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Pythor's Hammer Outlander: Wanderer Earthly Grace Divine Intervention

Weapon (warhammer), legendary You have advantage on As an action, you can force all Beginning at 10th level, you can call on
(requires attunement) humanoids within 30 feet of you to your deity to intervene on your behalf
Survival checks to guide, when your need is great.
succeed on a Constitution saving
Attacks made with this weapon have navigate, or forage in a throw or become blinded until the
favored terrain. Choose one Imploring your deity's aid requires you to
a +1 bonus end of your next turn. The DC for use your action. Describe the assistance
to attack and damage rolls. Once of: arctic, coast, desert, forest, this saving throw equals 8 + your you seek, and roll percentile dice. If you
per day, you may grassland, mountain, swamp, Charisma modifier + your proficiency roll a number equal to or lower than your
instantly summon the hammer to or Underdark. bonus. Once you use this ability, you cleric level, your deity intervenes. The
your hand from any can't use it again until you finish a DM chooses the nature of the
distance, and it teleports directly into long rest. intervention; the effect of any cleric spell
your grasp. The or cleric domain spell would be
In addition, your creature type is appropriate. If your deity intervenes, you
hammer’s main purpose is to forge
considered to be both fey and can't use this feature again for 7 days.
magical weapons and Otherwise, you can use it again after you
armor, and if used in such a fashion, humanoid. Additionally, you have finish a long rest.
the creation time is advantage on saving throws against
halved. Refer to the crafting table for being charmed, and magic can't put At 20th level, your call for intervention
recipes. you to sleep. succeeds automatically, no roll required.

Magic Item Background Feature Racial Feat Cleric - Level 10

Observant Destory Undead Harness Divine Power Blessed Strikes

The sun’s light brings what is hidden to Starting at 5th level, when an At 2nd level, you can expend a use When you reach 8th level, you
clear view in your eyes. You are quick to undead fails its saving throw of your Channel Divinity to fuel your are blessed with divine might
notice details in your enviroment , you spells. As a bonus action, you touch
gain the following benefits: against your Turn Undead your holy symbol, utter a prayer, and in battle. When a creature
feature the creature is regain one expended spell slot, the takes damage from one of
Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom instantly destroyed if its your cantrips or weapon
level of which can be no higher than
score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
challenge rating is at or below half your proficiency bonus (rounded attacks, you can also deal 1d8
If you can see a creature's mouth while it a certain threshold, as shown up). The number of times you can radiant damage to that
is speaking a language you understand, use this feature is based on the level
you can interpret what it's saying by
in the Destroy Undead Table. you've reached in this class: 2nd creature. Once you deal this
reading it's lips. level, once; 6th level, twice; and 18th damage, you can't use this
5th - 1/2 or lower level, thrice. You regain all feature again until the start of
You gaina +5 bonus to your passive 8th - 1 or lower expended uses when you finish a your next turn.
Wisdom (Perception) and passive long rest.
Intelligence (Investigation) scores. 11th - 2 or lower
14th - 3 or lower
17th - 4 or lower

Heroic Feat Channel Divinity Channel Divinity Cleric - Level 8

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