MCQ of CS507 Information System: Emphasizes The Need To

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MCQ of CS507 Information System Elements that exist outside the boundary of the business (Organization) and have

the potential to affect all or part of the organization called---------------------------- WTO Company Ordinance Business Environment Company Structure Every system comprises of basic components which in a co-ordination formulate a system. TRUE FALSE Data warehouses are generally batch updated at the end of the day, week or some period. TRUE FALSE Information systems based on Rational Mal Model need to be based on availability of perfect and complete information on all alternatives so as to ensure certainty TRUE FALSE In which of the following Models it is Difficult to convince some customers that the evolutionary approach is controllable Spiral Water Fall Incremental Iterative Provides early indication of insurmountable risks, without much cost RAID Spiral Iterative The spiral model emphasizes the need to go back and reiterate earlier steps a number of times as the project progresses. True c False The spiral lifecycle model is a combination of the classic water Fall model and aspects of risk analysis. TRUE FALSE Which of the following lifecycle model is a combination of classic waterfall model and aspects of risk analysis? Prototyping Waterfall Spiral c Incremental Which of the following lifecycle model is very appropriate for large and complex information systems? Spiral c Prototyping Incremental Waterfall Which of the following model is preferred for its simplicity and more disciplined approach? Incremental Waterfall c Spiral

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)

Iterative In which of the following models, the development approach is based on producing deliverables frequently/ repetitively. Incremental Waterfall Iterative c XP In which of the following model, the system development is broken into many mini development projects. Spiral Incremental c Iterative Waterfall Which of the following model is the earliest one? Waterfall c Rapid prototyping Extreme programming Spiral Which of the following is an approach for developing systems based on producing deliverables frequently/repetitively. Each iteration, consisting of requirements, analysis & design, implementation and testing, results in the release of an executable subset of the final product? Incremental Model Iterative Model RAID Spiral Partial systems are successively built to produce a final total system in the following model: Water Fall RAID Iterative Model Incremental Model Which of the following is a method of software/ Information System development where the model is designed, implemented and tested incrementally until the product is finished? Incremental Model WaterFall Model Iterative Model RAID Waterfall model places emphasis on documentation (such as requirements documents and design documents) as well as source code. TRUE FALSE Which of the following model places emphasis on fixed and static requirements? Spiral Iterative Incremental Waterfall c In which of the following models the phases are in a cascading manner linking the output of one to the input of next phase. Rapid prototyping Spiral Waterfall c Extreme programming Which of the following is an iterative approach to system development?

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)

Waterfall Incremental Prototyping Spiral c In which of the following model, the system is designed, implemented and tested incrementally until the product is finished? Waterfall Incremental Iterative Spiral In ____________ model, software is constructed step by step in the same way a building is constructed. Spiral Incremental c Extreme programming Waterfall Which of the following model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the philosophy of prototyping? Prototyping Iterative Incremental RAID RAID model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the philosophy of prototyping. TRUE FALSE Which of the following model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the philosophy of prototyping? Iterative Incremental Raid In which of the following model, customer feedback is taken at each phase and project is modified accordingly. Incremental Waterfall Extreme programming Iterative c Prototypes are used in: Iterative models c Incremental models Waterfall models Extreme programming Which of the following model can lead to scope creep due to user feedback after each phase? Iterative c XP Rapid prototyping Waterfall The First increment in incremental model is usually the core product which addres the basic requirements of the system. True c False Which of the following is the outcome of Object Oriented analysis?

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)

System interfaces Integrity constraints Completeness constraints Systems conceptual model ? Which of the following is a form of automation where computers communicate work instructions directly to the manufacturing machinery? CAD CAM c CIM MRP, CNC, MCA Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), is a form of automation where computers communicate work instructions directly to the manufacturing machinery. TRUE c FALSE Using a decision support system involves an interactive analytical modeling process. TRUE FALSE In which of the following category information is presented in its original form, neither interpreted nor condensed nor evaluated by other writers? Primary Information Tertiay Information Secondary Information All of above Directories are example of __________ resource. Primary Secondary Tertiary Sources of information are generally categorized as ------------------------ Primary Secondary Tertiary All of above Sources of information are generally categorized inn different types depending on their originality and their proximity to the source or origin. TRUE FALSE Technical Reports are examples of _________ resource. Tertiary Primary Secondary __________ sources materials in which the information from secondary sources has been digested. Primary Tertiary Secondary Which of the following sources are original materials on which other research is based? Primary Secondary Tertiary None of these sources are used, which simplify the process of finding the proximity Literature. Secondary

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)

Primary Tertiary Commentaries are the example of sources. Primary Tertiary Secondary c Source of information is generally categorize in primary, secondary and Proximity Initially Tertiary A newspaper article is a primary source if it reports events, but a secondary source if it analyses and comments on those events. TRUE c FALSE MIS is the primary source for the managers to be aware of red-alerts. TRUE FALSE Firewall is the primary method for keeping a computer secure from intruders True c False Which of the following is the primary method for keeping a computer secure from intruders? Anti virus Scanners Firewall c Password ERD shows a *______* relation between entities. Secondary Derived Primary c Multi valued _______ is the raw data entered in the computer system. Input element Control Mechanism Output System Manufacturing process involves more than one sub-process. TRUE FALSE An information system that automatically generates report on regular basis and are not used to monitor input or activities called Open loop system Closed loop system Closed end System _________ is not connected with environment. Close system Open system Closed Loop System Feed back is the integral part of the _______ Open system c Close System Closed Loon System is connected to its environment by means of recourse of flows.

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)

Open loop system Close system Open system With a ----------------decision environment, there is the possibility of having very quick and very accurate feedback on the decision process. Closed-loop Open-loop Closed System The organization refers to a organizational structure with few or no levels of intervening management between staff and managers is called----------------------- Hierarchical organization Flat Organization Pyramid Organization In _____ there are low number of subordinates per person. Pyramid Structure Flat Structure Modern Structure Which of the following structure contains less number of management levels? Flat Structure Tall Structure Classical structure Which of the following structure contains less number of management levels? Flat Structure Tall Structure Classical structure ---------- simply means a particular technique of directing one's attention in learning, discovery or problem solving. Robustness Heuristic DSS EIS ------- seek to put intelligence into the hardware in the form of generalized capability to learn. Neural network System Fuzzy logic DSS ESS Prototyping is the process of quickly putting together a working model in order to test various aspects of the design to gather early user feedback. TRUE FALSE Management information system (AIS) is that linked to all the information systems in an organization. TRUE FALSE Accounting Information System Organizations are distinguished on the basis of__________ Attributes Policy Management ________ are run under direct supervision of family members. Small Organization Medium organization Large Organization Devaluation of currency is called ________

