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I.INTRODUCTION Thin CIGS Solar Cells The price and availability of Indium will become dominant concerns for the CIS PV industry when larger-scale production gets under way. One approach to mitigate this would be to reduce the thickness of the absorber layer to a half or quarter of the thickness presently used (2-2.5 m). Indeed, several research groups have explored this issue in some detail [5,6]. We have also begun a study of this problem since it has been chosen as a priority research topic for our program. We have made minor modifications to the three-stage process to prepare thinner absorber layers. We have also deposited thin CIGS layers by a single-step codeposition of all the elements. Absorbers prepared by the three-stage process may be graded band gap materials, whereas co-deposition can provide uniform band gap. A comparison of the materials and devices prepared by the two methods would then allow us to separate out the contributions due to bandgap grading. Fig. 2 shows cross-sectional views of the samples obtained by scanning electron microscopy. Solar cells fabricated from the three-stage absorber exhibited open circuit voltages in the range of 650-660 mV, current density of 32-33, fill factors of 77-78%, and the best conversion efficiency was 16.5%. When we compare the Jsc of these cells with those of the standard cells in Table 1, we find that the current loss due to thinning the cell is about 2-3 The external quantum efficiency of a solar cell is shown in Fig. 3. The spectral response curve shows a decrease of the long wavelength collection. This is most likely due to incomplete absorption of the long wavelength photons.

II .PRINCIPLE OF WORK In contrast to the non-crystallinity of amorphous silicon, thin-film copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) is a polycrystalline material consisting of small crystallites approximately 0.5 - 1.0 m in size. CIGS has several characteristics that make it a valuable PV material. One is its absorption coefficient, which is among the highest for semiconductor materials. Ninety-nine percent of the light incident on CIGS is absorbed in the first micrometer of the device. Thus, cells with a thickness of that order of magnitude are possible. Another favorable characteristics is that copper indium gallium diselenide has one of the highest current densities of any semiconductor material, with the potential to produce high current outputs. Third, these films retain their performance properties better than most semiconductors. And last, CIGS is amenable to large-area, automated production. Efficiencies of 19% and higher have been reported for small-area, experimental cells made of thin-film CIGS. A principle problem with the material is its low open-circuit voltage. However, this deficiency seems to be correctable by improving compositional uniformity by for example,

removing oxygen. The CIS is usually formed on a base electrode of molybdenum (Mo), chosen for its refractory nature and good electrical conductivity. Thin-film CIGS is a p-type semiconductor, and a junction is formed at the surface by deposition of a very thin layer of CdS. This creates an n-p homojunction just inside the CIGS, rather than a simple heterojunction. It is also possible to form effective junction without the use of CdS. The device is completed by deposition of a transparent conductor such as zinc oxide on top of the junction to help collect the light- generated current. Figure below shows typical CIGS solar module. In a manner similar to the definition and monolithic integration of thin-film a-Si cells, individual CIGS cells are defined and serially interconnected via three patterning steps. The first scribe (in the molybdenum - Mo) is performed by a laser beam, while the second and third scribes (to remove CIGS and separate the ZnO) can be performed mechanically or by laser. Again, metal foils are bonded to the first and last cells, and the module is encapsulated using a top cover glass laminated with encapsulant.

CIGS module cross section

Cross-Section of Tandem Junction CIGS Device

Monolithic Integration of CIGS Plate

Glass-Glass Laminated Module The principle of operation of the device is similar to that of conventional crystalline silicon solar cells. Light is absorbed in the CIGS, creating free electrons and holes. The electrons diffuse in the CIGS grains until they find themselves in the electric field within the junction region, at which point they are driven into the CdS/ZnO, thereby building up a voltage between the ZnO electrode and the Mo base electrode

Thin layers of CuInSe2 (CIS) and CuIn1-xGaxSe2 (CIGS) are considered as the most promising material for low cost and high-efficiency solar cells, because of their high absorptivity (>105cm1) and stability against photo-degradation. Solar cells based on CuInSe2 (CIS) and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) have reached conversion efficiencies as high as 18.8% and 19.5% [1]. Several methods for preparation CIS(CIGS) absorber films have been reported, such as co-evaporation [2], sputtering and selenization [3], and electrodeposition [4]. Until now, co-evaporation is the most successful technique for the preparation of CIS(CIGS), which achieved the highest efficiency CIGS-based solar cells, but it seems difficult to scale up nowaday. In all these methods, Electrodeposition technique is potentially suitable to obtaining good-quality, large-area CIGS precursor films. CIS and CIGS films have been reported by several groups with the so-called one-step electrodeposited route [5], and the NREL group has also demonstrated an efficiency of 15.4% used a hybrid approach consisting of the adjustment of the electrodeposited precursor by evaporating 300nm Ga and 700nm In [6]. However, in aqueous deposition baths, In and Ga deposition efficiencies are limited by H+ reduction, which causes composition inhomogeneity and the pinholes in the film and hence limits the cell efficiencies. For this reason, the present study examined the feasibility of using the alcohol as solvent for the deposition of Cu-In-Se and Cu-In-Ga-Se precursor films

