GARCIA-HERMOSO, 2020 - SafetyEffectivenessLong-TermExerciseInterventionsOlderAduls
GARCIA-HERMOSO, 2020 - SafetyEffectivenessLong-TermExerciseInterventionsOlderAduls
GARCIA-HERMOSO, 2020 - SafetyEffectivenessLong-TermExerciseInterventionsOlderAduls
Background Physical exercise is beneficial to reduce the risk of several conditions associated with advanced age, but to our
knowledge, no previous study has examined the association of long-term exercise interventions (≥ 1 year) with the occur-
rence of dropouts due to health issues and mortality, or the effectiveness of physical exercise versus usual primary care
interventions on health-related outcomes in older adults (≥ 65 years old).
Objective To analyze the safety and effectiveness of long-term exercise interventions in older adults.
Methods We conducted a systematic review with meta-analysis examining the association of long-term exercise interventions
(≥ 1 year) with dropouts from the corresponding study due to health issues and mortality (primary endpoint), and the effects
of these interventions on health-related outcomes (falls and fall-associated injuries, fractures, physical function, quality of
life, and cognition) (secondary endpoints).
Results Ninety-three RCTs and six secondary studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analyses (n = 28,523
participants, mean age 74.2 years). No differences were found between the exercise and control groups for the risk of dropouts
due to health issues (RR = 1.05, 95% CI 0.95–1.17) or mortality (RR = 0.93, 95% CI 0.83–1.04), although a lower mortal-
ity risk was observed in the former group when separately analyzing clinical populations (RR = 0.67, 95% CI 0.48–0.95).
Exercise significantly reduced the number of falls and fall-associated injuries, and improved physical function and cognition.
These results seemed independent of participants’ baseline characteristics (age, physical function, and cognitive status) and
exercise frequency.
Conclusions Long-term exercise training does not overall influence the risk of dropouts due to health issues or mortality in
older adults, and results in a reduced mortality risk in clinical populations. Moreover, exercise reduces the number of falls
and fall-associated injuries, and improves physical function and cognition in this population.
1096 A. García‑Hermoso et al.
sustained a fracture). When there was insufficient informa- primary endpoints (dropouts due to health issues, and risk
tion, the corresponding author of the study in question was of mortality).
The risk of bias was evaluated using the Physiotherapy Evi- 3.1 Study Selection
dence Database (PEDro) criteria [13], using an 11-item scale
designed for measuring the methodological quality of RCT. From the retrieved articles, 93 RCTs [1, 20–111] and 6
[112–117] secondary studies met the inclusion criteria and
2.7 Statistical Analyses were included in the analyses (with secondary studies being
only included to pool the secondary outcomes) (Fig. 1).
All analyses were carried out using Comprehensive Meta- However, due to missing data, we have included only 90
analysis Software (2nd version, Biostat; Englewood, NJ, RCTs in the quantity analysis (meta-analysis).
USA) to calculate (i) the risk ratio (RR) for dichotomous
outcomes, that is, dropouts due to health issues, mortality, 3.2 Study Characteristics
hospitalization, falls, and fractures; or (ii) the standardized
mean difference (SMD) for continuous data (i.e., physical The characteristics of the included studies are summarized
function parameters, cognition and health-related quality of in Electronic Supplementary Material Table S1. The final
life parameters) [14]. The RR or SMD of each parameter analysis included 28,523 participants (mean age 74.2 years).
