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NIM. 232 06 008



Problem 6.1 – Consider the execution of a program of 15,000 instructions by a linear pipeline
processor with a clock rate of 25 Mhz. Assume that the instruction pipeline has five stages and that
one instruction is issued per clock cycle. The penalties due to branch instructions and out-of-
sequence executions are ignored.

a. Calculate the speedup factor using this pipeline to execute the program as compared with
the use of an equivalent nonpipelined processor with an equal amout of flow-through delay.
b. What are the efficiency and throughput of this pipelined processor ?

Answer :

Information we get are :

) n = 15, 000 instructions or tasks.

) f = 25 MHz .
) k = 5 stages.
) 1 − issued processor.

The Speedup ( S k ) , Efficiency, ( E k ) , and Throughput ( H k ) factors are :

T1 nkτ nf Sk
Sk = = Hk = Ek =
Tk kτ + ( n − 1)τ k + ( n − 1) k

(15, 000 )( 25 ) =
4, 999
k + ( n − 1) 5 + (15, 000 − 1)
= 0, 999
(15, 000 )( 5 ) =
375, 000
5 + (15, 000 − 1) 15, 004
75, 000 = 24, 99 MIPS
15, 004
= 4, 999

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.2 – Study the DEC Alpha architecture in Example 6.13, find more information in the
DEC Alpha handbook, and then answer the following questions with reasoning :

a. Analyze the scalability of the Alpha processor implementation in terms of superscalar

degree and superpipeline degree.
b. Analyze the scalability of an Alpha-based multiprocessor system in terms of address
space and multiprocessor support.

Answer :

The superpipelined superscalar DEC-21064-A architecture consists of :

) 32 64-bit integer registers (EBOX) with k = 7 stages.

) 32 64-bit floating-point registers (FBOX) with k = 10 stages.
) Clock rate, f = 150 MHz .

) m =2.
) H 7( int ) = 300 MIPS and H 10( flop ) = 150 Mflops .

) 34-bit address bus.

) 128-bit data bus.

It also features :

ο Multiprocessor support (fast interlocking and interrupts).

ο Multiple operating system.
ο Possibility to handle more number of issues in future implementation.

a. From the superscalar and superpipeline perspectives, we must compare it with a scalar
processor which has a clock rate 25 MHz . So that, we will have a superpipelining degree of

n = 150 / 25 = 6 . Combining it with m = 2 , we obtain a superpipelined superscalar machine

with degree of ( m , n ) = ( 2, 6 ) . By using these values, the performance of DEC-21064 Alpha

machine is :

Arwin – 23206008@2006

ο Execution time, T ( 2, 6 ) is : (assume N = 10, 000 instructions)

N −m
T ( m, n) = k +
10, 000 − 2
T ( 2, 6 ) = 7 +
( 2 )( 6 )
9, 998
=7+ = 7 + 833, 2 for EBOX
= 840, 2
≈ 840 cycles

10, 000 − 2
T ( 2, 6 ) = 10 +
( 2 )( 6 )
9, 998
= 10 + = 10 + 833, 2 for FBOX
= 843, 2
≈ 843 cycles

ο Speedup, S ( 2, 6 )

mn ( k + N − 1)
S ( m, n) =
mnk + N − 1

( 2 )( 6 )( 7 + 10, 000 − 1)
S ( 2, 6 ) =
( 2 )( 6 )( 7 ) + 10, 000 − 1
(12 )(10, 006 ) for EBOX
84 + 9, 999
120, 072
10, 083
= 11.91
≈ 12 times

Arwin – 23206008@2006

( 2 )( 6 )(10 + 10, 000 − 1)

S ( 2, 6 ) =
( 2 )( 6 )(10 ) + 10, 000 − 1
(12 )(10, 009 )
120 + 9, 999
= for FBOX
= 11.87
≈ 12 times

The implementation of a superscalarity requires more transistors whereas the

implementation of a superpipelinarity requires faster transistors and more careful circuit
design to minimize the effects of clock skews. Those requirements have been coped
with the fast-growing of IC fabrication technology by the time to time. It means that as
long as the technology grows, there always opportunities to design a better machine in
the future in terms of scalability.

b. We also have noted the scalability possibilities of the DEC-21064-A from

multiprocessor support and address space perspectives.

