils immersed in the different items they can use to speak about
pollution in general: types, causes and effects.
Many new lexis will be introduced in this stage.
Rubbish = garbage = litter = waste
Fumes = harmful gases released by cars ab=nd factories.
Smog= fog mixed with smoke or gases.
Acid rain= rain made of acid.
To breathe (v) = to inhale (v) / a breath (n)
Chemicals = pesticides.
To release (v) = to let fall into the air.
In the meanwhile, I write some examples to introduce the linkers of consequence
and of cause. For example:
Cars and factories release fumes into the air that's why the air we breathe is polluted.
Individuals throw garbage everywhere in the street as a result our land is not clean.
Used up batteries are very dangerous because they leak heavy metals.
Farmers spray chemicals therefore the food we eat is contaminated. (visuals)
Ships spill oil or petrol into the sea so the sea is polluted.
Then deduce the correct use of the linkers to make the pupils distinguish between them
in their future writings.
Clause 1 (cause) + so / as a result / that's why / therefore + clause 2 (result)
Clause 1 (result) + because + clause 2 (cause or reason).
Consolidate using the newly acquired structures (linkers) throug01111h activity 4 page
71 (A.B)
PRE-READING STAGE: to engage the learners into the topic of the reading
Start from an oral review (speaking test): recycle what we said in the previous
session about pollution (types / causes and some effects).
Look at the pictures accompanying the texts and guess what are we going to read
Read the four short texts silently and say what are these paragraphs about.
Read again and complete the following table with reference to the text (causes and
effects of pollution): pair work
Type of pollution Causes Effects / impacts
Air pollution Factories release fumes. Polluted air.
Acid rain.
Holes in the ozone layer
Noise pollution Overcrowded towns. Headaches.
Exposure to noise Earache.
Air and land pollution Toxic substances. Poor health.
Weakness/ pains/aches/
Diseases and sicknesses.
Land pollution Inflammables fluids: paints Catch fire.
Solvents (nail polish)/glues Burns.
Skin rashes.
Risky chemical reactions.
Headache = pain in the head.
Earache = pain in the ear.
Deafness (n) = inability to hear // deaf (adj).
Overcrowded (adj) = very crowded / full of people.
Toxic (adj) = poisonous.
Toxic substances = chemicals = pesticides.
Weakness (n) ≠ strength (n) // weak (adj) ≠ strong (adj).
Diseases = dangerous illnesses like cancer..
Result in = cause = lead to
Sit in groups to try to find solutions to each type of pollution with reference to the
four paragraphs: each group chooses to work on a paragraph.
Then peer correction: exchange the work with another group who reads, corrects and
add something if they have new ideas.
Correct with the whole class.
What’s the relationship between smoking and health?
What are the bad effects of smoking on health? (Look at the pictures pg 60)
Introduce the new structure of probability in the future using may / might / could
Practice the use of the new function through step 2 pg 63 (S.B).
Listen and say how many speakers are there? Who are they? (focus on the names) what
are they speaking about? (effects of smoking)
Listen to part 1 and answer the questions page 62 (student book).
Correct and focus on the new lexis at the same time.
Prohibited = forbidden = not allowed.
Cigarette addict = heavy smoker.
To nag at (v) = to complain about
To approve of = to agree ≠ to disapprove of.
To give up = to stop
indifferent = careless = do not care.
Listen to part 2 and complete act 1 pg 75 (A.B) with missing words.
To damage (v) = to destroy (v)
Now listen to the whole passage and complete the table with information about the
Speaker For Against Arguments
Susan Green Dad is doing harm to himself and everyone around
× him.
I hope he will give up this nasty habit.
Andrew Smokey People shouldn't listen to what doctors say.
× People are free to smoke if they choose to do so.
Smokers only damage their own health.
1) Have you ever felt under pressure from anybody to try a cigarette? Yes / No
2) If yes who put you under pressure to try a cigarette? A friend / brother / sister / mum / dad / other.
