Asb 407-23-129
Asb 407-23-129
Asb 407-23-129
29 June 2023
Bell has become aware of the possibility for an electrical harness to chafe at various
locations in the aircraft instrument panel area. Chafing may occur between the Primary
Flight Display (PFD)/Multi-Function Display (MFD) harnesses and the Cable Harness
Protection System (CHiPS) rack, and between the electrical harnesses and the shroud
behind the instrument panel area.
This Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) mandates a one-time inspection of the electrical
harnesses in the instrument panel area and provides instructions to improve the
electrical harnesses protection adding sleeving protection, by re-orienting one
connector backshell and adding an additional clamp.
Applicability of this bulletin to any spare part shall be determined prior to its installation
on an affected helicopter.
The engineering design aspects of this bulletin are Transport Canada Civil Aviation
(TCCA) approved.
ASB 407-23-129
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Approved for public release.
There is no warranty credit applicable for parts or labor associated with this bulletin.
Required Material:
The following material is required for the accomplishment of this bulletin and may be
obtained through your Bell Supply Center. The kit part number CA-407-23-129 contains
the parts listed below; however, they are available in limited quantity, but the parts can
be ordered individually.
For serial numbers 54300 through 54696, part number 2640-00103-00 sleeving will
need to be ordered in addition with the kit CA-407-23-129 to perform this ASB
1. Not included in CA-407-23-129 kit. Only required for helicopters serial numbers
54300 through 54696.
2. Sleeving is sold by linear foot. Quantity required must be specified in the order.
ASB 407-23-129
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Approved for public release.
Consumable Material:
The following material is required to accomplish this bulletin, but may not require
ordering, depending on the operator’s consumable material stock levels. This material
may be obtained through your Bell Supply Center.
* C-XXX numbers refer to the consumables list in the BHT-ALL-SPM, Standard Practices Manual
None required.
Not affected
Not affected.
ASB 407-23-129
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Approved for public release.
3. Remove the Primary Flight Display (PFD) and Multi-Function Display (MFD) (DMC-
5. Gain access to the electrical harnesses in instrument panel area by removing the
right lower and upper console panel followed by the left upper, right upper and right
lower shroud assembly. (DMC-407-A-95-13-03-00A-520A-A).
7. Repair damaged wires/bundles and identify/address the source of the chafing. Refer
to Electrical Standard Practices Manual (BHT-ELEC-SPM) and Chafing Control
Guide (CSSD-PSE-90-001) for additional information.
8. For helicopters serial numbers 54300 through 54696 without sleeve installed on the
wire bundle in the flexible chain link conduit of CHiPS rack, cut the sleeve to the
correct length and install it to cover the wire bundle into the flexible chain link conduit
for both CHiPS rack (BHT-ELEC-SPM).
9. Re-orient the GEA connector (7320A1P1) backshell cast housing by 180 degrees.
The shield block and grounding screw head should face left hand side of helicopter
after re-orientation.
10. Drill two rivet holes on support 407-031-202-119 (Figure 1) using No.30 drill bit.
Countersink and deburr each hole and install the self-locking nut (1) with rivets (2)
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Approved for public release.
11. Install the support (3) and spacer (4) with screw (5) and washers (6).
12. Secure the wire harness W101(7) with cable tie on the support (3).
13. Install the left upper, right upper and right lower shroud assembly followed by the
right upper and lower console panel (DMC-407-A-95-13-03-00A-720A-A).
16. Make an entry in the helicopter logbook and historical service records indicating
compliance with this Alert Service Bulletin.
ASB 407-23-129
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Figure 1 – Clamp Installation (Page 1 of 2)
ASB 407-23-129
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Figure 1 – Clamp Installation (Page 2 of 2)
ASB 407-23-129
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Figure 2 – GEA backshell orientation
ASB 407-23-129
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Approved for public release.