Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small- Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority

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, 2024




[email protected], [email protected] 2, [email protected] 3
AMA University 1, AMA University, Quezon City University, Villagers Montessori College,
Xavier- Ateneo University, Quezon Colleges of the North 2, AMA University 3



In the 21st century, e-commerce technology has garnered significant interest from researchers and
management, driven by the internet's rapid growth. This has enabled customers to personalize
websites according to their preferences. This study aimed to identify the benefits that small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can gain from using social media to interact with customers,
focusing on social media marketing tactics and their advantages. It provided insights into the
challenges faced by entrepreneurs in prominent urban areas within the Subic Bay Metropolitan
Authority (SBMA) and the managerial requirements for ensuring consumer satisfaction. The study
concentrated on six key areas: profiling SMEs based on specific elements, identifying primary social
media platforms used by SMEs in Subic Bay, evaluating potential benefits for SMEs, assessing the
extent of social media engagement by SMEs, gathering input on ethical standards in social media
marketing, and developing "RJM 24-points Proposed Guidelines for Social Media Practices."
Employing a descriptive methodology, data were collected from 51 respondents via structured
questionnaires and supplemented by random interviews with proprietors, IT personnel, and managers.
Statistical techniques such as percentage, weighted mean, Likert scale, and ranking were used for
data analysis. Key findings revealed that increased brand visibility and feedback were the most
probable benefits, while accessibility and advertising were the most commonly used social media
practices. Ethical practices emphasize maintaining honesty, transparency, and authenticity in
marketing efforts. The study provided several recommendations for improving social media marketing
approaches for SMEs. These included encouraging financial businesses to diversify their products or
focus on niche markets, motivating entrepreneurs to start micro or small firms to leverage low entry
barriers and market adaptability, and prioritizing support for early-stage companies to enhance their
chances of long-term success and profitability.

Keywords: Electronic Shopping, Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s), Social Media Marketing
Practices, Special Economic Zones