3) Why did you choose not to try a cigarette? The health problems / the smell / the money /
Pressure from friends or family / other
4) Do you think you would be tempted to try a cigarette in the future? Yes / No
5) Do the majority of people you know – mum, dad, friends, brother or sister, smoke? Yes / No
6) What do you think about friends and/or family who smoke? It's cool / do not bother you / Want them to
stop because it may hurt them / Want them to stop because it may hurt you / Other
7) Does it bother you if people are smoking around you? Yes / No
8) If yes, what bothers you? The smell / Makes you cough / Makes your eyes itchy and sore / Other
9) So, you are for / against smoking.
Activity 2: Read the following notes and discuss them with your classmates and teacher.
Smoking might
About 90% of Cigarettes are
be bothering
smokers have killers that
you, but it's
health problems travel in packs.
killing me!
Use the hints above to write a letter to Andrew Smokey, who is a heavy smoker, to
warn him against the dangers of smoking and to advise him to give it up.
Dear Andrew,
Lesson 3: pollution, a threat to our environment-page 65-
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Talk about the effects of pollution on the environment and suggest different solutions
to deal with them in different situations.
Skills: Speaking, reading and writing.
Structures: relative pronouns: which / that / who
Functions: Defining people and objects.
Speaking test: to review the different sources and causes of pollution.
Who is responsible and show how harmful is pollution as a threat to the environment.
(step 1)
Threat (n)= danger = risk. / to threaten (v)
In groups: Ask the pupils to think of some solutions to improve their environment and
especially school: move to step 3 pg 66 with the help of the pictures pg 67.
To campaign for (v) = make others aware of the importance of a better environment.
A campaign (n).
To collect (v) = to gather (v) = to pick up (v) ≠ to throw = to dump.
A landfill (n) = the place where material waste is discharged and buried.
To discharge (v) = to throw away.
Write some examples of solutions on the board.
What is the text type? (an article)
Read silently and say what is it about? (answer activity 1 pg 80 (A.B). Justify.
"individuals as well as big factories have an impact on our environment"
Explain the word: to contribute to (v) = to participate in = to take part in / contribution
How is pollution described? (Big and small / visible and invisible).
Can you give some aspects of pollution. (focus on paragraph 2): oil spills / oil washed /
smoky fires or particles= these are examples of visible pollution.
Visible (adj) = you can see ≠ invisible (adj)
Smoky (adj) =causing smoke or fumes. / To ruin (v) = to destroy = to damage.
Particles= very small pieces of matter.
What about invisible pollution; how do you know it is contaminated or polluted? (use
your senses: taste / hearing / touch / sight / smelling.
Paragraph 3: the writer speaks about one solution to avoid pollution. What is it?
Discharging waste into a landfill.
Does he think it is a good solution (No) justify: waste does not go away people simply
move it to another place.
Now let's quickly move to activity 3 pg 81 (AB) then say what do these words refer to.
Complete the rule and some practice. (AB) pg 81.
POST-READING: to react on the issue of pollution.
Do you agree with solution suggested in the text?
Can you think of better suggestions? (recycling what can be recycled)
Start from the pictures page 71: what are they about? Which part of the earth they are
dealing with? (forests)
How forests are important? (trees: oxygen /wood/medicines / paper.. and wild
Look at the pictures and say what are the dangers threatening the forests? (forest
fires/ logging = cutting down trees illegally)
Who is responsible for all these risks? (individuals)
How can we prevent them and save our planet / earth?
To save (v)= to protect = to preserve // safe (adj).
Everyone should contribute to saving the forests. / individuals mustn't cause forest
They must stop logging // don't cut down trees.
Government should prohibit logging // they ought to punish offenders.
Offenders (n) = those who break the law.
Practice these structures via act page 73 (SB)
Before reading what is the text type? (a poem)
Look at the picture accompanying the poem and try to guess what is the poem about?
(an elephant) which type of animals it is? (wild)
Look at him, does he look happy? (No). Why? (free short discussion)
Now read the poem and say what is it about? Why this elephant is sad?
Read again and complete the following table:
Text type A poem.
The speaker An elephant (to his brothers: other wild animals)
What is it about? He is complaining about man's bad activity (hunting)
Poems message. Save the wildlife from extinction / stop hunting wild animals
To hunt (v)= to catch = to case. // hunter (n)= the person who hunts.
Wild (adj) ≠ domestic (adj)
To extinct (v) = to disappear // extinction (n).
Can you think of other wild animals which are threatened by extinction?
