While-Reading Avtivities

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What are While-Reading Activities?

“Reading” is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them.

When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols and we use our brain to convert them into words,
sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.

While-reading activities are part of the three main stages that a reading lesson has:
1. Pre-Reading Activities
2. While-Listening Activities
3. Post- Listening Activities
While-Reading Activities are defined as activities that help students to focus on aspects of the text and to
understand it better.
The goal of these activities is to help learners to deal as they would deal with it as if the text was written in their
first language.

During this stage, students will be able to:

1. confirm predictions
2. gather information
3. organize information
What are Examples of While-Reading Activities?

These are some examples of while-reading activities that you can use in the classroom:

1. Identify topic sentences and the main idea of paragraphs. Remember that every paragraph usually includes
a topic sentence that identifies the main idea of the paragraph.
2. Distinguish between general and specific ideas. If you want to know what I mean, have a look at this
reading exercise
3. Identify the connectors to see how they link ideas within the text. For a full list of linking words, have a look
at these linking words grouped by category.
4. Check whether or not predictions and guesses are confirmed. A reading class might start with one of
these pre-reading activities. Some pre-reading tasks might go beyond its stage.
5. Skim a text for specific information. Skimming is the ability to locate the main idea within a text, using this
reading strategies will help students to become proficient readers.
6. Answer literal and inferential questions: Literal simply refers to what the text says and inferential is using
the text as a starting point to get a deeper meaning
7. Infere the meaning of new words using the context: All language learners rely on context to decipher the
meaning of a word, a reading strategy used quite a lot when you do extensive reading.
8. Coding text involves teaching students a method of margin marking so they can place a question mark next
to an statement they don’t understand or an exclamation mark next to something that surprised them.
9. Student-to-student conversation, you can ask students to have a conversation after they have finished a
paragraph or a stanza of a poem so they can clear up any confusions they might have.
10. Scan a text for specific information: You scan when you look for your favorite show listed in the TV guide,
when you look your friend’s phone number in your contact list.
If you want to use this reading strategy successfully, you need to understan how the reading material is
structured as well as have a clear idea about what specific information you have to locate.

This technique is key if you need to find information in a hurry

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