ο For multiprocessor system implementation, all processors need a shared memory

to share data between them. With 128-bit data bus, it was designed to handle 2128 data
( 264 integer data and 264 floating-point data) which was very advanced in its time.
From this point, we can see that the machine has a large memory capacity which means
DEC-21064-A was prepared for multiprocessor support purpose.

ο The DEC-21064-A was also equipped with 34-bit address bus that could cover
234 machine addressing. A shared-memory multiprocessor system will share their
memory locations to other processors. This feature enables processors to exchange data
via a large shared-memory.

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.4 – Find the optimal number of pipeline stages k0 given in Eq. 6.7 using the

performance/cost ratio (PCR) given in Eq. 6.6.

Answer :

Eq. 6.6 defines that :

PCR = where f is clock rate, c is the cost of all logic stages and h represents the
c + kh
cost of each latch on a k − stages pipeline. The optimal pipeline stages – in term of PCR – can
be formulated :

PCR = ↔ PCR ( c + kh ) = f
c + kh

cPCR + khPCR = f

khPCR = f − cPCR

f − cPCR
k= → k0

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.5 – Prove the lower bound and upper bound on the minimal average latency (MAL) as
specified in page 277.

Answer :

[Shar72] states the MAL as followed :

1. The MAL is lower-bounded by the maximum number of checkmarks in any row of
the reservation table.
2. The average latency of any greedy cycle is upper-bounded by the number of 1’s in the
initial collision vector plus 1. This is also an upper bound on the MAL.

Proof :

Take the case on the function X’s reservation table on page 271 as followed :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
S1 X X X
S2 X X
S3 X X X

From the table we see that S1 has 3 checkmarks, S2 has 2 checkmarks and S3 has 3 checkmarks
which means that the minimum MAL for function X is 3. The forbidden latencies are 2, 4, 5
and 7 while the permissible latencies are 1, 3 and 6. We, then, can obtain the collision vector
C X = 1011010 . Let’s shift this vector bit-by-bit to the right to find the state transition

1st shift 3rd shift 6th shift

shifted bit 0101101 shifted bit 0001011 shifted bit 0000001
Cx 1011010 Cx 1011010 Cx 1011010
new value 1111111 new value 1011011 new value 1011011

Arwin – 23206008@2006

3rd shift from 1011011 6th shift from 1011011

shifted bit 0001011 shifted bit 0000001
Cx 1011010 Cx 1011010
new value 1011011 new value 1011011

a. The simple cycles are (3), (6), (1,8) and (3,8), such that the greedy cycles are (3) and
(1,8). The lowest greedy cycle is the MAL and in this case is (3), so the MAL is 3……………
(1st statement proved).

b. The collision vector C X = 1011010 has 4 1-bits and the maximum MAL is the number

of this 1-bit plus 1 or equal to 5. The largest average latency of any greedy cycle on function
X’s state diagram is 3.5 which is taken from greedy cycle (1,8) ……………….. (2nd statement

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.6 – Consider the following reservation table for a four-stage pipeline with a clock cycle
τ = 20 ns.

1 2 3 4 5 6
S1 X X
S2 X X
S3 X
S4 X X

a. What are the forbidden latency and the intial collision vector ?
b. Draw the state transition diagram for the scheduling the pipeline.
c. Determine the MAL associated with the shortest greedy cycle.
d. Determine the pipeline throughput corresponding to the MAL and given τ .
e. Determine the lower bound on the MAL for this pipeline.

Answer :

a. The forbidden latencies are 1, 2, and 5 (S1 : 5; S2 : 2; S3 : 0; S4: 1) and the collision
vector is, C x = C 5C 4C 3C 2C1 = 10011 . The permissible latencies are 3 and 4.

b. State diagram can be obtained by tracing each C x shift as followed :

3rd shift
shifted bit 00010
Cx 10011
new value 10011

4th shift
shifted bit 00001
Cx 10011
new value 10011

Arwin – 23206008@2006

c. The greedy cycle is 3 and so is the MAL.

d. The pipeline throughput according to :

1) The MAL is = 0.33
2) The τ is = 0.5 (at clock cycle 4 there are two task initiated)

e. The MAL’s lower bound of this function according to [Shar72] is 2 (the maximum
number of checkmarks in any row). The optimal latency have not been found – needs a
modification on the reservation table.

