Assignment - Microcontroller - Unit 3,4,5,6-1
Assignment - Microcontroller - Unit 3,4,5,6-1
Assignment - Microcontroller - Unit 3,4,5,6-1
UNIT-IV –Peripheral Support in PIC
1. Write a short note on timers of PIC Microcontroller. Calculate the timer value to generate
a delay of 100 ms if oscillator frequency is 48MHz and prescaler value is 256.
2. Explain the interrupt structure of PIC Microcontroller. Which are different interrupt
sources? Describe different SFR registers for interrupt.
3. What are the applications of Capture, Compare and PWM mode (CCP)?
4. Write down specifications of ADC. Which SFR registers are used with ADC? Draw the
diagram interfacing of any sensor (LM 35, LDR or any other)..
5. Draw and explain interfacing of DC motor with PIC microcontroller and how duty cycle
can be varied using CCP?
Unit V: Real world Interfacing with PIC 18FXX
1) Draw interfacing diagram and write embedded C Program for flashing of LED’s.
2) Interface 2 lines, 16 characters LCD to PIC microcontroller. Draw a neat
interfacing diagram
& write program to display a message “SPPU PUNE” on LCD at first line.
3) Interface 4 x 4 matrix keypad to PIC microcontroller. Draw a neat interfacing
diagram & write algorithm to display a key pressed on LCD.
4) Draw interfacing diagram of DAC interfacing with PIC Microcontroller. Write
algorithm to generate triangular waveform at the output of DAC.
5) Draw and explain home protection system with suitable diagram.
Unit VI: Serial Port Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller
3 Write a formula to set 9600 baud rate using SPBRG register. Write a program to
transmit message “YES” serially at baud rate 9600, 8bit data and 1 stop bit
4 Draw and explain interfacing of RTC DS 1307 with PIC microcontroller using I2C
5 Draw diagram for SPI protocol and explain its operation along with MSSP Structure.