(from baseline to follow-up) between groups [15] was cal- Most studies included apparently healthy older adults, but 25
culated and pooled using a random-effects model (DerSimo- RCTs were conducted in clinical populations (i.e., individu-
nian–Laird approach). For continuous outcomes, the pooled als with cancer [n = 3 studies], mild cognitive impairment,
effect size for SMD was classified as small (0 ≤ SMD ≤ 0.50), Parkinson, Alzheimer or dementia [n = 11], or cardiorespira-
moderate (0.50 < SMD ≤ 0.80) or large (SMD > 0.80) [16]. tory [n = 4], renal [n = 1], musculoskeletal [n = 3], or meta-
The percentage of total variation across studies due to bolic [n = 3] disease). Participants enrolled in the different
heterogeneity (Cochran’s Q test) was used to calculate studies were predominantly from the U.S. (n = 23 articles),
the I2 statistic [17], considering I2 values < 25%, 25–75%, with other studies from Australia (n = 15), Belgium (n = 2),
and > 75% as indicators of small, moderate, and high het- Brazil (n = 2), Canada (n = 5), Chile (n = 2), Denmark (n = 2),
erogeneity, respectively [18]. Each study was removed once Finland (n = 8), France (n = 3), Germany (n = 5), Hong Kong
from the model to analyze its individual influence on the (n = 4), Hungary (n = 2), Japan (n = 2), The Netherlands
overall results. Egger’s regression tests and funnel plots (n = 1), New Zealand (n = 4), South Korea (n = 1), Spain
were performed to detect small study effects and possible (n = 2), Sweden (n = 2), Taiwan (n = 1), Thailand (n = 2), or
publication bias [19]. Data were pooled if outcomes were the UK (n = 5). Most studies included men and women except
reported in at least 10 studies, because the power of the tests four [78, 81, 90, 118] that included only men, and 19 studies
for funnel plot asymmetry is too low to distinguish chance with women only [30, 33, 34, 42, 44, 49, 61, 62, 68, 69, 72,
from real asymmetry when fewer studies are evaluated [14]. 83, 88, 89, 93, 95, 99, 103, 108]. Sample sizes across studies
When possible, a subgroup analysis for the primary ranged from 20 [23, 56] to 6420 [54] participants.
endpoint was conducted taking into account the follow- The primary mode of exercise intervention was multi-
ing potential moderators: type of exercise intervention, component exercise training (n = 47), followed by mus-
participants’ health status (apparently healthy vs clinical cle strength (n = 24) and aerobic training (e.g., walking,
population), intervention structure (supervised group based, dancing) (n = 19), and Tai Chi (n = 4). Most studies used
unsupervised home based, or a combination thereof), pri- group-based supervised exercise training alone (n = 56) or
mary mode of exercise intervention (muscle strength [or combined with home-based unsupervised training (n = 21).
‘resistance’]-based, aerobic-based, multicomponent exercise The duration of the interventions ranged from 52 (in most
training, or Tai Chi), study setting (community dwellers vs studies) to 208 [85] weeks, and training frequency ranged
institutionalized), and risk of bias (PEDro Scale score < 7 from 1 to 7 sessions per week, with a duration of 10–90 min
or ≥ 7) [10]. Additionally, random-effects meta-regression per session. Most control groups were instructed to main-
analyses were used to evaluate the influence of age, physical tain usual activity levels with or without an additional non-
function and cognition characteristics at baseline and the exercise intervention (e.g., health education, social visits,
frequency of exercise (number of sessions per week) in the or telephone calls).
1098 A. García‑Hermoso et al.
3.3 Risk of Bias Within Studies control group, respectively (Electronic Supplementary Mate-
rial Table S3). Exercise and control groups did not differ in
The average total score was 6.1 with a range of 1–8. Thirty- terms of dropouts due to medical problems (RR = 1.05, 95%
six studies scored 7 or higher. Low scores corresponded confidence interval [CI] 0.95–1.17), with low heterogeneity
to studies that failed to conceal allocation (40.2%), or to for this result (I2 = 14.07%).
blind subjects (0%), or had researchers in charge of endpoint All subgroup analyses provided similar results independ-
assessment and/or exercise supervision (1.0%) (Electronic ent of the study setting, type of exercise training, or risk of
Supplementary Material Table S2). bias (Table 1). The meta-regression analyses showed that
participants’ age, physical function or cognition at base-
3.4 Synthesis of Results line, or exercise frequency (number of exercise sessions per
week) was not related to risk of mortality (ß = − 0.13–0.03)
3.4.1 Primary Endpoints (Table 2 and Electronic Supplementary Material Figure
Dropouts due to health issues Forty-nine studies provided There was no evidence of publication bias in the analysis
information on dropouts due to medical problems for 21,292 of dropouts due to medical problems (p = 0.618), and the
participants. Overall, 16.9% (1638 older adults) and 19.0% results remained the same in the sensitivity analysis. The
(2207 older adults) of participants dropped out of the cor- funnel plot is presented in Electronic Supplementary Mate-
responding study due to health issues in the exercise and rial Figure S6.