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.7 – You are allowed to insert one noncompute delay stage into the pipeline in Problem 6.6
to make latency of 1 permissible in the shortest greedy cycle. The purpose is to yield a new
reservation table leading to an optimal latency equal to the lower bound.

a. Show the modified reservation table with five rows and seven columns.
b. Draw the new state transition diagram for obtaining the optimal cycle.
c. List all the simple cycles and greedy cycles from the state diagram.
d. Prove that the new MAL equals to the lower bound.
e. What is the optimal throughput of this pipeline ? Indicate the percentage of throughput
improvement compared with that obtained in part (d) of Problem 6.6.

Answer :

a. The modified reservation table is :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
S1 X X
S2 X X
S3 X
S4 X X1
D D1

The forbidden latencies are 2 and 6, then the collision vector is C x = 100010 . The

permissible latencies are 1, 3, 4, and 5.

b. State diagram can be obtained by tracing each C x shift as followed :

1st shift 3rd shift 4th shift

shifted bit 010001 shifted bit 000100 shifted bit 000010
Cx 100010 Cx 100010 Cx 100010
new value 110011 new value 100110 new value 100010

5th shift
shifted bit 000001
Cx 100010
new value 100011

Arwin – 23206008@2006

1-shift from 3rd shift 1-shift from 4th shift 1-shift from 5th shift
shifted bit 010011 shifted bit 010001 shifted bit 010001
Cx 100010 Cx 100010 Cx 100010
new value 110011 new value 110011 new value 110011

3-shift from 1st shift 4-shift from 1st shift 5-shift from 1st shift
shifted bit 000110 shifted bit 000011 shifted bit 000001
Cx 100010 Cx 100010 Cx 100010
new value 100110 new value 100011 new value 100011

3-shift from 3rd shift 4-shift from 3rd shift 5-shift from 3rd shift
shifted bit 000100 shifted bit 000010 shifted bit 000001
Cx 100010 Cx 100010 Cx 100010
new value 100110 new value 100010 new value 100011

3-shift from 4th shift 4-shift from 4th shift 5-shift from 4th shift
shifted bit 000100 shifted bit 000010 shifted bit 000001
Cx 100010 Cx 100010 Cx 100010
new value 100110 new value 100010 new value 100011

3-shift from 5th shift 4-shift from 5th shift 5-shift from 5th shift
shifted bit 000100 shifted bit 000010 shifted bit 000001
Cx 100010 Cx 100010 Cx 100010
new value 100110 new value 100010 new value 100011

c. The simple cycles are (3), (4), (5), (1,3), (1,4), (1,7), (3,4), (3,5), (3,7), (4,5), (5,7),
(1,3,4), (1,3,7), (1,4,4), (1,4,7), (3,5,4), (3,5,7), and (5,1,7). The greedy cycles are (3) and

d. The greedy cycle (1,3) has the lowest average latency which is equal to 2. This greedy
cycle leads to the MAL of this pipeline machine. It can be seen on the reservation table that
this MAL is equal to the maximum number of checkmarks in any row in the reservation
table …. (proved).

Arwin – 23206008@2006

1 1
e. The throughput is = = 0.5 and it has improvement percentage of
= 1, 52 x 100% = 152% .

The state diagram from the modified reservation table.

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.8 – Consider an adder pipeline with four stages which consists of input lines X and Y
and output line Z. The pipeline has a register R as its output where the temporary result can be
stored and fec back to S1 at a later point in time. The inputs X and Y are multiplexed with the
outputs R and Z.

a. Assume the elements of the vector A are fed into the pipeline through input X, one
element per cycle. What is the minimum number of clock cycles required to compute the sum

∑ A ( I ) ? In the absence of an operand, a value 0 is input

of an N-element vector A : s = I =1

into the pipeline by default. Neglect the pipeline’s setup time.

b. Let τ be the clock period of the pipelined cycle. Consider an equivalent nonpipelined

adder with a flow through delay of 4τ . Find the actual speedup S4 ( 64 ) and efficiency

η4 ( 64 ) of using the above pipeline adder for N = 64 .

c. Find the maximum speedup S4 ( ∞ ) and the efficiency η4 ( ∞ ) when N tends to

d. Find N 1 , the minimun vector length required to achieve half of the maximum


Answer :

a. The minimum number of clock cycle can be obtained by writing its assembly code,
creating its reservation table and trying to imagine its instruction scheduling. The process in
obtaining the outputs Z and R from input line X or Y via the same manner, such that the codes
are not much different except there is a line code to execute store command when using input
line X. The code is as follow :

