Effect of Wool Waste in Conjunction With FYM
Effect of Wool Waste in Conjunction With FYM
Effect of Wool Waste in Conjunction With FYM
P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902
IJCS 2018; 6(4): 3059-3063 Effect of wool waste in conjunction with FYM and
© 2018 IJCS
Received: 11-05-2018 inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield of
Accepted: 15-06-2018
cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
Anirudh Choudhary
Department of Soil Science &
Agricultural Chemistry, COA, Anirudh Choudhary, SR Yadav and Hanuman Prasad Parewa
Sumerpur, Rajasthan, India
SR Yadav
Department of Soil Science & The present investigation was conducted during rabi season of 2015-16 at the Agriculture Research
Agricultural Chemistry, ARS, Station, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (Rajasthan) to study the effect
Bikaner, Rajasthan, India of wool waste in conjunction with FYM and fertilizer on growth and yield of cabbage. The treatments
consisted four levels of organic material control (W0), 7.5 t ha-1 each wool waste and FYM (1:1) (W1),
Hanuman Prasad Parewa wool waste @ 5 t ha-1 + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 (1:2) (W2) wool waste @ 3.75 t ha-1 + FYM @ 11.25 tha-1 (1:3)
Department of Soil Science & (W3)and FYM @ 15 t ha-1 (W4), four levels of recommended dose of fertilizer (0, 75, 100 and 125%
Agricultural Chemistry, COA, NPKS). The experiment was replicated thrice in a split plot design. Results of the experiment revealed
Sumerpur, Rajasthan, India that the head weight, perimeter of head, head yield and Stover yield of cabbage were significantly higher
due to application of wool waste @ 7.5 t ha-1 along with FYM @ 7.5 t ha-1 and 125 % recommended
dose of fertilizer (W1F2) compared to rest of the treatments.
Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) is most important member of the genus brassica
grown in the world belonging to family Crucifereae (Brassicaceae). It is the most popular
vegetable around the world in respect of area, production and availability (Smith, 1995) [16].
However, it’s cultivation is equally successful in the tropical and sub- tropical regions.
Cabbage is an important leafy vegetable in India. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, contains
vitamin-A (2000 IU), thiamine (0.06 mg), riboflavin (0.03 mg) and vitamin C (124 mg) per
100 g edible part. It also contains minerals like potassium (114 mg), phosphorus (44 mg),
calcium (39 mg), sodium (14.1 mg) and iron (0.8 mg) per 100 g of edible part (Fageria et al.
2003) [5]. Now a day it is the most popular vegetable around the world in respect of salad,
boiled, cooked, curing, pickling and dehydration purpose (More, 2006) [13]. It neutralizes
acidity and improves digestion and appetite (Katyal and Chadha, 1985) [12]. The Food and
Agriculture organization (FAO, 1988) has identified cabbage as one of the top twenty
vegetables and an important source of food globally. Many countries have incorporated
cabbage as part of their national cuisine (Olaniyi et al. 2008) [15]. The major cabbage growing
states in India are Orissa, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Punjab and Himachal Pradesh (Fageria et al. 2003) [5]. In India it is grown in 3.72 lac. Ha area
with 85.34 lac tonne production and 229 qt ha-1 productivity whereas, in Rajasthan is grown in
1190 ha area with 5.69 thousand tonnes production and 4.78 qt ha-1 productivity (NHB, 2013).
Farm yard manure (FYM), in general add nutrients as well as improve physio-chemical
properties of soil for proper growth & development of crop. Besides, addition of O.M. also
improves the soil texture by binding effect. Organic manure increases CEC, water holding
capacity and phosphate availability of the soil, besides improving the fertilizer use efficiency
and microbial population of soil; it reduces nitrogen loss due to slow release of nutrients and
fulfills the nutrients requirement of plants for longer period. Wool waste is richer in organic N
(over 5%) and C (30-50%) than manure and compost (Baker, 1991) [4]. Their elemental
analysis shows fairly similar percentages of carbon (around 50 mass %), hydrogen (7 mass %),
Correspondence oxygen (22 mass %), nitrogen (16 mass %) and sulphur (5 mass %). Sheep wool hydrolyzate
Anirudh Choudhary improves growing conditions, by increasing total N, C and P content in the soil (Govi et al.
Department of Soil Science &
Agricultural Chemistry, COA, 1998) [7]. Applied hydrolyzed wool also improved seed emergence and plant growth
Sumerpur, Rajasthan, India (Nustorova et al. 2006) [14].
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Rajasthan specially the Bikaner district is one of the highest Materials and Methods
sheep and wool producing area in the country. There are An experiment was conducted during Rabi season of 2015-16
about 163 woolen mills in Bikaner, manufacturing 1.5 lakhs at the Agriculture Research Station, SKRAU, Bikaner,
kg of Carpet woollen yarn per day during processing period Rajasthan (28° 01’ N, 73° 22’ E and 234.7 m above sea level).