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)

Interest rate Inflation Markup Debtors aging report Debtors aging report is an example of the following phase? Choice Design Intelligence There are TWO phases of the decision making process TRUE FALSE Which of the following phase of decision making process involves searching for conditions in the environment that calls for decisions? Intelligence c Design Choice Implementation Structured Problems possess multiple solutions, solution paths, fewer parameters which are less manipulate able, and contain uncertainty about which concepts, rules, and principles. True False The study of business problem domain used to recommend improvements and specify the business Requirements for the solution is called: System Analysis System Design Risk Management Risk Analysis The study of business problem domain is used to recommend improvements and specify the business requirements for the solution. True c False Data mining can allow a firm to develop: DSS based on the Web and Specific marketing campaigns for different customer segments Specific marketing campaigns for different customer segments DSS based on the Web. ??? Targeting advertising to customers to -------------- the probability, that an offer is accepted. Decrease Increase Stable Targeting advertising to customers to increase the probability, that an offer is accepted. TRUE FALSE DSS can stimulate innovation in decision making by helping managers to existing decision making procedures. TRUE FALSE The term information architecture describes a specialized ---------------- which relates to the management of information and employment of informational tools. Skill Set Data Set Tooth Set

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)

Infrastructure, generally, is the set of interconnected structural elements that provide the frame work for supporting the entire structure Infrastructure Decision Support System Management System High level of foreign trade has resulted in imports and exports which require inter linkage for smooth coordination. TRUE FALSE Due to fluctuating changes in fashion trends, pre-seasonal planning becomes-------- Critical Simple Moderate Spoken and written form of an entity is used in _________ model. Physical Narrative Graphical ------------------ combines many human resource functions like benefits administration, payroll, recruiting and training etc. Human Resource Information System Account Information System Financial Information System In which of the following decisions the problems are non routine, critical and novel in nature, require individual judgment, evaluation and insight varying on case-to-case basis. Semi-Structured decisions Unstructured decisions Structured decisions Where problem is recurring and repetitive, the common factors can be identified in order to identify a particular course of action is called ________ structured. Unstructured decision Structured decision c Which type of decision is one for which there may be several "right" answers and there is no precise way to get a right answer? Structured Unstructured Semi- Structured In decisions, problem is recurring and repetitive Unstructured Structured Semi structured Decisions in which the decision maker must provide judgment, evaluation, and insights into the problem definition would be characterized as: Structured Semi Structured Unstructured -----------------Well-structured problems are constrained problems with convergent solutions that engage the application of a limited number of rules and principles within well-defined parameters. Unstructured Semi-Structured Structured Decision procedures can be pre-specified, but not enough to lead to the correct decision are called-------------- Structured Decisions MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)

Unstructured Decisions Semi Structured Decisions Which of the following is one of the Types of Problem? Structured Unstructured Semi-Structured ALL of the given options _______________ is known as the father of warehouse Stephen Hawking Bill Gates Bill Inmon Edgar Codd Every industry has its own _____________ which gives rise to a different set of sub-systems as part of the information system. Command structure Departmental structure Polices Responsibilities Which of the following is a system that enables drawings to be constructed on a computer screen and subsequently stored, manipulated and updated electronically? CDA MRP CAD CNC Which of the following refers to the application of computer software in engineering to analyze the robustness and performance of components, assemblies, products and manufacturing tools? CEE CNC CAE MRP Semi structured is a gray area which lies ___________ the structured and unstructured range. Between Within Across Inside Which of the following is the mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning and judgment? CCN Product development process Cognitive process Planning process CRM software requires highly integrated environment for high __________, which is rarely available. Sale Productivity Promotion Planning process CRM software requires highly integrated environment for high Productivity, which is rarely available. TRUE FALSE _______________ information system combines benefits administration, payroll, recruiting and training, performance analysis and review into one package.

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)

Manufacturing Sales Marketing Human Resource ______________ Communication refers to the information flow from firm to external environment. Horizontal Marketing Suppliers Vertical Systems have collection of predefined __________ related to each other in a sequenced logical manner in order to collectively achieve the desired results. Procedures c Sequences Policies Customer touch point is a method of interaction with a customer, such as telephone, e-mail, a customer service or help desk, conventional mail, Web site and store. True False c ?? Buying and selling of products, services and information via computer networks, primarily the Internet is: E-Commerce c E-Business Web Surfing BPR Production subsystem needs to be linked with the marketing system to ____________ right amount of product. Produce Sale Purchase Marketing Production subsystem needs to be linked with the marketing system to produce right amount of product. TRUE c FALSE Which of the following level is formulation of new sales products, and identifying new sales opportunities? Operational Managerial Strategic c The comparison of the actual with the expected is done with the help of ________: Input element Processing Control mechanism c Factors of which of the following are basic elements of reducing manufacturing cost? Brand Cost Production c Quality System analysts work as a link between business people and computer programmers. True c False

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Computer programmers apply information technology to build information systems which solves these problems but need not fully understand the business usages they are computerizing or supporting. True c False The Iterative model emphasizes the need to go back and reiterate earlier steps a number of times as the project progresses. TRUE FALSE c Medium Sized organizations are normally a family ownership run by Father & Sons Brothers Father, Sons and Brothers None of the given Decision making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among ? Multiple C Double Triple Decision making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives TRUE C FALSE In __________ final product is intangible Service sector Manufacturing Sector Trading sector Cheaper factor of production is a challenge for the survival of a company in which of the following market? Super market Online Market Competitive market A TPS wants every transaction to be processed in the same way regardless of the User Data Information The systems development life cycle is a project management technique that divides complex projects into smaller, more easily managed segments or phases. TRUE FALSE Evaluate recovery patterns, relevant costs involved is an example of the following: Implementation Choice Monitoring Evaluate recovery patterns, relevant costs involved is an example of Choice phase TRUE FALSE Management is concerned with the day to day costs, production targets in Service sector Manufacturing Sector Trading sector Procedures are organized in a ------------------------manner to form systems System

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Logical Physical Hybrid Business is a system where management decisions are influenced by or have an influence on suppliers, customers, society as a whole. TRUE FALSE An integrated man-machine system for providing information to support the operations, management and decision making functions in an organization called--- DDS MIS IS Which of the following helps in getting the right material and physical resources together at the right place and at the right time to meet the customers requirements? BRP MRP CRP The procedures to follow when decision is needed can be specified in advance TRUE FALSE ______ is the raw data entered in the computer system. Input element Control Mechanism Output System A problem solving technique that decomposes a system into its component pieces for the purpose of studying, how well those component parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose is one of the definitions of system analysis. TRUE c FALSE System analysis creates the understanding and lays out the necessary relationships that will assist in defining a solution to the problem or the design of the proposed software that will meet the user needs. TRUE c FALSE Medium size organizations usually have simple management structure than those of small organizations. TRUE FALSE Information should be tailored in accordance with the organization's culture and structure. TRUE FALSE Board of Directors are elected from Employees Customers Share holders _______ is a group of elements that are integrated with common purpose of objective. Procedure System Firm Word Processing is an example of the following system: Office automation system Decision support system Word processing

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


_________ is known as father of warehouse. Stephen hawking Bill gates Bill Inmon ------------------ level is formulation of new sales products, and identifying new sales opportunities Operational Managerial Strategic Accounting information system (AIS) is linked to all the information systems in an organization. TRUE FALSE Cost benefit analysis is a must in choosing an alternative in a decision making model. TRUE FALSE There are five phases of the decision making process TRUE FALSE Receivables and payables are the information needs in Small Organization Medium organization Large Organization What-if analysis technique is used by Model Driven DSS Data Driven DSS Data Mining Every decision we take in daily life requires some sort of information about the alternatives available. TRUE FALSE A structure through which individuals cooperate systematically to conduct business called organization. TRUE FALSE Information system must fulfil the needs of which of the following: Customers Business Employee Closed system is dependent on the internal resources and data. TRUE FALSE System design can be explained and presented in -------------------- form. Narrative Written Explainatory Descriptive ---------------- helps in getting the right material and physical resources together at the right place and at the right time to meet the customer's requirements. BRP MRP CRP BRP helps in getting the right material and physical resources together at the right place and at the right time to meet the customers requirements TRUE MRP

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


FALSE BRP _____ information is just like feedback of organization image in public. Formal Informal External Office automation system includes formal and informal electronic systems with the communication of information to and from persons both inside and outside the firm. TRUE FALSE ---------- needs data preparation which may involve filtering data and data transformations, selecting subsets of records. Model Building Deployment Exploration The departmental structures are different in banking and financial sector TRUE FALSE Every transaction that an organization undertakes has a financial impact, to be recorded and reported by the accounts & finance department. TRUE FALSE Devise a discount or training policy is an example of design phase TRUE FALSE is a group of people organized to accomplish an overall goal System Procedure Organization Which of the following has collection of predefined procedures related to each other? Organization System Firm Information technology is being used to overcome the business issues like, Marketing, Brand of the product, Quality of the product, Cost control, Organizational internal and external issues. TRUE FALSE The components of open loop system do not include control and feedback mechanism. TRUE FALSE ---------infrastructure consists of the physical facilities services and management that support all computing resources in an organization Information Decision Management The purpose of feasibilty Study is to obtain a commitment to change and to evaluate whether cost effective solutions are available to address the problem or opportunity that has been identified. TRUE c FALSE Information that is outdated, inaccurate, or hard to understand has much less value TRUE FALSE Information quality checklist is the criteria to evaluate of information.
MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Size Quality Need Call centres use automatic call distributors (ACD's) to route calls to the appropriate agent. TRUE FALSE The departmental structures are --------------- in banking and financial sector. Different Same Mixed Automation has not enhanced the availability of information. TRUE FALSE Which of the following information systems cater for the needs of Accounts & Finance Department. Accounting and Managerial MIS EIS AIS In style managers allow employees to take part in decision making. Authoritative Mixed Democrative Organization is a group of elements that are integrated with the common purpose of achieving an object. TRUE FALSE Closed System depends on and data. Internal resources External resources Procedures. End of Mid Term Audit control is a logical record of computer activities, usage, processing pertaining to an operating or application system or user activities. True False Correct is An Audit Trail . Which of the following is a logical record of computer activities, usage, processing pertaining to an operating or application system or user activities? Control Log Control Trial Audit Trial c Control trial can be used together with access controls to identify and provide information about users suspected of improper modification of data. True False Audit Trial ____________ refer to the sudden decrease in power supply. Sags or brown outs Surges Spikes Black out

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Worms can destroy data and programs as well as disrupt or even halt the operation of computer networks. True C False Which of the following scans the operating system and application soft ware for any virus based on the viruses they contain? Anti virus Scanners C Active Monitors None of the above Which of the following controls have gained critical importance in the modern computing age for two significant reasons? Access C Communication Data Base Output Which of the following may also detect outbound traffic to guard against spy ware, which could be sending your suffering habits to a Web site? Personal Firewall C Password PIN ID Which of the following refers to individuals using their skills to forward a political agenda, possibly breaking the law in the process, but justifying their actions for political reasons? Hacker Intruder Hacktivist c Cracker A denial-of-service attack floods a Web site with so many requests for services that it slows down or crashes. True C False After her third data processing clerk showed up at work with wrist brace, Ms. Jackson called a specialty firm to asses the design of their work environment. This firm specializes in _________: Furniture layout Video display terminals Ergonomics Lighting----------------------------Which of the following refers to the process of identifying attempts to penetrate a system and gain unauthorized access? Threat identification Intrusion detection c Access control All of the above Which of following includes assessment of controls already been implemented or planned, probability that they can be broken, assessment of potential loss despite such? Controls existing? Control analysis Vulnerability Assessment Risk Management All of above

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Which of the following likelihood level is true for the following: The threat source lacks motivation or capability or controls are in place to prevent or at least significantly impede the vulnerability from being exercised. High Low c Medium None of above Which of the following focus on detecting potentially abnormal behavior in function of operating system or request made by application software? Active Monitors Scanners Anti Virus Behavior Blockers c Entity represents sources of data received by the system or destinations of the data produced by the system. True c False The flowchart helps in locating and correcting errors also called debugging. True c False The purpose of data flow diagrams is to provide a ___________ between users and systems developers. Linking bridge c Empty Space Data Flows Option a and b Providing access to the data and behavior is through an objects interface is called ______: Polymorphism c Encapsulation Message passing Risk Management is the process of measuring, or assessing risk and then developing strategies to manage the risk. True c False In assessing risks for an IT system, ______________ is the first step. To define the scope of the effort. c Vulnerability Assessment Threat identification. Risk management determines that a potential vulnerability could be exercised by a given threatsource. True False c Risk management is often based on the experience, insight and intuition of program managers and key stakeholders in the program. True False c Active Attack is one of the types of Web Security information systems. True c False IDS works in conjunction with routers and firewalls by monitoring networks usage anomalies to protect a company information systems resources from external as well as internal misuse.

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


True c False Business-to-business EC (B2B) is one of the types of E-Commerce. True c False Temporal CSFs in an organization, results from ___________________ Economic changes Technological changes Internal needs and changes c Environmental changes ERP or enterprise systems control all major business processes with a single software architecture in real time. True c False ERP systems control all major business processes with a single software architecture in real time. True c False The Bullwhip effect refers to erratic shift in orders up and down the supply chain because of poor demand forecasting, price fluctuation, order batching, and rationing within the chain. True c False The objective of the entire risk management process is that no one should hamper the working of the smooth working of IS. True c False If an organization can tolerate some downtime, cold sites backup might be appropriate. True c False Cryptography primarily consists of two basic processes. True c False Logical intrusion skills needed to exploit logical exposures are more technical and complex as compared to physical exposures. True c False The use of software routines to tie up the computer hosting a Web site that denies legitimate visitors access is called: Denial of service c Hacking Spoofing Sniffing Wireless computing devices are not subject to viruses. True False C A security program is a series of ongoing regular periodic reviews conducted to ensure that assets associated with the information systems function are safeguarded adequately. True c False The Internets technological success does not depend on its principal communication tools, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP). True

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


False c Which of the following helps an organization in gaining competitive advantage in the use of processes; effectiveness and efficiency should also be kept in mind? BPR c CSF SPR Rectangle shape in the flow charts represents ________________ Decision Process c Terminator ___________ is a person who attempts to invade the privacy of the system. Hacktivsts Hackers c Crackers Operations are usually called via ____________ Functions Signatures Methods c Web site monitoring is the process used to view or record both the keystrokes entered by a computer user and the computers response during an interactive session. True False c Collaborative commerce is one of the types of B2B. True False c Which of the following includes assessment of controls already been implemented or planned, probability that they can be broken, assessment of potential loss despite such controls existing? Control Analysis c Vulnerability Assessment Risk Management All of above Past court decisions have stated that privacy must be balanced against the needs of society. TRUE FALSE Past court decisions have stated that privacy must be balanced against the needs of ethics. TRUE FALSE Which of the following is a weakness that can be accidentally triggered or intentionally exploited? Vulnerability c Threat Identification Audit Trial Likelihood Identification Which of the following may include program code of application softwares, technical manuals, user manuals etc? Documentation c Audit Trial Control Trial None of these Documentation may include program code of application softwares, technical manuals, user manuals etc. TRUE c
MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


FALSE Active Monitor software serves the concurrent monitoring as the system is being used. TRUE c FALSE Which of the following is the characteristic of being able to assign a different meaning or usage to something in different contexts - specifically? OOP Polymorphism c Encapsulation Inheritance If a flow chart become complex it is better to use connector symbols to reduce to number of flow lines. TRUE c FALSE Information products made more valuable by their attributes, characteristics, or qualities TRUE c FALSE Arrow is also called __________ Dotted line Process Flow line c _______ usually identified by the phrase "is a kind of. Inheritance c Class Object An event-oriented log usually contain records describing system events, application events, or user events. TRUE c FALSE Threat source motivation is an output for Likelihood determination TRUE FALSE c BPR s major objective is to tightly integrate the functional areas of the organization and to enable seamless information flows across the functional areas. TRUE FALSE c ERP s major objective is to tightly integrate the functional areas of the organization and to enable seamless information flows across the functional areas. TRUE c FALSE Organizational Development is one of the types of Change. TRUE c FALSE Which of the following integrate the planning, management and use of all resources of the organization? ERP c CRM ESS OIS

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Which one of the following are partially configured, usually with network connections and selected peripheral equipment, such as disk drives, tape drives and controllers, but without the main computer. Cold Site Warm Site c Hot Site Third Party Arrangements Threat capacity is an input source for Likelihood determination. FALSE c TRUE Which of the following is a private enterprise owned communication network that uses internet protocols, network connectivity, and public telecommunication system to share organization's information or operations with its employees, and to enable the employees to communicate with each other? Internet Intranet c Wireless communication None of above Availability of which of the following to various users also depends on how the information is processed? Information c Data Log file None of above Existence of functional departments in each organization may vary with the nature of industry and the nature of products/services being offered. TRUE c FALSE Public companies are example of ____________ Small Organization Large Organization c Medium organization _____ serves the concurrent monitoring as the system is being used. Scanners Active monitors c Behavior blockers While developing software object oriented analysis focuses on _________ Modular approach c Incremental approach Traditional approach Derived approach Testing is easy for the software that is developed using OOAD due to use of _______ Real time modeling Usability feature Conceptual modeling Modular approach c There are typically two kinds of audit records. TRUE c FALSE There are typically ________________ kinds of audit records Three

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Four Five Two The two major criteria that are used to analyze risks are Operational Effects and Situational Impacts TRUE FALSE The Internet Protocol is designed solely for the connecting and routing of data packets across a internet. TRUE FALSE An IDS with the neural network feature monitors the general patterns of activity and traffic on the network and creates a database. TRUE FALSE Ethical issues may be categorized into which of the following types? Privacy Accuracy Property All of above c A person or a team who leads a change project or business-wide initiative by defining, researching, planning, building business support and carefully selecting volunteers to be part of a change team TRUE c FALSE Leading ERP software vendors include SAP (SAP R/3), Oracle and PeopleSoft. TRUE c FALSE The major purpose of enhancing web security is to protect web server from attacks through the use of internet. TRUE nc FALSE Which of the following usually contain records describing system events, application events, or user events? An event-oriented log c A record of every keystroke Option a and b None of these Which of the following is the science and art of transforming messages to make them secure and immune to attacks? Cryptography c Crypto analysis Decryption All of these Crypto Analysis is the science and art of transforming messages to make them secure and immune to attacks. FALSE c TRUE In case of logical intrusion, the intruder might be trying to have an unauthorized access to the system. TRUE c FALSE

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Which of the following is some action or event that can lead to a loss? Threat c Damage Accident None of above The damage caused by the intrusion is referred as the : Threats c Damages Physical Threats Logical Threats Which of the following is an object that exists and is distinguishable from other objects? Entity c Attribute Object Instance The emerging class of applications focuses on Personalized decision support TRUE c FALSE Risk Management includes assessment of controls already been implemented or planned, probability that they can be broken, assessment of potential loss despite such controls existing. TRUE FALSE c A _______________ is the possibility of a problem, whereas a problem is a risk that has already occured. Risk c Threat Intrusion A Protocol is an agreed-upon set of conventions that defines the rules of communication. TRUE c FALSE A ________ is an agreed-upon set of conventions that defines the rules of communication. Protocol Interconnection Medium Data Packet Message Benefits to ERP systems are that they can be extremely complex, expensive and time-consuming to implement. TRUE FALSE c Sasser, Netsky, and Sobig are all classified as: DoS viruses Worm viruses c Virus hoaxes Trojan horses When voltage that is received does not stay stable is referred as: power factor power game power dissipation power fluctuation c Trojan horse virus stays dormant until a specific time or data condition is met True

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


False C __________ factor is not considered during OO Design? Encapsulation Usability Information hiding Confidentiality Which of the following is considered during OO Analysis? Concurrency System behavior Distribution Persistence Which of the following are responsible for providing independent assurance to management on the appropriateness of the security objectives. Information Systems Auditors c Executive Management Security Managers Data owners A person either Hacker or Hacktivist or cracker is actually an intruder. True False Quiz_24_06_2010
Which of the following are constrained problems with limited number of rules and principles within well defined parameters? Partially structured Semi structured Structured c Unstructured _________ provide a direction and framework for action while __________ planning is an accepted responsibility of management. Businesses, plan Plans, quality Configuration, system Plans, business c Prior to the final release into production use which of the following phase identify errors and deficiencies in the system? QA Review Testing c Implementation Data updates in master file will automatically update the data in the whole system, refers to data ______________. analysis accessibility integrity consistency c Which of the following problems posses multiple solutions with fewer parameters being less manipulate able. Unstructured c Partially structured Semi structured Structured

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


______________ time is saved through an error free designed system. Deployment Development c Configuration Testing Which of the following allows manufacturers to rapidly and inexpensively test the parts of the design which are most likely to have problems? Physical Model Prototype c Trial version Carbon copy Which of the following may lead management and customers to believe that the final product is almost ready for delivery? Mockups Efficient models Malfunctioning prototypes Working prototypes c Employees might be unwilling to accept the high level of responsibility if organization is dominated by _____________and the culture is ____________. Workers, autocratic top management, autocratic c top management, democratic Middle level management, democratic Which of the following view gives a snapshot of the entire system? Hierarchical Diagrammatic c Procedural Technical Which of the following is a problem solving technique that re-assembles a systems components back into a complete system? System analysis System design c System check System configuration Which of the following is a project management technique which divides complex projects into smaller and more easily managed segments? SDLC c System programming Software testing Software configuration In which of the following environments, duplication of clerical work is generally observed. Computerized Automated Manual c Semi-computerized Which of the following refers to the structuring of hardware and software to achieve the effective and efficient processing of information? SDLC System monitoring Operational planning System development c

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Apart from the value to cost ratio, modules are also selected on the basis of ___________ requirements and needs. programmer designer customer c system analyst A schematic representation of a sequence of operations as in a manufacturing process or computer program is called __________ Flowchart c Entity relationship Diagram Data flow diagram Sequentioal Diagram Which of the following view gives a quick understanding of the business processes and flows? Procedural Abstract Internal Diagrammatic c Which of the following is the process of quickly putting together a working model in order to test various aspects of the design for gathering early user feedback? Interviews Iteration Prototyping c Questionnaires Which of the following phase commences with developing the vision and desired future positioning of I.T within the organization? Strategic planning c Tactical planning Operational planning Requirements planning Which of the following is used to test the function of the new design before starting production of a product? Trial version Mathematical Model Beta version Prototype c Trying to fit people and organizations into information systems has been major reason for ____________. success efficiency increased productivity failure c Which of the following refers to the ways data is stored in partitions and sequences? Structure c Design Collaboration diagram Sequence diagram Which of the following may be of low fidelity and dismissed as toys? Interfaces Inference engines Early prototypes c Development engines

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Which of the following may improve communication between and among developers and customers? First increment Prototype c By-product Final increment Which of the following involves breaking up the logical design into units? Logical design Physical design c High level design Architecture design The purpose of ___________ is to obtain a commitment to change and evaluate whether cost effective solutions are available to address the problem that has been identified. planning usage scenarios feasibility study c testing Which of the following enunciate business goals and the actions that need to be initiated to achieve those goals including related benefits, resources and timeframes? Organizing Monitoring Plans c Implementation Which of the following are knowledge workers who facilitate the development of information systems and computer applications by bridging the communications gap that exists between nontechnical system users, and System designers and developers? System Analysts c Software Engineers System Designers Chief Executives Which of the following allow managers to verify the successful completion of project phases before allocating resources to subsequent phases? Defining projects Segmenting projects c Refining projects Successful projects Which of the following addresses the availability of sufficient technology to support the proposed project? Operational feasibility Economic feasibility Tactical feasibility Technical feasibility c Which of the following is the core product which usually addresses the basic requirements of the system? First increment c Second increment Last increment Final increment In which of the following scheme both systems run and output of both are used since functions performed are different. Abrupt change over

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Phased change over c Parallel change over Immediate change over In flow chart diagram circle represents: Process Connector c Decision Diamond Which of the following addresses compliance and adjustability with the way organization works with attitude to change or chains of command? Operational feasibility c Technical feasibility Tactical feasibility Economic feasibility Which of the following defines the operations of the system in laymans terms? User manual c Technical manual Procedural manual Testing manual Which of the following phase involves converting design specifications into executable programs? Prototyping Configuration Development c Testing Which of the following process begins with stratifying system users and then identifying their needs? Structuring QA Exploration Design c In drawing a proper flowchart, all necessary steps that are a part of process should be listed out in ________________ order. Logical c Physical Random Top to Bottom Which of the following is the start up phase, required to establish the scope of the plan? Monitoring Orientation c Implementation Planning Which of the following involves converting the informational, functional and network requirements idenfiied during the initiation and planning phases into unified design specifications? SRS System design c Database design Prototyping Quiz_01_07_2010 The protection of information from unauthorized disclosure explains the concept of system and data ______________. Completeness

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Consistency Reliability Confidentiality c A category of objects _______ the same attributes, operations and relationships. Inherit c Share Collaborate Use Damage caused to the software without physical presence is the outcome of _______________ threat. Physical Logical c Security Privacy Data processing capability of distributed environment is _____ Limited Centralized Flexible c Integrated Which of the following is responsible for ensuring that appropriate security, consistent with the organizations security policy, that is embedded in their information systems. Data Owners Process Owners c Executive Management Users MIS uses duplication of components and data to cope with systems failures? True False c Which of the following may attack executable programs? Viruses c Worms Trojans Sniffers UPS stands for--------------------- Un-interrupted power supplies Un-eruptible power supplies Uni-enterrupted power supplies c None of above options After the process of risk assessment has been completed, the next process is that of risk ______________. Detection Criticality analysis Scrutiny Mitigation c Intruder might try to remove hard disks is an example of Logical intrusion True False Processing instructions carried out by theOperating system and application software should be monitored by implementation of controls. True c False MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Traversing of a record of every keystroke, often called : Keystroke Monitoring c Logical Key Monitoring Physical Key Monitoring Primary Key Monitoring Which of the following are normally skilled programmers, and have been known to crack system passwords, with quite an ease Hackers c Crackers Hacktivists Intruders Which one of the following is not classified as biometrics? Digital Password c Sound of your voice Blood vessels in the retina of your eye Finger Prints Which one of the following computer systems uses duplication of components and data to cope with systems failures? Fault-tolerant systems c EIS MIS OIS Which of the following controls over transporting data safely through local area networks (LANs) or wide area networks (WANs). Communication Controls c Access Controls Security COntrols Data Base Controls Implementation of controls is a critical security feature of which of the following systems. Information c Business System Management Which of the following is a program not a virusbut it installs a virus on the PC while performing another function. Dropper c Trojans worm None of above options Which of the following assigns overall responsibility for the security of information Security Professionals Executive Management c Data Owners Option a and b The first step in a successful attack against availability or confidentiality of information may be the violation of ______________. Completeness constraints Consistency Integrity c Reliability Measuring technical assessment of a computing system is known as:

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


security plan security measures c security audit security lapse Due to unauthorized changes in data, its ___________ is lost. Sharing Consistency Integrity c Redundancy Which of the following can be used together with access controls to identify and provide information about users suspected of improper modification of data Control Log Audit Trial c Audit control Control Trial A sniffer forges the return address of an e-mail so that the e-mail message appears to come from someone other than the sender. True False C There are typically four kinds of audit records (Two Kinds) True False c Object oriented analysis generates Conceptual model of Information Implementation constraints System Interfaces Data requirement specifications Both software objects and real time objects have__________ Identity and behavior Identity and state State and behavior c Attribute and property Object orientation helps in increasing abstraction level to build _________ Testable software Reusable software Maintainable software Abstraction software Object orientation helps in increasing abstraction and event-driven programming. True c False The protection of the interests of those relying on information, and the information systems and communications that delivers the information, from harm resulting from failures of availability, confidentiality, and integrity. True c False Which of the following carries connotations of the class to which the object belonged? Class Instance c Structure None of the above KPI measures the _______

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Achievements c Sales Risk factor Internal changes Risk identification and risk mitigation both are same thing. True False c Characteristics of object are called ________ Methods Status Attributes c Instances The ability for different classes of objects to respond to identical messages is ______ Inheritance Encapsulation Generalization Polymorphism c Inheritance can be defined in terms of _______ Has kind of Is based on Is similar to Is kind of c Which of the following is a data model or diagram for high-level descriptions of conceptual data model. ERD c Flow Chart logical diagram DFD The purpose of a class is to Not to specify a classification of objects only specify the features that characterize the structure and behavior of those objects. True False c Which of the following is true about Entity? Entity may be any person, place, or thing about which someone is interested to store data. Entity may have attributes associated with it Entities are normally mapped to Tables in relational database management systems. All of above Which of the following is not the type of CSF? Technical CSFs c Industry CSFs Environmental CSFs Temporal CSFs Which of the following is the process or art of defining the hardware and software architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a computer system to satisfy specified requirements? Systems Design c Systems Requirement Coding Requirement

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


The mechanism by which the more specific class in a generalization includes the attributes and operations of general class is called ___ Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism Generalization According to Booch, object has following three components State, Behavior, Identity c State, Behavior, Interface State, Interface, methods State, Variables, Methods Which of the following carry characteristics of specialization? Sub classes Sub Interfaces Sub objects super set The requirement of protecting information from improper modification is termed as system and data ___________. Privacy Consistency Integrity c Reliability Null value may or may not be called zero value. True False A data flow diagram (DFD) is a mathematical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system. True False c Which of the following activity consists of the discovery, modeling, specification and evaluation of requirements? Development c Design Requirement Implementation Which of the following is not considered during OO Design? Concurrency factor Distribution factor c Usability factor Persistence factor __________ is an association among entities. There has to be a relationship between two entities Value Sets Cardinality Relationships c Domain The process of managing risks through developing a risk mitigation plan that predict, implement and maintain controls is referred as risk ______________. Detection Planning c Scrutiny

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Avoidance An object can be defined as ________ Abstraction c Constraint Method Class Which of the following is not recommended solution for computing environment? Centralized Stand Alone c Distributed Web based Object oriented analysis focuses on the _________ Implementation of objects States of objects c Identity of objects Collaboration of objects _________ means information hiding. Inheritance Encapsulation c Class Polymorphism Customer feedback on any product is required for _______ Money factors Strategic relationship Intellectual capital Quality check Object oriented design elaborates the hardware and software architecture to produce ______ Functional specifications Implementation specifications Testing specifications Modeling specifications c Polymorphism can be defined in terms of ________ Having inherited features Having many forms Having private data Having direct access to system Which of the following is not same as key performance indicator or KPI. CSF c PIN Both options a and b None of them The interface is implemented by ________ Signatures Classes c Methods Objects Data travels across the internet through several levels of networks until it reaches its middle point. True False c Quiz 15_07_2010 Which of the following is the process of converting data into codes

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Cryptography Encryption Decryption None of these Data Base Control refers to Securing the most important asset of the organization True c False A _________ internet address creates a prime target for hackers. fixed C variable subnet changeable A fixed internet address creates a prime target for hackers. True C False Which of the following refers to damage caused to the software and data without any physical damage to the computers. Logical Threat c Physical Threat Option a and b None of above options Audit Trial is a weakness that can be accidentally triggered or intentionally exploited. Trues False c Which of the following is an expression of an intention to inflict pain, injury, evil or punishment, and an indication of impending danger or harm. Intrusion Damage Threat c None of these options _______________ refers to the characteristics or properties of an object. Methods c Operations Attributes Status Which of the following is an Examination of the controls within an entitys Information technology infrastructure Information systems (IS) audit Option a and c c An information technology (IT) audit None of these Which of the following software serves the concurrent monitoring as the system is being used. Anti Virus Scanners Active Monitors c Options a and b both Which of the following is the secret character string that is required to log onto a computer system ID PIN PASSWORD c none of these

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Providing independent assurance to management regarding the appropriateness of the security objectives is the responsibility of _________. Information systems auditors c Data owners Process owners End users Audit Trials can be used together with controls trials to identify and provide information about users suspected of improper modification of data. True c False Which of the following is the process of measuring, or assessing risk and then developing strategies to manage the risk? Risk Management c Executive management Audit Trial None of above A personal identification number (PIN) is a secret shared between a user and a system that can be used to authenticate the user to the system. True c False Software that is developed through OOAD is easy to test due to the use of _________. Real time modeling Usability features Modular approach c Procedural approach Access controls monitor the initial handshaking procedure of the user with the operating system. True c False Which of the following controls monitor the initial handshaking procedure of the user with the operating system. Access c Input Communication None of these Risk management is a ________ process Continuous c Tedious Expensive Corpora ting Trojan is an example of Virus True False Dropper is an example of Trojans True False c when a customer enter the card and the pin code in an automatic teller machine (ATM), which of the following controls are exercised by the system to block unwanted or illegitimate access. Access Controls c Data Base COntrols Communication Controls Security COntrols

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


In the context of information security, data cannot be modified without authorization is known as _________. users rights privileges integrity c privacy Security controls focus on the correct identification of the user seeking permission to access the system. True c False Automated data are less susceptible to destruction and misuse than paper data True False C System Characterization is not one of the phases of Risk Management. True False Which of the following is the study of automated methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits? Cryptography Biometrics c Encryption Decryption Bug is an internal malfunction of the software. True c False The main source of bugs in computer programs is the complexity of decision-making code. True C False Bug is caused by improper application of programming logic. True c False Different levels and types of ---------------------- may be required to address the risks to information Security c Authenticity Integrity None of any options In risk management a corporate level facilitator perform Information security Documentation Risk assessments c Control analysis A record of every stroke usually contain records describing system events, application events, or user event True False (An event Oriented Program) c Information elicitation can be achieved via HR department Press release Corporate level facilitator On site interviews _________ refer to the sudden increase in power supply.

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Sags Brown outs Spikes c Black out They represent Equations / Formulae representing relationship between more factors related to each other in a defined manner is called Graphical Model Mathematical Model Algebra Model Which of the following includes assessment of control planned, probability that they can be broken, assessment controls existing? Control Analysis Vulnerability Assessment Risk Management All of above Which of the following is not phase of risk management? Risk Identification Assessing Documentation Threat Identification Implementation Which of the following is not considered Risk Management? On a daily basis, a manager analyses a situation and decides what actions should be taken, if any, given the uncertainties being faced. Risk Management addresses actions to resolve a program's problems. A systematic approach to setting the best course of action by identifying and acting on risk issues An RBM tool that helps to address pote the achievement of results. Accounts should have a control over various recording point in the entire process from procurement to finished good store room. False True c Likelihood Determination phase sometimes determines not be exercised by a given threatsource. True False c Likelihood Determination phase sometimes determines that a potential vulnerability could be exercised by a given threat-source. True c False Which of the following provides a structured means of addressing the impact of technologies on an organization? Business planning IT planningc Requirements planning Configuration planning Which of the following ensures the correctness of data in the database? Data integrity c Data accessibility Data consistency Data analysis


MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


__________ site backup is an appropriate choice for organizations if fast recovery is critical. Hot Cold Cool Warm Which of the following supply chain segment includes the organizations first tier suppliers? Internal Downstream Middle stream Upstream Internet protocol ______________ provide evidence on the delivery of messages. mostly does not does up to some extent Threat identification can be verified using Threat statement Threat source Threat action plan Threat impact analysis Risks are rated by ______ Probability and impact Probability and cost Probability and size Probability and exposure An intruder carry out unauthorized activity by impersonating a legitimate user of the system incase of __________________. Eavesdropping Masquerading Piggybacking Spoofing Threat likelihoods are determine to define Current controls Information security Vulnerability scope Threat source Automated tools can be used to On site reviews Information elicitation Threat identification Maintain system integrity What would affect the impacts scope if a risk does occur? Risk cost Risk timing Risk scope Risk resources ____________ is a program which undertakes unauthorized activities but looks legitimate. Trojan horse Virus Worms Spyware In which of the following models, all elements of physical shopping experience are present.

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


C2B C2C B2B B2C ________________ refers to the structured transmission of data between organizations via electronic means. DEI EDI CDI IDE Which of the following focuses on tracking customer demand in real time? JIT Continuous replenishment Built to order Made to store Data packets are routed across a network with the help of _________________. FTP protocol HTTP protocol TCP protocol Internet Protocol Internet is vulnerable to attacks because of its _____________ scope nature global access speed Which of the following is the collection of steps which a company takes to transform raw components into the final product? Supply chain management Chaining Supply chain Chain of command Which of the following IDS will not be able to detect all types of intrusions due to limitations of detection rules? Network-based Node-based Signature-based Statistical-based Incase of ____________, an intruder fools a user into thinking they are interacting with the operating system. Spoofing Piggybacking Eavesdropping Trojan horse Which of the following is the act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others without their consent? Eavesdropping Spoofing Masquerading Piggybacking What could be the first step in any corporate risk strategy? Risk identification Control implementation Characterization

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Documentation Risk projection attempts to rate risk in two ways Likelihood and size Likelihood and mitigation Likelihood and size Likelihood and impact Which of the following is the combination of hardware and software that is built using routers, servers and variety of software? Sensors Firewall Antivirus Modem Which of the following phase determines the adverse impact resulting from a successful threat exercise of vulnerability? Risk resilience Monitoring threats Likelihood determination Impact analysis Which of the following works in conjunction with routers and firewalls by monitoring network usage anomalies? SDLC IDS ISD DCS _____________ protects the web server by controlling all traffic between the internet and the web server. Antivirus Hub Firewall Modem An IT enabled organization that involves the radical re-conceptualization of the business needs _____ for possible threat invasion Impact analysis plan Business continuity plan Data backup Control recommendation Internet access travels with the customers, refers to: Reachability Remote access Mobility Instant access Which of the following systems need a comprehensive definition of the known and expected behavior of systems? Firewalls Network-based IDS Signature-based IDS Statistical-based IDS Which of the following refers to the online delivery of information for the purpose of education, training and knowledge management etc? E-Banking E-Commerce E-Business E-Learning

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


An effective risk management strategy will need to address _______ Business continuity planning Risk avoidance Risk monitoring All of these Which of the following involves intercepting communications between the operating system and the user? Eavesdropping Masquerading Piggybacking Spoofing Which of the following refers to the analysis and redesign of workflows within and between enterprises? ERP BPR ERD BRP Which of the following network attacks involves probing for network information? Passive attacks Active attacks Masquerading Spoofing Which of the following apply rules to control the type of networking traffic flowing in and out? Data analyzers Firewall Antivirus Modem People can be contacted at any time, refers to: Mobility Instant access Remote access Reachability Which of the following prevents certain users from accessing certain servers or services? Piggybacking Firewall Sensors Modem Effective Business continuity plans can not be executed without proper Control recommendation Control implementation Control management Control monitoring Under which of the following agreement, two or more organizations agree to provide backup facilities to each other in case of one suffering from a disaster. Mutual Cooperative Reciprocal Joint ___________ controls the most vulnerable point between a corporate network and the internet. Firewall Sensors Data analyzers