Arwin – 23206008@2006

I1 : Load ACC, R / ACC ← (R)/

I2 : Inc, R / R ← (R) + 1 /
I3 : Add ACC, R / ACC ← (ACC) + (R)/
I4 : Store R, ACC / R ← (ACC)/

The reservation table is :

1 2 3 4
S1 X
S2 X
S3 X
S4 X

So that, the minimum clock cycles required to complete one process is 7 clock cycles.

b. The actual speedup and efficiency are :

For a nonpipelined processor, the CPU time is T1 = nkτ where n = 64 and kτ = 4τ ,

then T1 = 64.4τ = 256τ . For a pipeline processor, the CPU time is

Tk = ⎡⎣ k + ( n − 1) ⎤⎦ τ , so that

T4 = ⎡⎣ 4 + ( 64 − 1) ⎤⎦ τ
= 67τ

Arwin – 23206008@2006

The actual speedup, S4 is

T1 256τ
Sk = ↔ S4 = = 3.82
Tk 67τ

and the actual efficiency, E4 is

Sk 3.82
Ek = ↔ E4 = = 0.96 or 96%
k 4

c. The maximum speedup and efficiency if N → ∞ are

S∞ =
( ∞ )( 4 ) = 4∞
4 + ( ∞ − 1) ∞ (this is an ideal condition)

E∞ = = 1 (this is an ideal condition)

d. The minimum vector length to achieve half of the maximum speedup ( S4 = 2 ) is

S4 = ↔ kS4 + NS4 − S4 = Nk
k + ( N − 1)
S 4 ( k − 1) = N ( k − S4 )

S4 ( k − 1)
k − S4

2 ( 4 − 1) 6
N= = =3
4−2 2

The minimum vector length required is 3.

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.9 – Consider the following pipeline reservation table :

1 2 3 4
S1 X X
S2 X
S3 X

a. What are the forbidden latency ?

b. Draw the state transition diagram.
c. List all the simple cycles and greedy cycles.
d. Determine the optimal contant latency cycle and the minimal average latency (MAL).
e. Let the pipeline clock period be τ = 20 ns. Determine the throughput of this pipeline.

Answer :

a. The forbidden latency is 3. From the table we can obtain the collision vector,
C x = C 3C 2C1 = 100 . The permissible latencies are 1 and 2.

b. State diagram can be obtained by tracing each C X shift as followed :

1st shift 2nd shift 3rd shift

shifted bit 010 shifted bit 001 shifted bit 000
Cx 100 Cx 100 Cx 100
new value 110 new value 101 new value 100

4th shift 1st shift from 110 2nd shift from 110
shifted bit 000 shifted bit 011 shifted bit 001
Cx 100 Cx 100 Cx 100
new value 100 new value 111 new value 101

Arwin – 23206008@2006

c. The simple cycles are (2), (4), (1,4), (2,4), and (1,1,4). The greedy cycles are (2) and

d. The optimal constant latency is (2), which is equal to MAL.

e. The maximum throughput is for this is liner pipeline is :

Hk =
⎡⎣ k + ( n − 1) ⎤⎦ τ
H3 =
⎡⎣ 3 + ( 2 − 1) ⎤⎦ 20.10−9

= 25 MIPS

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.10 – Consider the five-staged pipelined processor specified by the following reservation

1 2 3 4 5 6
S1 X X
S2 X X
S3 X
S4 X
S5 X X

a. List the set of forbidden latencies and the collision vector.

b. Draw the state transition diagram showing all possible initial sequence (cycles) without
causing a collision in the pipeline.
c. List all the simple cycles from the state diagram.
d. Identify the greedy cycles among the simple cycles.
e. What is the MAL of this pipeline ?
f. What is the minimum allowed constant cycle in using this pipeline ?
g. What will be the maximum throughput of this pipeline ?
h. What will be the throughput if the minimum constant cycle is used ?