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
INTRODUCTION may foster teamwork. Today, SMEs are a large
and vital sector of the Philippine economy. This
Micro, small, and medium-sized firms industry employs millions of people with over a
(MSMEs) provide most jobs in numerous industries, million units and the general industrial unit count.
making them crucial to the economy. Entrepreneurs SMEs provide the finest job and self-employment
must have the skills to succeed in shifting economic opportunities nationwide. Philippine small and
conditions. Since SMEs make up 90% of firms, they medium-sized businesses have considerable
are crucial to the global economy. They benefit the growth potential.
national economy and create jobs. To thrive in marketing, small and medium-
Before the Internet, individuals had to sized firms (SMEs) must create connections with
physically meet to conduct business. However, consumers, listen to them, and share expertise.
"internet commerce," or e-commerce, came with This will enhance client trust and influence their
the Internet and changed business transactions. It's activities (Miller, 2017). SMEs in the Philippines are
clear that e-commerce has changed how firms discovering the power of social media marketing for
operate today. His scholarly work examines how e- development, participation, and sustainability in the
commerce affects consumers and marketing ever-changing corporate world. As internet use
professionals. rises and social media culture prevails, small and
Managers and researchers are focusing medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must embrace
more on e-commerce technology in the 21st Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikHub to
century. This is because widespread internet use compete in the competitive market. This study
has increased electronic transaction volume. examines strategic social media marketing for
Customer websites may now be customized to their Philippine SMEs. Main techniques, problems, and
requirements, interests, and preferences. E- opportunities will be covered.
commerce can be customer-to-business, intra- SMEs should carefully design their social
organizational, or inter-organizational. Each media marketing plan to support their overall goals.
category reflects a distinct online shopping kind. Goals must be clear to increase revenue, internet
Competition in the corporate sector, rising traffic, or brand exposure. Thus, Filipino audiences'
consumer demands, and rapid technological diverse interests and demographics must be
advancements are forcing companies to rethink understood. Age, geography, hobbies, and internet
their business practices, products, and launch activity should impact platform and material
times. The current situation is explained by these selection. In a culture where social connection is
factors. engrained, interesting and engaging materials are
Print, broadcast, direct mail, and most important. SMEs should provide visually
telemarketing are successful conventional beautiful, culturally appropriate, and Filipino-
marketing categories, but they cost more and take friendly content. Local language, culture, and
longer to implement. Since computer technology comedy are used to connect viewers to the source.
became widespread, social media platforms have Popular subjects, holidays, and allusions to popular
allowed individuals to connect with real-time events. culture boost virality and interaction.
One must understand social media marketing and One of the biggest advantages of social
have a plan for using it to attain corporate goals. media marketing is its two-way communication.
Please remember that we should actively engage in SMEs must respond swiftly to comments,
current talks rather than merely sharing knowledge messages, and mentions to engage their audience.
with social media users. Real interactions and customer relationships may
One cannot overstate how social media build brand loyalty and advocacy for SMEs.
platforms assist integrated marketing Promote user-generated information like reviews,
communication. Web 2.0 allows organizations and testimonials, and photographs to develop
consumers to share data. When many marketing community and validate the brand.
channels are used, Mangold and Faulds (2017) Influencer relationships may boost SMEs'
suggest that integrated marketing communication reputations and social media presence,
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
dramatically increasing brand exposure, corporate climate evolves. This research
interaction, and conversion. Working with local highlights the benefits of social media marketing for
personalities who appeal to the target demographic Subic Bay SMEs and their tactics and
will assist. However, SMEs must carefully screen methodologies. This research explores this topic to
potential influencers for sincerity and alignment with give unique insights that might help regional SMEs
corporate values. with digital marketing.
Social media marketing provides numerous
benefits, but Philippine SMEs confront several OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
problems. Content saturation management,
algorithm change navigation, and ROI assurance This study investigates the advantages of
are among these challenges. The cultural and social media marketing for small and medium-sized
linguistic variety may also make it difficult for SMEs
companies in interacting with consumers, focusing
to maintain a consistent brand voice and image
across channels. The Philippine government's on both marketing methods and benefits. More
Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority is known as especially, it aims to achieve the following: 1) To
"SBMA". Subic Bay Freeport and the Special show the business profiles of the small and
Economic Zone have become self-sustaining medium-sized enterprises in terms of the nature of
territories supporting industrial, commercial, the products or services offered, the size of the
investment, and financial transactions in the zone company, the number of years the company has
and the Philippines. SBMA has advanced in both
been in operation, and the average gross sales and
areas. Subic Bay Metropolitan Territory (SBMA)
includes the former US Naval Base Subic Bay, the receipts for the past three years are the factors that
Redondo peninsula's Subic Hanjin shipyard, and are taken into consideration. 2) To get an
former US Defense Accommodations in the hills, understanding of the many types of social media
including the Binictican and Kalayan housing marketing platforms that are utilized by small and
communities. Olongapo's former mayor Rolen medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Subic Bay. 3.)
Paulino leads the SBMA as of March 1, 2022. Atty.
To ascertain the chance that the following
Wilma T. Eisma was the Public Affairs and
Contributions manager of Philip Morris Fortune advantages are present in the functioning of the
Tobacco Company Inc. (PMFTC) and Chairman small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs):
and Administrator from 2017 to 2022. Increased brand visibility, Cost-effectiveness,
This research examines social media Targeted audience, Market research, Customer
marketing's advantages and techniques for Subic support, Competitive advantage, Global reach,
Bay Metropolitan Authority SMEs. Knowing how Engagement and interaction, Feedback and
social media marketing influences SMEs' growth
insights. 4) To show the extent of the following
and sustainability is becoming more important as
digital environments evolve. This study examines social media practices employed by the SMEs:
how Subic Bay SMEs utilize social media to boost Content strategy, Advertising, Customer support,
brand awareness, customer engagement, and Community building, Employee advocacy, Crisis
market reach. This study intends to finally give management, and Accessibility. 5) to compile the
comprehensive information to assist social media suggestions made by the responders regarding the
marketing tactics, enabling Subic Bay Metropolitan ethical procedures that should be followed while
Authority enterprises' economic progress.
marketing through social media. 6.) To utilize the
Identifying the unique obstacles and possibilities
SMEs in this region have will assist achieve this. result of the study in crafting a guideline on
Furthermore, it examines the benefits and tactics of maximizing the benefits and practices of social
social media marketing for Subic Bay Metropolitan media marketing.
Authority SMEs. Understanding how SMEs market
on social media is increasingly important as the
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
METHODOLOGY taken into consideration were located at the
Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), which
This section of the study focuses on the served as the location. At the moment, these
research methodology, which covers the study's companies are conducting their operations at that
design, the setting in which it was conducted, the place. When conducting this survey, a total of fifty-
instrument or instruments used, the method by one participants' responses were taken into
which data were gathered, the algorithm's design, consideration
the materials used in the investigation, and the The participants in this study were
statistical tools that were employed to evaluate and comprised of fifty-one small and medium-sized
interpret the data. businesses (SMEs). Purposive sampling was also
Descriptive surveying was the research performed by the researchers in order to conduct
methodology used in this study. This strategy aims interviews with the proprietors of the respondents.
to provide a thorough description of the current The purpose of these interviews was to collect
circumstances and experiences. Descriptive information regarding the proprietors' business
research studies are conducted, according to profiles, social media activities, the duration of
Jacobs, Ary, and Razavich (2018), in order to these behaviors, and their recommendations.
gather information and address inquiries When selecting the respondents, the researcher
concerning a certain subject or area of study. To considered the following criteria: (1) The person
learn more about people's preferences, attitudes, must either own the small and medium-sized
interests, habits, and concerns, descriptive enterprise (SME) or be an authorized
research uses techniques like surveys. According representative of the SME; (2) The store must be
to Burns (2017), this methodology has a significant situated in Subic Bay or in areas that fall under the
advantage in that it transfers the onus of knowing jurisdiction of SBMA; (3) The person must have
from the researcher to the participant. Descriptive knowledge and experience in utilizing social media
studies are useful because they provide real data as a marketing tool; (4) The person must be willing
that may be used as the foundation for scientific to openly share their assessment of the
analyses. They provide important insights into the effectiveness of social media marketing; and
core of the subject and the individuals involved. It (5) The SME should have been operating for
is a procedure that entails gathering data on the around one year.
current situation and a deliberate attempt to The participants included fifty individuals
assess, comprehend, and convey the current who were either proprietors of small and medium-
situation of a group, region, or organization. It also sized businesses (SMEs) or managers of those
has a major role in the development of tools that businesses. There were four categories that were
are used to measure a wide variety of objects. used to classify the respondents' profiles: the kind
These tools are utilized as data collection of their business, the size of their company, the
instruments in all forms of quantitative research. number of years they had been in existence, and
These tools include checklists, rating scales, their average net income. The researcher
observation schedules, and questionnaires, to employed a survey instrument or questionnaire to
name a few. gather the essential data for the study, which was
The survey uses a non-probability sampling supplemented with unstructured interviews done
technique called the purposive-convenient either in-person or online. The items included in the
stratified procedure to locate the participants. The questionnaire or survey instrument were derived
smaller and medium-sized businesses that were
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
from the comments and suggestions provided by Tabular representations are utilized to
the panel of examiners and the researcher's communicate the data that was obtained. The
research adviser. In addition, the researcher also corresponding interpretation and analysis were
considered the literature from prior worldwide and supplied for each table, correspondingly.
local studies on e-commerce, e-marketing, e- Objective 1 focuses on data that relates to the
business, and small and medium-sized business profiles of the SME’s. Objective 2
organizations (SMEs). The survey instrument was focuses on the common types of Social Media
marketing platforms used by SMEs. Objective 3
designed to be distributed and collected in two
focuses on the benefits that are present in the
formats: face-to-face as a printed document, and
operation of the SME’s. Objective 4 delves into the
online as G-forms. Initially, a thorough investigation
extent of the following social media practices
of construct validity and face validity was conducted employed by the SME’s. Objective 5 presents the
at the onset of the distribution process. advice provided by the respondents regarding the
ethical methods employed in social media

The researcher presents the data they 1. Profile of the SME’s as to the Nature of
gathered regarding the company profiles of SMEs. Products Sold, Size of the Business, Number
Details such as the SME's size, the number of of Years in Operation, and Average Gross
years it has been in existence, the average gross Sales
sales and receipts over the last three years, and the
1.1. Nature of Products or Services Offered
type of products or services it offers are all part of
the data set. Furthermore, the following were also Table 1
covered by the researcher in this section: 1.) The Nature of Products or Services Offered

different kinds of social media marketing platforms

that SMEs in Subic Bay mostly use, and how often
specific benefits are present in their operations. 2.)
How SMEs utilize social media. Classifying
respondents according to the characteristics
included in their profiles reveals a large diversity in
the degree of social media habits. 4.) The
recommendations given by the participants on the
proper ethical practices to adhere to when Table 1 presents the frequency and
percentage distribution of the business as to the
promoting on social media. Once the researcher
Nature of Products Sold. Companies focused on
had explained the importance of the study and its
tangible commodities have been successful due to
objective, the respondents were given structured
their tangible presence, which allows consumers to
questionnaires via a Gmail form link. Furthermore, interact with and connect with products. This
the participants were provided with the guarantee tangible nature increases the value and appeal of
that their identities would remain anonymous and products, making them attractive to investors and
that their answers would not be utilized in a manner business owners. Physical commodities are also
that could harm them, their families, or their seen as having natural worth, making them a more
respective business units. appealing option compared to digital goods or