Start from speaking about the earth day (22nd of April).
What is it aiming at? Caring about the environment/ an environmental day.
What do we do on this day: pictures page 75 can help.
Write some activities on the board.
Lesson 1: at the airport - page 81-
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Speak, read and write about the health and the environment in different situations.
Skills: Speaking, reading and writing.
Structures: would you mind + gerund / could you + bare infinitive.
Functions: Making polite request / requesting others to do something.
Lesson 2: internet shopping -page 85-
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Listen to and understand a passage about shopping in different meaningful situations.
Skills: Speaking, listening and writing.
Structures: Mind + noun / look out! + clause / beware of + noun or gerund.
Functions: Warning.
PRE-LISTENING STAGE: To engage the learners into the topic of online shopping.
Start with a brainstorming: what are the services provided by the internet?
PRE-READING STAGE: To engage the learners into the topic of tourism.
Start with a brainstorming: to try to remember any word related to the topic of
Entertainment holidays / vacation
Where would you like to spend your vacations? In Tunisia or elsewhere?
What are the most important places tourists like to visit? Look at the pictures pg 87
they can help.
Beaches: Sousse/ Hammamet / Bizerte / kelibia….
Green tourism: forests of ain draham and tabarka.
Monuments and ruins: El Jam/ Dogga / Cartage / Roman swimming Pool
(Gafsa) / Red Lizard (Nafta)…
Saharian tourism: dunes / oasis / camels / festival of Douz…
READING STAGE: To read about tourits' opinions about Tunisia.
Before reading, what is the text type? (non linear text: bubbles)
Who are the speakers? Are they Tunisian people? (tourists)
Read and say what are they speaking about? (give their opinions about
Read and complete the following table:
Name Nationality Opinion
Aleysia Russian Tunisia has made a high amount of progress.
Sheila British I have enjoyed a special kind of comfort in
Jean French Tunisia has achieved a lot.
Tunisian people have been so kind and
Elicit the new structure of the present perfect: S + HAVE / HAS + PAST
PARTICIPLE (verb + ed: regular verbs)irregular verbs must be learnt from the
Use: to describe an action that started in the past and still continues in the present.
Time words: never / ever (question) / already / since / for…..
For more consolidation move to act pg 90 (S.B)
Step 2 page 90 (SB)
Think and speak about an experience / an important visit to a tourist place in
Tunisia: say your feelings and your opinion.
PRE-READING STAGE: To speak about different types of means of transport.
Lesson 5: communication -page 94-
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Speak and write about different means of transport and state the differences between
them (advantages and disadvantages) in meaningful situations.
Skills: Speaking, reading and writing.
Structures: if + S + verb (s.present), S + verb (future)
Functions: conditional (type 1).
Lesson 1: means of entertainment -page 100-
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
Know more about the topic of entertainment and different means of entertainment as
well as to read and express themselves about it.
Skills: Speaking, reading and writing.
Structures: Maybe / perhaps / I'm sure that… / there's no doubt…
unctions: Expressing certainty / expressing uncertainty.
PRE-READING: To engage the pupils to speak about different means of
Brainstorming through a spider gram: what are the different means of
entertainment they've known with the help of pictures pg 100 / 101 at the
same time introduce the new items indoors ≠ outdoors.
Swimming hanging around
1) Look at the following picture and say:
where are they? What are they doing?
Do you sometimes eat out? With friends? With the family? What dishes do you usually
2) Look at the pictures and complete the following spidergram.
Ch……………………… S………………………..
F ……………
3) Use words from the spider gram to complete the table below.
Words Definitions
……………………………………A salad sauce.
……………………………………A solid food made from milk.
……………………………………The man who serves people at tables.
……………………………………The woman who serves people at tables.
……………………………………Fresh fruit or cake served at the end of a meal.
……………………………………A strong caffeine rich drink.
……………………………………A list of dishes that can be served or ordered in a restaurant
…………. composed of 3 courses: starter, main course and dessert.
……………………………………Food cooked outdoors on a grill.
I-PRE-READING: To engage the learners to speak about different places for
Which places do you like to go? Why? What about the fun fair (picture pg 112)? What
can we do there? (going on all the rides/ playing games / having ice-cream)
II-READING: To read and know about different structures of suggestions.
what's the text type? How many speakers? Who are they? (names).
