12 St. Mark

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Contextualized to the Academic Track Practical

Research 2
Choosing a Research Topic
You will conduct your library work to come up with three research topics that are quantitative in nature.
You must be able to discuss your quantitative research titles based on your understanding of the
characteristics of quantitative research and the nature of variables. The collected literature must support
the explanation of the choice of your research topics.

Performance Decide on suitable quantitative research in different areas of interest.

Content Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds

of quantitative research, the importance of quantitative research across fields, and the
nature of variables.

● Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

● Collaboration
Opportunity to
● Information Literacy
Practice the Following Productivity and Accountability

21st-Century Skills

Task Context
Since you will most likely write a lot of research papers throughout your student life, the skill of
coming up with an appropriate research topic is highly advantageous as a student researcher.
Mastering this skill can help you come up with strong, valuable, and purposeful research in any given
field. Whatever specialization you plan to pursue in your tertiary level, knowing the nature of
quantitative research will allow you to easily identify the variables to study and construct a well-
founded research that is supported by credible literature.


Unit 1: Nature of Quantitative Research 1

Contextualized to the Academic Track Practical
Research 2
Task InstructionsDate

1. The teacher will assign leaders and its members in the class.
2. Use the internet as a tool to look for possible research topics that interest you as a group.
3. Identify the research topics based on your interest. Explain and provide evidence based on your
readings as to why your group chose these topics. You may use the set of guide questions to
help you come up with your justification.
a. What is the importance of this topic in my strand?
b. Is this topic a trend or an issue that remains open for research possibilities?
c. Does the research topic have various research discussions with different findings in each
d. How does this topic contribute to the body of knowledge?
4. Formulate three research titles based on the topic that the group has decided to work with.
5. Prepare for a five-minute oral presentation of your selected topics.

Rubric for Grading

1 2 3 4 Weights Points

Content 50%

Content and The research topics The research topics The research topics 20%
Relevance are unclear and were mostly clear were clear and
irrelevant. There is and relevant. There relevant. There are
little to no supporting The research topics are few supporting supporting details
detail about the topic were somehow clear details about the about the topic that
that proves its and relevant. There topic that prove its prove its feasibility.
feasibility. are insufficient feasibility.
supporting details
about the topic that
prove its feasibility.

Organization None of the ideas and Only a few of the Most of the ideas and The ideas and 15%
explanations were ideas and explanations were explanations were
organized and explanations were organized and organized and
concise. organized and concise. concise.

Unit 1: Nature of Quantitative Research 2

Contextualized to the Academic Track Practical
Research 2
Grammar and Use There were many There were some There were only a There was no to 15%
of Punctuation errors in grammar errors in grammar few errors in little error in
and use of and use of grammar and use of
Marks grammar and use of
punctuation marks punctuation marks punctuation marks
punctuation marks
observed. observed. observed.

21st-Century Skills 50%

Critical Thinking The group made a The group made a The group made The group made 20%
and conclusion without few conclusions conclusions based on conclusions based on
any analysis and without a clear the analysis and
Problem-Solving the analysis and
synthesis of all analysis and synthesis synthesis of all
available information. of all available synthesis of some available information.
information. available information.

Collaboration The student seldom The student The student 10%

demonstrates the demonstrates the demonstrates the
ability to work with The student ability to effectively ability to effectively
others, seldom shows
sometimes work with others work with others all
willingness to adjust
demonstrates the the time, shows
personal quirks to most of the time,
willingness to adjust
work with others, and ability to effectively shows some personal quirks to
seldom shows respect work with others,
willingness to adjust work with others, and
and value to assigned sometimes shows
personal quirks to always shows respect
roles. willingness to adjust
work with others, and and value to assigned
personal quirks to
shows respect and roles.
work with others, and
sometimes shows value to assigned
respect and value to roles.
assigned roles.

Information The members The members The members access 10%

Literacy exert little to no need to further and use information
effort in evaluating evaluate the sources effectively and
The members access accurately from
the sources and and the information
and use information various credible
information gathered. gathered.
effectively and sources, and
There was little to no Paraphrasing and
accurately from incorporate them in
attempt in citing sources are
various credible their own work
paraphrasing and inconsistently
sources most of the through proper
citing sources applied.
time, and paraphrasing
incorporate them in techniques and
their own work citations.
through proper
techniques and

Unit 1: Nature of Quantitative Research 3

Contextualized to the Academic Track Practical
Research 2
Productivity and Project goals were Project goals were 10%
Accountability not evidently set. The set, and all were
Project goals were set
student did not exert achieved completely
but were not Project goals were
effort to explain or set, and most were in spite of obstacles.
achieved. The
make up for lack of achieved completely The student
student shows in spite of obstacles.
output or demonstrates
little effort to explain The student evidently accountability for
contribution and
why encountered shows effort to results.
does not surpass encountered
obstacles were not
demonstrate obstacles and
surpassed and demonstrates
accountability for
demonstrates a lack accountability for
of accountability for results.


Direction: In a separate sheet of a long bondpaper, identify what is being asked in

each item.

1-2. What are the two classifications of the levels of measurement?

3-6. What are the four levels of measurement?
7. It is an attempt to get the middle, or average score which is also an estimate of the
center distribution of values.
8. It is the most frequently occurring value of a measurement in a data set.
9. It is a variable that has numerical value.
10. What are the variables that should be excluded from the research study as they
may interfere and compromise with experiment and research results?
11. It may both act as dependent and an independent variable.

12. Seniority at work is an example of ordinal data.
13. Income categorized as ranges, is an example of interval data.
14. Range can be obtained by subtracting the lowest value in the data set from the

Unit 1: Nature of Quantitative Research 4

Contextualized to the Academic Track Practical
Research 2
15. There is a true zero point in an interval variable.

16. It is a statistical test/treatment that is used to compare the mean values of the data
17. It is a statistical test/treatment that is being used to compare the mean values
across the three or more samples of data.
18. It is a statistical test/treatment used to see if there is a correlation between the two

Compute the mean, median and mode in the given data set.

A 14
B 9
C 10
D 12
E 8
F 13
G 5
H 9
I 9
J 11

Unit 1: Nature of Quantitative Research 5

Contextualized to the Academic Track Practical
Research 2

Unit 1: Nature of Quantitative Research 6

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