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IBS Hyderabad Semester II Batch of 2012 SECTION - G Operations Management Course Code SL OP 501

Faculty: Sourabh Bhattacharya Ph 9246284687 (Mob.) Email: [email protected] Meeting Hours: Tuesday (2:30 4:30 PM) with prior appointment Room No. E 005 Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide students with a basic exposure to the tasks and challenges facing Operations Managers, i.e., those people responsible for the vital function of producing the goods and services in any manufacturing and service organization. The ultimate goal is to maximize value and profits through customer satisfaction and provides an effective and rapid response to changing global market conditions. Reference Books: Though variety of books will be consulted to deliver the lecture and making learning meaningful the students can refer to the following text books.
Operations & Supply Management, by Chase, Shanker, Aquilano, Jacobs, Twelfth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill company, Special Indian Edition. (Main Text Book) 2. Quantitative Analysis for Management by Barry Render and Ralph M Stair. Prentice Hall. (FOR LP and Transportation Problems)

3. Production and Operations Management, Everette E Adam and Ronald J Ebert. Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi.2004. 5th Edition 4. Operations Management Strategy & Analysis, Lee J Krajweski and Larry P Ritzman.Person Education.Delhi.2002. 6th Edition

5. Operations Management An integrated Goods and Services Approach, James R. Evans and David A. Collier, Thomson Publication, 2007 6. Operations Management, Norman Gaither and Greg Frazier, Cengage Learning Publications, 2004, 9th Edition 7. Operations Management William J. Stevenson, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, 2005, 8th Edition Requirements for the course 1. This course makes extensive use of calculators. All the students are required to bring non-programmable scientific calculators in every class failing which the students will be asked to leave the class. Students must not use their mobile phone for making the calculations. (Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the class) 2. In order to facilitate continuous and effective learning the students are expected to come prepared with the topics discussed in the previous classes. Repeat discussions will take place should the students have any major doubts in the previous topics. Discipline and conduct in the class 1. Attendance Students must strictly adhere to the class timings. No student will be allowed to enter the class after the scheduled timings. In order to be able to write the final examination students must maintain at least 60% attendance in the class. 2. Discipline and Conduct in the class Students must not involve in any activities (whispering, talking among the classmates etc.) which can disturb the class. Use of MOBILE PHONES is strictly prohibited inside the class. Anyone found doing so will be heavily penalized. Students should feel free to ask questions/doubts/clarification related to the topic under discussion in the class. A healthy and active participation from all the students is desired and appreciated. Students can also take appointment and meet me for clarifying doubts outside the class.

3. Unfair Practices Unfair practices during the exams will not be tolerated. Any student found copying will be asked to leave the exam hall. Students taking to each other during the exam will also be asked to leave. A ZERO will be awarded for such students. The topic-wise schedule of delivery is attached. All students shall read the related/ relevant topics in the text books before each session. Hope we have an effective and enjoyable learning in the sessions.

IBS Hyderabad Semester II Batch of 2012 Operations Management Faculty: Sourabh Bhattacharya Ph 9246284687 (Mob.) Email: [email protected] Course Code: SL OP 501

Operations Management
Chapter Introduction Session No. 1 Date Wednesda y 6-Oct Detailed Syllabus The Field of Operations Management, Production Systems, OM in the organizational Chart, Operations as Service Historical Development of OM, Current Issues in Operations Management. Supply Chain Drivers, Supply Chain Strategy, Measuring Supply Chain Performance, Push Strategy/Pull Strategy/PushPull Strategy, Bullwhip Cases or Cases Identified 1. Crisis at Strocem RMC: Significance of Operations Management Text Book1 Chapters Section 1, Chapter 1

Supply Chain Strategy


Monday 11-Oct Wednesday 13-Oct

2. Zaras Supply chain management practices

Section 3,Chapter 10

Operations & Supply Management, by Chase, Shanker, Aquilano, Jacobs, Twelfth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill company, Special Indian Edition. Chapters No. may change for earlier editions. Students may follow chapter titles as per the syllabus.

Operations Strategy and Competitiveness



Process Analysis


Wednesday 20-Oct Saturday 23-Oct

Product Design


Monday Wednesda y

25-Oct 27-Oct

Manufacturing Process



Effect, Outsourcing, Design for Logistics, Global Sourcing, Mass Customization. Operations Strategy, Operations Competitive Dimensions, The Corporate Strategy Design Process, Strategic Fit-Fitting Operational Activities to Strategy, Productivity Measurement. Process Analysis, Process Flowcharting, Types of Processes, Measuring Process Performance, Process Analysis Examples, Process Throughput Time Reduction Designing for the Customer Quality Function Deployment, Value Analysis, value Engineering, Designing Products for Manufacture and Assembly, Measuring Product Development Performance Process Selection Types of Processes, Process Flow