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Spoofing Which of the following uses internet and online technologies to create operating efficiencies and therefore increase value to the customer? Internet E-business IDS CRM _______________ allow users to use the facilities of an operating system without being subject to the normal controls. Eavesdropping Piggybacking Spoofing Trapdoors Threat likelihood is determine to use in ______ Impact analysis Assessment process Control recommendation Vulnerability identification ____________ supply chain segment includes all the processes to transform inputs to outputs. Downstream Internal Upstream Middle stream ___________ refers to the ability of a system to handle growing amounts of work in a graceful manner. Scalability Consistency Security Clustering Which of the following when together, break down the geographical and time barriers? Mobility and Speed Reachability and Accessibility Mobility and reachability Remote access and Speed Which of the following phase determines that a potential vulnerability could be exercised by a given threat source? Likelihood determination Impact analysis Intelligence Risk resilience Management controls are also known as: Technical controls Non-technical controls Scientific controls Logical controls Which of the following is applicable to environments with stable demand patterns? Built to order supply chain JIT Made to store supply chain Continuous replenishment supply chain Impact needs to be measured to Identify threat Record thread history

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Worse scenarios of impact Define the data criticality Which of the following model is similar to a customer visiting a store? C2B B2C C2C B2B Which of the following are the main activities of upstream supply chain segment? Purchasing and shipping Purchasing and transforming inputs Shipping and analyzing outputs Transforming inputs to outputs __________ are installed at the point where network connections enter a site. Antivirus Bridges Routers Firewalls _____________ refers to the constant replacement of inventory by working closely with suppliers. Continuous replenishment Made to store JIT Built to order Which of the following is the main reason of B2C thriving in technologically advanced societies? Vast scope and acceptability Reachability Break down of physical barriers Low costs Which of the following is not simply redesigning of certain input forms but also includes changing of working practices? BPR ERP BRP ERD Firewalls __________ data packets which are sent between different physical locations within an organization. facilitate Encrypt restrict allow Which of the following supply chain segment includes distribution, delivery to customer and final consumption of the product? Upstream Middle stream Downstream Internal Which of the following is in fact the risk mitigation process? Risk determination Control recommendations Control measures Risk pliability Risk impact assessment should focus on consequences affecting _______ Planning, resources, cost, schedule Marketing, costing, staffing

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Performance, cost, schedule Business, technology, process Small organizations usually have complex management structure. True False A hierarchical organization is structured in a way such that every entity in the organization, except one, is subordinate to a single other entity. True False Which of the following functions provide such data as sales prospect and contact information, product information, product configurations and sales quotes? Sales force automation (SFA) CRM ERP MIS ----------is a type of computer software that facilitates group decision-making within an organization EMS DSS MIS The identification of risks should start with: Description of the internal and external risks A brainstorming session with risk management experts and a program profile A good understanding of the program and a brainstorming session with key stakeholders Definitions of likelihood and impact The purpose of a class is to specify a classification of objects and to specify the features that characterize the structure and behavior of those objects. True False RAID model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the philosophy of prototyping. True False An information technology (IT) audit is an Examination of the controls within an entitys Information technology infrastructure . True False Risk Management includes assessment of controls already been implemented or planned, probability that they can be broken, assessment of potential loss despite such controls existing. True False Access Control refers to the process of identifying attempts to penetrate a system and gain unauthorized access. True False M-Commerce stands for Mobile Commerce. True False ____________ are the symbols indicates the flow of the procedure being explained. Entity Relationship Diagram DFD Flowchart To accept the potential risk and continue operating the IT system or to implement controls to lower the risk to an acceptable level is called as ---------------.

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Risk Planning Risk Assumption Risk Limitation None of the above RAID models based on producing deliverables frequently/repetitively. True False If an organization tolerate some downtime cold sites backup might be appropriate. True False Information that is outdated inaccurate or hard to understand has much less value True False Which of the following is true about Entity? ... _______is not one of the components of the supply chain Upstream Stream Supply Chain Segment Internal Supply Chain Segment Downstream Supply Chain Segment . There are typically two kind of audit Records True False __________ overwrites every program/software/file it infects with itself. Hence the infected file no longer functions. Dropper Overwriting Viruses Boot sector Virus ________________helps organization in gaining competitive advantage in the use of BPR CSF SPR MIS A CRM system hosted and maintained by an ASP is called? eCRM Open-source CRM On-demand CRM CRM with WMS Determining classification levels along with maintaining accuracy and integrity of the data in the information system is the responsibility of _________. System auditors Data owners Process owners End users One of the methods of integrating different business information systems is : Supply Chain management software Interface reconciliation software Message passing None of the given options Risk management is often based on the experience, in managers and key stakeholders in the program. True False

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Rounded shaped symbol in the flow chart is called ____________ Connector Arrow Process The use of software routines to tie up the computer legitimate visitor's access is called: denial of service. hacking. spoofing sniffing Tricking people into revealing their password by pretending to be legitimate users or members of a company in need of information is called Social Engineering Snooping Spoofing Spamming Which of the following refers to the process of identifying attempts to penetrate a system and gain unauthorized access? Intrusion detection Audit Trial Control Trial Documentation Which of the following factors would not affect a demand forecast? Weather Economics Competition Production schedule Which of the following is an area where supply chains can be improved? Product development Marketing Customer research Manufacturing processes Which of the following is generally the "best" way for customers to deal with returns? Ship item to merchant Ship item to outsourced returns company Establish drop off locations for returns Refuse returns Which of the following is not a future direction of CRM? Increased reliance on customer input. CRM on Demand Integration with social networking Reduced impact of open source products Which of the following is not a reason to outsource? The function is a core competence. Have service up and running quickly Lack of expertise No economies of scale Which of the following is not an area where supply chains can be improved? Packing Marketing Customer research Manufacturing processes Which of the following is not an example of web self-service? Call center support MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


Self-tracking FAQs Self-configuration Which of the following skills needed to exploit logical exposures are more technical and complex as compared to physical exposures. Logical Intrusion Active Monitors Behavior Blockers Scanners Which of the following would not create a "bullwhip" in the supply chain? Accurate demand forecasts Price fluctuations Order batching Rationing in the supply chain

MCQ of CS507 Information System (Mid + Final)


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