XI Assignment

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Class XI _ 2024-25

Complex Numbers and Quadratic equations

I Class Assignment:

➢ Very Short Answer Type Questions: (1 marks each)

Express each of the complex numbers in the form a + ib.

Find the multiplicative inverse of each of the complex numbers given below:

Find the modulus and the of the complex numbers given below:
Solve each of the following equations:

➢ Short Answer Type Questions: (4 marks each)

Find the conjugate of the following complex numbers. Also find the quadrant in which they lie.
➢ Long Answer Type Questions: (6 marks each)
II Home assignment:
Express each of the complex numbers in the form a + ib.

Find the modulus and conzugate of the following:

Extra Questions for self-practice:

Q1. Express the following in the form (a + ib):

i) i15 – 3 i7 + 2i109 + i100 - i17 + 5 i3 .

ii) − 4 ( − 9 +3)+ − 49 (i3+ 3 ) - − 36 (2- −121 ) + 5 i5

1 3
iii) ( + i) - (1-i)2 + i93 – 6 (5- − 4 ).
2 2

3 − − 25
− 49 + 4
Q2. Find the conjugate of the following:

1 7 − 9i
i) 7- i ii) (5+ 2i )2 iii)
2 2+i

Q3. Find the magnitude of following:

i) 12 i - 5 ii) iii) (3+2i)3

Q4. Find the multiplicative inverse of the following:

2 + 3i (i +1)(i + 2)
i) (2-i)(3-i) ii) iii)
3 − 2i (i −1)(i − 2)
1+ i
Q5. If x + iy = , Prove that x2 + y2 = 1
1− i

Q6. If z = 1+i, evaluate z2 – 4 z + 13

Q7. If z1 = 2 + i , z2 = 2-3i , z3 = 4+5i , Evaluate:

i) Re ( z .z
1 2
) ii) Im ( z .z
2 3
z 3 z 1

Q8 Find the modulus and the argument of the following:

i) (2-i)2 ii) 1+ 3 i iii) 3 +i

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