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
The food sector is a prime example of a operations, therefore benefiting them. Small
business that can be sold online due to its universal businesses have the ability to provide specific
need, regular consumption, and close relationship goods and services that larger companies might not
with customs and cultural practices. The hospitality be quite ready for or to serve some niche markets.
sector offers businesses the opportunity to create Starting a small business lets the owners follow
memorable events for their customers, while the their passions for the goods or services they offer
service sector has become the main focus in and still generate money. Through creating
modern economies due to technological
employment possibilities, helping small businesses,
development, outsourcing, technological
and encouraging community involvement, they
advancements, and flexibility.
frequently benefit the local economy. In terms of
Financial products, on the other hand, have
gained popularity due to factors such as lack of operations and decision-making, microbusiness
physical presence, complexity, risk, strict owners have more freedom than staff members in
regulations, and preconceptions. These factors more established companies. This gives individuals
contribute to the popularity of financial products, the ability to control their company using a more
which can be influenced by factors such as customized plan, which has a clear advantage over
knowledge, trust, risk perception, regulation, and
working for more big companies.
psychological biases.
Many of them choose to start their small
In conclusion, the success of tangible businesses for different reasons. Small firms are
commodities such as food, hospitality, and financial
first more accessible to aspirant entrepreneurs with
products is largely driven by their tangible nature,
limited financial resources since they usually need
adaptability, and ability to meet consumers' needs.
less capital than bigger companies. Starting their
1.2. Size of the Business companies on a smaller scale helps entrepreneurs
keep more control over their business operations
Table 2 and adjust more easily to changes in the market.
Size of the Business
Should it be necessary, they can quickly modify
their approach and investigate several other
possibilities. For many who start their businesses,
the desire to follow their personal interests or
passions is a major motivator. Starting small gives
people the ability to turn their ideas or passions into
profitable businesses. Small businesses can
effectively service consumers in underdeveloped
areas or specialized markets that larger companies
Table 2 presents the frequency and might ignore. Focusing on a certain market sector
percentage distribution of the business as to size of would help them to develop their consumer loyalty
the business. There are several reasons why the and a competitive edge. Starting small gives
respondents decided to start a microbusiness a firm business owners the opportunity to acquire
with less than ten employees. Microbusinesses are important teaching moments. Without having to
good for those with restricted means since they spend a lot of money, they can pick up market
usually need a small beginning capital. Those with knowledge, build strong relationships, and develop
extra responsibilities or personal preferences could basic commercial abilities. Small businesses create
find that running a micro business offers more jobs, help suppliers, and encourage community
flexibility in terms of working hours, location, and
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
development, thereby having a major effect on the clients looking for uniqueness because they
local economies. The driving cause behind provide specialized goods or services not offered by
entrepreneurs' choice to start their own businesses more established rivals. Unlike bigger, more
could be the desire to have a positive impact in bureaucratic businesses, smaller organizations
one's area or neighborhood. could show more adaptability and creativity. They
Establishing medium-sized commercial might suggest creative ideas or fast adjust to
companies can be done for a number of reasons by evolving consumer needs. Small businesses are
business professionals. The possibilities presented likely to attract customers looking for authenticity
by medium-sized companies frequently balance the and a closer emotional connection with the
dangers involved in launching a small business with businesses they support because of their
the possible benefits of building a bigger one. They impression as more real and genuine. Many
could point out particular market prospects more consumers give job creation and community
appropriate for a medium-sized company than for a involvement a top priority, both of which can be
small or big corporation. Generally speaking, achieved by helping smaller companies with a more
medium-sized companies have more operational direct and obvious impact on the nearby
flexibility than larger companies so that their owners neighborhood.
may quickly adjust to client needs and changing
market conditions. Smaller companies have the 1.3. Number of Years in Operations
ability for notable expansion and can keep a great
degree of agility and control that bigger companies Table 3
could lack. Given more control and engagement Number of Years in Operations
than larger companies, medium-sized businesses
may appeal to entrepreneurs. Generally speaking,
medium-sized companies have easier access to
resources including technology, knowledge, and
money than tiny companies. Still, when it comes to
administrative expenses and competition, medium-
sized businesses could not face the same
difficulties as bigger companies.
Many reasons can cause people to be reluctant
to participate in economic transactions with large-
scale businesses. Some people would rather have Table 3 presents the frequency and
the customized care and attention to detail usually percentage distribution of the business as to the
seen in smaller businesses than the maybe more number of years in operations. One of the various
impersonal experience of interacting with bigger advantages of a company that has been running for
companies. Many people give helping local one to two years could be an "Established
companies top priority so they can boost the local Reputation". Unquestionably, over one to two
economy and strengthen ties in their town. Some years, the company has developed a good
people might want to deal with smaller businesses reputation both inside its sector and among its
because of their concerns about the moral behavior customer base. This could result in more assurance
or corporate social responsibility of more big and trustfulness. Right now, the company most
likely has conquered the first obstacles and
companies. Sometimes small businesses draw
acquired insightful knowledge that would improve
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
operational effectiveness and efficiency. The relationships might allow them access to better
company might have developed a trustworthy contracts or alliances. Their lengthier tenure in the
customer base that results in a regular income flow. field allows them to have more brand awareness,
By including consumer comments and market which helps them both in drawing customers and
needs, the company has had the opportunity to versus recently founded companies. Established
improve its goods or services over its lifetime, companies usually use strong systems to
guarantee their compliance with many legal and
maybe resulting in higher quality of its outputs. The
regulatory rules. This helps to reduce the likelihood
company most certainly has now enlarged its
of running across fines or other legal issues.
network of connections, suppliers, and partners, Usually having at least seven years of experience,
therefore opening fresh chances for development companies with strong foundations may grab
and cooperation. The company's demonstrated opportunities and efficiently face future obstacles.
operational history suggests that it could have Usually, companies having a three to four-
developed financial stability, which helps to get year operational history have various benefits. Their
investment or finance for more development. A year brand has been effectively developed and their
or two later, the company most certainly has begun credibility has been established over their market
to be noticed and visible within its target market. presence. They may have polished their operations
Customer loyalty and brand recognition have so and procedures over time, therefore increasing their
grown in tandem. Usually, companies that have efficiency. They have developed a loyal customer
base and improved knowledge of the needs of their
been running for one to two years are more suited
clientele. Having negotiated the first phases of the
to use their advantages and seize chances for
startup life shows some degree of financial stability
expansion than those of recently launched and resilience. Their prior mistakes have given
businesses. them the chance to change their strategies
Established companies who have been in depending on the knowledge gained. Their long
business for at least seven years could have lifetime has allowed them to effectively create a
confirmed their existence in their respective complex network of relationships, suppliers, and
sectors, attracted a loyal customer base, improved partners, therefore generating improved
their procedures, and maybe broadened their opportunities and partnerships. Given their
product offers or market reach. These companies' experience, it is reasonable that they have
constant track record of stability, great experience, succeeded in luring and keeping outstanding
and ability to overcome obstacles in their operations employees who significantly help the business to
will draw in investors, business partners, and grow. Over a three to four-year period, a company's
consumers. They might have gone through cumulative experience and constancy can
economic crises, adjusted to changes in the market, strategically position it for more success and
and developed a strong brand presence. Their expansion.
great reputation for dependability, quality, and Several possible reasons could help to
integrity over time helps them to draw fresh explain the lack of popularity among companies
business as well as keep current ones. Their three to four years old. It might be difficult for a new
knowledge, experience in their field, and collected
company to stand apart from its rivals in a market
information help them to properly handle challenges
and render wise decisions. For many different already full of businesses providing goods or
stakeholders, including investors, lenders, and services. Building brand recognition takes time, so
shareholders, the longevity of a company might be younger companies could find it difficult to expose
an indicator of its fiscal strength and capacity to and familiarize consumers with. Should the
withstand which would bring comfort. Over this business neglect to properly present itself or
period, they have had the opportunity to get to know engage with its target market, it runs the risk of
a number of company members, including having trouble attracting customers. Lack of
distributors, vendors, and others. These creativity and inability to set oneself apart from
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
rivals might cause stagnation and a slowdown of SMEs may engage with customers, develop
development. Younger companies could find it collaborations, and receive real-time feedback.
difficult to effectively handle their money and get Social media advertising and content may help
enough capital, which would impede their capacity SMEs improve sales and leads by driving more
to expand and compete. Problems with operations, visitors to their websites. SMEs may remain ahead
such as poor customer service or inadequate of the competition by monitoring their competitors
processes, could affect both reputation and growth. and the industry using monitoring tools. Social
Consumer tastes and trends are continually media marketing may boost brand awareness,
shifting; businesses that try to ignore these changes customer engagement, and income for low-
run the danger of becoming useless. The intense resource businesses.
rivalry from established companies or disruptive SMEs with revenues under P500,000 can
newcomers causes younger businesses to find it market on social media with specified aims.
difficult to acquire momentum in the market. Businesses like these should be promoted on social
Various elements can help to explain the rather low media. It may be to boost website traffic, brand
popularity of companies with three to four years of exposure, or user acquisition. Selecting social
age: market conditions, strategic choices, media sites where potential customers are engaged
operational execution, and outside influence. is crucial to marketing. Master a few sites instead of
being renowned on many. Consistent cover shots,
1.4. Average Gross Sales/Receipts for the last personal photos, and messages throughout social
3 years media may help customers recall your brand.
Development of a demographic-targeted marketing
plan to boost a company's reputation. Mix
Table 4
fascinating content, photos, videos, and stories to
Average Gross Sales/receipts for the last 3 years
engage your readers. Emails, notes, and comments
should be answered swiftly to sustain audience
communication. The firm gains client loyalty and
deepens connections. Photos and videos are social
media-friendly. We recommend high-quality photos
that accurately portray your products and services.
Keywords in articles can increase their visibility and
help you reach more people interested in your
brand or expertise. Working with target
demographic leaders or micro-influencers may
increase awareness and trust. To measure how
Table 4 presents the frequency and percentage successfully your social media efforts are reaching
distribution of the business as to the number of your target audience, track interaction, reach, and
years in operations. Small businesses under sales.
P500,000 can profit from social media marketing. Benefits are available to SMEs with two
Social media advertising is expensive, but SMEs million to three million pesos in sales. SMEs with a
may reach their target audience with reasonable higher budget may invest more in social media
options. The enormous social media user base advertising, increasing brand awareness and
offers SMEs a chance to reach and connect with audience reach. Thus, this helps firms attract and
potential consumers. SMEs may target interests, keep customers. Social media marketing may
habits, and demographics on social media to increase sales and conversions for SMEs by driving
ensure their marketing reaches the right individuals. visitors to their websites. SMEs may improve sales

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
to increase their social media ROI. They can devote Facebook is the most popular social media
resources to respond quickly to social media marketing tool for many reasons.
comments, messages, and requests. This
Table 5
strengthens client relationships and business Social Media Marketing Platform Used
loyalty. Small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) may better understand their target
audience's interests, behaviors, and buying
patterns by having more data and advanced
analytics tools. Using social media marketing
efficiently may help SMEs beat their competitors
and become industry leaders. Social media allows
SMEs to display their products and services to a
worldwide audience, opening up new markets and
territories. Social media marketing may help SMEs
with higher gross sales grow their business,
increase brand recognition, and raise sales and
income cost- effectively.
For SMEs with gross sales of two million to Facebook's billion-plus members provide
three million pesos, a complete social media businesses an unmatched chance to reach their
marketing plan that aligns with business goals, target demographic worldwide. Facebook's
target audience, and resources is necessary. The advertising platform lets businesses tailor ads by
strategy should include goals, techniques, and demographics, hobbies, habits, and more. This
success measures. To engage your audience, use ensures their communications reach their target
audience. Carousels, videos, and photos can
blogs, photographs, videos, tales, and interactive
display ads. Businesses may choose the format
content. Invest in social media advertising to that best suits their marketing goals and
expand your reach and better target certain information. By setting budgets and tendering
audiences. Encourage two-way communication to procedures on Facebook, marketers can manage
create connections, resolve consumer issues, and spending and resource allocation. Marketers may
obtain feedback. Social media analytics tools improve their campaigns by tracking the real-time
measure interaction, reach, impressions, effect of their ads, measuring their ROI, and using
conversions, and ROI. Regularly examining this the platform's extensive analytics and reporting
data may help you uncover patterns, assess your features. Facebook's ownership of Instagram
efforts, and make data-driven decisions for the allows businesses to promote on both platforms
greatest results. These social media marketing and leverage the combined user base and targeting
strategies can help SMEs with gross sales of two capabilities. Businesses may engage communities
using Pages, Groups, and Events. Brand loyalty
million to three million pesos (P2,000,000 to
and customer involvement increase. To give
P3,000,000) achieve their goals, expand, and stay
marketers the newest social media marketing tools,
competitive. the platform is updated regularly with new features,
tools, and advertising possibilities. These qualities
2. Common types of Social Media marketing make Facebook the best social media platform for
businesses to market their products and services.
platforms used by the SME’s
Instagram is popular for social media
Table 5 shows the common types of Social marketing for several reasons. It looks nice.
Media marketing platforms used by the SME’s. Because it emphasizes photographs and videos,
Instagram is an excellent way to market products,

