KSEEB Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper 2018

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Karnataka Board 2018

Grade 12
Business studies
Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes Max. Marks: 100
Answer all the following questions in a sentence or a word
.each question carries 1 mark:

1) Give an example for top level management.

2) What is meant by demetallations?
3) State a typo of plan
4) Give the meaning of formal organization.
5) What manpower planning?
6) Name any one style of leadership
7) What do you mean by controlling?
8) Expand ‘SEB’
9) Name a middleman in the channel of distribution.
10) When is consumer rights day observed?

Answer any ten of the following questions in 2or 3 sentences.
Each question carries 2 marks:
11) What is meant by co-ordination ?
12) Give the meaning of Gang plank.
13) Define planning.
14) State any two importance of delegation.
15) Write the first two steps involved in the organizing process.
16) State any two type of interview.
17) Define Motivation.
18) State any two importance of controlling
19) Give the meaning of financing decisions.
20) What is Grading?
21) State any two methods of sales promotion.
22) Write any two differences between District consumer
forum and state consumer commission.

Answer any six questions in 15 to 20 sentences. Each question
carries 5 marks:
23) Explain any five features of principles of management.
24) Write in brief any five importance of organization.

25) What is training ? Explain the difference types of ‘off-the -

jobs’ training.
26) Explain the ways to overcome barriers of communication.
27) Briefly explain the controlling process.
28) Explain any five objectives of financial management.
29) Distinguish between money market and capital market.
30) Explain any five functions of marketing .
31) Write in brief the importance of consumer protection.

Answer any three question in 20to 39 sentences .each question
carriers 10 marks:
32) Explain the objectives of management.
33) Briefly explain the various steps involved in the planning
34) “Selection is the process of elimination”. Justify this
statement by explaining different steps in selection process.
35) State the functions of SEBI.
36) Distinguish between advertising and salesmanship.

Answer any two questions. Each question carriers 5 marks:
37) state any Ten Fayol’s principles of management.
38) Draft the functional chart of an organization
39) As an advertiser, what essentials do you expect in a good
advertisement copy?

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