EEE - S1 S2 Syllabus 09.08.2023 - Website
EEE - S1 S2 Syllabus 09.08.2023 - Website
EEE - S1 S2 Syllabus 09.08.2023 - Website
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 1
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Sd/- Sd/-
Head of Department Principal
Chairman, Board of Studies Chairman, Academic Council
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 2
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
To transform the Youth as technically competent, ethically sound and socially committed
professionals, by providing a vibrant learning ambience for the welfare of humanity.
To mould quality Electrical Engineers, fostering creativity and innovation to address global
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 3
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
PSO1: To apply the knowledge in Electrical and Electronics Engineering for the design of Power
Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Utilization systems.
PSO2: To demonstrate the knowledge required to design, develop, test, and implement Electrical &
Electronics systems.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Slot gory Courses L-T-P-J Hours Credit
A BSC 23MAL10A Linear Algebra and Calculus 3-1-0-0 4 4
B BSC 23CYL10A Engineering Chemistry 3-1-0-0 4 4
C ESC 23ESB10A Engineering Graphics 2-0-2-0 4 3
D ESC 23ESB10D Problem Solving and Programming in C 2-1-2-0 5 4
G MNC 23NCL10A Environmental Science 2-0-0-0 2 ---
S BSC 23CYP10A Engineering Chemistry Lab 0-0-2-0 2 1
T ESC 23ESB10P Manufacturing and Construction Practices B 1-0-2-0 3 2
TOTAL 24 18
Slot Code
Course Code Courses L-T-P-J Hours Credit
Vector Calculus, Differential
A BSC 23MAL10B 3-1-0-0 4 4
Equations and Transforms
B BSC 23PYL10A Engineering Physics 3-1-0-0 4 4
C ESC 23ESL10C Engineering Mechanics 2-1-0-0 3 3
D ESC 23ESB10G Python Programming 2-0-2-0 4 3
23ESL10J Basics of Electrical Engineering A 2-0-0-0 2
23ESL10L Basics of Electronics Engineering 2-0-0-0 2
G MNC 23NCJ10B Professional Communication 2-0-0-2 4 ---
S BSC 23PYP10A Engineering Physics Lab 0-0-2-0 2 1
T ESC 23ESP10B Electrical and Electronics Workshop 0-0-2-0 2 1
TOTAL 27 20
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Year of
Course Code Course Name Category L T P J Credit
23MAL10A BSC 3 1 0 0 4 2023
Basics of Linear Algebra – Solution of systems of linear equations, row echelon form,
rank, eigen values and eigen vectors, diagonalization of matrices, orthogonal
transformation, quadratic forms.
Partial Differentiation and Applications – Limit and continuity of functions of two or more
variables, partial derivatives, chain rule, total derivatives, maxima and minima.
Multiple Integrals – Double and triple integrals, double integrals over rectangular and non-
rectangular regions, changing the order of integration, finding areas and volume,
mass and centre of gravity.
Infinite series – Convergence and divergence of Infinite series, geometric series and p-
series, test of convergence, Alternating series, absolute and conditional convergence.
Taylor series, Binomial series and series representation of exponential, trigonometric,
logarithmic functions –Fourier Series– Euler’s formulas, Fourier sine and cosine series,
Half range expansions.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 10 marks each
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Total : 40 marks
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 8
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
23CYL10A BSC 3 1 0 0 4 2023
(For all branches)
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: The aim of the Engineering Chemistry program is to expose the
students to basic concepts of chemistry and its Industrial as well as Engineering
applications. It also let the students to familiarize with different topics such as new-
generation engineering materials, storage devices, different instrumental methods etc.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Electrochemistry: Cell prototype- Daniel cell, Nernst equation and its uses, Primary and
secondary electrodes- construction and working, applications of electrochemical series.
Potentiometric titration – Acid Base titration, Fundamentals of corrosion, Galvanic series,
Wetand dry corrosion – types, mechanism and its prevention.
Electrochemical power sources: different types of cells, construction, working and
applications– Dry cell, Electrolytic cells, Galvanic cells, Lead-acid cell, accumulator,
Lithium-ion cell- different electrode materials, Fuel cells, H2-O2 fuel cell.
