White Paper VDA5-EN

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VDA 5: Measurement and inspection processes

– Capability, Planning and Management

How to secure your inspection process management!


Quality Management Center (QMC)

German Association of the Automotive Industry e.V.

Revised by
The new VDA 5 (3rd, revised edition, July 2021) is a mandatory requirement for the German automotive industry and
their supply chain. The VDA 5 define requirements to assure capable measurement systems. VDA 5 is different to
MSA from AIAG (more details to the differences you will find at the end of this whitepaper).

Make reliable statements about the product quality

The inspection process management in a company in Reliable and correct measurement results are the basis
the automotive industry has two core tasks: for important decisions after the inspection, such as:
■ Consideration of the measurement uncertainty ■ Release or termination of measuring equipment
when using inspection results as a necessary pre- production
requisite for assessing product safety and conform- ■ Introducing corrective actions into the production
ity process
■ Targeted use of inspection processes, considering ■ Delivery, rework or scrapping of the products
cost-effectiveness in production. ■ Correction values for adjusting tools and fixtures.

Inspection process suitability is more than just approval Correct and comparable measurement results between
of the test equipment; it also includes dealing with the customers and supplies are essential to reduce failure,
measurement uncertainty in product and production scrap, costs, and project risks.
design to prevent incorrect evaluation comes from
measurement results. Therefore, measuring systems
and measuring processes must be assessed sufficiently
and comprehensively, and the relevant influencing
factors that can affect the measurement result must be

www.vdachina.com.cn 2 VDA 5: Measurement and inspection processes

Inspection brings benefits and reveals errors
Measurement and inspection processes are included in ■ The information obtained supports the Inspection
the entire product development & production process. processes planning and the production control to
Therefore, the continuous implementation of inspec- a large extent and contributes significantly to the
tion process management can bring numerous advan- company’s success.
tages and high benefit to the company:
The inspection process management must be regulat-
■ The liability risk is minimized due to fewer errors in ed by structures, defined processes and responsibilities
the Inspection decisions. in the company.
■ It is important that
■ Capable and controlled measurement processes
are essential to assure efficient and economic
■ The production cost can be dramatically re-
duced, be less scrap and rework, which should
be assured by capable measurement system.

www.vdachina.com.cn 3 VDA 5: Measurement and inspection processes

Standard Practical
(requirements) Guidelines

Measurement and
Quality Management in the Automotive Industry
Qualitätsmanagement in der Automobilindustrie

Inspection Processes VDA 5 Praxishandbuch

Measurement and inspection
Capability, Planning,
测量和检验过程 –
Capability, planning and management

3rd, revised edition, July 2021

第三版 , 2021 年7 月 1. Auflage 2021


3rd revised edition, released in July 2021;

Guidelines expected to be released in end Feb. 2022;
Training expected to be launched Q2 2022

More precise, transparent, ■ Inspection processes planning as a focus and trans-

parency in the process from planning the measur-

and applicable ing system to on the suitability of the measurement

and inspection processes
■ Early integration of inspection processes planning
The third edition of the new volume “VDA 5 Measure- and suitability of inspection processes and systems
ment and inspection processes” was published in July in development for the verification and validation of
2021 (CN&EN bi-lingual version will be available in Mar. special characteristics in the framework of system
2022). The updated standard work for Inspection and engineering
measurement shows how the diverse requirements ■ Integral view of the inspection process manage-
from standards and guidelines on the subject of test ment including role definition
process management are to be met. The current tech- ■ Transferability of proof of suitability
nical developments and changes in the standard en- ■ Specification of terms and definitions based on in-
vironment were considered. In order to provide better ternational standards
applicability to users in practice, the focus when cre- ■ Risk-based approach
ating the volume was placed on the comprehensibility ■ Application recommendations for the procurement
of the methodology and a new practical handbook is of measuring systems (e.g. specifications) and han-
generated. The idea is to provide an overview as com- dling unsuitable measuring systems/processes
plete as possible of how to deal with proof of applica- ■ Handling fine tolerances (FT)
bility for inspection processes. The volume also aims to ■ Procedure for small pre-series and mass-production
summarize a uniform and practice-oriented procedure in development and production
for determining and considering the expanded meas- ■ Consideration of processes and assessment of on-
urement uncertainty. going suitability through stability measurements
■ State of knowledge regarding attributive inspection
■ VDA 5 Practical handbook (use cases)

What's new? The VDA QMC offers both face-to-face and live online
training courses on the subject of "VDA 5 – Measure-
ment and Testing Processes Capability, Planning, Man-
■ Strategies for harmonization with AIAG-MSA

www.vdachina.com.cn 4 VDA 5: Measurement and inspection processes

VDA 5 v.s. MSA Outlook: “VDA 5.x”

VDA 5 is very different to MSA from AIAG, see below Besides the practical handbook as a supplement to
comparison: VDA Volume 5, with examples and case studies for
the individual topics, further VDA volumes relating to
Overview on VDA 5 (Measurement and Inspection Processes) measurement and inspection will be revised and com-
5 piled:
Quality Management in the Automotive Industry Qualitätsmanagement in der Automobilindustrie
VDA 5 Praxishandbuch

1. Standards1.and
Standards and guidelines
guidelines Measurement and inspection

Practical Guidelines
Area ofof

测量和检验过程 –

(Examples and
2. Benefits and scope
■ Revision of VDA 5.1 “Traceable Inline Metrology in

Capability, planning and management


2. Benefits and scope

3. Terms and definitions
3rd, revised edition, July 2021

第三版 , 2021 年7 月 1. Auflage 2021

3. Terms and definitions

Car Body Manufacture”

 Risk-based insurance
4. Inspection process management  Classification

 Fine tolerances
4. Inspection process management
Risk-appropriate Coverage ■ Revision of VDA 5.2 “Capability of Measurement

 CT-check
 Attributive examination
Risk-based assurance
Inspection Process Plan

Inspection process planning

Processes for the Torque Inspection on Bolted
5. General procedure for inspection process capability

5. General procedure
6. Measurement for determination
uncertainty measurement in measurement process Qualification Concept


and inspection process capability

 Training / user training
Creation of new volume VDA 5.3 on optical sen-
Specific implementation

7. Proof of capability of the measurement process

6. Measurement uncertainty determination
 Audit / Qualification audit
in measurement process processes
8. Special measurement
sors and image processing

9. Proof
7. Proof of of capability of
capability of attribute inspection processes
the measurement process

10. Assessment of continuous capability

8. Special measurement processes

9. Proof of capability of attributive inspection processes

10. Assessment of ongoing capability

5.1 5.2
Qualitätsmanagement in der Automobilindustrie Qualitätsmanagement in der Automobilindustrie Qualitätsmanagement in der Automobilindustrie
New chapters Revised chapters
Rückführbare Inline- Prüfprozesseignung für Optische Sensoren und
Contents partly new
Messtechnik im das Drehmoment von Bildverarbeitung
Karosseriebau Schraubenverbindungen

1. Auflage 2023

2., überarbeitete Auflage 2023 2., überarbeitete Auflage 2023

www.vdachina.com.cn 5 VDA 5: Measurement and inspection processes


Public training In-house training Standards

Beijing & North China Beijing & North China Ms. MI
Ms. Sherry HAN Ms. Amy ZHANG Tel.: +86-10-65900067-200
Tel.: +86-10-65900067-232 Tel.: +86-10-65900067-206 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Shanghai & South China Shanghai & South China

Mr. WEN Ms. Kelly XUE
Tel.: +86-21-39197012 Tel.: +86-21-62565183
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]



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