Safety and Effectiveness of Exercise in Older Adults 1099
Mortality Fifty-six RCTs provided information on death participants died in the exercise and control groups, respec-
for 26,017 participants. Of these, 19 reported no deaths tively (Electronic Supplementary Material Table S3). All
during the trial [26, 28, 36, 38, 44, 48, 49, 55, 56, 78, 79, subgroup analyses provided similar results (Table 1), except
81, 86, 92, 93, 103, 107, 108, 119]. Exercise intervention for the analysis restricted to clinical populations, which
had no effects on mortality (RR = 0.93, 95% CI 0.83–1.04), showed that exercise significantly (p = 0.024) reduced the
with low heterogeneity between studies (I2= 0%). Specifi- risk of mortality (RR = 0.67, 95% CI 0.48–0.95; I2= 0%)
cally, 5.5% (664 older adults) and 5.8% (820 older adults) of (Table 1).
CI confidence interval, MMSE mini-mental state examination, SF-12 12-Item Short Form Survey, SF-36
36-Item Short Form Survey, SPPB short physical fitness battery
Non-italicized entries = Standardized Mean Difference values; italicized entries = Risk Ratio values
Significant p values are in bold
is, dropouts due to medical problems and mortality. We also Some limitations of our review should be acknowledged.
evaluated the influence of age, cognition, physical function First, health issues were recorded through dropouts and
and exercise frequency on these results. With regard to age, we cannot determine whether they were directly associ-
although one could expect a priori that older participants are ated with physical exercise. In this regard, however, most
at greater risk of having adverse events when enrolling in RCTs reported only minor harms associated with exercise
an exercise program, this hypothesis was not corroborated interventions. Second, the included RCTs were heterogene-
by our results. In this respect, Hewitt et al. [41] showed a ous with respect to exercise training protocols and study
lower risk of dropouts due to health issues (RR = 0.35, 95% population (healthy vs clinical population); however, we
CI 0.15–0.91) in the exercise group, in individuals with low performed subgroup analyses to account for heterogeneity
physical function level (SPPB score < 9) [121]. However, among studies. Third, most of the analyzed studies included
the results of the present meta-regression analysis should be community-dwelling older adults, and the small number of
interpreted with caution because the low number of studies studies with institutionalized elderly people (n = 9) pre-
might have affected the results. vented us from performing a separate subgroup analysis,
With regard to secondary endpoints, our findings cor- thereby limiting the generalizability of our results. On the
roborate the results of a recent meta-analysis showing that other hand, a main strength of our meta-analysis is that it is,
exercise decreased the risk of falls and fall-associated inju- to our knowledge, the first to determine both the safety and
ries [9], and similar results were reported by Guirguis-Blake effectiveness of long-term physical exercise interventions
et al. for the US Preventive Services Task Force [11]. Thus, among older adults. Our meta-analysis provides an update
there seems to be compelling evidence to support the posi- and extension of the evidence reported in an earlier reviews
tive effects of exercise against fall-related outcomes in older [9], including more studies and other health outcomes. Fur-
adults. Furthermore, our review extends this literature by thermore, according to the Cochrane Handbook, and to avoid
examining, for the first time, the association of long-term publication bias, we pooled only the results of those out-
exercise training with several health outcomes in an elderly comes that were reported by at least 10 studies [14], thereby
population, showing significant improvements in physical avoiding any loss of statistical power.
function and cognition parameters, and providing further
support to the notion that regular exercise is necessary for
healthy aging and offers multi-systemic health benefits
1102 A. García‑Hermoso et al.
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1 4
Navarrabiomed, Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra Department of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá,
(CHN), Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), IdiSNA, Madrid, Spain
Pamplona, Navarra, Spain 5
Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universidad Europea de Madrid,
Laboratorio de Ciencias de la Actividad Física, el Deporte y Madrid, Spain
la Salud, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile 6
Research Institute of the Hospital 12 de Octubre (‘i + 12’),
CIBER of Frailty and Healthy Aging (CIBERFES), Instituto Madrid, Spain
de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain