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Q.1. Assume that 2500 kJ of heat energy is required to convert 1 kg water to water vapour at 0 0C.

that the specific heats of water, water vapour and air remains constant at 4.18, 1.88 and 1.0 kJ/kg 0C
respectively between 00C and 500C. Estimate the enthalpy (kJ/kg dry air) of atmosphere air containing 0.02
kg water vapour per kg dry air at 500C.

Q.2. The air in room is at 26.7 0C and a pressure of 101.325 kPa and contains water vapour with a partial
pressure of 2.76 kPa. The saturation vapour pressure at 26.7 0C is 3.5 kPa. Calculate: (a) humidity ratio (b)
saturation humidity (c) RH.

Q.3. One kilogram of an air stream (A) at 30°C and 90% relative humidity is mixed with 2 kg of air stream
(B), at 30°C having absolute humidity of 0.0103 kg/kg of dry air. The mixture is then heated to 60°C. Find
out the relative humidity of the resultant mixture. The vapour pressure of water at 30 and 60°C are 4.11 and
19.93 kPa respectively. Total pressure of the system is 101.325 kPa. Average molecular weight of air is
29 kg/kg-mol.

Q.4. Calculate specific volume and absolute humidity of air at 50°C and 15 per cent relative humidity at
atmosphere pressure. Saturation vapour pressure of water at 50°C is 12.35 kPa.

Q.5. An air stream (1 atmosphere pressure) at 100°C and 60% relative humidity has a partial pressure (in
bar) of water vapour equal to

Q.6. The value of absolute and saturation humidity of air at 25 0C in a room are 0.022 & 0.04 kg water/kg
dry air respectively. What are the values of partial water vapour pressure, saturation water vapour pressure,
RH, humid heat and humid volume? Total pressure of air in the room is one atmosphere pressure.

Q.7. Relative humidity of air at 100 0C and one atmosphere pressure is 10%. If the ratio of molecular
weights of water to air is 0.62, the absolute humidity of the air will be?

Q.8. An air stream A (temperature 200C, absolute humidity of 0.0152 kg water per kg dry air and flow rate
of 10 kg dry air/h) is mixed with stream B (temperature 40 0C, absolute humidity of 0.0256 kg water per kg
dry air and flow rate of 100 kg dry air/h). If the heat capacity of air and water vapour are 1.005 and 1.884
kJ/kg0C respectively and latent heat of vapourization of water at 0 0C is 2500 kJ/kg, the absolute humidity
and temperature of resultant stream shall be-

Q.9. At ambient temperature of 30°C, if the vapour pressure of water is 4.242 kPa, the partial pressure of
water vapour in the atmosphere is 2.52 kPa and atmospheric pressure is 101.325 kPa, the percentage relative
humidity is-
Q.10. An air stream A at 1 atm pressure is saturated with water vapour at 20°C (saturated vapour pressure of
water p° = 2.334 kN/m2). It is then heated to 50°C (p° = 12.20 kN/m2) and mixed with another air stream B
(at 50°C and absolute humidity of 0.0252 kg/kg) in the dry air mass ratio (A: B) of 5:3.
(a) The absolute humidity SA (kg water/kg dry air) of stream A after heating and the absolute humidity of
the mixed stream is?
(b) If the heat capacity of dry air and water vapour are 1005 and 1884 J/kg K, respectively and latent heat of
vaporization of water at 273 K is 2502.3 kJ/kg, then the difference between specific enthalpy of the mixed
stream Hm(kJ/kg dry air) and the specific enthalpy HA of stream A after heating will be?

Q.11. A heater is placed in front of a continuous countercurrent dryer. Air at 40 0C and 70% RH is fed into
the heater from which the air exits at 65 0C. If saturation vapour pressure at 40 0C and 650C are 0.074 bar and
0.250 bar respectively, then relative humidity of the air coming out of the heater and entering the dryer is

Q.12. If absolute humidity at saturation and % humidity of air are 0.075 kg water vapour (kg dry air) -1 and
60% respectively, the relative humidity of air is-

Q.13. Air at 400C temperature has partial vapour pressure of 2.4 kPa. If universal gas constant is 8.314 kJ kg
mole-1 K-1 and total pressure is 101.325 kPa then humid volume of air in m3 (kg dry air)-1 is-

Q.14. Air at 700C and 0.015 humidity ratio is cooled adiabatically by spraying water. The final temperature
of the air is 550C. Specific heat capacities of dry air and water vapour are 1.005 and 1.88 kJ kg -1 K-1,
respectively and latent heat of vapourization of water at 0 0C is 2501.7 kJ kg-1. The absolute humidity of the
outlet air, in kg water vapour per kg dry air is-

Q.15. Two kg mass of air at 400C with 0.023 kg water vapour per kg dry air is mixed with 3 kg mass of air
at 200C with 0.008 kg water vapour per kg dry air to produce 5 kg mass of air at 60% relative humidity at
280C. Assume all the streams are at normal atmosphere pressure (101.325 kPa). The saturation vapour
pressure of water in kPa at 280C is

Q.16. An air – water vapour mixture is at 350C and normal atmospheric pressure with absolute humidity of
0.02 kg water vapour kg-1 dry air. Its humid volume in m3 kg-1 dry air is

Q.17. Air-water vapour mixture at 1 atmosphere pressure has 0.035 kg water vapour (kg dry air) -1 and dry
bulb temperature of 370C. The value of Universal gas constant is 8.314 kJ (kg mole K) -1. The humid volume
of this air-water vapour mixture in m3 (kg dry air)-1 (rounded off to three decimal places) is?