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
services, and a business's image. With over a billion with over one billion users worldwide.
daily users, Instagram lets advertisers reach and Advertisers may reach a huge audience, giving
connect with a vast audience. This platform has them visibility and prospective customers. YouTube
higher engagement rates than others since people lets users subscribe, like, comment, and share
like, reply, and share content more. Brands may videos like other social networking sites.
use Stories, IGTV, and Reels to communicate their Advertisers may engage with their target
narrative. This strengthens customer ties. consumers in meaningful ways at this level. It offers
Companies collaborate with notable people to more complex and personalized alternatives by
convince their supporters to buy their products or using a person's attributes, hobbies, activities, and
use their services in influencer marketing. This form other factors. Advertisers can target certain groups
of marketing thrives on Instagram. Facebook's to communicate their messaging. Social media
extensive advertising targeting features allow marketers typically rate LinkedIn last. A variety of
marketers to target certain demographics, hobbies, factors support this idea. This might have several
and behaviors. Users may browse and buy things causes.
on the site thanks to its shopping capabilities. With LinkedIn users are mostly professionals and
this technology, organizations can convert users companies, therefore a brand's desired audience
into consumers more easily. The poll respondents may not match reality. Smaller companies may
picked TikTok as their social media marketing tool avoid advertising since it costs more than
for several reasons, some of which are listed below. Facebook or Instagram. Commercial material is
TikTok has over one billion daily users worldwide, prioritized above professional networking,
giving marketers a huge audience to target. User making audience engagement harder. A
demographics include Generation Z, millennials, company's marketing goals and content strategy
and younger and older generations. may not match LinkedIn's finest content.
This lets marketers target different Consider this. Businesses must explore this. This
demographics. The website values short-form video area covers business news, thought leadership,
content because it encourages creativity and and career advice. LinkedIn has a more
interaction. It lets firms provide interesting, easy-to- sophisticated advertising structure and user
remember messages. computer programs for experience than other social networking
chores This shows that the algorithm selects services. Compare social media ad designs. To
information based on user interests and activities, maximize LinkedIn ads, dedication and skill are
giving marketers the chance to gain fame. needed. This platform may struggle to
Businesses may reach more people by working with communicate with some groups due to accuracy
TikTok influencers with loyal followers and or variety issues. Despite handling various
reputations. Brands may stimulate community professionally significant areas, this platform
participation by using interactive components like may have mistakes. Movies and photos may play
filters, challenges, and duplicates. Companies with poorly on this device. The website emphasizes
international operations can serve customers professional content. This platform may benefit
worldwide. Because of this, they can have a higher some firms while not being ideal for social media
impact than traditional marketing. Its low cost marketing. It has several features and targets a
makes it accessible to enterprises of all sizes for certain audience.
marketing. Its capacity to change cultural debate Increasing internet stability and speed
and set trends makes it excellent for organizations affect human behavior. Therefore, distance
that want to stay relevant and interact with young becomes less important. Communication and
people who know what's cool. It also gives firms trade can go smoothly without interruptions.
advanced analytics capabilities to assess campaign Rapid worldwide information distribution has
performance, contact counts, and marketing plan become possible in a short time. The Internet has
modifications. Social media networks like YouTube changed client behavior for online purchases,
may incorporate video ads for many reasons. This according to the marketing industry.
social networking site is one of the most popular,
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
3. Benefits that present in the operation of the communicate with their customers and get
SME’s. input on products, services, and marketing
initiatives. Most social media networks include
Table 6 analytics tools that reveal audience demographics,
Likelihood of Social Media Benefits to SME’s
engagement data, and content performance. These
tools help marketers assess campaign
performance. Audience members participate.
Social media networks encourage audience
participation through likes, comments, shares, and
direct messaging. Therefore, this feedback is vital
to understanding customers' brand views and
preferences. Social media interactions may provide
customer mood, trends, and worries to marketers.
These conversations might cover their brand,
industry, or competitors. Social media marketing
makes A/B testing content, messages, and ads
Table 6 above reveals the likelihood that easy. This lets marketers determine which methods
some benefits are present in the operation of the work best for reaching their target audience.
SME’s. Many social media marketers consider Potential clients see actual feedback and social
LinkedIn the worst. Numerous factors influence this evidence on platforms that often promote user-
opinion. Several factors may have caused this generated content. This category includes product
disaster. LinkedIn users are generally professionals reviews, endorsements, and photos. Popular
and companies, thus a brand's target market may themes and hashtags can help marketers find
not be them. Small firms may not join if advertising company-wide concerns and debates. This data
costs more than on Facebook or Instagram. can inform content and marketing tactics. Social
Consumers choose commercial content over media marketing comments and insights may guide
professional networking, making cross-platform strategic decision-making and improve marketing
involvement harder. A company's content strategy effectiveness.
or marketing goals may not suit LinkedIn's finest Social media marketing allows specific
content. Consider the next case. Businesses should audience engagement by targeting demographics,
investigate. We discuss careers, business, and hobbies, habits, and even life events on Facebook,
thought leadership. LinkedIn's advertising and user Instagram, and LinkedIn. Marketing professionals
experience are more complicated than other social may learn more about their target audience's
networking networks. Here are social media behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns
advertising designs contrasted. LinkedIn ad on social media. Marketers may tailor content and
optimization took longer and required more skill ads to ensure relevance and appeal to target
than other methods. Lack of accuracy or flexibility audiences. Retargeting on social media increases
may restrict this platform's group engagement. This conversions. The practice of retargeting involves
platform may address significant professional showing ads to former brand customers. Marketers
issues, but less accurately. Visually appealing can directly interact with their target audience,
photographs and videos may do better elsewhere. gather feedback, and enhance their targeting
because the website emphasizes professional strategies. Additionally, it simplifies two-way
information. This platform may not be appropriate communication.
for social media marketing, but certain firms may Social media marketing lets customers
profit. It has numerous features and targets a contact the firm via their preferred channels to
certain audience. improve customer care. Customers may get help
Social media marketing gathers input and more easily. Social networking networks can
insights for causes. It lets companies rapidly quickly answer client queries and issues via instant
messaging. Social media discussions between
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
customer support reps are often public. This social media, making things easy for everyone
promotes openness and encourages firms to to use is very important for many reasons.
resolve disputes quickly to maintain a good
reputation. This makes it easier for customers to Table 7
give feedback, which may help businesses improve On the Extent of Social Media Practices Employed by SME’s
their products and services. Businesses may adapt
their responses to particular clients on social media,
boosting customer experience personalization.
Engaging in social media discussions with
consumers builds brand community and increases
customer loyalty and advocacy. Social media
assistance may be cheaper for organizations than
traditional customer care channels without
compromising quality. This is because social media
support is concentrated and quick to receive.
The final thing is that social media marketing People with disabilities can fully use social media
may not give a competitive edge. This is because sites if the material is made easy for them to
many businesses use social media, making it hard access. This helps make the internet a better place
to stand out. Not all target consumers are talking on for people with disabilities to live. In many
social media. Changes to social media algorithms countries, laws have been passed that require
might affect exposure and participation. Customers digital platforms to be accessible. This is to make
are exposed to a lot of things, making it hard to grab sure that all users, including those with disabilities,
their attention. Social media marketing ROI might can use these platforms equally. An even larger
be tough to calculate at times. Amplified negative group of people can enjoy accessible content, even
remarks or thoughts may spread quickly, those with different abilities, language preferences,
threatening the organization's reputation. If social or technological limits. When accessibility is
media platforms change or disappear, marketing improved, the whole user experience gets better.
may suffer. End consumers increasingly mistrust This makes social media sites easier to use and
the authenticity of commercial content and more fun for everyone.
information on social media. Social media companies know that it's their job to
Given how easily social media marketing may make sure that all of their platforms can be used by
be copied, it may not provide a competitive edge. everyone in order to keep their promise to give
Competitors' ability to swiftly identify and copy everyone a fair chance to participate and
effective strategies erodes a brand's communicate. Making accessibility a goal can be
distinctiveness. Because social media functions good for a brand's reputation because it shows that
quickly, trends are continuously changing, making it you care about including everyone and being
difficult to sustain a competitive edge over time. socially responsible. Content that is easy for people
Because competitors may easily copy successful to access usually does better in search engine
strategies, brands are losing their unique qualities. results. The reason for this is that search engines
Because social media moves so fast, trends are like websites and tools that are easy for everyone
continuously changing, making it hard to stay to use. Giving accessibility a higher priority on
ahead. social media platforms is generally in line with both
morals and business goals. This is good for both
4. Extent of the social media practices
users and platform providers in the long run.
employed by the SME’s Experts in social media marketing usually agree
that LinkedIn is the poorest choice available.
It can be viewed from Table 7 the extent of the Several elements support this perspective. There
social media practices employed by the SME’s. In might have been several elements triggering this

