1st Periodical Exam (Creative Writing)

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Division of Agusan del Sur
Poblacion, Loreto, Agusan del Sur


S.Y. 2023-2024
1st Semester

I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer. Multiple answers are not allowed.

1. What is the process of using symbols to create meaningful text/sentences which will serve
as a medium of communication?
a. Reading b. Writing c. Speaking d. Summarizing

2. Creative writers used this to transfer their imaginations to the readers.

a. Terminologies b. Technical Writing c. Verbal images d. Signs and symbols

3. This type of writing aims to entertain the readers.

a. Creative b. Descriptive c. Expository d. Persuasive

4. This is the system of writing creatively. This has something to do with how a story starts
and how it ends.
a. Clarity b. Form c. Emotion d. Meaning and Connection

5. These help writers to create a vivid and evocative picture in the mind of the reader.
a. Sensory images and experiences c. Virtue and wisdom
b. Passion and drive to write d. Determination and creativity

6. The style of writing or speaking determined by the choice of words by a speaker or a

a. Diction b. Imagery c. Experience d. Figurative language

7. This type of literature uses sentences and paragraphs to express ideas, feelings, and actions.
a. Fiction b. Poetry c. Prose d. Non-fiction

8. Which of the following are true senses that we use for drawing sensory images?
a. Knowledge, wisdom, virtues, spirit
b. Touch, taste, smell, sight and sound
c. Experience, passion, available materials, knowledge
d. Touch, common sense, humor, ability to understand sarcasm

9. What is the purpose of the short story’s title?

a. to inform readers of story content c. to create curiosity
b. to indicate main idea d. all of the choices
10. This writing flows from creative writing such as descriptive, personal, and persuasive.
a. Diary b. Essay c. Journal d. Short Story
11. What is the difference between mood and tone?
a. Mood is how reader feels and tone is how author seems to feel.
b. Mood is how author seems to feel and tone is how the reader feels.
c. Mood is how everyone feels about the book and tone is the sound of the book.
d. They are the same.
12. What is the goal of the writer in creative writing?
a. To entertain the readers c. To make the readers appreciate
b. To let the readers enjoy d. All of these choices are correct
13. Which of the following is NOT a type of imaginative writing?
a. Diary b. Novel c. Journal paper d. Research paper
14. How do we differentiate creative writing from technical writing?
a. Creative writing is journalistic and uses wide array of jargons unlike technical writing.
b. Creative writing is objective while technical writing is subjective.
c. Creative writing uses formal language while technical uses informal.
d. Creative writing is fictional and imaginative while technical writing is factual.
15. It describes something by comparing it with something else and represents objects,
actions and ideas.
a. Diction b. Experiences c. Figurative language d. Imagery
16. This refers to the overall organization of lines and/ or the conventional patterns of sound.
a. Device b. Rhyme c. Structure d. Technique
17. These are series of lines grouped together and separated by an empty line from others.
a. Form b. Causality c. Stanza d. Foreshadowing
18. This is a poem that is usually composed of 7 lines.
a. Sestet b. Septet c. Tercet d. Octave
19. This is where lines end in similar sounds.
a. Flashback b. Imagery c. Rhyme d. Symbolism
20. What gives pleasure and adds music to the poem?
a. Form b. Imagery c. Rhyme d. Stanza
21. What is the attitude or feeling created by the poet towards the subject of the poem?
a. Diction b. Imagery c. Rhyme d. Tone
22. What is the wording that creates comparison between unlike objects or things using
figures of speech?
a. Alliteration b. Figurative language c. Rhyme scheme d. Personification
23. This is the pattern of rhyme at the end of each verse or line in the poetry.
a. Rhyme b. Rhythm c. End Rhyme d. Rhyme Scheme
24. This might not have an identifiable structure.
a. Couplet b. Free verse c. Quatrain d. Cinquain
25. This a poem with one speaker who expresses strong feelings.
a. Epic b. Lyric poetry c. Narrative poem d. Descriptive poem
26. This kind of poem mostly uses imagery and adjectives.
a. Epic b. Lyric poetry c. Descriptive poem d. Narrative poem
27. This kind of poem focuses on the features and characteristics of the subject.
a. Sonnet b. Lyric c. Descriptive poem d. Narrative poem
28. What is the type of poetry where the lines and syllables do not have measurement?
a. Couplet b. Epic c. Free Verse d. Haiku
29. This also controls the rhythm and the message of the poem.
a. Diction b. Lines c. Rhyme d. Stanza
30. This is a poem that tells a story and resembles the plot line of a story.
a. Descriptive b. Lyric c. Narrative d. Sonnet

