The Role of Technological Innovation in Sustainable Business Growth

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Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Role of Technological Innovation in Sustainable

Business Growth
Gbenga Sonoiki
Department: Management
Lazarski University, Rakowska, Warsaw, Poland

Abstract:- This paper establishes the contribution of The importance of technology towards sustainable
technological innovations toward sustainable business business development can also be argued in light of
growth through Apple and Google and the relationship technological advancement towards increased efficiency,
between technological innovation, environmental minimization of footprints and development of renewable
sustainability, and social impacts. This research employs energy systems [3]. In addition, it responds to social injustices
the case-study method to address holistically the and also favours the development of society by
implications of technological innovation on sustainable accommodating those who are at the lower end of society [4].
business growth, with a focus on the selected firms of The application of advanced technologies helps to respond to
Google and Apple as cases. The research focused on these changing customer needs, acquire a competitive advantage
tech giants because they are the pioneers who have a and advance the brand image [5].
massive influence on technological innovation. The data
for this research were collected from secondary sources, With advancements in technology, companies reach a
such as academic articles and industry reports. Through crucial crossroads where they must reflect on the impact of
the application of Critical Literature Review techniques, technological advances regarding growth. Currently, Google
this study scrutinizes the impact of Google's and Apple's and Apple are viewed as forerunners in technological
innovations as regards the environment, and also social advancement while the information concerning their role in
issues. The study findings show that while it is obvious environmental sustainability and social responsibility
that both Apple and Google chose different parts in comparatively speaking is limited at best. Sustainability is a
achieving sustainable development, both companies have key facet of information technology. However, there is still a
greatly impacted the tech industry based on the creative lack of knowledge comparing similarities and variances in
products and services they provide. It was also revealed strategies of how Google and Apple direct organizations
that both companies heavily invest a lot in research and towards sustainable growth and the implications, this study,
development (R&D). Today, both companies are leaders therefore, aims to address this research gap by exploring their
in the world of renewable energy usage. Finally, the study role in a stable commercial environment.
concludes that future emerging technological trends like
Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Blockchain This research therefore looked at the contribution of
will keep shaping the space of innovation and technological innovation to sustainable business development
sustainability practices. Therefore, organizations need to and the focus was on Apple and Google. It explored how their
keep up with these trends to be able to address the innovations affect Environmental Responsibilities for
challenges that accompany them, such as privacy issues, Sustainability and Social Responsibility. The research
regulatory changes, as well as ethical responsibilities. question that guided the study is: What role do the
technological innovations of Google and Apple play in
Keywords:- Tecnhological Innovation; Sustainable achieving environmental sustainability and social impact, and
Practices; Google; Apple; Business Strategy how do they influence sustainable business development? The
hypothesis posits that technological innovations significantly
I. INTRODUCTION enhance sustainable business growth by promoting
environmental sustainability and contributing to social impact.
In the contemporary business landscape, the interplay
between technological advancement and sustainability is This study employed the case-study research approach to
crucial for organizational productivity and longevity. examine comprehensively what role technological innovation
Technology is, therefore, admitted to act as one of the key plays in sustainable business growth, by focusing on Google
levers towards enhancing sustainable business development and Apple as examples. The case studies focused on these
[1]. Social responsibility goes hand in hand with tech giants precisely because of their broad influence and
environmental responsibility as sustainable growth now pioneering achievement in technological innovation. Data
transcends to value creation and reduction of impacts on the were collected from secondary sources, such as academic
environment apart from improving the marketing edge and articles and industry reports. This paper used qualitative
profits [2]. analysis to extract meaning from the data. Specifically, the
Critical Literature Review method was used to deeply

