Report writing extended

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1. The Literary Society of Your School organized a library week.

As student editor
of the school magazine, draft a report on the week-long activities.

You are Rani/Rahul. You may use the following cues along with your ideas to write
the report. Invent necessary details.

• exhibition-cum-discount sale of books by leading publishers

• meet the author session

Creative writing – creating a graphic story and book cover making

• inter-school literary quiz short story writing competition

A Library Week

-By Rani (Student Editor)

K. R. Mangalam School, Delhi, celebrated Library Week from February 1ª to

February 7°,, 20XX, organised by the Literary Society of the school. The event was
inaugurated by the famous writer Sudha Murthy, who was warmly welcomed by the
principal and the staff. For the whole Week, there was a book exhibition and a discount
sale of books by the leading publishers. The exhibition had both old and new books of
different genres from different publications and authors. On the second day of the week,
workshops like creative writing, creating a graphic story, and making book covers were
also organised for the students to enhance and develop their scholastic skills. The
following day was the busiest one for all as the school hosted different inter-school
literary quizzes and competitions. It was a grand success, as the curious students got
the opportunity to meet their favourite authors and get inspired by them. A short story
writing competition was also held based on different categories and age groups. The
final day was marked by the presence of famous writer Vikram Seth, who applauded the
efforts of the school and congratulated the principal and the teachers for the success of
the event. The winners were also appreciated with awards.

2. Your school recently organised an adventure trip to Manali. Students from

various classes joined the trip and participated in various activities. As a student
editor write a report on the trip to be published in your school newsletter. You are
Lata of class XII. Use the cues given below along with your own ideas to
compose this report.

• date , duration

• number of students

• activities: trekking, river rafting

• students’ feedback

Report on the Trip to Manal

-By Lata

As the student editor, l’m excited to share a report about our recent adventure trip to
Manali. The trip took place from February 3rd to February 7th and lasted for 5 days and 4
nights. We had an amazing turnout of 50 students from various classes joining in on the
fun. During the trip, we had a blast participating in thrilling activities like trekking and
river rafting. The scenic beauty of Manali added an extra touch of excitement to our
adventures. The trekking trails offered breathtaking views of the mountains, and river
rafting gave us an adrenaline rush as we navigated the rapids.

Now, let’s hear what our fellow students had to say about the trip. Many described it
as an unforgettable experience that allowed them to bond with classmates and make
new friends. Some mentioned that the activities pushed them out of their comfort zones
and helped them discover hidden strengths. Overall, the feedback was overwhelmingly
positive, with students expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to explore nature
and create lasting memories.

That’s all for now! Stay tuned for more exciting updates in our school newsletter.

3.The mushrooming of fast-food outlets is creating a health hazard for the youth.
School-going children are adopting unhealthy eating habits. Your school
organized a ‘Let’s Eat Healthy Weak. As student editor of the school magazine,
write a report on the event.
You are Tripti/Tushar. You may use the following cues along with your own ideas to
compose the report.

Invent necessary details.

• workshop on healthy eating by a renowned nutritionist

• poster making competition

• growing microgreens workshop

• healthy cooking – simple recipes

• curating school canteen menu competition one act plays on effects of fast food


Report on “Let’s Eat Healthy Week”

-By Tripti

As student editor, I’m thrilled to share a report on our school’s “Let’s Eat Healthy
Week” event. This initiative was organised to address the growing concern about fast
food outlets and their impact on the health of our youth.

The week kicked off with an informative workshop on healthy eating, led by
renowned nutritionist Nandini Sharma. Students learned about the importance of a
balanced diet and received practical tips on making healthier food choices. A workshop
on growing microgreens was conducted, teaching students how to cultivate these
nutrient-rich greens at home. It was an interactive session that highlighted the ease and
benefits of incorporating microgreens into our daily meals.

The event also focused on practicality by organizing a healthy cooking session,

where students learned simple yet nutritious recipes that can be easily prepared at

This aimed to inspire them to adopt healthier cooking practices. To involve the entire
food community, a competition was held to curate a healthier menu for our school
canteen. Students put their creative hats on and proposed nutritious and delicious meal
options, ensuring that our canteen becomes a hub for healthy eating.

Lastly, the event concluded with captivating one-act plays that shed light on the
detrimental effects of fast food consumption. Through these performances, students
showcased the consequences of unhealthy eating, emphasizing the importance of
making better food choices.