Basics of Spectroscopy: Beer Lambert’s law, Principles and applications of UV-Visible
spectroscopy, Fluorescence and its applications, Woodward-Feiser rule, instrumentation of
UV- Visible spectroscope, colorimetry, Principles and applications of IR spectroscopy,
Number of vibrational modes – CO2 and H2O, Determination of force constant of diatomic
molecules, Principles and applications of NMR spectroscopy, Shielding, Deshielding,
Chemical shift, spin- spin splitting, MRI technique.
Engineering Materials: Basics of Polymer chemistry, Types of copolymers, Preparation,
properties and applications- Butadiene Styrene, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, Kevlar,
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 9
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 10
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 10 marks each
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Total : 40 marks
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 11
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: Aim of the course is to enable the student to effectively perform
technical communication through graphical representation as per global standards. The
student will be able to apply the principles of projection and will be introduced to the
fundamentals of Computer Aided Drawing (CAD).
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Introduction: Relevance of technical drawing, basic principles of engineering drawing,
BIS code of practice for technical drawing, types of lines, planes of projection,
orthographic projection of points in different quadrants. Projection of straight lines.
Orthographic projection of regular solids. Introduction to section, development, isometric
and perspective projection
Introduction to Computer Aided Drawing, sketching of simple 2D geometries, editing and
dimensioning of 2D geometries, creating 3D model using suitable software.
Assembly drawing of machine components using suitable CAD software.
Plan and elevation of simple building with dimensions, electrical drawing and circuit
drawings using suitable CAD software.
iv) (a) TEXT BOOKS
1) Bhatt N.D, Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 53rd Edition,
1) John K.C., Engineering Graphics, Prentice Hall India Publishers, 1st Edition, 2009.
2) C. M. Agrawal, Basant Agrawal, Engineering Graphics, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1st
Edition, 2012.
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 12
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
1) G. S. Phull, H. S.Sandhu, Engineering Graphics, John Wiley & Sons IncPvt. Ltd, 1 st
Edition, 2014.
2) P. I. Varghese, Engineering Graphics, V.I.P. Publishers, 21st Edition, 2010.
3) Jolhe Dhananjay, Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD, 1st Edition,
McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 10 marks each
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Total : 40 marks
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
Computer architecture & Programming Languages Basics of Computer architecture,
Types of Programming Languages, System Software, Application Software, Introduction
to structured programming, Algorithms, Flowcharts
C Programming Language Data Types, variables, Keywords, Constants, Operators and
Expressions, Control Flow Statements
Arrays and Strings Single and Multidimensional arrays, String processing, Linear search
and Bubble sort.
Functions Function prototype, Parameter passing methods, Recursive functions. Structures
and union, Storage Classes
Pointers and Files- Basic pointer operations, File Operations, Sequential access and
random access.
iv) (a) TEXT BOOKS
1) Byron Gottfried, Programming with C (Schaum's Outlines Series), Mcgraw Hill
Education, 3rd Edition, 2017.
2) H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel, C: How to program, 7th Edition, Pearson Education, 2010.
3) Anita Goel, Computer Fundamentals, Pearson, 1st Edition, 2010.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 15
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 10 marks each
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Lab Work : 10 marks
Lab Exam : 10 marks
Total : 60 marks
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: The goal of this course is to expose the students to the
significance of natural resource management, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity
conservation. The course also details the various problems related to environmental
pollution, the concept of sustainability, and the role of engineering within sustainable
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Interdisciplinary nature of environmental science, Natural resources and associated
problems: Water resources, Energy resources, Food resources, Land resources. Equitable
use of resources.
Eco System: Concept, Structure and Function, Productivity, Energy flow, Ecological
Succession, food chains, Types of eco systems, Eco system Services
Biodiversity and its conservation: Species and ecosystem diversity, Value of biodiversity,
Threats to biodiversity, Conservation of biodiversity
Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control measures of Air, Water, Soil and
Noise Pollution. Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Contemporary Environmental issues: Environmental ethics, Climate change, Water
conservation, Legal provisions for environmental protection
Sustainability Practices: Concepts of sustainability, Green engineering, Sustainable
habitat, Sustainable Urbanisation, Circular Economy.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 80 marks
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Total : 100 marks
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
23CYP10A BSC 0 0 2 0 1 2023
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: This course is designed to familiarize with the basic experiments
in industrial chemistry and to accustom the students with the handling and analyzing
chemicals and standard laboratory equipments.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Estimation of total hardness of water by EDTA method.
2. Analysis of IR and 1H NMR spectra of organic compounds.
3. Determination of wavelength of absorption maximum and colorimetric estimation of
Fe3+ in solution.
