CNSL Assignments
CNSL Assignments
Setup a wired LAN using Layer 2 Switch. It includes preparation of cable, testing of cable
using line tester, configuration machine using IP addresses, testing using PING utility and
demonstrating the PING packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer Tool.
1. What is a Computer Network?
2. Which are Network Types?
3. Network Topology
4. Transmission Media
5. Explain Crimping Tool? What is Straight & Cross Connection?
Assignment No. 2
Demonstrate the different types of topologies and types of transmission media by using a
packet tracer tool.
1. What is a packet tracer? Its Use
2. What is a Wireshark tool ? Its use
3. What is Network Topology ?Explain Any One
4. Network Device: Switch,Hub,Router,Bridge,Hub,Access point,Gateway Etc.
Assignment No. 3
Write a program for error detection and correction for 7/8 bits ASCII codes using
Hamming Codes or CRC.
5. What is Hamming Code/ CRC ? Its Use
6. Explain with Example
Assignment No. 4
Write a program to simulate Go back N and Selective Repeat Modes of Sliding Window
Protocol in Peer-to-Peer mode.
7. What is Go back N and Selective Repeat Mode? Its Use
8. Explain with Example
CNS Lab Group B Write up
Assignment No. 5
Write a program to demonstrate Sub-netting and find subnet masks.
9. What is Subnetting?
10. What is Class Addressing? Explain in detail
11. What is Classful Addressing?Explain in detail
12. Explain Subnetting logic with an example?
Assignment No. 6
Write a program to implement link state /Distance vector routing protocol to find a
suitable path for transmission.
1. What is link state routing protocol ? with Example
2. What is Distance vector routing protocol ?with example
Assignment No. 7
Use packet Tracer tool for configuration of 3 router network using one of the following
protocols RIP/OSPF/BGP.
1. What is RIP/OSPF/BGP? with Example
2. What is Distance vector routing protocol ?with example
3. Attach the Screenshot for Configuration of any 1 protocol
Assignment No. 8
Write a program using TCP socket for wired network for following
Assignment No. 9
Write a program using UDP Sockets to enable file transfer (Script, Text, Audio and Video
one file each) between two machines.
6. What isUDP? Explain Header
1. Explain UDP Socket in detail
Assignment No. 10
Write a program for DNS lookup. Given an IP address as input, it should return URL
and vice-versa
2. What is DNS?
3. What is the structure of DNS lookup? Explain the logic?
Assignment No. 11
Installing and configure DHCP server and write a program to install the software on
remote machine
1. What is a DHCP?
2. Write down various steps for installing and configuring DHCP Server?
Assignment No. 12
Study and Analyze the performance of HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocol using Packet tracer tool
1. What is a FTP?
2. Differentiate between HTTP and HTTPS?
3. What are the features of Packet Tracer tool?
Assignment No. 13
To study the SSL protocol by capturing the packets using Wireshark tool while
visiting any SSL secured website (banking, e-commerce etc.).
1. What is SSL Protocol?
2. Write down use of SSL in Banking and E Commerce with example?
3. What are the features of Wireshark tool?
Assignment No. 14
To study the IPsec (ESP and AH) protocol by capturing the packets using Wireshark
1. What is IPSec Protocol?
2. Explain the ESP and AH protocols?