Electrodeposition of CIS and CIGS precursors was carried out potentiostatically in a three electrode cell in which the substrate was Mo foil, the counter was Pt gauze, and reference electrode was saturated calomel electrode(SCE). A Zahner IM6ex Electrochemical workstation was used for the preparation. The electrodeposition was performed from a bath containing 0.005M CuCl2, 0.05M InCl3(0.03M GaCl3), 0.025M H2SeO3, and 0.1M LiCl dissolved in alcohol. In the experiments, the applied potential was -0.6V for CIS deposition and -1.6V for the CIGS deposition. The pH of the chemical bath was adjusted between 1.9 and 2.2 by adding drops of concentration HCl. The obtained thin films were rinsed with bi-distilled water and dried under a nitrogen flux, then thermal annealed at 550 for 30min in Ar atmosphere. The X-ray diffraction(XRD) patterns of the precursors and annealed thin films were characterized by glancing angle X-ray diffraction (GAXRD) using XPert PRO X-Ray MPD employing CuK radiation( =1.54 ). The surface morphology was investigated using a JEOL JSM-6380LV SEM. The composition of the film was analyzed with an OXFORD-IE350 energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) attached to SEM. Electrodeposition studies in the CIS(CIGS) system The electrodeposition of multinary semiconductors containing more than two constituent elements wasexpected to be more complex owing to a large difference in the deposition potentials of the elements. During CIS and CIGS film formation, the general reaction occurring at the working electrode surfaces was as follows: Cu2+ In3+ 2H2SeO3 13e- 8H+ CuInSe2 6H2O (1) Cu2++(1-X) In3++XGa3++2H2SeO3+13 e-+8H Cu (In,Ga) Se2+6H2O (2) This is an ideal situation but in practice it is a combination of electrochemical and chemical reactions that occur at certain pH values. The electrochemical aspects are becoming even more complex, with the possibility of forming either the elements in their elemental form, or as binary compounds(CuxSe, In2Se3, Ga2Se3) in addition to the desired ternary CIS phase and CIGS. It can be seen in XRD patterns of precursor (Fig.1), several binary compounds have been founded. These binary compounds formed compliance Krogers mechanism [7] . For long time the formation of the quaternary phase with gallium by one step electrodeposition was a difficult problem, because the Ga3+ was far more difficult deposition from others. In our study, this serious bottleneck seems to have been overcomed by electrodeposition in alcohol solution, the alcohol solution provide a wide electrochemical window, so CIGS precursor films could be deposition at -1.6V.alcohol also act a surface modifiers which affect markedly the quality of the films or electrochemical kinetics.

IV.ADVANTAGES OF CIGS TECHNOLOGIES So far the promise of CIGS solar cell technology has been greater than the reality, but certain advantages of this technology are beginning to emerge, namely:

1. The active layer (CIGS) can be deposited in a polycrystalline form directly onto molybdenum coated glass sheets or steel bands. This uses less energy than growing large crystals, which is a necessary step in the manufacture of crystalline silicon solar cells. Also unlike crystalline silicon, these substrates can be flexible. 2. One environmental advantage of CIGS solar cell technologies have over Cadmium Telluride solar cell panels is that it uses a much lower level of cadmium, in the form of cadmium sulfide. In some designs, sometimes zinc is used instead of cadmium sulfide all together. 3. Like Cadmium Telluride panels, CIGS solar cell panels show a better resistance to heat than silicon based solar panels. Disadvantages of CIGS Solar Cell Panels 1. Like all thin film solar panels, CIGS panels are not as efficient as crystalline silicon solar cells, for which the record efficiency lies at 24.7%. They are however, the most efficient of the thin film technologies. 2. So far being able to produce solar panels at prices that can compete with polycrystalline or cadmium telluride panels has not been possible. There is growing concern by some parties, that the cost of fabricating the product makes it difficult to be competitive with current grid prices. It may take several more years to solve the manufacturing problems and bring the production costs in line with the other leading producers of solar panels.

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