4. Determination of molar absorptivity of a compound.
5. Estimation of chloride in water by argentometric method.
6. Calibration of pH meter and determination of pH of a solution.
7. Potentiometric titration: Acid – base titration
8. Estimation of dissolved oxygen in water by Winkler’s method.
iv) (a) TEXT BOOKS
1) R. K. Mohapatra, Engineering Chemistry with Laboratory Experiments, 2015, 1st
Edition, PHI Learning, New Delhi.
2) S. C. George, R. Jose, Lab Manual of Engineering Chemistry, 2019, 1st Edition, S.
Chand & Company Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
3) E. Slowinski, W. C. Wolsey, Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, 2008, Cengage
Learning, 11th Edition, New Delhi.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Class work/ Assessment /Viva-voce : 55 marks
Written Examination : 40 marks
Total : 100 marks
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
23ESB10P ESC 1 0 2 0 2 2023
• This subject for exposing the students to the various theoretical and practical aspects
of, manufacturing processes and familiarize various tools, measuring device, practices
and machines used in workshop section.
• The goal of this course is to introduce the students to the field of Civil Engineering and
its importance in the development of the Country. The course is designed to have
lecture sessions on an introduction to the various fields of Civil Engineering and
different aspects of construction. The workshop session will provide hands-on
experience in certain construction-related activities including surveying and levelling.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 21
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Introduction to Workshop practice: Workshop practice, shop floor precautions, ethics and
First Aid knowledge. Studies of mechanical tools, components and their applications:
Tools: Screw drivers, spanners, Allen keys, cutting pliers etc. and Accessories
Sheet Metal–Sheet metal forming, Sheet metal cutting, Forging, Rolling, Extrusion.
Welding– Elementary ideas of joining process-welding, soldering and brazing. Fitting–
Study of tools, Practice in filing, cutting. Male and female joints. Carpentry– Study of
tools and joints. Practice in planning, chiseling, marking and sawing.
Machine Tools (Basic elements, Working principle and types of operations), Lathe,
Drilling Machine, Shaper, planer, slotter, Milling Machine, Grinding machine Machining
processes: turning, taper turning, thread cutting, shaping, drilling, grinding, milling.
Introduction to CNC and 3D Printing.
General Introduction to Civil Engineering: Relevance of Civil Engineering in the
development of the nation. Brief introduction to major disciplines of Civil Engineering:
Surveying, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics & Water
Resources, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Construction
planning & Project management, GIS.
Structural elements of a building: Foundation, plinth, lintel, masonry wall, column, beam,
slab, sunshade, parapet, staircase. Plinth area, built up area, carpet area, floor area ratio.
Permission plan of a building – Demonstration. Building rules and regulations: NBC, KBR
& CRZ norms.
Surveying: Principles, instruments used. Levelling: Principles of levelling using dumpy
level - simple levelling, differential levelling. Demonstration of Total Station. Brick
masonry – Types of bonds, Masonry arches, number of bricks for construction, other types of
building blocks. Construction materials – cement, mortar, concrete. Plumbing tools. Types
of roofs, Flooring materials.
iv) (a) TEXT BOOKS
1) AICTE’s Prescribed Textbook: Workshop / Manufacturing Practices (with Lab
Manual) ISBN: 978-93-91505-332
2) Hajra Choudhury S.K., Hajra Choudhury A.K. and Nirjhar Roy S.K., “Elements of
Workshop Technology”, Vol. I 2008 and Vol. II 2010, Media promoters and publishers
private limited, Mumbai.
3) Kalpakjian S. And Steven S. Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”,
4th Edition, Pearson Education India Edition, 2002.
4) B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain, Basic Civil Engineering, 1st
Edition, 2003, Laxmi Publications.
5) Rangwala, Essentials of Civil Engineering, 1st Edition, 2012, Charotar Publishing
6) Mamlouk M. S. and Zaniewski J. P., Materials for Civil and Construction Engineering,
Pearson Publishers, 4th Edition, 2017.
7) B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain, Surveying – Volume I, 17th Edition,
2016, Laxmi Publications.
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 22
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
1) Gowri P. Hariharan and A. Suresh Babu,” Manufacturing Technology – I” Pearson
2) Roy A. Lindberg, “Processes and Materials of Manufacture”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall
3) Rao P.N., “Manufacturing Technology”, Vol. I and Vol. II, Tata McGraw Hill House,
4) W. B. McKay, Building Construction- Volumes 1 to 4, 4th /5th Edition, 2013, Pearson
Education India.
