Chapter 3 - Performance Management and Strategic Planning
Chapter 3 - Performance Management and Strategic Planning
Chapter 3 - Performance Management and Strategic Planning
Learning Objectives
3.6 Understand how a gap analysis resulting from a consideration of internal and
external trends dictates an organization’s mission.
3.7 Define the concept of a mission statement and describe the necessary components
of a good mission statement.
3.8 Define the concept of a vision statement and understand its relationship to the
mission statement.
3.11 Understand the relationship between mission and vision statements, goals, and
3.13 Understand the relationship between a unit’s vision, mission, goals, and
strategies and individual job descriptions.
3.14 Explain why job descriptions must be linked to the organization’s and unit’s
strategic plans.
Part I: Strategic and General Considerations___________________________________________________
3.16 Explain why a consideration of strategic issues is a building block for creating
support for a performance management system.
Chapter Outline
1. Definition and Purposes of Strategic Planning
2. Process of Linking Performance Management to the Strategic Plan
– Strategic Planning
– Developing Strategic Plans at the Unit Level
– Job Descriptions
– Individual and Team Performance
3. Building Support
Chapter 3
A. Environmental Analysis
External trends
• Opportunities
-- Environmental characteristics that can help the organization succeed
• Threats
-- Environmental characteristics that can prevent the organization from
being successful
• Some factors to consider
– Economic
– Political/legal
– Social
– Technological
– Competitors
– Customers
– Suppliers
Consider an organization you have worked for--where does your organization
stand in terms of these factors?
Internal trends
• Strengths
Part I: Strategic and General Considerations___________________________________________________
– Internal characteristics that the organization can use for its advantage
• Weaknesses
– Internal characteristics that can hinder the success of the organization
• Some factors to consider
– Organizational structure
– Organizational culture
– Politics
– Processes
– Size
How has IBM’s performance changed since the 1980s as the company learned
to use gap analysis?
B. Mission
Chapter 3
C. Vision
How do the vision statements for Rayovac and Greif differ in their
Part I: Strategic and General Considerations___________________________________________________
D. Goals
Chapter 3
-- Mission statement
-- Vision statement
-- Goals
-- Strategies
Is the Microsoft Training and Education Unit mission statement congruent with
the overall Microsoft mission statement? How?
Consider the mission statement for the Norfolk State University School of
Business. How does it align with NSU’s mission statement?
Job Descriptions
• Tasks and KSAs are congruent with organization and unit strategic plans
• Activities described support mission and vision of organization and unit
How could the job description for Trailer Truck Driver be improved to link
with organization and unit strategic plans?
How does the job description for the Training and Education Performance
Solutions Group Manager at Microsoft align with its organization and unit
strategic plans?
3. Building Support
Part I: Strategic and General Considerations___________________________________________________
1. How many of the eight characteristics of an ideal mission statement are present in
Harley-Davidson’s mission statement? (see table below)
(Suggested points: 2, [3.7])
2. How many of the eight characteristics of an ideal vision statement are present in
Harley-Davidson’s vision statement? (see table below)
(Suggested points: 2, [3.9])
Chapter 3
Y/N Characteristics
Y Basic product/service to be offered (does what)
Primary markets or customer groups to be served (to
Unique benefits, features, and advantages of
Mission statement products/services (with what benefits)
summarizes the organization’s N Technology to be used in production or delivery
most important reason for its Fundamental concern for survival through growth and
existence profitability
N Managerial philosophy of the firm
Y Public image sought by organizations
Self-concept of business adopted by employees and
Y/N Characteristics
N Briefness - brief so that employees can remember it
Y Verifiability - able to stand the reality test
Bound by a timeline - specifies a timeline for when the
various aspirations will be fulfilled
NS Currency - updated on an ongoing basis
Focus - lists a few (3-4) aspects of the organization’s
Vision statement Y
performance that are important to future success
statement of future aspirations
Understandability - written in a clear and straightforward
manner so it is understood by all employees.
Inspiring - makes employees feel good about their
Y organization’s direction and motivates them to help
achieve the vision
N Stretch - goal not easily attained
3. Given the purposes that a mission statement and a vision statement are ideally
serving, compare the mission and vision statements of Harley-Davidson based on
whether they are achieving their respective objectives. Do they both serve their
respective purposes? Collectively, are they useful tools to link organizational
priorities with individual and team performance?
(Suggested points: 5, .3[3.7], .4[3.8], .3[3.9])
Overall, the mission statement serves its purpose of summarizing the company’s most
important reason for existence. However, it fails to identify the unique benefits,
features, and advantages of Harley motorcycles, the technology to be used in the
production of Harleys, the fundamental concern for survival through growth and
profitability of Harley-Davidson, and the managerial philosophy of Harley-Davidson.
Overall, the vision statement seems to give a statement of future aspirations for the
company, but it is phrased in present as opposed to future tense. Also, it is a little too
Part I: Strategic and General Considerations___________________________________________________
long to remember, it does not give a timeline when the vision should be reached, and
the goal given is not a large stretch.