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
incident. Given LinkedIn's largely professional and For both present and future consumers, this
company-based user base, any brand or product's helps the brand's image and credibility to improve.
targeted market could not reflect reality. Small Social media allows individuals to interact in real-
companies may be discouraged by advertising's time, hence companies can promptly respond to
more costly nature than Facebook or Instagram consumer concerns and handle problems brought
campaigns. Consumers give commercial material up. This immediateness allows one to handle
higher priority than professional networking problems faster, which can result in contented
possibilities, which makes it challenging to create consumers. Direct messages, mentions, and
significant interaction all around. The content comments let you learn vital facts about people's
strategy or marketing objectives of a corporation opinions and feelings. By monitoring these
could not coincide with LinkedIn's greatest venues, companies may gather comments,
offerings. Think of this. A company should review identify issues affecting many of their goods or
this. This covers business news, thought services, and make adjustments to those items or
leadership, and career information. Unlike other services. Modern companies most of the time
social networking networks, LinkedIn boasts a have to integrate customer service into their social
less straightforward user experience and a more media strategies if they are to properly interact
sophisticated advertising system. Designs in with their clients, answer their questions, and
social media advertising are compared here. This forge closer bonds with them.
means that improving LinkedIn advertisements Crisis Management" ranks lowest on the list.
takes more time and expertise. This platform Crisis management is done on social media, but it's
might not be able to communicate with some likely not as valuable as other services like
groups if it lacks precision or adaptability. Though customer support even if on social media, an issue
it addresses professionally significant elements, may easily grow worse very rapidly as the platform
this platform might not be as accurate as others. moves fast and material can spread like wildfire.
On this site, visually engaging materials like Businesses might find it difficult to keep up with how
movies and pictures could not do as well as on quickly social media is altering their operations,
other platforms with more such content. Since the which will complicate their handling of issues. Many
website is geared toward professional knowledge. companies are unsure of how to address issues
Although this platform might not be best for social arising on social media. They can lack defined
media marketing, certain companies could find policies, qualified personnel, or the necessary
use for it. This is so because it has numerous technologies to effectively monitor events and
features and aims for a certain audience. handle issues as they develop. Every action and
Helping consumers through social media is response taken during a social media crisis is
growing in popularity due to several elements. widely monitored and frequently reinforced by other
Many individuals invest a lot of time on several users. This is true because many individuals pay
websites related to or connected to social media. great attention to social media platforms. This might
These platforms provide support, hence users cause businesses not to want to assist with the
may quickly contact you for any inquiries or issue or act carelessly when they do. Social media
problems they may have. They are not required to crises may seriously compromise the brand
veer to another path. Because they are so easily reputation of a business, hence businesses must
accessible, social media channels enable exercise great caution in handling and responding
consumers and companies to swiftly and directly to these types of events. Someone who suffers
interact. If there is a simple platform where from negative feedback anxiety may be reluctant or
consumers may express their issues or provide unwilling to squarely confront the issue. In handling
comments, they will be able to fix them more social media crises, one should carefully consider
quickly. Companies may demonstrate their public what to say and do to prevent future issues. This is
responsiveness and sensitivity by supporting so as these crises could have legal or regulatory
individuals on social media, therefore attesting to consequences. Before developing and putting
their concern for the pleasure of their consumers. crisis management plans for social media into
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
action, companies might have to consult attorneys. open and honest about their products,
The special qualities of the platform and the services, and objectives, businesses are able to
difficulties of managing online crises might make establish trust and authenticity, therefore
organizations difficult to apply crisis management enhancing the connections that exist between
techniques on social media. customers and the brands that they select.
Social media crises call for cautious Furthermore, it is recommended to steer clear of
management and response as they might seriously
dishonest or deceitful behavior because both of
compromise the brand reputation of a company.
these actions have the potential to harm the
One might be influenced by their dread of negative
remarks. Engaging reputation of the business and weaken the
confidence of customers. In addition, in this day and
lawyers before implementing crisis management
age, when information is rapidly disseminated on
strategies is essential as there is a risk of legal or social media platforms, sticking to moral standards
regulatory consequences. The one-of-a-kind and maintaining openness would be of great
qualities and degree of complexity of the platform assistance in avoiding negative press or
make it challenging for businesses to effectively confrontation.
handle crises that develop online. In light of the fact that this represents the
expectations that customers have for authenticity
5. Recommendations from the respondents on and honesty, it is an ethical conduct that is required.
the ethical practices in social media In the context of the internet, which is replete with
marketing information and marketing, customers have a
preference for businesses that are forthright and
Table 8
On the Recommendations on the Ethical Practices
honest about the products, services, and goals they
in Social Media propose to achieve. When businesses are
transparent and truthful about the products,
services, and operational procedures they offer,
they contribute to the development of trust with their
target audience. In order to keep the trust of
consumers and to establish ties with them that will
remain for a long time, it is essential to practice
honesty and transparency when participating in
marketing operations. The ease with which
dishonesty and incorrect information may spread in
today's world makes this a particularly crucial point
to emphasize.
Being real and sincere will help your
audience to believe in you. People who believe that
your brand is reliable in terms of providing correct
It can be concluded from Table 8 the information are more likely to engage with the
recommendations by the respondents on the material you provide and to have trust in the goods
Ethical Practices in Social Media. When it comes to or services you present. Using dishonest or
social media, the moral criteria that are dishonest marketing techniques might finally
recommended include providing transparency in destroy the reputation and credibility of your
company actions. This is the case because company. Being open about your goods, services,
transparency enables customers to develop a and goals will help you retain the confidence of your
sense of confidence. Through the practice of being audience as well as of your staff members inside