5) W.F. Chen and J.Y. Richard Liew (Eds.), The Civil Engineering Handbook, 2nd Edition,
2002, CRC Press (Taylor and Francis).
6) Kerala Municipality Building Rules, 2019, Local Self Government (RD) Department,
Government of Kerala.
7) Kerala Panchayat Building Rules, 2019, Local Self Government (RD) Department,
Government of Kerala.
8) SP 7: 2016, National Building Code of India 2016 (NBC 2016), Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi, 2016.
9) Coastal Regulation Zone Rules (CRZ rules), 2019, Ministry of Environment, Forest,
and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
Vector Calculus – Derivative of vector function, Gradient, Divergence, Curl, Line
integral,conservative fields.
Green's theorem, surface integral, Gauss divergence theorem, Stokes'theorem.
Ordinary Differential Equations – Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous linear
differential Equations, Euler-Cauchy equations. Method of undetermined
coefficients and Method of variation of parameters.
Laplace transforms – Laplace Transform and its inverse, shifting theorems, Laplace
transformof derivatives and integrals, solution of differential equations using Laplace
transform, Unit step function. Dirac delta function. Convolution theorem and its
Fourier Transforms – Fourier integral representation, Fourier sine and cosine
integrals. Fouriertransform and inverse Fourier transform. Fourier sine and cosine
transforms, inverse sine and cosine transform. Convolution theorem.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 10 marks each
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Total : 40 marks
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
23PYL10A BSC 3 1 0 0 4 2023
(For all branches)
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: The aim of the course is to develop scientific attitude in students
and offer them an understanding of physical concepts behind various engineering
applications. It creates an urge in students to think creatively in emerging areas of Physics.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Oscillations and Waves: Harmonic oscillations – Damped harmonic oscillations, Forced
harmonic oscillations, Q- factor, Amplitude resonance, comparison of electrical and
mechanical oscillator. Wave motion – Longitudinal waves and Transverse waves, One
dimensional wave equation and solution, three-dimensional wave equations, Transverse
vibrations along a stretched string.
Wave Optics: Interference of light – Cosine law, Wedge shaped films - Air wedge,
Newton’s rings, Antireflection coating. Diffraction- comparison of Fresnel and Fraunhofer
diffraction, Fraunhofer diffraction due to double slit, grating equation, Rayleigh’s
criterion, resolving power and dispersive power of grating.
Quantum Mechanics & Nano technology: Wave function, Uncertainty principle, Time
dependent and time independent Schrodinger wave equations, Applications of Schrodinger
wave equation - particle in one-dimensional potential well, quantum mechanical tunneling.
Introduction to nanoscience and technology, significance of surface to volume ratio,
Quantum confinement, Characterization techniques – XRD, UV-Visible Spectroscopy,
Applications of nanomaterials.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Laser and Photonics: Principles of Laser, Properties of laser, Ruby laser and Helium neon
laser, Applications of Laser. Holography-construction of hologram, reconstruction of
hologram, Applications. Introduction to photonics - photonic devices - Light Emitting
Diode, Solar cells, Optical fibre – Principle of OFC, Numerical aperture, Types of fibers
– step index fibre , Graded index fibre, Fibre Optic Communication System, Applications
of Optical fibre, Fibre optic sensors.
Acoustics & Ultrasonic: Acoustics - characteristics of musical sounds, absorption
coefficient, reverberation time- Sabine’s formula (no derivation), significance, factors
affecting architectural acoustics and their remedies.
Ultrasonics - production by magnetostriction oscillator and piezoelectric oscillator,
detection of ultrasonic waves - thermal and piezoelectric methods, ultrasonic
diffractometer-, applications of ultrasonic waves -SONAR, NDT, medical applications.
iv) (a) TEXT BOOKS
1) M.N. Avadhanulu, P.G. Kshirsagar, T.V.S Arun Murthy, A Text book of Engineering
Physics, S. Chand &Co., Revised Edition, 2014
2) H.K. Malik, A.K. Singh, Engineering Physics, McGraw Hill Education, 2nd Edition,
1) Arthur Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 6th
Edition, 2003.
2) Aruldhas G., Engineering Physics, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., 2015.
3) Ajoy Ghatak, Optics, Mc Graw Hill Education, 6th Edition, 2017.
4) David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, Addison-Wesley publishing, 4th
Edition, 1999.
