Technology Stack - Template

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Project Design Phase-II

Technology Stack (Architecture & Stack)

Date 26 October 2023

Team ID 590943
Project Name ChatConnect - A Real-Time Chat And
Communication App
Maximum Marks 4 Marks

Technical Architecture:
The Deliverable shall include the architectural diagram as below and the information as per the table1 & table 2
Example: Order processing during pandemics for offline mode
Table-1 : Components & Technologies:

S.No Component Description Technology

1. User Interface How user interacts with application e.g. Kotlin, XML
Web UI, Mobile App, Chatbot etc.
2. Application Logic-1 Logic for a process in the application Kotlin

3. Application Logic-2 Logic for a process in the application Firebase service

4. Application Logic-3 Logic for a process in the application Firebase Realtime database

5. Database Data Type, Configurations etc. Firebase

6. Cloud Database Database Service on Cloud Firebase Database

7. File Storage File storage requirements Local Filesystem

8. External API-1 Purpose of External API used in the application Chatgpt API

Helps the user solve problems

9. External API-2 Purpose of External API used in the application

10. Machine Learning Model Purpose of Machine Learning Model Not Used

11. Infrastructure (Server / Cloud) Application Deployment on Local System / Cloud Not Used.
Local Server Configuration:
Cloud Server Configuration :

Table-2: Application Characteristics:

S.No Characteristics Description Technology

1. Open-Source Frameworks Utilization of open-source frameworks such as Lottie Animation

Lottie Animation to enhance the application's
visual appeal.
2. Security Implementations Implementation of security measures, including Firebase Authentication
Firebase Authentication, to safeguard user data
and access control.
3. Scalable Architecture Adoption of a scalable microservices architecture, Technology used
managed with Kubernetes, to accommodate
growth and demand.
4. Availability Ensuring high availability through the use of load Technology used
balancers and a distributed server architecture for
robust performance and reliability.
5. Performance Design considerations, including caching Caching strategies
strategies and integration with Content Delivery
Networks (CDN), to optimize application
performance and responsiveness.


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