Now read and say what are they speaking about? (about going out: where?)
Read and complete the following suggestions? Why?
Suggestions Why?
Shall we go to the zoo? To see wild animals.
To see seal shows.
We could go to the cinema. To watch a movie / film.
What about going to the circus? To see animal shows + acrobats.
I'd rather go to the beach. To windsurf.
To have a picnic.
I suggest that we go to a swimming pool. To swim.
To see water slides.
Why don't we go to the history museum? To see dinosaurs.
Let's go to the fun fair. To go on all rides.
To have lots of ice-cream flavours.
Focus on the new structures of suggestion and elicit the rules:
Shall we / we could / why don't we / let's + bare infinitive.
I suggest that + clause. MAKING SUGGESTION.
What about + gerund / noun.
I-PRE-READING: To engage the learners to speak about films in general.
Start from the title: to review and recycle the previously acquired structures of
making suggestion. (express the title differently).
Indoor: watching TV.
Watching a film:
Outdoor: walk-in cinema.
Do you prefer watching TV or going to the movies? Why?
Which types of films do you like watching? Who is your favourite star? Why?
Characters plot (problem)
Hero ending (happy or sad)
Settings (time + place) fil stars / actors.
Look at the posters pg 117 and say which film did you see?
II-READING: To read and know about different structures of suggestions.
Read the text and say which film from pg 117 it is about? (picture 3: Nemo)
Read again and complete the following table:
Characters Events Mission
Nemo. Nemo swims to the open sea. You must listen
Marlin: Nemo's father. He is taken away by a ship. to your parents' advice
Dory: Marlin's friend. He ends up in a dentist fish and warnings.
How did Nemo feel when he is in imprisoned in the fish tank? (he regrets). Justify.
What will he say to his father when he will meet him again?
I write the two answers on the board to elicit the rules of regret and apologizing.
He regrets disobeying his father.
I am very sorry that I didn't listen to you.
Consolidate the new structure and function through activity 1 pg 143 (AB)
Activity 4 page 142 (AB): discuss with your classmates a possible ending to nemo's
Report your imagination orally to the class.
In the meanwhile I introduce the new items:
To rescue (v) = to save (v)
To run away = to escape = to flee.
To manage = to do successfully.
I-PRE-READING: To engage the learners to speak about films in general.
Look at the pictures page 120 (SB) and say who are they? (pop stars / singers)
Read the bubbles and say what are they speaking about? (their interests / pastimes).
Write some examples on the board and elicit the new functions:
I'm interested in pop dance and rock. / I'd like to know more about acting
It really sounds interesting to act in an action film.
I'm more interested in the African style. / I'm interested in taking care of pets.
I don't mind jogging / I don't mind trying other styles of music.
I-PRE-READING: To engage the learners to speak about voluntary work.
Start from pictures page 124 and page 126 to describe and discuss their needs to
introduce new vocabulary related to volunteering and voluntary work.
Needy (adj) = poor (adj) // poverty (n)
To donate (v) = to give. // donation (n)
Voluntary work = optional and unpaid work ≠ compulsory (adj)
II-READING: To read and know about different types of voluntary work and
How many paragraphs? Look at the accompanying pictures and guess what are they
Now read and say what are they speaking about? (about voluntary work)
Volunteer Voluntary work Beneficiary (for who?)
Kevin To provide The homeless.
To provide food Needy people.
Vicki To help raise money. Animal protection.
To donate blood. People in need.
To stand by the disabled. The disabled.
Read and complete the following table:
In the meanwhile, help the learners understand the new lexis.
Homeless (adj) = without home / shelter.
Orphan (n) = parentless = without parents.
To stand by = to give a hand = to help.
To raise (v) = to collect.
Disabled (adj)= handicapped (adj)
At the same time, elicit the new structures of ability and inability using the two
examples from the texts:
I-PRE-LISTENING: To engage the learners to speak about voluntary work.
Start from the homework: to review the vocabulary related to volunteering (starvation /
famine / lack of / skinny / cooperation..)