5) Choudhary, Nityanand, K. R. Deepak, S. H. Abdi, Perspective of Engineering: Physics:
I, Acme Learning Pvt Ltd, 1st Edition: 2009.
6) A. S. Vasudeva, A Text Book of Engineering Physics, S. Chand &Co., 1st Edition:
7) Premlet B., Advanced Engineering Physics, Phasor Books,10th Edition, 2017.
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 10 marks each
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Total : 40 marks
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Year of
Course Code Course Name Category L T P J Credit
23ESL10C ESC 2 1 0 0 3 2023
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: Goal of this course is to expose the students to the fundamental
concepts of mechanics and enhance their problem-solving skills. It introduces students to
the influence of applied force system and the geometrical properties of the rigid bodies
while stationary or in motion. After this course students will be able to recognize similar
problems in real-world situations and respond accordingly.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 Explain the principles and theorems related to rigid body mechanics. Understand
CO4 Analyse rigid body motion under translation and rotation. Apply
Apply rigid body motion under simple harmonic motion and plane
CO5 motion simple harmonic motion and plane motion. Apply
Introduction to engineering mechanics - Basic principles of statics, Composition and
resolution of forces. Resultant of coplanar concurrent and coplanar non-concurrent forces
- Varignon’s Theorem of Moments. Equilibrium conditions- Analysis of single and
connected bodies.
Parallel coplanar forces - Couple - Resultant of parallel forces - Centre of parallel forces -
Equilibrium of parallel forces. Equilibrium of beams- Support reactions- Principle of
virtual work. Friction- Analysis of wedge and ladder friction.
Forces in space - Vectorial representation of forces, moments and couples - Resultant and
equilibrium equations for concurrent forces in space - Concurrent forces in space.
Properties of surfaces - Centroid of regular and composite areas. Area moment of inertia-
Parallel axis theorem - Perpendicular axis theorem -Polar moment of inertia, Radius of
gyration. Mass moment of inertia of ring, cylinder and uniform disc.
Introduction to kinematics - Rectilinear translation. Curvilinear translation – tangential and
centripetal accelerations. Impulse momentum equation and work energy equation.
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 30
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 10 marks each
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Total : 40 marks
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 31
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
23ESL10J ENGINEERING A ESC 2 0 0 0 2 2023
(Fractal Course)
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: This course aims to equip the students with an understanding of
the fundamental principles of electrical engineering.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO2 Solve simple AC circuits using the alternating current fundamentals. Apply
Basic concepts of DC circuits: Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff's laws, Star-delta conversion,
Analysis of DC circuits, Mesh analysis, Node analysis.
Magnetic Circuits: Basic Terminology, Simple Magnetic circuits, Electromagnetic
Induction, Faraday's laws, Lenz's law, Self-inductance and mutual inductance.
Alternating Current fundamentals: Basic definitions, Average, RMS values, AC Circuits,
Phasor representation, Analysis of simple AC circuits (R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC Series
Three phase AC systems, Generation of three phase voltages, star and delta connections.
DC Motors-Constructional details of DC machines, Principle of operation, Back EMF,
Torque equation, Types, Performance characteristics, Applications
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 32
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
1) Paul Breeze, Power Generation Technologies, Newnes, 3rd Edition, 2019.
2) Allan Hambley R., Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications, Pearson
Education,7th Edition, 2018.
3) Mittle V. N. and Arvind Mittal, Basic Electrical Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2nd
Edition, 2006.
4) Clayton A. E. and Hancock N. N., The Performance and Design of Direct Current
Machines, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2004.
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Test 20 marks
(1 number)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Total : 40 marks
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 33
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Course Year of
Course Name Category L T P J Credit
Code Introduction
23ESL10L ENGINEERING ESC 2 0 0 0 2 2023
(Fractal Course)
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: This course aims to equip the students with an understanding of
the fundamental principles of electronics and communication engineering.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Explain the basic working of Op-Amp, logic gates, radio and cellular
CO2 Understand
communication systems.