Overall, “Let’s Eat Healthy Week” was a resounding success, empowering students
to prioritize their wellbeing and make informed decisions about their diet. Let's continue
to promote healthy eating habits and create a positive impact on the health of our
school community.

4. You are Vinay/Vijaya, the staff reporter of the Times of India. You are sent to
cover the flood-hit areas of Assam. Write a report in about 120-150 words to be
published in the newspaper. Support your ideas with cues given below.

• Areas of destruction

• Loss of life and property

• Evacuation, Rescue Operations

• Measures taken by the government


Assam Flood leaving hundreds homeless and in shelter camps

- By Vijaya, Staff Reporter, Times of India

All of the major towns in the state of Assam have suffered significant damage as a
result of the recent unceasing hailstorms and rain. The precipitation also caused the
Brahmaputra River to overflow, which added to the sharp rise in water levels. People
who were living in low-lying areas have moved to higher land as a result, seeking

Numerous casualties are also reported, and hundreds of homes and other structures
are said to have been damaged.
In order to provide people with a place to stay safe, the government has declared
that relief centers would be opened and rescue activities will begin right away.

The Chief Minister has also directed the emergency department and other ministries
to work together.

Doctors are on duty to provide medical assistance. On the ground, volunteers,

NGOs, and local government are assisting in the distribution of clothing and food to
those in need.


You are the student reporter of SSB School, Guwahati Your school recently
organised a science exhibition.

Write a report of the exhibition to be published in the school magazine in 120-150

words. You are Manas Madhusmita. You may use the cues given below.

Science Exhibition

Saturday, 15th March, 2023

Venue – Multi-purpose hall

Inauguration by Dr. Bose (leading scientist)

Physics. projects

Chemistry project

Biology. Projects

Computers. Project

Working models and charts

Display of Robots

Science Exhibition at SSB School


- By Manas Singh, Student reporter, SSB School

On March 15, 2023,

A science exhibition was organized by our school in the school’s multi-purpose hall.
A large number of students from different classes participated in showcasing their
projects. The chief guest was Dr. Bose, who is a leading scientist in our country. He
also judged the projects on display and gave awards to the teams that won the

The exhibition started at 10 a.m. with the Chief Guest inspecting the project displays
from different departments of the school’s departments. The Physics, Chemistry,
Biology, and Computers departments all showcased their creations, which included
working models and robots. Dr. Bose gave a speech on the importance of such

Exhibitions and also expressed his appreciation, revealing he was impressed at the
level of expertise with which the different projects and creations were made.

Apart from the models, live presentations and visual presentations were also given
by students to help everyone understand more about the concept of their working
models. Participants were also given appreciation certificates for their efforts and were
encouraged to hone their skills. The principal concluded the event with a closing
speech, thanking Dr. Bose for gracing us with his presence and also congratulating all
the students for making the event a success.

6. Your school is situated near a road intersection. Last week, in the morning, a bus
coming at a great speed overturned when it braked suddenly. Senior students of your
school rushed out and did everything to save the passengers. You were part of the
rescue efforts. Write a report on the accident and your friends’ role, for your school
newsletter. You are George/ Mary.

Bus Accident Victims Saved by George, Class XII-B

20th January, 20XX, Indore

Last week a school bus was coming at great speed near the intersection in front of
our school.

Another bus was coming from the opposite direction. The driver applied the brakes
to avert an accident with another bus, but due to overspeeding, the bus overturned.
There were about 35 students and two teachers in this bus.

Hearing the shouts for help, many of our senior students, who had arrived early,
immediately came out from the school and tried to break open the windows of the
bus so that the passengers could be taken out safely. The students and teachers
who were seriously injured were rushed to a nearby hospital immediately. About 25
students sustained minor injuries and were given first-aid in the school itself. I also
helped to rescue the passengers from the bus. I offered them first-aid and then
water to drink.

The principal and other staff members highly appreciated the ‘good samaritan’
efforts of our senior students. Next day all of us were awarded

‘selfless social service’ certificates by the Principal and our efforts were applauded
during the assembly. It was a proud moment for all of us.

7. Last week on your way to school, you witnessed an incident of chain snatching
near your school. A couple of senior students of your school chased the snatcher,
caught him and handed him over to the police. Write a report on this daring act in
120-150 words for your school magazine. You are Amar/Amrita.


