Problem Set 3
Problem Set 3
Problem Set 3
• A raised water tank has a leak at the bottom which causes the water
surface to drop from elevation 4.88m to elevation 4.57 m in a period
of 12 hours. (a) What will be the elevation of the water surface in the
tank after 5 full days (starting from elevation 4.88m) if no water other
than the leaking water is either added or drained from the tank? The
bottom of the tank is at elevation zero. (b) How long will it take to
empty the tank due to leakage? (c) How long will it take to lower the
water in the tank by 1.2m
Problem 2
Problem 3
Problem 4
• A fire pump delivers water through a 300 mm
main to a hydrant to which is connected a
cotton rubber-lined fire base 100 mm in
diameter terminating in a 25 mm nozzle. The
nozzle is 2.5m above the hydrant and 16 m
above the pump. Assuming frictional losses of
3m from the pump to the hydrant, 2m in the
hydrant and 10m from the hydrant to the base
of the nozzle and a loss in the nozzle of 4 % of
the velocity head in the jet. (a) What vertical
height can the jet be thrown if the gage
pressure at the pump is 550 kPa. (b) Compute
the total headloss and discharge of water out of
the nozzle in liters/sec.
Problem 5
•The velocity of oil flowing thru a 30 mm
diameter pipe is equal to 2m/s. Oil has a
kinematic viscosity of 5 x 10 -5 sq.m/s. If the pipe
has a length of 120 m, compute the Reynolds
Number, friction factor, and head loss in the
Problem 6
• A pump draws water from reservoir A and lifts it to reservoir B
as shown. The loss of head from A to 1 is 3 times the velocity
head in the 150 mm pipe and the loss from 2 to B is 20 time
the velocity head in the 100 mm pipe. The discharge is 20 liters
/ sec. (a) Compute the horsepower output of the pump in
kilowatts. (b) Compute the pressure head at 1 and 2.
Problem 7
• Three new cast-iron pipes are connected in series as shown. If
the discharge is 230 lit/sec determine the head lost. (a)
neglecting minor losses, (b) considering minor losses.
Problem 8
• Two pipes are connected in
parallel between two
reservoirs as shown. (a)
Compute the rate of flow
pipeline A and B. (b)
Compute the equivalent
length of a single pipe
having a diameter of 1000
mm to replace pipeline A
and B with C = 120.
Problem 9
• Water is being pumped from a reservoir to the top of a hill, where it is
discharged, as shown. The pump, which is 70 percent efficient, is
rated at 150 kW. Find the flow rate at which water is being discharged
from the pipe. Neglect minor losses.
Problem 10
• Water is being discharged from a reservoir through a turbine, as
shown in the figure. Determine the elevation of the water surface in
the reservoir that would be required in order for the turbine to
generate 56 kW of power. Neglect minor losses. Assume C = 120 for
all pipes.
Problem 11
• Oil with a specific gravity of 0.87 is being pumped from a lower
reservoir to an elevated tank as shown in figure. The pump in the
system is 78 percent efficient and is rated at 185 kW. Determine the
flow rate of the oil in the pipe of the total head loss from point 1 to
point 2 is 12 m of oil.
Problem 12
• Oil with specific gravity of 0.86 is being pumped from a reservoir as
shown in the figure. The pressures at points 1 and 2 are -4 psi and 43
psi, respectively. The rate of flow in the pipe is 0.50 ft^3/s. The pump
is rated at 8 hp. Determine the efficiency of the pump. Neglect energy
losses in the system.
Problem 13
• Water flows from reservoir A to a turbine and then discharges into
tailrace B, as shown in Figure. The loss of head from A to point 1 is six
times the velocity head in the pipe and the loss of head from point 2
to B is 0.5 times the velocity head in the pipe. If the flow rate in the
pipe is 30 ft^3/s and the diameter of the pipe is 24 in, calculate the
horsepower being generated by the turbine.
Problem 14
• If the velocity of water is 8 m/s and the pressure is 140 kPa on
the discharge side of a pump. (a) What is the head of the pump
if the velocity is 4 m/s and the pressure is 90 kPa on the suction
side of the pump? (b) How much power is required to drive it if
the diameter of the suction side is 600 mm? (c) If the pump is
rated at 120 Hp, what is the efficiency of the pump neglecting
energy losses in the system?
Module 2
Homework 3
Problem 1
• A rectangular water tank is divided by a
partition into two chambers as shown
in the figure. In the bottom of the
partition is a round, sharp-edged orifice
with a diameter of 150 mm. The
coefficient of discharge for the orifice is
0.62. at a certain instant, the water
level in chamber B is 2.5 m higher than
it is in chamber A. How long will it take
for the water surfaces in the two
chambers to be at the same level?
Problem 2
• How long does it take to
raise the water surface of
the figure by 1m? The left
hand surface is a large
reservoir of constant water-
surface elevation.
Problem 3
• A. Determine the time required to raise the right hand
surface if the figure by 0.9m
• B. Determine the volume of water that flows towards 2.1m