Answer :

a. The forbidden latencies are 3, 4, and 5 (S1 ; 5; S2 : 3; S3 : 0; S4 : 0 and S5 : 4), so that

the collision vector is C X = 11100 where the permissible latencies are 1 and 2.

b. State diagram can be obtained by tracing each C X shift as followed :

1st shift 2nd shift

shifted bit 01110 shifted bit 00111
Cx 11100 Cx 11100
new value 11110 new value 11111

Arwin – 23206008@2006

1-shift from 2nd shift 2-shift from 2nd shift 2-shift from 1st shift
shifted bit 01111 shifted bit 00111 shifted bit 00111
Cx 11100 Cx 11100 Cx 11100
new value 11111 new value 11111 new value 11111

c. The simple cycles are (2), (6), (1,6), and (2,6).

d. The greedy cycles are (2) and (1,6).

e. According to the lowest greedy cycle’s average latency, the MAL is 2.

f. The greedy cycle is also the constant cycle which is equal to the MAL.

1 1
g. The maximum throughput is = = 0.5 or only 50% .

h. The minimum constant cycle is 2, so that the he maximum throughput does not change,
only 50%

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.11 – The following assembly code is to be executed in a three-stage pipelined processor
with hazard detection and resolution in each stage. The stage are instruction fetch, operand fetch
(one or more as required), and execution (including write-back operation). Explain all possible
hazards in the execution of the code.

I1 : Inc R0 / R0 ← (R0)+ 1/
I2 : Mul ACC, R0 / ACC ← (ACC) x (R0)/
I3 : Store R1, ACC / R1 ← (ACC)/
I4 : Add ACC, R0 / ACC ← (ACC) + (R0)/
I5 : Store M, ACC / M ← (ACC)/

Answer :

Analyzing ……………….

a. RAW hazards are I1- I2, I1 - I4, I2 - I3, I2 - I4, I2 - I5, and
I4 - I5.

b. WAW hazard is I2 – I4.

c. WAR hazards are I3 – I4 and I2 – I4.

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.13 – Consider the following pipelined processor with four stages. This pipeline has a total
evaluation time of six clock cycles. All successor stages must be used after each clock cycle.

a. Specify the reservation table for this pipeline with six columns and four fows.
b. List the set of forbidden latencies between initiations.
c. Draw the state diagram which shows all possible latency cycles.
d. List all greedy cycles from the state diagram.
e. What is the value of the minimal average latency (MAL) ?
f. What is the maximal throughput of this pipeline ?

Answer :

a. Reservation table

1 2 3 4 5 6
S1 X
S2 X X
S3 X X
S4 X X

b. The forbidden latencies are 2 and 4 with a collision vector, C X = 01010 . The

permissible latencies are 1, 3 and 5.

c. State diagram can be obtained by tracing each C x shift as followed :

1st shift 3rd shift 5th shift

shifted bit 00101 shifted bit 00001 shifted bit 00000
Cx 01010 Cx 01010 Cx 01010
new value 01111 new value 01011 new value 01010

Arwin – 23206008@2006

1-shift from 3rd shift 1-shift from 5th shift 3-shift from 3rd shift
shifted bit 00101 shifted bit 00101 shifted bit 00001
Cx 01010 Cx 01010 Cx 01010
new value 01111 new value 01111 new value 01011

5-shift from 3rd shift 3-shift from 5th shift 5-shift from 5th shift
shifted bit 00000 shifted bit 00001 shifted bit 00000
Cx 01010 Cx 01010 Cx 01010
new value 01010 new value 01011 new value 01010

d. The greedy cycles are (3), (5), (6), (1,3), (1,5), (1,6), (3,5), (3,6), (1,3,5) and (1,3,6).

e. The value of MAL is 2 according to the greedy cycle (1,3) obtained from the state
f. The maximum throughput is the inverse of MAL or = 0.5 or 50% .

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.14 – Three functional pipelines f1 , f 2 , and f 3 are characterized by the following

reservation tables. Using these three pipelines, a composite pipeline network is formed below :

Each task going through this composite pipeline uses the pipeline in the following order: f1 first, f 2

and f 3 next, f1 again, and then the output is obtained. The dual multiplexer selects a pair of inputs,

(A,B) or (X,Y), and feeds them into the input of f1 . The use of composite pipeline is described by

the combined reservation table.

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
S1 X T1 X X U1 X X
S2 X T2 X U2 X
S3 X X T3 X U3 X

a. Complete the reservation table for this composite pipeline.

b. Write the forbidden list and the intial collison vector.
c. Draw a state diagram clearly showing all latency cycles.
d. List all simple cycles and greedy cycles.
e. Calculate the MAL and the maximal throughput of this composite pipeline.