PN Junction diode: Principle of operation, V-I characteristics, breakdown mechanisms,
Zener diode and its characteristics. Rectifiers and Power supplies: Block diagram of a dc
power supply, working of a full wave bridge rectifier, capacitor filter (no analysis),
working of simple Zener voltage regulator. Bipolar Junction Transistors: structure,
principle of operation, relation between current gains in Common Emitter, Common Base
and Common Collector configurations, input and output characteristics of CE
Amplifiers: Concept of voltage divider biasing, circuit diagram and working of CE (RC
coupled) amplifier with its frequency response. Integrated Circuits: Analog IC;
Operational Amplifier, block diagram, ideal characteristics, inverting and non-inverting
Amplifier. Digital IC: Logic Gates AND, OR, NOT, Universal Gates; truth table, De-
Morgans law, Realization of simple Boolean functions.
Radio communication: Modulation, need for modulation, Principle of AM, mathematical
expression, waveform, frequency spectrum and bandwidth of AM, Principle of FM,
mathematical expression, waveform. Radio Receivers: block diagram of super heterodyne
receiver (AM&FM). Mobile communication: Basic principles of cellular communications,
concept of cells, frequency reuse, hand off.
iv) (a) TEXT BOOKS
1) Boylested, R. L. and Nashelsky, L., Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson
Education, 10th Edition, 2009.
2) Thomas l Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 11th Edition, 2018.
3) Ramakant A Gaykwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, Pearson Education,
4th Edition, 2015.
4) Wayne Tomasi and Neil Storey, A Textbook on Basic Communication and
Information Engineering, Pearson, 5th Edition, 2010.
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 34
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
1) N.N. Bhargava , D.C. Kulshreshtha , S.C. Gupta, Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits,
Tata McGraw - Hill Education, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2014.
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Test 20 marks
(1 number)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Total : 40 marks
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Year of
Course Code Course Name Category L T P J Credit
23ESB10G ESC 2 0 2 0 3 2023
Basics of Python- Getting Started with Python Programming, Basic coding skills- Working
with data types, Control statements, Selection structure, Iteration structure ,Functions,
Python data structures: Lists , Work with tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, Strings and lists,
Object Oriented Programming: Design with classes, Exceptions, Visualization and File
handling modules in python -NumPy, matplotlib, pandas.
iv) (a) TEXT BOOKS
1) Kenneth A Lambert., Fundamentals of Python: First Programs, 2/e, Cengage
Publishing, 2016 Rajaraman, V., Computer Basics and C Programming, Prentice-Hall
2) David J. Pine, Introduction to Python for Science and Engineering, CRC Press, 2021.
1) Wes McKinney, Python for Data Analysis, 2nd Edition, Shroff / O’Reilly Publishers,
2) Allen B. Downey, Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, 2nd Edition,
Schroff, 2016.
3) Michael Urban and Joel Murach, Python Programming, Shroff/Murach, 2016.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 10 marks each
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Lab Work : 10 marks
Lab Exam : 10 marks
Total : 60 marks
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Year of
Course Code Course Name Category L T P J Credit
23NCJ10B MNC 2 0 0 2 -- 2023
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: The objective of this course is to equip students with the
necessary skills to listen, read, write, and speak so as to comprehend and successfully
convey any idea, technical or otherwise, as well as give them the necessary polish to
become persuasive communicators. The course aims to enhance the employability and
career Skills of students and orient the students towards grooming as a professional.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO2 Analyze a variety of textual and audio content for specific needs. Analyze
Communication Skills: Introducing yourself and others professionally, elevator pitch,
recommendation letter, e-mails, netiquettes, telephone etiquettes, demi-official letters.
Business Communication and Technical writing: Product description, narrating an
incident, report writing, agenda and minutes, memo, Asking for information and giving
information, explaining processes and products, giving instructions, planning a course of
Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking Skills and problem solving: Expressing opinion,
GD, Arguing, Reading critical texts (general and academic) and summarizing, listening
and responding, Negotiation strategies and decision making skills.
Presentation Skills: Oral Presentation Skills (Proposal presentation), Power point
presentation (Projects).
Interviews: CVs and Resumes LinkedIN, Job application, Types of interviews, successful
interviews, interview etiquette, dress code, body language, telephone/online interviews,
one-to-one interview & panel interview, FAQs related to job interviews.
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Regular Assessment
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Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
50 20 30 100
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 40
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Year of
Course Code Course Name Category L T P J Credit
23PYP10A BSC 0 0 2 0 1 2023
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: The aim of this course is to enable the students to gain practical
knowledge in Physics to correlate with the theoretical studies. It equips the students to
utilize the acquired skills in an appropriate way to explore the prospects of modern
technology. It brings more confidence in students and develop the ability to fabricate
engineering and technical tools.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Melde’s string apparatus- Measurement of frequency in the transverse mode.