3. Operations Management at Southwest Airlines

Section 1, Chapter 2

4. Crunching munch time a Section 2, Chapter 6 little 5. Shakiro at Takira Motors

6. The making of X-Box 360

Section 1, Chapter 4

7. Made in India

Section 2 ,Chapter 7

Selection and Design Service Process Selection and Design


Facility Location


Transportation Methods


Facility Layout


Structure, Product-Process Matrix. Wednesda The Nature of Services, and 8. Spice Jet: Dedicated to y 3-Nov Operational Classification of serve customers with Service, Applying Behavioral excellence Class Participation Science to Service Evaluation for Ten Encounters, Designing Service Organizations, Sessions Structuring the Service Encounter, Service-System Design Matrix, Service Blueprinting and Fail-Safing 9. Elloras Time Monday 8-Nov Plant location methodsFactor rating, Transportation manufacturing woes case Wednesda Method (only formulation), study Finalized y 10-Nov Centroid Method, Locating 10. McDonalds case study service facilities. & Setting up a Production Facility Monday 15Transportation method Discussion/Exercise Based Nov NWC method Wednesday 17 LC method Nov VAM Hungarians method Modys Method Travelsafe Monday 22-Nov Basic Production Layout 11. Formats, Process Layout Wednesda Manufacturing Company (CRAFT) Product Layout y 24-Nov (TMC) (Assembly Line Balancing), Group Technology (Cellular)

Section 2, Chapter 8

Section 3 , Chapter 11

- Ch- Linear Programmin g from Render and Stair2 Section 2 , Chapter 7A

Quantitative Analysis for Management by Barry Render and Ralph M Stair. Prentice Hall.

Waiting Line Management


Layout, Fixed-Position Layout, Retail Service 12. Load Matrix Layout, Office Layout. Written TEST Session # 17 (20 Marks) Monday 29 -Nov Wednesda Economics of Waiting Line 13. Harish Automobile Section 2 , y 1-Dec Problem, The Queuing Chapter 8A Repair Shop System, waiting line method (MM1 Model in detail)

Strategic Capacity Management Aggregate Sales and Operations Planning



Linear Programming


Capacity Management in 14. Excel Printers: A Operations, Capacity startups capacity planning Planning Concepts, Capacity Planning, Planning Service Capacity Wednesda Overview of Sales and 15. Bake a Cake y 8-Dec Operations Planning Monday 13-Dec Activities, The Aggregate Operations Plan, Aggregate Class Participation Planning Techniques Evaluation for Ten Sessions Wednesday 15-Dec The Linear Programming 16. Alexander Machine Co. Monday 20-Dec Model Best Fibres Graphical Linear 17. Programming LP using MS-Solver Basics of Duality and sensitivity analysis Monday 6-Dec

Section 2 , Chapter 5

Section 4 , Chapter 16

Section 1 , Chapter 2A

Inventory Control


Wednesda y Monday

Materials Requirement Planning Total Quality Management: Evolution of TQM


Wednesda y Monday

28,29 Wednesda y Monday

Definition of Inventory, 22-Dec Purposes of Inventory, 27-Dec Inventory Costs, Independent versus Dependent Demand, Inventory Systems, Fixed Order Quantity Models, Fixed-Time Period Models, Selective Control, including ABC, VED Classifications, Optional Replenishment System, 2-Bin system Where MRP Can Be Used, 29-Dec Master Production Schedule, Requirements 3-Jan Material Planning System Structure, MRP Examples Quality Specification and Quality Costs, Six-Sigma 5-Jan Quality, The Shingo System: 10-Jan Fail-Safe, ISO 9000, ISO 14000

18. Super Sounds Inc.: Section 4 , Inventory Management Chapter 17 through ABC AnalysisDiscussion/Exercises for various inventory control systems/models

19. The King Furniture: Section 4 , Chapter 18 MRP case Study

20. Sundaram Clayton : Section 2 , Winning the Deming prize Chapter 9 21. Six Sigma at Motorola

22. Ashok Leylands ISO 14001 journey (OPTIONAL) Just-In-Time and Lean Systems 30,31 JIT/Lean Logic, The Toyota 23. Toyotas 12-Jan Production System, Revolution 15-Jan Elimination of waste, Value Stream Mapping, JIT/Lean 24. Ford system Class Participation Implementation Requirements, JIT/Lean in Wednesda y Saturday JIT Section 3, Chapter 12 Production

Project Management


Evaluation for Ten Sessions Monday 17-Jan Wednesda y 19-Jan

Services Introduction, Structuring 25. The Delhi metro Section 1, Projects, Work Breakdown Project: Effective Project Chapter 3 Structure, Network-Planning Management in the Indian Models, Time Cost Modes, Public sector Managing Resources. 26. The Wedding Planner

Text Book : Operations & Supply Management, by Chase, Shanker, Aquilano, Jacobs, Twelfth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill company, Special Indian Edition. 9. Quantitative Analysis for Management by Barry Render and Ralph M Stair. Prentice Hall.

Evaluation Plan Component No. 1 2 3 4 6 Components Class participation 1 Class participation 1 Class participation 1 Mid Term Test End Term Weightage 5% 15% 20% 20% 40% Date of Conduct 3 Nov 8 Dec 12 Jan 29-Nov

Faculty should submit the marks to the academic office with in a week of conduct of the evaluation component

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