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Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

understand how Google's and Apple's innovations are related Two theories that seem to prop up this relationship
to environmental sustainability as well as their social impact. between technological advancement and sustainability are The
Triple Bottom Line by Elkington and the Diffusion of
II. SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS Innovation Theory by Rogers. [11] stated that Elkington’s
triple bottom line emphasizes both economic profits and
The integration of technological innovation within the social and environmental responsibilities while noting the
context of business sustainability has become a defining factor technological approach as pivotal in sustaining the business.
for enterprises seeking long-term development. This Rogers’ theory outlines how innovations are disseminated
intersection, increasingly emphasized by academia and over a period based on the stages that are crucial for firms to
policymakers, is crucial for businesses aiming to achieve run efficiently. Altogether, these theories form a theoretical
sustainable growth while balancing economic, environmental, framework that can help to explain how technological
and social responsibilities [6]. Technological innovation on developments enhance the sustainable growth of firms.
the other hand encompasses the generation of new ideas,
products or services as well as improvement on existing ones. Technology in business environments is therefore not
From the perspective of sustainable development, such straightforward and the implications in the practical
innovations are critical to help the enterprises to expand application of technology in business contexts are numerous.
sustainably, create wealth for their stakeholders, reduce the For example, Apple and Google as industry leaders give a
negative impacts on the physical environment, and create the good example as to how sustainability can be attained through
greatest positive impacts for the rest of society [7]. technological advancement [12], [13]. Therefore, it is seen
that these innovations are not free from some challenges as it
Sustainable business development is the ability of the has been said to have high initial invasion cost and also it has
enterprise to enhance and transform its activity so that the a volatile technological innovation structure that need a
questions of its legitimacy, efficiency and further impact on flexible business model etc. [14]. However, for those
environment can be solved within the given time perspective. companies that will be achieving those goals, this
These comprises of client retention, extending the company’s environment allows to become leaders in the sphere of
operation territory and providing value through sustainable innovation, to gain consumer trust, and to focus on
product/service addition [8]. In addition, it does not a long-term profit.
concentrate on the tangible rewards in terms of gross and net
profits along with market share for the business but rather III. SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION IN GOOGLE: A
aims at creating sustainable value for the business along with CASE STUDY
moderating the environmental impacts and managing large
social costs [2]. Google stands as the technological giant which has
adopted and catalyzed positive change in different ways. The
Technology advancement is a key factor to sustainable creation of the PageRank Algorithm in 1998 changed the
business growth. It generates new opportunities, enhances entire approach of search engines through giving priority to
organizational efficiency, minimizes the impact on the importance and rankings of webpages in making Google
environment and makes organizations ready to address the the leading search engine for many years [15]. In addition to
emerging issues such as environmental degradation and social search, Google’s AI and machine learning is featured in
inequalities [3]. For instance, they can shift their energy Google Assistant, Google Photos, and the Google Brain
consumption to clean energy through the technologies of including voice and image recognition as well as natural
renewable energy thus helping to fight climate change [9]. language processing [16].
Furthermore, technological advancements also have a positive
impact on social justice in the process since it reduces the In the domain of cloud computing, Google Cloud
digital divide and provides support to the struggling society Platform or GCP is an extensive solution with AWS and
through ideas like digital compulsion and social venture. [4]. Azure as the major competitors presenting scalable
infrastructure and focusing on sustainability by using
As the world advances towards globalization and renewable energy sources at the data centers [17]. Google's
consumerism, technology enhances the involvement of self-driving car project, Waymo, exemplifies its commitment
businesses in altering their policies to serve the fluctuating to innovation in transportation, with significant progress in
consumer needs and gain a competitive edge [5]. By autonomous vehicle technology. Furthermore, Google’s entry
integrating technology, companies also increase their into the Internet of Things (IoT) market with the Nest
competitive advantage within a particular market and improve Learning Thermostat as well as Android Things platform
their brand values by forming a new sustainability image, signify Google’s presence in the smart technology and IoT
which plays a significant role in the consumer decision- markets [19]. Google is also active in health where it operates
making process [10]. Sustainability’s incorporation into in such areas as the DeepMind Health and its applications in
organizational processes helps build a positive perception and the healthcare system and in discovering of drugs [20], [21].
loyal client base to support sustainable business development.