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
the company. Legal rules govern many nations' anonymity helps to build confidence, which is
marketing and advertising campaigns, especially in required for the growth of long-term alliances.
relation to the ideas of openness and honesty. Users' entrust of platforms including personal data
Following these criteria guarantees that your calls for appropriate administration. Following rules
company will keep following the rules, thereby guarantees legal conformity with the aim of avoiding
avoiding any possible legal problems and/or fines. fines and penalties. Good ethical behavior
In marketing, openness is what fosters an enhances the standing of a platform, which draws
environment in which the company and its clients and prevents people from leaving it. Respected
may interact candidly and honestly with one privacy helps users to have control over their
another, therefore helping both of them. This might personal data. Data protection shields consumers
help to create closer bonds and raise awareness of from being taken advantage of and abused.
the needs and preferences of consumers. Keeping openness about data procedures helps to
Consumers are more inclined to view companies promote responsibility and user comprehension.
that offer accurate and honest information Generally speaking, the foundation of a social
favorably. This might inspire more loyalty to the media ecosystem that is reliable and durable is
business and support. seen to be the ethical handling of user data.
For several reasons, one should be real and Following data protection policies and safeguarding
sincere when utilizing social media. Being sincere user privacy is quite crucial for social media
would help your audience to regard you more as platforms for several different purposes.
trustworthy. People who feel they are interacting Maintaining client privacy is essential for building
with a real person or reputable company are more trust, which is a fundamental element of the process
likely to believe the messages they come across. of creating enduring relationships. Following data
protection policies and safeguarding user privacy is
Real-time communication helps you to establish a
quite crucial for social media platforms for several
closer relationship with your readers. People value
different purposes. Maintaining client privacy is
sincerity very much and are more likely to interact essential for building trust, which is a fundamental
with material that seems real. One improves their element of the process of creating enduring
reputation. This helps one to develop a positive relationships., personal data, hence effective
image. In a transparent culture, being real might be management of these platforms depends on
a great approach to building respect and professional administration. Following rules strictly
trustworthiness. Content creates interaction in part will help one to attain legal compliance and help
because customers are more likely to respond to it avoid fines and penalties. Following ethical
when it directly speaks to them. Being real helps guidelines helps the platform to maintain its
you avoid any misrepresentation of your actual self reputation, which attracts and sustains users,
or brand, which, should it be uncovered, may cause therefore avoiding their departure from the platform.
Protection of privacy gives individuals the capacity
negative comments and damage to your reputation.
to exercise control over personally relevant data.
Real connection with your audience generated by
Protected from being used and manipulated is
honest communication results in long-term customers when their data is safeguarded.
commitment and advocacy. In social media Transparency in data processes can help to
communication, authenticity is not only a moral promote user understanding and accountability.
behavior but also a calculated move toward long- Regarding social media channels, the ethical
term success and strengthens close ties with your handling of user information is usually seen as the
audience. fundamental foundation for a system that is both
For several reasons, one should respect trustworthy and constant.
users' privacy and follow the laws controlling data For many various reasons, including some of
protection on social media. Maintaining users' which are outlined above, flooding your audience