and releasing a huge quantity of wool waste, approximately 4- The soil of the experimental field was sandy in texture, low in
5% of total woollen production. Mainly the wool waste is organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and zinc, and
generated from `Opener Section’ of woollen industry. One of medium in potash. The physico-chemical and biological
the main qualities of wool is biodegradability, which means properties of the soil is depicted in Table 1. Wool waste and
that when buried into soil, the keratin biopolymer is degraded FYM were applied as per treatments combination before one
by microorganisms and releases nutrients essential to the month of transplanting. The dose of N, P2O5, K2O and S were
crops. Wool is quite resistant to the attack of microorganisms, applied through urea, diammonium phosphate, murate of
which are able to breakdown the keratinous fibre only in potash and elemental suphur, respectively as per the treatment
hydrophilic conditions. The degradation is obvious in terms of combination. Half dose of N, full dose of P and K were
months; the representative functional groups of wool start to applied as basal in the form of urea, di-ammonium phosphate
degrade and convert into biomass after 4 weeks, and in and muriate of potash at the time of transplanting. The
hydrophilic conditions, the weight loss is 33% in three months remaining N was applied after 30 days of transplanting.
(Arshad and Mujahid, 2014) [2]. The extreme nature of climate Sulphur was applied as per treatment combination @ 40 kg
& sandy soil loss from the cultivation of the crop Hence, wool ha-1 through elemental sulphur before 10 days of
waste, FYM & fertilizer could be an at most option to get transplanting.
maintain yield because wool waste slowly decomposes in soil To raise nursery beds of 5x2 square meter in size was
it can be used as a slow-release fertilizer, and will act as a prepared by mixing well rotten FYM in soil at the rate of 15
source of nitrogen-based nutrients and sulfur over a much kg per square meter. Seeds of cabbage Valina hybrid obtained
longer period than conventional fertilizers. Low grade raw from private agency and treated with 0.02% thiram to check
wool or wool waste can be used as agricultural amendments, the infection of damping off and seed borne diseases. Seeds
layer directly in the bottom of the planting pits, or added to were sown on 24th Oct, 2015 in shallow furrows 10-15 cm
the compost mixture, to improve the nitrogen content and apart by dropping the seeds at 5-8 cm apart and at 1.5-2.0 cm
water retention. Wool in non-woven form can also be used as depth. A thin layer of powdered leaf mould was applied to
weed mats, which initially inhibit weed growth & slowly cover the seed. Regular watering, hoeing, weeding, plant
break down to release nutrients for the crops (Hempe, 2014) protection measures, etc. were done time to time. The
. The productivity could be sustained through integrated seedling was ready for transplanting within 4 weeks.
use of organic and inorganic fertilizers.
Dehydrogenase activity
Conductivity (cm hr-1)
Fungi count
EC (dSm-1)
(Mg m-3)
(Mg m-3)
OC (%)
N P2O5 K2O S Zn Cu Mn Fe
8.55 0.10 2.63 1.58 8.45 12.27 0.16 89.24 27.64 224.29 21.92 0.97 0.42 7.42 6.60 65.71 8.75 12.01
Results and Discussion that it contain good amount of all nutrients required by plants
Result from this study suggests that wool waste is an excellent (Table 2) and almost all nutrients showed their positive effect
nutrient source for cabbage crop. Analysis of wool showed except few like phosphorus and potassium.
Growth and yield attributes recorded with W1 treatment and followed by W2, W3 and
Perimeter of Head minimum with W0 treatment. Significant increase in perimeter
A glance in the data on perimeter of cabbage head show that of cabbage head was observed with every increased dose of
application of organic materials and fertilizer levels has fertilizer. Maximum perimeter value was recorded as 50.76
significantly increased the perimeter of cabbage head. The cm with F3 i.e. 125 per cent recommended dose of fertilizer.
maximum perimeter of cabbage head (52.04 cm) was
Table 3: Effect of wool waste in conjunction with FYM and fertilizer on Growth & Yield attributes of cabbage
Treatments Perimeter of head (cm) (average of 5 head) Head weight (kg) (5 plants per plot) Head yield (kg ha-1) Stover yield (kg ha-1)
Organic materials (t ha-1)
W0 39.00 5.71 15480.10 8311.45
W1 52.04 9.46 28044.69 13113.18
W2 46.73 9.03 25147.08 12579.78
W3 44.90 8.94 23642.17 11664.56
W4 43.93 8.73 23008.85 10039.83
S Em ± 1.60 0.30 455.28 358.80
CD at 5% 5.21 0.97 1484.74 1170.11
Fertilizer Levels (kg ha-1)
F0 36.86 5.67 16777.64 9102.22
F1 44.64 7.30 22257.19 10842.81
F2 49.02 10.19 26098.33 12006.25
F3 50.76 10.33 27125.15 12615.76
S Em ± 0.96 0.24 357.19 258.86
CD at 5% 2.78 0.69 1031.63 747.64
Table 4: Combined effect of wool waste in conjunction with FYM and chemical fertilizer on head yield of cabbage
Organic materials (t ha-1)
W0 W1 W2 W3 W4
Fertilizer Levels (kg ha-1)
F0 11500.0 19178.5 17798.7 17796.0 17615.0
F1 14312.0 26242.9 25258.7 23256.7 22215.7
F2 16881.7 33180.6 28384.7 26443.3 25601.3
F3 19226.7 33576.8 29146.3 27072.7 26603.3
CD-I at 5% 1484.74
CD-II at 5% 1186.97
Effect of wool waste @ 7.5 t ha-1 and FYM @ 7.5 t ha-1 with different fertilizer levels on cabbage crop
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