PPD - Academic Writing Essay Report Structure
PPD - Academic Writing Essay Report Structure
PPD - Academic Writing Essay Report Structure
Module Leader:
BUSI 1701 Personal
Personal Tutor:
and Professional
▪ the environmental impact
▪ the social impact
▪ in Antarctica
▪ the reality of…
▪ the impact of…on agriculture
▪ the acceleration of…
Essay ▪ What are you going to write about ?
▪ What do the “key words” mean?
structure ▪ How you are going to structure the
main body of the essay?
▪ What main sources will you use to
All essays have three main support your argument?
parts: ▪ What do you hope to demonstrate?
- Introduction
- Main Body
- Conclusion
Essay Main body:
Follow the structure you gave in
structure your introduction.
Each paragraph should:
▪ Present some evidence
▪ Say how the evidence
- Quote is part of the argument
- Comment ▪ Develop the argument
to the next point
- Link
▪ A quotation (or paraphrase) from a
Evidence book, or other published source
▪ Data from research
▪ Observations from specific
Contents page:
▪ page numbers of all main sub-titles
▪ separate contents for: text; tables;
Executive summary:
▪ summary of the report’s key findings
Report Introduction:
▪ What is the problem the report focuses on?
Main section(s):
▪ content as required and depending on
▪ clear structure - headings/sub-headings
reflecting the content of each section
▪ summary of key points and findings
▪ clarification of the implications of arguments
Report List of references
▪ Harvard Referencing Style
▪ extra information used, letters,
questionnaires, etc.
Planning a 1.Why am I writing this report?
2.What are the conditions that
report instigated the report?
3.What is the purpose? (factual/
instructional / persuasive)
4.Who is my reader? (academic /
5.What do they know on this topic?
6.What are their belief / attitudes /
positions/ stance?
7.What will they want from my report?
8.What will I want my reader to think?
9.What will I want my reader to do?
10.How will I make that happen?
Use words you fully understand