Yes, the mission and vision statements can be used to motivate employees toward
helping the organization meet its goals. While the mission and vision statements at
Harley-Davidson are broad, the goals of the organization are updated yearly and
clearly specify measurable goals for the specified year. The combination of the
mission statement, vision statement, and organizational goals will allow Harley-
Davidson to cascade these messages to each individual’s goals.
Individual answers will vary based on the generated statements. A critique of the
following statement is given below: “We strive to continually administrate timely
opportunities and enthusiastically utilize enterprise-wide technology while promoting
personal employee growth.”
Basic product/service to be offered (does what?): This statement does not tell us
what product or service the company offers.
Primary markets or customer groups to be served (to whom?): It does not tell us
who their customers are.
Unique benefits, features, and advantages of products/services (with what benefits?):
No mention of advantages of their product or service.
Technology to be used in production or delivery: It states “enterprise-wide”
technology is utilized, but this sounds like a buzzword, with no real explanation
of what it is.
Fundamental concern for survival through growth and profitability: Just emphasizes
the growth of their employees, not the organization as a whole.
Managerial philosophy of the firm: Just the emphasis on employees.
Public image sought by organizations: Not given.
Self-concept of business adopted by employees and stockholders: Not clear because
it is not even clear what the company does. (Suggested points: 5, [3.10])
1. Without clear guidance as to where the organization is going, it is hard for the
employees to know where to focus their efforts, what is important in the organization,
and how their individual contribution is tied into the organization meeting its goals.
(Suggested points: 3, [3.12])
2. This type of mission statement may do more harm than good, because it sends the
message that the organization does not know what it is doing or where it is going.
(Suggested points: 3, [3.12])
Chapter 3
Case Study 3.3: Linking Individual with Unit and Organizational Priorities
Answers will vary based on the chosen statements and job descriptions. Consider the
following example from Federal Express, a family of companies that offer a global
network of specialized services--transportation, information, international trade support,
and supply chain services:
Job Description for Senior State and Local Affairs Representative: Monitors
legislative activity and analyzes developments and trends in state and local governments
for FedEx Government Affairs. Formulates and coordinates company responses to state
and local legislative initiatives. Develops and implements state and local government
relations programs.
Part I: Strategic and General Considerations___________________________________________________
The owner of HIMCO retired and sold the business to one of the managers, John
Thomas. John had a BA in business and had been in the insurance business for 10 years.
John wanted to make some changes in the business operations when he took over, so in
addition to his customer service and administrative duties, he took on the task of
implementing a performance management system. John scheduled several retreats during
which all of the employees of the agency recommended company goals and a business
plan. During the retreats, John led discussions and facilitated projects meant to result in
the basis for the company goals and business plan. After the retreats were held, he
published the following mission statement in the company brochures:
HIMCO serves the families of this state by making sure that their assets are
protected. We offer comprehensive and inexpensive Auto and Home insurance
packages, including preferred auto and homeowner rates. We continuously
search for the best rates and the best insurance policies to make certain that we
are the leader in providing comprehensive and affordable insurance to the
families of this state. Protection of our clients’ assets is our primary concern.
2. Using your understanding of what makes a good mission statement, revise the
company mission statement as appropriate.
(Suggested points: 10, [3.10])
3. Develop a unit mission statement for the clerical unit using your understanding of
what an office support staff usually does for its organization. Explain how the
mission statement that you have developed answers the questions normally
answered by a mission statement and identify the key features of the mission
(Suggested points: 10, .5 [3.10], .5[3.12])
Chapter 3
In sum, a mission statement defines why the organization exists, the scope of its
activities, the customers served, and the products and services offered. Mission
statements also include specific information such as the technology used in
production or delivery, and the unique benefits or advantages of the
organization’s products and services. Finally, a mission statement can include a
statement of values and beliefs, such as the organization’s managerial philosophy.
The mission statement for HIMCO in the case study meets most of the
requirements of a complete mission statement, since it does not describe the
technology used to provide services. (However, technology is not a major aspect
of the insurance industry and probably would be left out of a mission statement.)
Part I: Strategic and General Considerations___________________________________________________
HIMCO serves the families of this state by making sure that their assets are
protected. We offer comprehensive and inexpensive Auto and Home insurance
packages, including preferred auto and homeowner rates. Using the Internet, our
comprehensive database, and the benefits of our membership in the primary
industry organizations, we continuously search for the best rates and the best
insurance policies to make certain that we are the leader in providing
comprehensive and affordable insurance to the families of this state. Protection
of our clients’ assets is our primary concern.
3. Sample mission statement for the clerical unit at HIMCO: (Another would be fine
as long as it aligns with the company mission statement and contains the
components (or key features) of a mission statement)
The clerical unit at HIMCO supports the HIMCO mission of protecting the assets
of our customers and their families by providing excellent customer service. As
the first representatives of the company that many clients contact, we provide
caring and competent greetings and direction to the appropriate personnel in the
company. Using computers and the latest electronic technology, we provide
word processing and filing support to the rest of the company, so that all
documents represent the high quality of service provided by the company and
information can be recovered at a moment’s notice. We provide this support
efficiently and effectively, so that our company can remain in the leadership
position, continuing to protect our clients’ assets.