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
with too much content is unethical. It ignores the loyalty. The distribution points to a grouping of
tastes or availability of your audience and companies either in their first few years of
constantly overwhelms them with content they existence or in their developing phases.
might not find relevant or vital. The habit of giving Organizations sometimes face difficulties in their
quantity more importance than quality damages first years; some may not last past that point. firms
authenticity and trust. Regular material that successfully overcome challenges often have
longer running times, which reduces the number
bombardment of followers might lead them to
of firms falling into the 5-6 year range when
believe that the information is either real or
compared to the 1-2 year and 7-year and above
manufactured in order to seize possibilities. Should groups. The whole scenario is shaped by several
you provide your audience with an excessive elements including market demand, price policies,
volume of material from which to choose, they may competition, and the qualities of the goods or
get bored and tired. They can cease tracking your services offered. Companies categorized as "P
account or totally ignore the status updates you 500,000 and below" concentrate on a larger
send. This might lead to the idea among others that customer base or provide things at cheaper price
you are eager for attention or that you do not points, which increases sales volume but reduces
appreciate the content you offer, both of which revenue per sale compared to companies in more
could damage the standing of your company. On upper categories. Furthermore, businesses in the
many social networking platforms, spamming "P 2,000,000 - P 3,000,000" category might
decide to provide luxury goods or services with
behavior may be punished with fines including a
limited demand or increased competition,
loss of visibility or maybe account suspension. To
therefore lowering the sales volume.
run social media activities in an ethical way, then, it While LinkedIn is mostly based on
is imperative to give quality, relevance, and respect professional networking and business-to-
for your audience's choices top importance. business connections, Facebook and Instagram
are generally connected with personal and
CONCLUSION consumer-oriented partnerships. Consequently,
companies might give platforms that let them
One might ascribe the distribution to interact with possible clients or consumers more
elements including customer demand, industry intimate and close-knit top priority. Regarding
features, and market trends. Companies that visual attractiveness, Facebook and Instagram
concentrate on tangible goods might have a shine above LinkedIn. Since LinkedIn is primarily
competitive advantage because of their physical focused on professional networking, some
character. Still, companies in the food sector might companies' target consumers might not find it
gain from a constant demand for perishable relevant. A number of elements are expected to
goods. But given things like regulatory restrictions, help small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs)
the need for specialist knowledge, or a smaller to show their advantages in their operations. By
target audience, the financial product category using focused marketing strategies and properly
may account for a lesser percentage. Starting a using digital media, one may raise brand
micro- or small business is usually more profitable awareness. Close contacts with clients in smaller
because of the smaller financial requirements and businesses allow more insightful comments and
fewer legal obligations, which minimize the analysis. Small and medium-sized businesses
obstacles. Unlike bigger companies, micro and (SMEs) may have less chances to have a
small businesses show improved agility and competitive edge compared to bigger rivals given
adaptability in reacting to changing market their restricted resources.
conditions. This enables their survival as well as Small and medium-sized enterprises
their thriving. Moreover, they have the advantage (SMEs) place a high value on accessibility while
of focusing on certain area markets as it helps actively marketing their goods and services on
them to build strong bonds and foster consumer social media channels. This is most likely a result
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
of their perception that these strategies are customer loyalty. Giving owners of small firms
effective in drawing in and involving their target tailored tools and assistance meant especially to
audience. Due to their high weighted averages match their requirements might help to raise their
and "To a Large Extent," social media techniques chances of success.
that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) It is preferable to give emphasis to the
prioritize over all others include advertising and provision of targeted assistance and resources to
accessibility. On the other hand, crisis businesses that are in the first stages of their
management may be viewed as less critical if it is development. This will aid these businesses in
not considered urgent, and small and medium- overcoming obstacles and will increase their
sized enterprises (SMEs) may have lower prospects of long-term success and profitability. It
confidence in their ability to handle social media is also possible that providing focused assistance
problems than larger corporations. Its to enterprises that have a track record of five to six
implementation is vital even if its worth may not be years might aid these businesses in overcoming
as widely recognized as that of accessibility and potential barriers and maintaining their operations
marketing. Honesty and openness are becoming in an effective manner. Businesses have the
more and more crucial in social media marketing. option to do extensive market research in order to
Even while customers value honesty and sincerity get useful knowledge regarding the preferences of
in business dealings, providing too much consumers, the patterns in demand, and the
information might be interpreted as intrusive and competitive environment across a variety of price
spam-like, which would drive away clients. Thus, ranges. They are able to adjust pricing tactics to
social media marketing strategies that prioritize the specific features of each price category, which
honesty and authenticity above superfluous allows them to align with those qualities.
information will be more morally clear-cut. Implementing strategies that are competitive in
terms of pricing is advised in order to attract a
RECOMMENDATION wider variety of customers that fall into
economically disadvantaged sectors. On the other
The owners of the SMEs have hand, it is recommended to make use of pricing
recommendations for improving the social media tactics that are based on value in order to justify
marketing strategies of their businesses, based on the higher prices of luxury goods or services for
the findings and conclusions. persons who have higher income levels.
Companies categorized as financial goods Because of the visually attractive and
might be driven to increase their market share by customer-focused interactions that are given by
focusing on certain niche markets inside their own Facebook and Instagram, businesses frequently
company or by adding more items and services place a high priority on the usage of these
they offer. They may also do more market platforms in order to develop personal
research to find possible development or relationships with prospective consumers or
innovation prospects inside every category and to clients. On the other hand, individuals can
better understand consumer preferences as a discover that LinkedIn is more suited for
whole. Apart from helping financial companies professional networking and the establishment of
overcome legal challenges, you might also help connecting firms with one another. For the
them strengthen their product offers and market purpose of this procedure, it is necessary to make
position. Given the circumstances, it is advised certain that the selection of platforms is in
that driven entrepreneurs be urged to give some accordance with the objectives of the company as
attention to the prospect of starting a micro or well as the target audience. The participation of
small company. Emphasize the benefits, which businesses in targeted marketing is an option that
include decreased barriers to entrance, may be considered. When trying to increase brand
adaptability in handling erratic market situations, recognition among small and medium-sized
and the chance to build strong local networks and enterprises (SMEs), it is important to concentrate
on focused marketing strategies. In order to
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98
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aspects of the situation. It is of the utmost
importance to address this significant matter, Hvam, F. (2022). The importance of brand identity on
particularly when taking into consideration the social media for micro and small publishers.
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contemporary digital context, as crises have the Hassan, S., & Shahzad, A. (2022). The impact of social
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short amount of time. In the realm of social media enterprises in Malaysia.
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becoming increasingly significant features.
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audience. This may be accomplished by behind the difference in social media usage between
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relevant, and by avoiding practices that are
deceptive. &dswid=661

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MANCERA, R.J.A., CORTEZ, R.O., QUENDANGAN, E., Benefits and Practices of Social Media Marketing on Small-
Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, pp.78 - 98

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