2. Wavelength measurement of a monochromatic source of light using Newton’s Rings
3. Determination of diameter of a thin wire or thickness of a thin strip of paper using air
wedge method.
4. Measurement of wavelength of a source of light using grating.
5. Determination of dispersive power and resolving power of a plane transmission grating.
6. Determination of the wavelength of any standard laser using diffraction grating
7. I-V characteristics of solar cell.
8. To measure the Numerical aperture and acceptance angle of an optical fibre.
1) S.L. Gupta and V. Kumar, Practical physics with viva voce, Pragati Prakashan
Publishers, Revised Edition, 2009.
2) M.N. Avadhanulu, A.A. Dani and Pokely P.M., Experiments in Engineering Physics, S.
Chand &Co, 2008.
3) S. K. Gupta, Engineering Physics practicals, Krishna Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., 2014.
4) P. R. Sasikumar, Practical Physics, PHI Ltd., 2011.
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 41
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Attendance : 5 marks
Class work/ Assessment /Viva-voce : 55 marks
Written Examination : 40 marks
Total : 100 marks
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 42
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Year of
Course Code Course Name Category L T P J Credit
23ESP10B ELECTRONICS BSC 0 0 2 0 1 2023
• To expose the students to the commonly used accessories and components in electrical
installations and to provide hands on experience of wiring of electrical circuits.
• To enable the students to familiarize, identify, construct, and debug the electronic
components, devices and circuits. It also enables the student’s engineering skills by
soldering practices of electronic circuits.
Familiarization/Identification of electrical accessories and protective elements, wiring of
circuits using PVC conduits, wiring of simple solar chargeable circuit and determination of
its characteristics, Demonstration of power distribution arrangement and earthing schemes,
Identification of different types of batteries.
Familiarization of electronic equipment and commonly used tools, Familiarization and
testing of electronic components, Interconnection using bread board, Diode Characteristics,
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 43
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Single stage RC coupled Amplifier, Truth table verification of Logic Gates, Soldering
Practice, DC Power Supply, Inverting and Non Inverting amplifier using Op-amp.
Attendance : 5 marks
Class work/ Assessment /Viva-voce : 55 marks
Written Examination : 40 marks
Total : 100 marks
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 44
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
Year of
Course Code Course Name Category L T P J Credit
23ESB10K ELECTRICAL ESC 1 0 2 0 3 2023
i) COURSE OVERVIEW: This course aims to equip the students with an understanding of
the fundamental principles of electrical engineering.
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO2 Solve simple AC circuits using the alternating current fundamentals. Apply
Basic concepts of DC circuits: Kirchhoff's laws, Star-delta conversion, Analysis of DC
circuits, Mesh analysis, Node analysis.
Magnetic Circuits: Basic Terminology, Simple Magnetic circuits, Electromagnetic
Induction, Faraday's laws, Lenz's law, Self-inductance and mutual inductance.
Alternating Current fundamentals: Basic definitions, Average, RMS values, AC Circuits,
Phasor representation, Analysis of simple AC circuits (R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC Series
Three phase AC systems, Generation of three phase voltages, star and delta connections.
iv) (a) TEXT BOOKS
1) William H. Hayt., Jr., Jack E. Kemmerly, Steven M. Durbin., Engineering Circuit
Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 8th Edition, 2012.
2) Kothari D. P. and Nagrath I. J., Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
3) Fitzgerald A.E., David Higginbotham E., Arvin Grabel, Basic Electrical Engineering,
Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2009.
4) Ashfaq Husain, Harroon Ashfaq, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, 4th Edition,
Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2016.
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 45
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology
1) Paul Breeze, Power Generation Technologies, Newnes, 3rd Edition, 2019.
2) Allan Hambley R., Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications, Pearson
Education, 7th Edition, 2018.
3) Mittle V. N. and Arvind Mittal, Basic Electrical Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition,
4) B L Theraja, A Textbook of Electrical Technology - Volume I (Basic Electrical
Engineering), S. Chand Publishing, 2005.
Attendance : 5 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests 10 marks each
(2 numbers)
Assignment/Project/Case study etc. : 15 marks
Lab Work : 10 marks
Lab Exam : 10 marks
Total : 60 marks
Note: Detailed evaluation and grading policy will be provided by the faculty concerned
at the beginning of the course.
B.Tech Electrical and Electronics Engineering First Year Syllabus (Autonomous) 2023 46