31. A literary genre that functions as a literary narrative that portray imaginary situations.
a. fiction b. poetry c. prose d. non-fiction

32. The author gives actual facts and data on these literary pieces.
a. fiction b. poetry c. prose d. non-fiction

33. What is the meaning of the Latin word “fictus”?

a. to form b. to be real c. to invent d. to be informative

34. Which is NOT an element of plot?

a. climax b. setting c. exposition d. rising action

35. It is a brief artistic form of prose fiction which focuses on a single main incident,
involving one or more character and is intended to produce a single dominant impression.
a. legend b. novel c. sonnet d. short story

36. These are about origins based on historical people or events, handed down from the past.
It involves heroic characters or fantastic places.
a. legend b. novel c. sonnet d. short story

37. It deals with stories about gods and goddesses which has a deep symbolic meaning to the
culture they developed.
a. legend b. myth c. novel d. parable

38. It is a story where the characters are animals with human attributes; they may be called
beast tales. It is intended for children and to teach them truth and moral.
a. fable b. legend c. myth d. parable

39. It is a written literary piece presented on a stage through the use of script and presence of
a. legend b. novel c. short story d. play

40. How would you differentiate non-fiction from fiction?

a. Fiction is real while non-fiction is not real.
b. Fiction is based on facts while non-fiction is based on imagination.
c. Fiction is non-imaginative while non-fiction is imaginative.
d. Fiction is based on imagination while non-fiction is based on facts.

41. He cracked his knuckles one by one, and the little sound it made broke dully the night
stillness. – Footnote to Youth
What type of imagery is the example above?
a. Tactile b. Olfactory c. Auditory d. Visual

42. The wicked witch of the west lives in a castle. This is an example of which literary
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Alliteration d. Personification
43. Which of the following sentence is an Onomatopoeia?
a. I like pancake so much I could eat a million of them.
b. I was so hungry that I even ate the plate.
c. Hope is a thing with feathers.
d. Ding dong! The bells are gonna chime.

44. What applies to sensory details?

a. Details that require common sense.
b. Details that involve your sight.
c. Details that involve sense and sensibility.
d. Details that involve your 5 senses – sight, hearing, taste, feel and smell.

45. What is the rhyme scheme for the poem “Dreams”?

“Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.”


46. Which of the following lines from “Dreams” (Refer to question number 45) contains
example of alliteration?
a. ”Hold fast to dreams” c. “For if dreams die”
b. “For when dreams go” d. “Life is a barren field”

47. Choose the correct rhyme scheme:

“Beware the dangershine of Moon,

Do not disturb the bugs of June!”
The elder mouncelors whisperoon
A tune that tells Jam what to fear.”


48. All of the following basic elements of poetry organize a good poem EXCEPT:
a. Figurative Language c. Imagery
b. Free Verse d. Rhyme

49. Why descriptive details are necessary to make your writing clear?
a. It gives an idea to describe something.
b. It helps create specific mood or emotions about people, places, and events.
c. It serves as a guide in writing your piece.
d. It shows something to compare your ideas.

50. Which two things make up the setting of a story?

a. time and characters c. time and place
b. characters and plot d. place and characters

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