Exercise A

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Exercise A

1. Temporary - тимчасовий
2. Timely - своєчасний
3. Seasonal - сезонний
4. Punctual - пунктуальний
5. Simultaneous - одночасний
6. Obsolete - застарілий
7. Provisional – попередній, умовний, тимчасовий
8. Overdue – протермінований, несвоєчасний

Exercise B
1. era
2. spell – період, час
3. century
4. millennium
5. frequency - частота
6. stint/spell – період, строк
7. span - проміжок
8. phase - фаза

Exercise C
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. B (проміжний-різкий)
10.B (a- втратив чинність, former, b - passed )
12.A subsequent – наступний, подальший
13.B instantaneous - миттєвий
Exercise D
1. multinational
2. marketing
3. consultant
4. executive
5. effective
6. efficient
7. redundant – зайвий, надмірний, непотрібний
8. leave
9. strike - бастувати
10.fire - звільняти
11.headhunted – шукати, розшукувати
12.sacked - звільнений

Exercise E
1. civil
2. sector
3. prospects
4. promotion
5. colleagues
6. union
7. recruit

Exercise F
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. B

Exercise G
1. Take on
2. Ended up
3. Kick off
4. While away
5. Lies ahead
6. Knuckle down
7. Knock off
8. Dived in
Exercise H

Exercise I
1. Of/in
2. on
3. as
4. any
5. of
6. out
7. if/whether
8. by
Exercise J
1. put an end to/put a stop to
2. is the only person ever to/ is the only one ever to
3. made a start (on/at) sorting
4. I just take a second to/you just give me a second to
5. Like (it’s been) ages since/like it was ages ago when
6. This moment in time
7. Made a good job of painting
Exercise K
1. now
2. day
3. about
4. moment
5. age
6. office
7. course
8. on
Exercise L
1. donkey’s
2. time
3. other
4. nick
5. being
6. moon
7. for
8. time
9. spur
Exercise M
1. expectations
2. outlast
3. employee
4. competitors
5. applicants
6. periodically
7. endless
8. timeless
9. futuristic

Exercise N
1. counterintelligence
2. countermeasures
3. counterbalance/counteract
4. counteroffensive/counterattack
5. counterpart
6. counteract
7. counterculture
8. counterattack
Exercise O
1. A coincidence/coincidental
2. momentous
3. antiquated
4. competitive
5. productivity
6. management
7. workers
8. unemployment
9. jobless

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