The clerical unit mission statement provides the following key features by
answering the questions shown in parentheses:
Basic product/service to be offered (does what?) providing excellent
customer service, greetings and direction, word processing and
paperwork filing support
Primary markets or customer groups to be served (to whom?) clients and
the rest of the company
Unique benefits and advantages of products/services (with what benefits?)
We provide this support efficiently and effectively
Technology to be used in production or delivery computers and other
electronic technology
Fundamental concern for survival through growth and profitability so that
our company can remain in the leadership position
Statement of values and beliefs such as the organization’s managerial
philosophy. The clerical unit at HIMCO supports the HIMCO mission of
protecting the assets of our customers and their families by providing
excellent customer service . . . continuing to protect our clients’ assets.
Chapter 3
Whole Foods Market, a publicly traded company, is in the process of developing a new
strategic plan for the 5 years from 2007-2012.
The industry faces different challenges from those experienced during the past 25 years.
Originally, Whole Foods Market was among the pioneers who introduced a supermarket
format into the natural foods industry in the United States. During the past 25 years, this
company grew through mergers and acquisitions of local and regional family-run natural
foods retailers, expanding to the United Kingdom in 2004 with the purchase of Fresh and
Wild. (In 2007, the company announced it was in the process of acquiring Wild Oats
Market in the United States as soon as concerns regarding possible monopolies could be
resolved.) Most of these companies emphasized stringent quality standards, sustainable
agriculture, local community involvement, and development of an empowered and
passionate staff. Although there are shared cultures, many of the original company
loyalties remain.
In 1992, Whole Foods Market became a publicly traded stock on the New York Stock
Exchange. (It had a two for one stock split in 2001.) In 1999, went
online as an e-commerce site which has merged with other Internet properties to become in 2005. The corporate Web site has continued to provide information on the
company and its mission emphasis of “Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet.”
You have been hired as a performance management consultant by the Board of Directors
to assist them in developing the strategic plan for the next 5 years.
1. In this context, explain the factors the Board of Directors will need to consider in
developing a strategic plan.
(Suggested points: 10, .3[3.1], .7[3.4])
3. Critically evaluate how the strategic plan will relate to individual performance.
(Suggested points: 10, .3[3.13], .4[3.14], .3[3.15])
Part I: Strategic and General Considerations___________________________________________________
Chapter 3
More specific and detailed information will be needed if this mission statement is
to be used by the various units within Whole Foods Market to create their own
mission statements. Even more detailed information will be needed if both the
organization and unit mission statements will be used as input for individual job
descriptions and for managing individual and team performance. In general,
thorough mission statements include the following components:
Basic product/service to be offered (does what?)
Primary markets or customer groups to be served (to whom?)
Unique benefits and advantages of products/services (with what
Technology to be used in production or delivery
Fundamental concern for survival through growth and profitability
• As Whole Foods Market develops its vision for the next 5-10 years, it will state
future aspirations, focus attention on what is important, and provide a context for
evaluating the opportunities and threats identified in the gap analysis. This vision
statement should be brief, verifiable, focused, understandable, inspiring, current,
bound by a timeline, and a stretch for the company. . . reachable with effort.
Part I: Strategic and General Considerations___________________________________________________
• When the mission statement and vision have been developed, Whole Foods
Market will need to set goals which formalize the planned achievements for the
next 5 years. These goals should provide a basis for performance measurement
by giving employees a source of motivation and tangible targets to strive for. In
addition, they will give management the basis for good decisions in allocation of
resources. Such goals should cascade throughout the organization, based on the
strategic plan developed.
• Finally, strategies must be developed to provide procedures and plans to meet the
goals. One strategy would be to examine job descriptions to ensure that every job
is organized to work toward the goals of the units, which are organized to work
toward the goals of the divisions, which are organized to work toward the goals of
the company. Issues to be addressed by such strategies include: growth, survival,
turnaround, stability, innovation, and leadership. (Note: It is important to
remember that Whole Foods Market’s mission statement, vision statement, goals,
and strategies must clearly align with--and be congruent with--every unit’s
mission statement, vision statement, goals, and strategies.
4. The Board needs to involve managers at every level in the development of the
strategic plan (its mission, vision, goals, and strategies) to ensure that the plan
cascades into every part of the organization. Eventually, each unit will need to
ensure that job descriptions and individual performance plans are synchronized
with the strategic plan. Thus, the Board of Directors initially needs to consider
the fact that a strategic plan, in order to be useful, must help the company to craft
its identity and lead to profitable action on the part of all employees.
Chapter 3
directly involved in the development of the strategic plan, they will have a
personal investment in using the performance management plan to help achieve
their vision and goals.