Q.18. The air at 100C with an absolute humidity of 0.007 kg H 2O (kg dry air)-l is mixed with another stream
of air at 43.50C with absolute humidity of 0.028 kg H2O (kg dry air)-l under adiabatic condition. The
absolute humidity of the air mixture is found to be 0.021 kg H 2O (kg dry air)-l. The temperature of the air
mixture is-
Q.19. A vegetable with 70% moisture (wet basis) is to be dried in a countercurrent dryer to give a product
with 5% moisture (wet basis). The feed rate to the dryer is 0.15 kg s -1. The drying medium consists of air at
1000C containing water vapour with a partial pressure of 1.0 kPa. The air leaves the dryer at 40 0C and is
70% saturated. The system works under a total pressure of 101.3 kPa. The vapour pressure of water that
saturates air at 400C is 7.4 kPa. Molecular weight of water and air may be taken as 18 and 29 respectively.
(a) The humidity (kg of water vapour/ kg of dry air) of the outlet air is?
(b) The flow rate (kg/s) of inlet air required is?

Q.20. Mass flow rate of outside air through a duct is 735 kg h- 1. Absolute humidity of air is 0.025 kg water
vapour per kg dry air at 40°C. This air is mixed with equal quantity of moist exhaust air coming out of a
counter current dryer at 55°C. The mixed air is heated up to 75°C to dry barley, fed at 174 kg h- 1, at an
initial moisture content of 31% (wet basis) to a final value of 7% (dry basis). The absolute humidity of the
exhaust air from the dryer in ‘kg water vapour per kg dry air’ will be ________.

Q.21. Specific heat capacity of dry air and water vapour are 1.005 and 1.88 kJ kg –1 K–1, respectively. In an
energy conserving system, 1 kg s–1 air at 30 oC with constant absolute humidity of 0.02 kg water/ (kg dry
air) is heated up to 65 ºC. Water at the wet bulb temperature of air is then sprayed into the air so that the
final temperature of the air-water vapour mixture is 40 ºC. Latent heat of vapourization of water at 70 oC
and 40 oC are 2334 and 2407 kJ kg–1, respectively.
(a) The thermal energy supplied per second during heating in kW is
(b)The absolute humidity of the exhaust air from the spray chamber in kg water (kg dry air) -1 is

Q.22. Dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures of air fed into a dryer are found to be 60°C and 35°C
respectively. Saturation humidity at wet bulb temperature is 0.0365 kg H 2O kg dry air-1. If specific heat
capacities of dry air and water vapour are 1.008 and 1.915 kJ kg -1 K-1 respectively and latent heat of
vaporization at wet bulb temperature is 2.42 MJ kg-1 then humidity ratio of air is

Q.23. Assuming psychrometric ratio to be unity, milk of 50% total solids is spray dried to powder of 5%
moisture content on dry basis. Dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures of the inlet air to the spray dryer are 200
°C and 50 °C respectively. Latent heat of vaporization at the wet bulb temperature is 2393 kJ kg -1.
Assuming no sensible heating of powder the outlet air temperature is 80 °C. If inlet air absolute humidity
was 0.015 kg H2O kg dry air-1, then kg of dry air required per kg feed is

Q.24. For a psychrometric ratio of 1003 J/kg-K, the latent heat of vaporization at the wet bulb temperature
of 35 °C is 2418.9 kJ/kg. The saturation vapour pressure is 19.7 kPa corresponding to the dry bulb
temperature of 60 °C. If the relative humidity of air is 20%. the saturation vapor pressure of the air at the
wet bulb temperature in kPa will be
Q.25. Two streams of air with the following conditions are adiabatically mixed:

Latent heat of vapourization of water at 0 °C = 2501 kJ/kg

Specific heat capacity of dry air = 1.005 kJ/kg- K
Specific heat capacity of water vapour = 1.880 kJ/kg- K
Using above values, the dry bulb temperature and the absolute humidity of the mixed air in °C and g water
vapour (kg dry air) -1, respectively are?

Q.26. Air-water vapour mixture at 30 °C DBT and 40% RH is heated to 65 °C DBT and 30 °C WBT and is
used as drying medium under the constant rate period drying of spinach leaves. Specific heat capacities of
dry air and pure water vapour are 1.005 and 1.88 kJ kg -1 0C-1, respectively. Using the properties given in
Table below, the value of absolute humidity in kg water vapour per kg dry air (round off to 3 decimal
places) for the dryer exit air at DBT of 45 °C is

Q.27. Value of psychometric ratio of water vapour air mixture is about 1 kJ/kg K. If the heat transfer
coefficient is 10 W/m2 K, then mass transfer coefficient in kg-mol/m2-K is?

Q.28. Air at 20 degree temperature and 40 percent relative humidity is heated up to 40 degree in an electric
heater whose temperature is maintained at 45 degree. The bypass factor of the heater is

Q.29. In an air handing unit air enters the cooling coil at a temperature is 30 degree centigrade. The surface
temp of the coil is -10 degree centigrade. If the bypass factor is 0.45 , then the temperature of the exit coil is

Q.30. During an air conditioning of plant the room sensible heat load is 40 Kw and room latent heat load is
10 kW , The room Sensible heat factor

Q.31. The latent heat of a room is 25 percent of sensible heat. The value of sensible heat factor is

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