Needy (adj) = poor (adj) // poverty (n)
To donate (v) = to give. // donation (n)
Voluntary work = optional and unpaid work ≠ compulsory (adj)
In pairs do activity 1 as a problem solving situation, discuss them then suggest some
voluntary work they can do to help as children.
Ask them what to say to offer their help (can I help you?) for more examples move to
activity 2, write the examples on the board then give them the corresponding function
(offering help).
Before listening, look at the picture pg 131 (SB) is it wrong or right? What must he do
instead? (plant trees / protect the environment).
According to the picture, try to guess the topic of the passage (question step2 pg
Listen and check your guessing.
Listen and complete the missing text page 166 (AB).
Listen and complete the following table:
Organization Founder Beneficiary Mission
F.A.C.E Melissa Poe (kids) Kids in need. Picking up litter.
Planting trees.
Is the FACE organization successful? Justify. (Yes: FACE membership is over 300.000 / it
is a worldwide organization in the USA and 22 foreign countries)
Worldwide (adj)= all over the world.
Membership (N) = members of a club or organization.
Mission (n)= purpose / aim.
Founder (n) / to found (v) = to establish (v) = to set up. (e.i: our school is founded in
Speaking: what do they mean by 'founded by kids and for kids'?
As a kid or a teenager, what is the organization or club you intend to join or
establish? Why?
I-PRE-READING: To engage the learners to speak about cooperation and
cooperative work.
Remind them of the mea ning of cooperation = collaboration = mutual help.(in
groups /in pairs
Ask about examples of works which need cooperation and help, the answers are
based on pictures pg 133 (SB): planting trees/helping victims of war/project
work /help in the house.
What are the benefits of cooperation? (makes the work lighter, easier, quicker, save
What do you prefer: working in groups or individually? Why? (boring / intolerance /
fights / conflicts / some do not trust others / some depend on others…)
Read and say what is the text about? Who is the speaker? What is she complaining
about? (about pair work)
Why? What is his problem? (she doesn't like to work in pairs with his peers because
she has not a good relationship with her peers / she does not trust them / no
To get along with someone = to have a friendly relationship.
Peers = classmates. // to trust = to depend on.
Read again and complete the following table:
Persons involved Problem Solution Mission
The writer Inability to carry Asks help from her Cooperation is very
Her mum out a project work mum and peers. important (many
Her peers individually. hands make light
To figure out = to understand.
To carry out = to achieve = to do successfully.
To involve = to include.
In the meanwhile, introduce the new structure of the past progressive when
speaking about the time it took from her to do the project work (time consuming)
Elicit the rule and give some examples. (S+ WAS / WERE + GERUNG)
Time words: as / while / when.
Use: to describe a past action in progress / two simultaneous actions/ one action
interrupted by another)
Speaking activity: Do you enjoy working in groups or in pairs? Why? Why not?
Speak about a similar experience: an activity which you couldn't carry out alone.
I-PRE-READING: To engage the learners to speak about clubs.
I'll start with reminding my pupils of FACE the environmental organization and its
Organization = club = association = charity = helping people in need.
Ask about associations the know, and for who? (beneficiary).
UNICEF = United Nations International Children's Emergency Funds. (provide food
and health care for children (in New York).
UNESCO = United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (in Paris)
(develop and promote education / improve the quality of education)
How many texts are there? Who are the speakers?
Read and say what are they speaking about? (their volunteering experiences)
Read and complete the following table:
Organization Beneficiary Voluntary work
'Junior Volunteer Club' Patients in hospital. Working in hospital.
Helping patients sign in.
Providing information and
'The Builders Club' Needy children Stuffing stockings.
The homeless
'Holiday Action' Needy people. Giving chocolate, flowers, clothing..
Elderly people. Providing them with a source of
income (goat for example)
Helping elderly neighbours.
'Disabled Living Foundation' Disabled people Providing free equipments
(stairlifts / wheelchairs / scooters..)
A source of income = of living
What do these teenagers think of their own experiences? Do they enjoy it? Justify.
Write the four justifications to elicit the structure of opinion.
I believe that volunteering is a meaningful experience./ Meaningful = important.
I think that helping others is very important.
I think that holidays are a good time for helping those in need.
In my opinion, the best way to support the disabled is being a member of DLF.
If you think of joining a club, which club do you prefer joining? Who do you like to