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Volume 9, Issue 9, September – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Google’s Approach to Technological Innovation and responsibility further solidify its role as a leader in
Sustainability sustainability, influencing policies and practices across the
Google’s strategy of technological advancement is global business community [36].
closely connected to sustainability, making the company as a
standard bearer of a progressive and eco-sensitive society. A  Impact of Google’s Environmental Initiatives on Business
key component of Google’s innovation management is the Growth
famous “20 percent time”, that allows workers to engage in Google’s environmental initiatives have significantly
personal interest projects, and the creation of a culture that has influenced its business growth, merging sustainability with
huge successes [22]. Sustainability is evidenced in a number profitability goals. The incorporation of environmental
of initiatives like Google’s neutrality on carbon emission and responsibility as a strategy has taken Google to leadership in
massive funding in renewable sources of power [23]. It is the market front as a source of innovation, effectiveness, and
evidenced by its strategy to deliver continuous round-the- cost efficiency [37]. The goals and objectives of Google into
clock zero carbon energy by the 2030s[24], [25] relating to environmental strategy are also evident with the general
the fight against climate change. commitment to the environment, particularly through the
objective of creating the elimination of greenhouse gas
Google’s technological advancements goes beyond the emissions within the business value systems and all its
conventional application like, Artificial Intelligence and production and operation value networks [38]. However, this
Machine Learning which have influences in the fields of goal is challenging especially when taken into consideration
health, farming and linked with environmentalism [26]. It also the scale of Google’s operations and the multiple and diverse
shows a committed collaboration with academic institutions supply chains in the world.
and partners in the form of joint projects focused on the
confrontation of the world’s sustainability issues [27], [28]. Nevertheless, Google’s efforts have placed it at the
forefront of corporate sustainability hence boosting the
Also, Google effort also focuses on the consumers that confidence of its stakeholders [39]. The drive for new designs
have disabilities, through various Assistive Technology, for also emerged thus forcing the company to invest more in
making products more readily available to the disables [29]. renewable energy technologies [40]. Google’s investments in
This includes efforts like Google Cardboard which help make clean energy projects bring fresh sources of revenues and thus
virtual reality more accessible hence playing a role in strengthen the company’s position as a key market participant
addressing digital divide [13]. However, despite such in the sphere of clean energy sources [41].
initiatives, issues to do with privacy, data protection and the
ethics of AI continue to raise concerns for more discussions In addition, another factor proving that Google’s
[31]. However, one cannot shake off the thought that with sustainable development initiatives are helpful in maintaining
increasing monopoly Google poses new threats not only to a competitive advantage is that people and investors with high
competition, but to the innovation sphere as well. These levels of sustainability consciousness are drawn to sustainable
experiences together with the unmet needs of underserved service providers. There is evidence that corporate
populations and the call for properly standardized AI in sustainability strategy has boosted the company’s brand
healthcare shed light to issues deserving attention. image, enabled the implementation of high-quality pricing
strategies, and attracted high-quality employees to the
 Renewable Energy Initiatives and Supply Chain company, which all contributes to the future growth of the
Sustainability business [43]. All these efforts put together enhance the
Google’s sustainability includes renewable energy both market standing of Google so as to guarantee its future
as a product/promoter and supplier through supply chains. profitable development.
The company has achieved 100% renewable energy capacity,
equating its consumption to production from renewable IV. SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION IN APPLE: A
sources, thereby supporting its carbon emission reduction CASE STUDY
goals [32]. In 2019, Google executed its largest renewable
energy project, securing 1600 megawatts of wind and solar Technological innovation is a core determinant of
power, which not only diversifies its energy portfolio but also competitive advantage which Apple has demonstrated through
drives innovation in clean energy technologies, reducing costs its commitment to use hardware, software and services
[33]. synergy [44]. Some of the historic moments in the company
includes the Macintosh in 1984, the iPod in 2001 and the
In addition to renewable energy, Google promotes iPhone in 2007 for change in the consumer electronics market.
supply chain sustainability by collaborating with suppliers to Each product set new industry standards and reshaped
transition to renewable energy and reduce carbon footprints. consumer behaviours, solidifying Apple's role as a leader in
These efforts ripple through the business ecosystem, technology [45]. The iPhone, with its touchscreen interface
encouraging broader adoption of sustainable practices [34]. and App Store ecosystem, particularly disrupted the mobile
Google’s use of digital and analytics tools, such as Ren phone market, establishing new benchmarks for smartphones
Energy and Google Cloud, helps optimize supply chain [46].
sustainability, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing
environmental impact [35]. Google’s transparent
communication and commitment to corporate social

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Apple’s innovation extends to the iPad in 2010 and the  Renewable Energy Initiatives and Supply Chain
Apple Watch in 2015, further demonstrating its commitment Sustainability
to exploring new product categories and expanding its Apple's renewable energy initiatives serve as the
ecosystem. The iPad introduced a new form of computing, cornerstone of its sustainability strategy, showcasing the
bridging the gap between laptops and smartphones, while the company's intent to reduce its carbon footprint. Significant
Apple Watch catered to the growing demand for wearable investments in solar and wind power underscore Apple's
technology, integrating health tracking and app functionality commitment to minimizing fossil fuel reliance [53]. The
[47]. However, critics argue that Apple's closed ecosystem Maiden, North Carolina data centre exemplifies this
strategy, while fostering seamless integration, may limit commitment, being powered by solar panels and biogas fuel
interoperability and stifle innovation outside its ecosystem cells [58]. Alongside renewable energy, Apple has focused on
[48]. energy efficiency across its operations, implementing energy-
saving technologies and buildings [58]. However, critics
Moreover, Apple's emphasis on user experience, design argue that these efforts may not fully offset the environmental
aesthetics, and ecosystem integration has been pivotal in impact of Apple's growing global presence (Chen, 2023).
building customer loyalty [49]. However, according to some Apple's ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 is
scholars, long-term trends can lead to the fact that marked by investments in renewable energy, energy
repairability and customization are hampered in favor of the efficiency, and carbon offset projects (Chen, 2023). While
more esthetic aesthetic forms [50]. Lastly, the debates as to these goals are commendable, scepticism remains regarding
whether Apple is abusing its control over the App Store and the feasibility of achieving these targets given the complexity
possible anticompetitive behavior practices suggest that the of Apple's global supply chains (Granatstein & Peck, 2017).
company's innovation strategy, while successful, warrants
critical examination [51]. In terms of supply chain sustainability, Apple
emphasizes responsible sourcing of materials, especially
 Apple’s Approach to Technological Innovation and minerals such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold. Initiatives
Sustainability like the Responsible Minerals Initiative help track and ensure
Analysis of Apple’s strategy in the way it adopts compliance with social and environmental standards
technology to enhance its operations and embrace (Permutable, 2024). Despite these efforts, issues such as child
sustainability shows that business strategies have various labour and human rights violations persist in regions with
linkages with corporate goals, stakeholder demands, and weak oversight (Xing, 2023). Additionally, Apple's recycling
environmentalism. Tim Cook remains categorically clear that and waste reduction initiatives, including the Material
the mission of Apple has not changed, which is to create Recovery Lab, aim to create a closed-loop supply chain.
products that positively impact people’s lives while at the However, concerns about the limitations of these programs
same time preserving the environment [52]. The company has and the proprietary nature of Apple's hardware remain
succeeded in cutting greenhouse gases through sourcing (Cowling & Birt, 2018).
renewable electricity to its offices and its supply chain,
however skeptics claims that these measures may just be a  Impact of Apple’s Environmental Initiatives on Business
mere Public Relation exercise [53]. Growth
Apple's environmental initiatives have had a profound
Apple has adopted a sustainability concept in its impact on its business growth, particularly in terms of brand
operations, the supplier responsibility program that embraces reputation, consumer perception, market positioning, and
labour and environmental laws [53]. However, labour financial implications. These initiatives have significantly
violations and environmental pollution in the supply chain enhanced Apple's brand reputation, positioning the company
reveal ongoing challenges in sourcing sustainably and as a leader in sustainability. While outlining its strategic goals,
ethically [51]. Apple’s design process integrates Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, stated that one of them is
sustainability, using recycled materials like aluminium in the environmental management, which has further strengthened
MacBook Air and Mac mini to reduce carbon footprints. Apple’s brand as a corporation that complies with social
Nevertheless, concerns about the use of non-renewable responsibilities (Apple, 2021). This perception has been well
resources persist [55]. received by consumers most of whom consider environmental
impacts when making their purchase (Apple, 2023a).
Furthermore, Apple’s Supplier Environmental Program Nevertheless, some concerns have been raised regarding the
encourages renewable energy use in manufacturing, but specifics and sincerity of Apple’s dedication to the principle.
environmental impact remains a concern in regions with weak Critics have accorded that the company relies on renewable
regulations [48]. While Apple emphasizes energy efficiency energy and recycling programs to invest in its brand than
during the product use phase, critics argue that planned dealing with serious environmental problems such as e-waste
obsolescence and limited repairability contribute to increased and its supply chain pollution (Cahill, 2018). Such scepticism
electronic waste [56]. Apple’s efforts in device recycling and provokes doubts not only to the firm’s environmental
end-of-life management are significant, yet challenges in engagement and the real commitment of Apple but also to
ensuring responsible e-waste disposal continue to surface admit whether the company is genuinely involved in
[57]. environmental initiatives or whether there are some other
reasons behind it.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Apple’s strategy of sustainability has also influenced Another emphasis made by Google in terms of
perception and utilization among customers. The specificity of technology is based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
the company’s sustainable energy sources and supply chain learning (ML), for instance, Google Assistant and Google
policy, as well as the reduction of the company’s waste, are Photos. These innovations are made possible by Big data and
appealing to consumers’ environmentalism in the market, thus Google has been able to demonstrate its ability in designing
enhancing loyalty. However, a number of consumers are still and evolving data centric experiences [67]. On the other hand,
sceptical, pointing to dubious green schemes criticizing Apple has positioned itself in mobile computing whereby the
Apple’s environmental conservation measures as glossy PR App Store totally changed the way software applications are
stunts meant to create a positive image that does not influence distributed and financially remunerated. Moreover, the usage
the company in any significant way [59]. This scepticism of M1 chips in Macs shows Apple’s effort to develop its
highlights the importance of credibility in corporate product’s performance and increase functionality.
sustainability efforts, as consumers increasingly demand
transparency and authenticity from brands like Apple. The organisational cultures of Google and Apple
exemplify the strategic differences between the two
In terms of market positioning, Apple's environmental contemporary giants of the digital era in their strategy towards
initiatives have provided a competitive advantage by innovation. Google has a strong corporate culture, where
appealing to environmentally conscious consumers. employees are rather free and have a lot of independence; for
Emphasizing the environmental benefits of its products has instance, the ‘20% time’ policy means that people can work
differentiated Apple in a crowded market, compelling on innovative concepts and take risks. This culture has seen
competitors to enhance their sustainability efforts [60]. the firm produce several innovative products such as Gmail,
However, as consumer expectations for corporate Google Maps, and Google Photos [65]. However, the
environmental responsibility grow, Apple faces the challenge innovation culture in Apple is highly introverted and top-
of continuously improving its sustainability performance to down while most of the decisions are made at the
maintain its competitive edge [61]. organizational apex. Developed based on the beliefs of
Apple’s founder, Steve Jobs, it implies the focus on the fine
Financially, Apple's sustainability efforts present both points of product design, which makes the firm’s innovation
opportunities and challenges. Investments in renewable process especially intensely design-oriented, with a strong
energy and energy-efficient technologies are expected to focus on the user perspective [44].
reduce operational costs and enhance long-term financial
viability [63]. However, the upfront costs of these initiatives To sustain their competitiveness both firms allocate a
and the uncertainty surrounding their long-term financial significant number of their resources towards the
impact pose significant challenges [64]. Moreover, while enhancement of research and development (R&D), although
Apple's sustainability initiatives have the potential to drive the approaches vary. Alphabet Inc., the parent company of
revenue growth by attracting environmentally conscious Google has spent more than $26 billion in research and
consumers, it is crucial to critically assess the extent to which development in 2021 encompassing artificial intelligence,
these initiatives alone can sustain long-term financial cloud services and self-driving car technology. Apple invested
performance. Also, the company embraces sustainability, about $20 billion in R&D throughout the same year, with
whereby it serves a vital risk management tool to help in resources targeted at improving the configurations of the steel,
minimizing risks in the regulatory, reputational, and supply the systems behind its software, and incorporating AR and VR
chain fronts that gives the company leverage in a volatile technologies in its products [68]. The detailed differentiation
market. between the two giants can be drawn as follows: While
Google is actively investing in external opportunities through
V. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Google Ventures, Apple has served as a company that
constantly utilizes the opportunities of acquisitions to expand
 Comparative Assessment of Technological Innovation in internally with the help of rendering the expertise and
Google and Apple technologies of smaller companies [69].
Google and Apple are two of the most influential
technology companies globally, each employing distinct yet Intellectual property (IP) management is another factor
highly effective approaches to innovation. Google's "20% that sets Google and Apple apart. Google organization is open
time" policy exemplifies its commitment to fostering to an IP infrastructure that fosters collaboration and
creativity among its employees, allowing them to dedicate a innovation, and such strategies as the Open Invention
portion of their working hours to personal projects. This has Network (OIN) and the Android Open Source project
created many radical inventions like Google Maps, Gmail, (AOSP). This approach promotes differentiation and novelty
Android Operating System among others largely in the mobile industry. On the other hand, Apple continues to
revolutionizing navigation, communications and interaction employ a more restrictive IP management approach and a
with technology respectively [65]. On the other hand, Apple rather more sealed system. The company invests heavily in
has set its innovation strategy on the platform, where patent acquisition to protect its innovations and ensure a
integrating the hardware and software where iPad, iPhone seamless user experience across its ecosystem [70].
Macs, and other products provide beautiful experiences for
the user [67].

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Sustainability Initiatives Overview: A Comparative  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Practices

Analysis of Google and Apple Google and Apple’s CSR initiatives are integrated into
Google and Apple, as leading technology companies, their policy frameworks but differ in execution. Google’s
have initiated comprehensive sustainability programs to philanthropic arm,, focuses on education,
minimize their environmental footprint and uphold corporate economic development, and technology access, particularly in
responsibility. Despite their shared commitment to underserved communities [42]. Apple’s philanthropic efforts,
sustainability, their approaches reveal significant distinctions primarily through the Apple Giving program, emphasize
in their focus areas. Key aspects such as renewable energy, education, environmental conservation, and social justice,
supply chain sustainability, and waste reduction highlight both with significant contributions to STEM education and disaster
the similarities and divergences in their strategies. relief [53]. Both companies have aligned their CSR practices
with their business strategies, enhancing their brand reputation
 Renewable Energy Efforts and fostering customer loyalty, market share growth, and
Google has made substantial investments in renewable revenue increases.
energy, aiming to meet its entire energy demand from
renewable sources. The company has signed long-term  Environmental Impact Assessment
agreements to purchase clean energy from wind and solar Both Google and Apple operate large-scale facilities,
projects, reducing its carbon footprint and fostering the including data centres, that consume significant energy and
development of clean energy infrastructure. Additionally, contribute to environmental impacts. Google has maintained
Google leverages advanced technologies, including artificial carbon neutrality since 2007, while Apple aims to achieve
intelligence, to enhance energy efficiency in its data centres carbon neutrality across its entire supply chain by 2030. Both
and facilities. Conversely, Apple’s sustainability strategy is companies are committed to reducing their environmental
deeply rooted in renewable energy utilization, with 100% of footprints through energy-saving designs, the use of recycled
its global operations powered by renewable energy, including materials, and customer recycling programs [25], [53].
data centres, offices, and retail stores [55]. Apple has also Despite differing emphases Google on operational energy
invested in solar and wind energy projects and energy storage reduction and Apple on product design and materials their
solutions to further reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and sustainability strategies reflect a shared dedication to
mitigate climate change impacts [55]. environmental stewardship.