Bravery Knows No Age

By Amar

Lucknow, 10th August, 20XX

Last week on my way to school I witnessed an incident of chain snatching near the
school gate. A young man on a bike robbed a woman of her gold chain while she
was walking with her daughter around 7:45 AM to drop her to school. Her dau6is
student of class IV of our school.

The young woman immediately raised an alarm which caught the attention of some
senior students of our school. These brave students of class XII chased the
snatcher, caught hold of him and finally handed him over to the police The daring act
of these five boys won the appreciation of the police, our principal and teachers who
applauded their act of courage. Our school authorities have decided to honour them
with certificates in appreciation of their brave act.

8. A Health Mela was organised by the Ministry of Health and family welfare. The
theme of the Mela was ‘Child Obesity-a Growing Concern’. The day long activities
consisted of a free BMI check-up, poster making and a talk on healthy eating habits.
The Mela was inaugurated by the local MILA Mr. Lal. You are Sandhya/Sohan
Ahuja, Staff Correspondent of The Star. Write a report in about 120-150 words.
Mention date, time, venue, events and response of participants. CBSE Term 11


Health Mela organised by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare By

Sandhya Ahuja, Staff Correspondent

New Delhi , 15 June , 20XX

A Health Awareness Camp was organised by the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare on the 15th of April, in the Ramjas Football Ground, Mayur Vihar. The theme
of the Mela was ‘Child Obesity- a Growing Concern’ The activities of the day
included a free BMI check-up, poster making by the children and a talk on healthy
eating habits by eminent nutritionists of the city.

All the nutritionists advised the children to eat healthy and balanced diet. They told
the children not be lured by fast food, coloured drinks, and cold drinks and should
keep away from any kind of unhealthy food. The nutritionists also emphasised the
need for exercising daily Almost all the children paricipated in poster making and
were given personalised nutrition charts by the nutritionists. The event was attended
by a large number of children and their parents Showed interest too. Without doubt,
the event was successful in creating awareness among people


The eminent psychologist, Dr. Madhumita was invited by your school authorities to
speak to the students on the topic, How to Maintain Robust Mental Health. She
delivered a lively speech without using any medical technical terms, After the lecture
the students asked many questions especially about how to cope with stress during
examinations. Dr. Madhumita addressed their concerns very patiently and gave
them some very useful tips. Write a report in 120-150 words for your school
magazine describing the session with the psychologist. You are Khushi/ Utkarsh ,
Head-girl Head-boy, National School, Sonepat.


Psychologist Dr Madhumita Visits our school

by Utkarsh, Head Boy

Sonepat, 20th February, 20xX

The eminent psychologist, Dr Madhumita, visited our school on 24th February, 20XX
and spoke to our senior students on ‘How to maintain robust mental health’. She
spoke in a lively manner without using technical jargon, thus ensuring that the
students understood what she wanted to convey She addressed concerns such as
academic stress. Especially at the time of the annual examinations.

She said that, first and foremost, recognise and realise that mental health is every
single bit as important as physical health. She added that we should rule out any
underlying physical concitons that may be contributing to our mental health in this
regard, nutritious home made food is preferable to junk food. Next, she stressed the
tact that we should get an adequate amount of steep every night, even during
examination tme.

She further remarked that we should imt the ume Spent on social media. Instead,
spend time with nature, whether it is gardening, sting in your backyard in sunshine,
long bike rides in unpopulated areas or walks through your local park. Such activities
can support mental health in profound ways. She said, “Nature is therapeutic so l
encourage you to get outside often.” She concluded her talk by answering questions
posed by the students. It was a wonderful experience for them.

10. The members of Saraswati Residents Welfare Association held a protest rally at
the District Park against the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees
for widening of roads to ease traffic congestion. Write a report on the rally in 120-
150 words.

You are Puneeta/ Pramod, the President of the Association.


Protest Rally by Saraswati RWA

By Pramod Ahooja, President, RWA

The members of Saraswati Residents Welfare Association held a protest at the

District Park on 10th May, 20XX. The residents were annoyed by the Municipal
Corporation’s decision to cut down trees to widen the roads to ease the traffic
congestion. The rally took place for about 3 hours, and took to the roads, proving a
nightmare for the commuters.

The residents basically resented the destroying of their beautiful district park which
is used by everyone. Soon media too came to cover the rally, and eminent
environmentalists too joined to protest for the crime against the environment. People
suggested alternate methods like diversion of the route, building elevated roads to
ease the traffic congestion.

The rally was finally concluded when the concerned authority came with a stay on
their decision and promised to adopt the alternate methods.

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