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Answer :

a. The reservation table is :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
S1 X X
S2 X X
S3 X X X X
T1 X X
T2 X
T3 X
U1 X X
U2 X
U3 X

b. The forbidden latencies are 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9 which create a collision vector,

C X = 00111000111 . The permissible latencies are 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11.

Latencies Latencies Latencies

S1 8 T1 3 U1 2
S2 8 T2 0 U2 0
S3 1, 7, 8, 9 T3 0 U3 0

c. State diagram can be obtained by tracing each C X shift as followed :

4th shift 5th shift 6th shift

shifted bit 00000011100 shifted bit 00000001110 shifted bit 00000000111
Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111
new value 00111011111 new value 00111001111 new value 00111000111

return to initial state

10th shift 11th shift
shifted bit 00000000000 shifted bit 00000000000
Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111
new value 00111000111 new value 00111000111

return to initial state return to initial state

Arwin – 23206008@2006

4-shift from 4th shift 5-shift from 4th shift 6-shift 4th shift
shifted bit 00000011101 shifted bit 00000001111 shifted bit 00000000111
Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111
new value 00111011111 new value 00111001111 new value 00111000111

return to its state go to 5th shift state return to initial state

10-shift from 4th shift 11-shift from 4th shift

shifted bit 00000000000 shifted bit 00000000000
Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111
new value 00111011111 new value 00111001111

go to initial state return to initial state

4-shift from 5th shift 5-shift from 5th shift 6-shift 5th shift
shifted bit 00000011100 shifted bit 00000001110 shifted bit 00000000111
Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111
new value 00111011111 new value 00111001111 new value 00111000111

go to 4th shift state return to its state return to initial state

10-shift from 5th shift 11-shift from 5th shift

shifted bit 00000000000 shifted bit 00000000000
Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111
new value 00111011111 new value 00111001111

return to initial state return to initial state

4-shift from 6th shift 5-shift from 6th shift 6-shift 6th shift
shifted bit 00000011100 shifted bit 00000001110 shifted bit 00000000111
Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111
new value 00111011111 new value 00111001111 new value 00111000111

go to 4th shift state go to 5th shift state return to initial state

Arwin – 23206008@2006

10-shift from 5th shift 11-shift from 5th shift

shifted bit 00000000000 shifted bit 00000000000
Cx 00111000111 Cx 00111000111
new value 00111011111 new value 00111001111

return to initial state return to initial state

1-shift for 10th and 11th shifts will lead to 4th state and the rest will follow as the 1st round shifts.

d. The simple cycles are (4), (5), (6), (10), (11), (12), (4,5), (4,6), (4,10), (4,11), (4,12),
(5,6), (5,10), (5,11), (5,12), (4, 5, 6), (4, 5, 10), (4, 5, 11) and (4, 5, 12). The greedy cycles are
(4) and (4,5).

e. The MAL of this composite pipeline machine is 4, so that the throughput is

1 1
= = 0.25 or 25% .

Arwin – 23206008@2006

Problem 6.15 – A nonpipelined processor X has a clock rate of 25 MHz and an average CPI of 4.
Processor Y, an improved successor of X, is designed with a five-stage linear instruction pipeline.
However, due to the latch delay and clock skew effects, the clock rate of Y is only 20 MHz.

a. If a program containing 100 instructions is executed on both processor, what is the

speedup of processor Y compared with that of processor X.
b. Calculate the MIPS rate of each processor during the execution of this particular

Answer :

a. CPI X = 4 , f X = 25 MHz and I C = 100 .

Find the CPU (T ) time for each processor as followed :

TX = CPI X . I c .τ x TY = ⎡⎣ k + ( n − 1) ⎤⎦ τ Y

CPI X . I c k + ( n − 1)
fx fY
( 4 )(100 ) 5 + (100 − 1)
6 =
25.10 20.106
= 16 μ s = 5.2 μ s

so that the speedup is

Sk =
= 3.078 ≈ 3.08

Arwin – 23206008@2006

b. The MIPS rate for each processor is

CPI .106
= 6.25 MIPS

Find the CPI for Processor Y as followed :

TY = CPIY . I c .τ Y ↔ CPIY =
I c .τ Y
TY . fY

( 5.2.10 )( 20.10 )
−6 6

= 1.04

Then, the MIPS rate is

CPI .106
(1.04 ) .106
= 19.23 MIPS

Arwin – 23206008@2006

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