 Supply Chain Sustainability  Stakeholder Engagement and Transparency

Google and Apple have implemented policies that help The transparency of the stakeholder and their
promote sustainability within the supply chain and manage engagement are critical fundamentals of the sustainability
sources that are ethical and environmentally friendly. Google undertakings of the two entities. Google’s culture promotes a
engages its suppliers in partnership to help minimize energy decentralised, participative system whereas Apple follows a
consumption, greenhouse emissions, and waste in formal system involving suppliers, shareholders, and
manufacturing processes and logistics [27]. Conflict-free advocacy groups through formal channels [25], [53]. Google
material and other Socially Responsible material management and Apple have embraced the practice of sustainability
also exist to ensure that the company conducts responsible reporting, therefore they both release sustainability reports
sourcing of its hardware products. In a similar regard and annually [25], [53].
vein, Apple has set high compliance policies for its suppliers
who undergo periodic audits and assessments through a set of VI. SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND FINDINGS
environmental impact standards set by the company (Apple,
2023b). Apple works with suppliers to respond to The assessment of Google and Apple's sustainable
environmental and social issues such as greenhouse gas initiatives and technology innovations reveals significant
emissions, water use, labour rights, and labour safety [53]. informative outcomes, clearly showing how these tech giants
approach technological innovations and sustainability. This
 Waste Reduction Strategies assessment covers different areas of focus, including
Both firms have developed waste minimization innovation culture, product innovation, R&D investment,
procedures with prominence on electronic product recycling. intellectual property management, sustainability initiatives,
Google offers recycling programs for hardware products, corporate social responsibility (CSR) practice, stakeholder
encouraging customers to return and recycle old devices. The engagement, competitive landscape, market positioning, and
company also emphasizes product design for longevity and emerging trends this overview represents the critical findings
repairability to extend product lifespans and reduce e-waste. across different dimensions.
Apple, on the other hand, integrates waste reduction into its
product design innovations, materials recycling schemes, and  Technological Innovation Culture
circular economy principles. Apple’s recycling programs Cultures of Technological Innovation of Google and
include advanced technologies for recovering and reusing Apple have facilitated these two organizations to be among
aluminium, cobalt, and rare earth metals from old products the most successful in the technology sector. Google has
[13]. The company also aims to transition to a closed-loop managed to develop new significant fields like cloud
supply chain by using recycled or renewable materials, computing, Artificial Intelligence, and data analytics that are
thereby minimizing its environmental impact [13]. evident in the Google Cloud Platform and self-driving
technology through Waymo. In the same way, ecosystem

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

integration and unique and seamless user experience have concluded that technological innovation is a major part of
been Apple’s innovations to bring out fantastic products like these tech giants and plays a vital role in sustainable business
the iPhone and Apple Watch [37]. development. However, while the findings of this study are
worthwhile, the limitations of using only secondary data
Google operating under the open idea and use of the reveal a gap for future studies that could involve the use of
open-source strategy, Apple being a closed system. Also, in primary data collection for a richer data set. Also, new
sustainability aspect, Google has been able to offset all its technologies such as AI, IoTs, and Blockchain will keep
operations to be carbon neutral while Apple focuses on influencing the development of innovation and sustainability
emissions cuts and creating products from recycled materials. policies; hence, there is a need for more research to be done
Moreover, both companies also have a good record on on the impacts of these technologies on the environment and
corporate social responsibility (CSR) as displayed by charity society.
and social contributions, adding to the advantage as tech

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